
Author's notes: Know how I said this would get to chapter 50? I lied. Sorry.

WARNING: Mention of mature subject matter including boobs, lesbians, bondage sex, swearing, killing, gore, blood, and violence...there's a reason this is rated M folks.

I don't own the Naruto-verse. I'm just borrowing for the Hell of it.

Tenten smiled as she ran her hand through Neji's hair. They lay on the couch, him on top of her and napping with his head positioned under her breasts. One arm hung towards the floor while his other had wrapped around her to hold her waist. She didn't mind doing absolutely nothing but running her hand through his hair.

The dark brown locks had thinned out some over the years and there were gray strands shooting through the main mass of Neji's hair at his temples. Fine lines had gone a little deeper around his eyes and his laugh lines were a bit more visible than they had been before forty. Even so, he looked damn good for forty-six.

She wasn't doing so bad either. Sure her breasts had started sagging and she had a permanent bit of fat around her middle. She had laugh lines, wrinkles around her eyes and some gray in her hair but she wore the marks of age proudly. She could still hit dead center of any target with speed most people didn't expect of her. She was more toned than any civilian woman of her age and would stay that way for a while yet.

For once in her life she was happy there were no missions to be had. She had gathered all seven swords of the Mist and they had been hidden in a scroll no one would find. Hell, she had retired along with Neji six years ago without feeling too horrible since there were few missions for them.

Orochimaru was still under lock and key. The creature he had made was still a head locked in a small cage deep under the Hokage tower. The army the two had created had no survivors and no major threat had come to the Village in years.

Naruto was still Hokage and would remain Hokage until his later years with no issues. Kakashi and Guy-sensei were in the same home as both were now in their seventies. Guy-sensei's memory had started acting up on him, making him think he was still the sensei of Lee, Tenten, and Neji but it was sporadic. It meant occasionally he would try to get out of his wheelchair but Kakashi was always there to bring him back.

Tenten didn't want to think about what would happen if Kakashi went peacefully in his sleep before Guy-sensei.

She let out a little breath and looked at the mantle above the television. A smile came to her face as she watched all four of her children age. Hatomi and Maiya's wedding had been five years ago and Neji's princess looked like a princess in a beautiful white kimono, long dark hair done in a complicated style and glittering with little gems held in place with bobby pins.

The picture next to this one was of Hizashi and Sarada at their wedding. At six feet and five inches, Hizashi towered over his bride but the smile on his face gave the sun good competition that day. Like her father, Hizashi had become broad in the shoulders and chest with thick limbs and an overall powerful frame. Golden eyes still shone brightly and he kept his hair to his waist in a shining mass like his father's.

The next image was of Shun at his wedding last year. His bride Rin, with her auburn hair in a lovely top-knot and her blue eyes full of love, had met him when Shun turned 16, at the shop. Turned out she was obsessed with all manner of weapons, the daughter of a sword-smith and a leather worker. She had moved from Suna to Konoha after her parents died to catch a glimpse of Konoha's Weapons Mistress, Tenten.

Tenten grinned at the memory of Rin walking into the shop on that bright sunny morning all those years ago to see the petite red-head nearly faint at the sight of Tenten and all the weapons. Seeing Shun perk up in interest had been fun too.

He and Shi had stopped growing at six feet and an inch but kept to their more hawk-like frame like their father. Despite their slightly lighter hair which wouldn't stay tamed, they were full Hyuuga in looks. Tenten didn't mind one bit.

The next image was of Shi with a wide smile on his face as he held his man close. Sado Yuji stood a bit shorter than Shi but had black hair and deep brown eyes against tanned flesh. Tenten had no qualms about not getting grandchild from Hatomi and Shi. Hizashi and Shun were making up for it. Hell, there were all ready three baby pictures of her grandkids after Shi's wedding photo.

Tenten was pulled from her thoughts when the front door opened. The urge to strike out with a kunai was crushed when Hizashi came into the house carrying his four year old son, Ryuu in one arm while the other arm wrapped around Sarada's bulging belly. She carried twins this time around as well as her little girl Kaida's bassinet.

"Hey mom," Hizashi said.

