Author's Notes: Hey guys! Sorry about not updating for a while. October's been a busy month for me because of some of the stuff I had to do for my classes. Anyways, here's the final chapter of this weird short story.

Enjoy the fic!

What was happening? No seriously, what was happening?

Marco looked down at their connected lips in awe. He wasn't very sure himself if what was currently happening to him was real.

How did it ever end up like this? All he did the whole day was try to be a good friend and help Star. I mean, he practically did everything she told him to do. So what exactly did he do so very right?

Not that he was complaining, mind you. In fact, he was enjoying the kiss very, very much. It was unbelievable how soft Star's lips felt and he had been wanting to feel what it was like for a while now. There was only one tiny, little problem that was kind of ruining the experience for him.

Star in the meantime, frowned inwardly. She knew this was a mistake. She knew she messed up. So far, she hadn't felt Marco kiss her back the last 2 minutes she had been kissing him. She should have known it was almost too good to be true. What did she expect? She had taken this on this crazy fake date to get some other guy. Why should he like her?

...But that didn't mean she was going to break the kiss anytime soon.

Unfortunately, someone just had to interrupt them.

"Hey! Take it somewhere else!" one of the staff members in the kitchen yelled at the two; the people at nearby tables chuckling at the two teens.

They both quickly pulled away from each other as they heard the voice, panting and red faced as they tried not to get too embarrassed. Star wanted to blast the staff person for interrupting them very badly, but Marco grabbed Star's arm (which basically paralyzed her) and started pulling her towards the exit (after leaving some cash for the staff to pick up of course).

They bursted out of the restaurant, heavily panting and minds dizzy about the kiss.

"Well that was... something," Marco said awkwardly. "So uh about the um... kiss,"

"Marco," she interrupted him, her voice becoming dry. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me its just- I wanted to-"

To her surprise, Marco grabbed her shoulders and made her look up at him. He was looked kind of embarrassed and even a little bit... nervous?

"Uh, so like I said about the kiss," he started as he ignored her last statement. He was sweating like crazy which was really odd. He wasn't this nervous while kissing her. "Er, how do you kiss someone?"

Star's face turned into one of utmost confusion. She blinked a few times. "What?" she said. She didn't think she was hearing him right.

He looked down and shuffled his feet. "W-well you see," he coughed. "I-I haven't kissed anyone before, a-and I'm not really sure how the whole kissing thing, um works." He looked away, his cheeks dusted red.

"You... don't know how to kiss?" Star said bewildered. Part of her was hoping that maybe that was why Marco wasn't kissing back and the other part of her was just in awe of how the heck this was possible.

"But-but everyone knows how to kiss! I've never kissed anyone before this and even I was able to kiss you!" she exclaimed. "Haven't you seen it in one of your earth movies or something?!"

His face flushed even more red. "O-Of course I've seen a kiss before! I-it's just, what exactly am I supposed to do?"

"Uh what do you mean?" she asked.

Marco nervously paced around the sidewalk with hands behind his back. "Am I supposed to push my lips forward or something? Was I supposed to tilt my head?! What if I bump my head and it becomes awkward?! What if my teeth smack into your teeth?! Is my breath supposed to smell like spaghetti?!"

He rambled on and on about the things that could go wrong about a kiss and what he was supposed to do, all the while Star staring at him in amazement, and slightly grinning. She thought he looked very adorable trying to figure out the safest way to kiss someone was.

"-And then I bite my lip too hard and have to go to the hospital before-"

"Marco!" Star interrupted his rant. He turned to look at the girl whose arms were crossed and had a fond smile on her face. "If you want I can... teach you."

Marco froze. He turned to Star and gave her a bewildered look. He looked like an had just won the lottery twice in a row.

"T-t-teach me?" Marco stuttered. "A-are you s-sure? Because I'm a really bad at this and I'm not so sure that-"

"Well I am sure," Star smiled as she took a step closer. She realized what he needed. He just needed a little push, like she did. She could see in his eyes how frustrated was with himself at the fact that he couldn't kiss. In fact, it made Star laugh a little.

She wrapped her arms around him and slowly began leaning towards him. She felt giddy inside. She was going to experience what she felt at the restaurant a few minutes ago and this time, with Marco's consent.

Marco was in slight panic however. He squirmed nervously under her touch and he felt his heart pace increase rapidly. Every second she got closer and closer to him and every second he felt like his mind was going to explode.

"Star," Marco whispered tensely as he squeezed his eyes shut, prepared for whatever he might feel.

She stopped just a centimeter away from their lips meeting. "Yes?" she parted her mouth slightly and let the words float toward him.

"I-I-" Marco gulped before grabbing her shoulders. "I think I like you."

Before Star could even react to the confession, Marco pulled her close, eliminating the distance between their lips.

The feeling they got from the simple action was overwhelming. It was soft, yet with a hint of passion as their lips moved together. Sure, it felt kind of awkward for them with Marco not understanding how a kiss worked and all, but at the same time, it was so perfect they couldn't have asked for better.

A few seconds later, they parted away, lightly blushing and dazed.

"Wow," Marco muttered as he felt his lips. They were still tingling.

"Yeah, wow," Star repeated as she tried to get her heart to stop racing so much and her lips to stop tingling.

They were quiet for a few moments as they absorbed the reality of the situation. They had just kissed. Twice. Like hell their just going to ignore and forget this ever happened.

"So, uh," Marco started. "This isn't still some kind of plan to, you know, go out with Oskar, is it?" he asked hopefully.

Star quickly looked at him and shook her head while waving her hands viscously. "No no! I'm over him now. I swear!" she exclaimed.

Marco shifted his hands in his hoodie pockets awkwardly. "So uh, does this mean we can go on more of these, uh dates?" he asked shyly.

Star paused. "...More?" she asked.

Marco nodded his head. "Well, you know, going on this date with you was, um actually pretty fun. It'd be cool if, you know, me and-and you, could just uh, go on a real date. Just the two of us."

Seeing the widening of Star's eyes, Marco quickly caught himself. "I-I mean! That's if you want to, of course. We could just go and hang out at some smoothie place or-"

"I'd love to go on a date with you Marco," Star laughed as she stopped him. He was indeed, really shy when it came to stuff like dating, but that was what she loved about him.

"R-r-really?!" Marco jumped up and down in excitement before realizing he was acting to excited and correcting himself.

"I mean, yeah, awesome," Marco coughed as he stood up straight. "It would be a-a pleasure," Marco said, trying to be smooth.

Star giggled at his antics before grabbing his arm. "Well what are you waiting for? We have a bunch of planning to do!" she sang as she pulled him towards the direction of his home.

Marco smiled at his soon-to-be-girlfriend as he compliantly let her pull his arm.

I guess this date wasn't so fake after all he thought.

Author's Notes: Ok so yeah it was kind of a crappy ending but I tried putting some thought on how this chapter was going to work. Part of the reason I wasn't able to release this is because even I didn't know how this chapter was going to go. I usually just make things up as I go along XD. But this was what I was kind of getting at in my original plan. My first idea was to make Marco even more oblivious and still convinced Oskar was there somewhere and it was all an act from Star. This ending is ok in my opinion though so hope you enjoyed it!.

Btw, if anyone has halloween head cannons for me, please spam my inbox with fluffy ones becauseI want to make a Halloween one shot before October ends. I'm going to make a short non-Halloween one this weekend and then after that I'll put up the Halloween one shot if anyone bothers to send me head cannons lol. Well that's all for now guys, thanks for reading and giving all these reviews and support. I'll see you later!