Tracking… Found
Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
We were in the safe house at 0200 hours waiting for the militia to start moving, looking for Alejandro Rojas. We were looking for Rojas because he supplied the assault on the airport yesterday. I can't believe that one day Allen went from being a Ranger on the front lines, to a member of the 141 the next, then implanted into Makarov's inner circle and killed the day after that. It's just unbelievable.
"Militia is on the move. We're Oscar Mike." Captain MacTavish said
A chorus of hooahs, oorahs, and whatever else was said by one's respective military branch. With us, we had Meat, Royce, Ghost, MacTavish, Desert, Hazard, Neon, Spirit, me, and Angel. We all grabbed our gear and headed to the two SUVs that were parked outside. I put my gun on the floor with the barrel sticking down and climbed in the front passenger seat. MacTavish and Desert climbed in the back.
"So, Roach, you were just about to tell us how you got your codename." Desert said
She was talking about the conversation the teammates were having inside before MacTavish came in.
"I'm a tough bastard to kill." I said "What about you? How'd you get 'Desert' to be your codename?"
She reached into her pistol holsters and took out two Desert Eagle pistols. She showed them off to me then put them back in her holsters.
"I carry around two Desert Eagles."
Desert turned to our Captain with a curious look on her face.
"What about you, sir? Do you have a codename?" Desert asked
"I have one; I just prefer not to use it. Now, will you two muppets shut up and focus on the mission?"
"Yes, sir." Desert and I said
MacTavish was a more serious Captain than the one that preceded him. Captain Price. Now he was what all soldiers aspired to be. It was as if it was impossible to kill him. The man would walk through anything and survive. Almost anything.
Almost three years ago, we went into the Ukraine with Delta operatives Sandman and Frost. We went in to find Vladimir Makarov codename: Kingfish. We went in to the compound with Delta's sniper support and Hammer 6-4's air support. We got into what was an Intel goldmine. That's when the C4 went off. Next thing we knew we were running for our lives through the forest, dodging shots from the Russians and explosions from 6-4's rounds. We made it to the LZ, but it was too hot. Hammer 6-4 went down, and MacTavish got hit by a RPG. Price stayed behind while Frost and I got MacTavish on board the Osprey and took off. Out the windows, we could see Price get hit in the shoulder, take out his sidearm, and get hit again, being made a prisoner of war.
My thoughts were interrupted when MacTavish talked to Ghost through the coms.
"Wait, they've stopped again. Standby."
We watched as two members of the militia get out of their vehicle and walk towards a building. Walking out, with his hands in surrender, was Rojas' right hand man.
"Got a positive ID! Whoever these guys are, they're not happy to see him." Desert said
I saw Rojas' assistant take out a Desert Eagle and shoot the two militia members. Another member came around the back of the vehicle, but was shot and killed.
"Ghost, we have a situation here! Get down! Get down!" MacTavish yelled
Rojas' assistant opened fire on us, bullets flying through the window, a couple finding their way into Angel's body. I got down and pressed my body against the dashboard, and ducked the bullets.
"He's getting away! Roach, Desert, let's go!"
I got out of the car and turned the safety off of my ACR.
"Ghost! Angel's down! We're on foot! Meet us at the Hotel Rio and cut him off if you can!"
"Roger. I'm on my way." Ghost said
I sprinted down the street, past the dead bodies, and made a right. I turned the corner and saw either dead bodies, people running in terror, or MVAs. I didn't see Rojas' assistant. Where the hell did this guy go? I wondered. That's when I heard more gunshots and turned left. I saw Rojas' assistant run into an alleyway near the Hotel Rio.
"He went into the alley!" Ghost yelled
Ghost, Hazard, Neon, and Spirit showed up on our nine running into the alley with us.
"Non-lethal takedowns only! We need him alive!" MacTavish said
We all ran into the alley way and saw Rojas' assistant running for a set of stairs, trying to get to the Favela.
"Roach! Take the shot! Go for the leg!" MacTavish yelled
I aimed down my ACOG sight and aimed right for his right calf. Where the fuck do you think you're going? I thought to myself. I pulled the trigger and watched Rojas' assistant collapse in pain, holding onto his calf.
"He's down." Neon said
We all ran up to him and looked down on him. I stepped on his wrist. I picked up his Desert Eagle and put it in my spare holster. I think I'll keep this. I thought. I looked up and saw Hazard and Ghost pick up Rojas' assistant and dragged him up towards an open garage.
"Anybody see a car battery?" Ghost asked
"Yeah, I got one over here." Hazard said
"I found some jumper cables!" I said
"Good. Bring them over here." Ghost said
I walked over to where Ghost was setting up his "torture station" as I liked to call it. Ghost put the battery on the table and attached the jumper cables sending off sparks.
"Neon, Spirit, bring him over here." MacTavish said
Neon and Spirit picked Rojas' assistant up and dropped him next to the table. MacTavish dragged over a chair and tied up Rojas' right hand man. I walked out of the garage with Desert, Spirit, Meat, and Royce. MacTavish walked over to us and closed the door halfway.
"Roach, this is going to take some time. Go with the others and check the Favela for any signs of Rojas. That's where this guy was heading." MacTavish said
I saw Ghost spark off the jumper cables just before MacTavish closed the door.