Tenten grinned when Neji lifted his head from her chest. White eyes lit with joy as Hizashi put Ryuu onto the ground and the little boy beamed before running towards the couch with his arms up.

"Ojiisan," Ryuu called out.

Tenten watched Neji shift and sweep Ryuu into his arms in one smooth motion. Ryuu laughed happily as Neji snuggled with him. Ryuu's brilliant gold pupil-less eyes caught the sunlight perfectly against his pale skin and smooth black hair. Like all Hyuuga, Ryuu hadn't opened his eyes for a week.

"Hey dad," Hizashi said with a laugh.

"Hn," Neji returned.

His happy sound and Tenten kissed his cheek. Sarada eased into the flat area of the couch and Tenten instantly shifted to stare down at eighteen month old Kaida. The little girl stared up at her with golden pupil-less eyes from under a Hyuuga-perfect patch of dark brown hair.

Neji had been completely against the relationship even after Hizashi had punched him but seeing how Sarada knew Hizashi like Tenten knew Neji had brought Neji around. The solidification came when both grandchildren came out having Byakugan eyes, not Sharingan potentials.

"Urg, I don't know how you carried twins twice. I feel like a balloon," Sarada said.

She hadn't changed much over the years except gain a sort of maturity to her look. Her hair had been cut to hang a little beyond her shoulders but had long layers in it to frame her face well. Red-framed glasses were in front of onyx eyes and besides her eight month pregnancy "bump" she was petite.

"Eh, it wasn't that bad," Tenten said.

Sarada smiled as Tenten pulled Kaida out of the bassinet and inhaled the sweet smell of baby powder. She held her granddaughter close and couldn't help but smile. Tenten laughed when Hizashi sat in front of his wife and leaned his head on her legs. She ran a hand over his hair and Hizashi grinned.

Ryuu was telling Neji all about his first day at school, civilian school for now but once he turned six he would go into the Shinobi Academy. Ryuu had activated Byakugan two years ago and was impatiently waiting to learn all about being a shinobi. Tenten was content to know Ryuu wouldn't go on any life-threatening missions.

Like his father, Ryuu might become an information gatherer. Hizashi and Hatomi still disappeared for a week, sometimes more, at a time to gather sensitive information and return it back to Konoha. They both worked as Naruto's top researchers and attendants. Tenten tried not to think of the few times Hatomi disappeared alone for days at a time. It was what ANBU did and ANBU needed their best Hawk sometimes.

"So, do you guys have names picked out?" Tenten questioned.

She laughed when Hizashi groaned and Sarada rolled her eyes. The duo synced with most everything except when it came to naming their children. At first both had wanted to give Ryuu a name that started with an 'h' (Sarada's idea) but Hizashi kept giving her a relative he hated to ever name she suggested.

Hizashi suggested the name Itachi but Sarada said something about it being weird with the dead uncle thing. Neji had almost killed Hizashi and even Sasuke had balked. They settled on Ryuu because they both liked how it reminded them of Tenten's signature move.

Kaida had been "little girl" or "pumpkin" (Hizashi again) for two months after her birth because they couldn't settle on a name. Finally Tenten had smacked them upside the head and named the poor girl after Tenten's mother.

"It's worse cuz there's two of them and they're a boy and a girl," Hizashi said.

"Hey, your dad and me had to do it twice," Tenten said.

"I know and how?" Hizashi said.

Tenten shrugged. Neji had a smirk on his face, faint but there.

"Well your name was obvious," Tenten said.

Sarada giggled at Hizashi's eye roll.

"And the name Hatomi hasn't been used in the Hyuuga clan except for your sister," Tenten said.

"That's cuz you spelled it wrong. It's supposed to have an 'i' where the 'a' is," Hizashi mentioned.

Tenten swatted him. She had wanted their names to sound almost completely different which was why Hatomi got her name spelled funny. Hatomi didn't care even though she had been annoyed when she first learned about the miss-spell.

"Can't we call them muffin and honey for a while?" Hizashi asked.

Tenten laughed when Sarada swatted him on the shoulder. He grinned. Like her, Hizashi came up with nicknames for everyone and changed them at will.

"Honeybunches?" Hizashi tried.

