Closing Author's Note

Holy moley! Well, with that, Book 7 is complete.

I never thought I'd get this far when I started writing Cooper and Willis fourteen years ago. I'm 28, so that's exactly half my life. Crazy. I've grown up with these characters in a lot of ways, going through high school and college and now adulthood with them. It's been a blast, and I hope it'll still be as exciting to me (and to you!) in the next iteration as well.

Anyway...story 8 will be coming your way very soon, should you wish to read on. (Oh my god my brain won't stop with these guys - send help.)

Thank you all so very much for your support - that goes for old, new, or just-poking-your-head-in-once-in-a-while readers. Your messages, your reviews, your alerts and faves all make me super stoked, each and every time, and give me the drive to keep doing this.

Hope you enjoyed, and hope to see you on the next one! :)