"Let's go. Remember, there are civilians in the Favela. Watch your fire out there." Royce said
We all went up a nearby staircase and walked towards a fence. There was a hole in the fence and we waked over there.
"Meat, get these civvies out of here." Royce said
"Roger that." Meat said
Meat jumped down into the Favela and spayed into the air.
"Este lugar não é seguro!" Meat yelled in Portuguese
The civilians ran in terror as the rest of us jumped down and joined him. I walked forward and saw a bullet pass so close to my face that I could see the smudges from the gunpowder on the sides.
"Take cover!" I yelled
Militia started to pour out of the houses in the area and started to appear on the rooftops. I pushed to the right and went down an alley, then turned left and was confronted with at least twenty members of the militia. I took out a flashbang and blind threw it, and when it went off, I heard yelling from all the militia that I blinded. Once I heard that, I turned the corner and quickly and efficiently killed the militia in my way.
"Meat is down! I repeat! Meat is down!" Royce yelled over the coms
That made me stop in my tracks. Meat was dead? He may not have been the most liked person on the Task Force, but he was like the glue that held us together. Without Meat and his shenanigans, we wouldn't be as close as a team. I had completely forgotten that I was in the middle of the Favela being shot at until I felt somebody tackle me from behind. When I hit the ground, I turned around, ready to punch my assailant in the face. But when I turned around, Desert was laying on top of me, breathing heavily.
"You're welcome." She said
"For what?" I asked
"I just saved your life! Try showing me a little gratitude!"
"Well excuse me, but I wasn't paying attention! We just lost a team mate! Meat is gone, and we're not going to get to bury him because the militia is going to take his body!"
"Well that's still no excuse-" she began
"Roach! I'm hit!" Royce yelled
That's when I zoned out for the second time. Two men in one day? It just seemed unreal. Royce and Meat were best friends. At least they'll be together now. It was just so unfair that they had to die and we get to live. Why is one man's life taken, and another's spared? It just wasn't right.
"Roach! We have to move! MacTavish has Rojas on the run!" Spirit yelled
That snapped me back into gear. That bastard was going to pay for what he's done to Meat and Royce. He may not have killed them personally, but he was the whole reason that they were dead. We started racing through the Favela, killing the militia, trying to find and cut off Rojas. At one point, Ghost had a clean leg shot, but MacTavish wants Rojas alive and unharmed. We kept running higher and higher up the Favela, until we reached the summit.
"He's gonna get away!" yelled Ghost
"No he's not." MacTavish said calmly
We turned a corner and saw Rojas running on the balcony of a three story building. Right as Rojas ran past the glass door leading inside, MacTavish came bursting out of the glass, tackling Rojas onto a car three stories below.
"Frontrunner, this is Bravo-Six. We've got the package. I repeat, we've got the package." MacTavish said holding Rojas at gunpoint
"Command, ready for dustoff. Send the chopper. Coordinates to follow- Bollocks! The skies are clear! Send the chopper now! Command's got their head up their arse. We're on our own." Ghost said
"What happened to alive and unharmed?" Desert muttered next to me
"I don't know. Let's find out what this bastard has got to tell us." I said
I walked over to the car, pulled Rojas off the car, and then pushed the hood open. I checked that there was a battery and then went to the trunk. It was my lucky day. Right in the middle of the trunk, was a pair of jumper cables.
"Por favor não me machuque. Eu sou apenas um turista!" Rojas said
"You're not fooling anybody with that shit." I said
I dragged Rojas over to a barred window and pulled his arms behind his back and into the bars, not caring if I break his arms.
"Argh! Por que você está fazendo isso comigo? O que você quer?" Rojas yelled
"Onde está o Vladimir Makarov?!" I yelled
"Quem é esse? Não sei o que você está falando!"
"Fine have it your way."
I hooked up the jumper cables to the battery, then attached the other ends to the metal bars.
"Não! por favor! Eu vou te dizer o que você quer saber!"
"To late for that. Ghost, give it some gas."
Ghost walked over to the car and hotwired it, then floored the gas pedal.
"Good." I called out to Ghost.
Ghost let off the gas and turned the car off.
"Você vai cooperar agora?" I asked
"Sim! Sim! Só não me choca novamente!" Rojas yelled
"bom... agora. onde. é. Vladimir Makarov?"
"Eu não sei."
"Ghost, get the car ready."
Ghost started to get back in the car, or what's left of it.
"Não! Não! 627 de prisioneiro! prisioneiro 627 é em um gulag perto de petropavlovsk, Rússia! Ele vai levar você a makarov! Eu juro!"
"Hold on Ghost." I said
Ghost stopped what he was doing and dropped the wires.
"Tem certeza?" I asked
"Sim! Sim! Ele é o único makarov odeia mais do que os americanos!" Rojas yelled
"Good. Carry on Ghost."
"Não! Não!"
Ghost turned on the car and floored the gas until Rojas was knocked unconscious. Once Rojas was put to sleep, Ghost turned off the car and walked back over to the rest of us.
"The only thing we got out of Rojas was that the only guy that Makarov hates more than Americans is locked up in a gulag." Ghost said
"It's all we got. If this con's the bait we need to catch this psychopath, then let's hang him from a tree." MacTavish said