Sarada sighed but a little smile played at her lips.


Sarada tried to bend forward to kiss him to shut him up but the kids were in the way. Hizashi remedied this by shifting upwards and she pecked him on the lips. Tenten grinned at her son while Neji snorted. He had a smile on his face.

A knock came to the door and Neji's smile widened. Hatomi glided regally into the room, long hair fanning around her body to stop at her knees and golden eyes bright. Maiya's sunny grin showed a bit of teeth and allowed a dimple to come out on her cheek.

"Oba," Ryuu yelled.

Tenten patted Neji's shoulder when Ryuu leaped off Neji and hugged Hatomi's bare legs. Hatomi's lips turned up into a smile as she bent and lifted Ryuu to hug him against her pale pink summer dress.

"Hey kiddo," Maiya said.

"Hi Oba-m," Ryuu said.

Hatomi sat beside her father on the couch which left Maiya to take the corner. Maiya kept her hair short in the back with longer bangs which hung down the sides of her face. She normally parted the bangs to one side but today had held them back with a bright blue headband to go with her blue tube top and white shorts.

"We were talking names," Tenten said.

This got groans from Hizashi and Sarada but Maiya laughed while Hatomi hummed in amusement.

"Seriously," Hizashi muttered.

The door opened again and Tenten smiled as Shun came into the house with Rin who kept a hand on her protruding belly. Shun had their son, Sho, two in his arms with one arm wrapped around Rin's belly.

"Hey bro," Hizashi said.

Greetings went around then Ryuu jumped out of Hatomi's arms to grab Sho's hand to lead him to the old toy box so the two could play. Sho nodded, all seriousness on his little face, white eyes glittering in joy. He too had manifested Byakugan.

"So we have names," Rin announced.

Sarada and Hizashi groaned. Tenten laughed along with Maiya while Neji and Hatomi smirked. Shun smiled.

"Before Hizzy I'm guessing even though Sarada's two months further along," Shun said.

"Yep," Maiya confirmed.

"Hn," Neji said.

Shun high-fived his wife and Tenten chuckled. She shifted to sit a little more forward when Shun helped Rin settle on the floor in front of the couch. Rin, like Shun, enjoyed taking up the floor as it left more room to do what was needed for weapons. If the two never had guests they wouldn't have furniture in their homes.

"Arashi and Nariko," Rin said.

Storm and thunder which made Tenten grin. The twin boys would have powerful names to go with Sho's "to fly" name. Hizashi stared at Shun for a moment with wide eyes then huffed.

"How'd you guys come up with such cool names?" Hizashi asked.

"We're cooler than you," Shun answered.

Tenten laughed as Hizashi ruffled Shun's tied back hair. Shun protested but without conviction then grinned when Hizashi was done with him. The door opened a final time to reveal Shi and Yuji. The house filled with conversation, laughter, and simple bliss. Tenten smiled, glad to have a full house again and watched her kids and grandkids carry on.

She wouldn't trade this up for anything.

Tenten sighed as she waved to Hatomi and Maiya as they headed out the front gate. Shi and Yuji had left shortly before while Shun, Rin, Hizashi, and Sarada along with all the grandkids had gone home a few hours ago. Tenten knew all about how having young kids cut social time down but knew Hizashi and Shun didn't mind.

Tenten shut the door and turned to face her now (again) empty living room. Neji wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Invitations of sleeping over had been turned down even though they had lots of room. Really, she and Neji should downsize as no one needed four guest rooms.

But trying to convert the four rooms which her four kids had grown up in into anything besides bedrooms was too tough. She knew technically they could convert one into an office for her for shop matters so she didn't leave random weapons around the house. Another could be turned into a sort of library as they had run out of rooms on their bookshelves long ago but the piles of books along the wall of their room made her smile.

Changing the rooms would make sense but it would also mean erasing part of the room's history and really, she liked being reminded of when her house was full. Besides, Ryuu and Sho would be sleeping over soon and the boys could have their picks of rooms. And hey, when the next set of grandkids were born there would be plenty of room to have them all over.

"Four more," Neji said.

"Four more," Tenten agreed.

She couldn't help smiling at the thought. Four more kids to carry on her and Neji's combination of weapons and Byakugan. Ryuu was all ready interested in Hizashi's scrolls as Sho carried around a plastic kunai. Kaida seemed fascinated when Hatomi and Neji sparred. Arashi and Nariko would be into weapons and have Byakugan while Sarada and Hizashi's kids, well, so long as they didn't have onyx eyes, Neji would be happy.

Seven grandkids meant lots of sleep overs and no point in downsizing. Hell, Hatomi and Maiya were thinking of adopting as were Shi and Yuji. Her family was expanding and Tenten couldn't be happier if someone paid her. Best yet, all seven grandkids wouldn't have to worry about fighting against Orochimaru or anyone else who wanted to enslave the shinobi world.

The lamps were turned off, doors locked, and they strode into their room. Tenten let out a breath at the silence of the house and the lack of chakra. She never realized how much she missed having her kids in the house until they visited then left. They would be back though, the day after tomorrow or the day after that.


Tenten grinned. There was one benefit to having no one else in the house. Tenten inclined her head then watched as Neji stripped. The shirt came off first and was tossed towards the laundry hamper. He missed but Tenten didn't care.

Despite his age Neji's chest was still toned and home to solid pectorals, well sculpted abdominals, and a little happy trail from under his navel flowing down to beneath the waistband of his pants. His arms were well cut and she watched his hands as he pushed down his pants to reveal tight black boxer shorts. The pants missed the laundry basket but she was more interested in studying the bulge in his pants, his thighs, and his defined calves.

Neji easily slipped out of the boxers to reveal his dripping length and she smiled. He strode over to her, tossing his bandana in the general direction of their dresser and she kept her eyes on his. His deft hands undid the clasps of her shirt from neck to across her chest and he tossed it aside.

He flicked the clasps on her bra and off it came. Tenten kept grinning when he knelt in front of her before removing her pants then her panties. She placed a hand on his head when he kissed her mound before flicking his tongue between her thighs. Tenten ran a hand through his hair and he looked up at her.

"What would you like?" Tenten asked.

Neji's plump lips turned upwards into a smile and his eyes lit with passion. She kept one hand on the back of his head as his hands wandered from her ankles up to her butt then back down in an insanity driving light touch.

"The vibrating butt plug, my collar, the d-ring corset, and the skirt. You can add whatever you wish," Neji said.

She nodded then pointed to the bed. He went without question then knelt in the middle of the bed, thighs off his calves and arms at his sides. Tenten summoned up the items he wanted then brought forth a few more. He watched her hands as she put him into the corset and skirt first. The collar came next and she kept the chain at his front.

He shivered when she snapped the leather glove into place but bent forward without her saying a word. His hands were at his butt a moment later, spreading his cheeks for her and she patted the right cheek in thanks. He hummed at her as a flush came to his cheeks.

Tenten lubed him up before inserting the bright pink, seven inch long vibrating cock up his ass. Neji sighed happily once it was in and she pulled back on one of the various rings to get him to sit up. He moaned low in pleasure. White eyes followed her hands as she clamped his nipples. He purred into her brushing then braiding back his hair.

Neji raised an eyebrow when the dick gag was placed over his face. He understood when she pushed him onto his back. She made sure his head and neck were comfortable before straddling his face, pushing the dick inside her and facing his cock so her ass was in his sights. He groaned when she shifted forward so she could suck his cock.


Strong hands gripped her thighs and Tenten smiled when he shifted his legs so his knees were up. It enabled her to grab the vibrating dildo up his ass. She turned it on and took his cock into her mouth as he thrust into her with a growl of pleasure.

Tenten shifted the vibrating dildo in and out as she thrust against him. His hands weren't idle and one moved to slip between their bodies to play with her clit. The other massaged one of her breasts and Tenten hummed in thanks. His cock twitched in her mouth and she used one hand to follow her lips while the other moved the cock in and out of him.

They didn't last as long as they used to but Tenten didn't mind. She came first, shoving hard against his face and he shivered under her while his thick seed burst into her mouth. It took her a few long minutes to get her breath back and she realized it had taken as long as the actual sex to calm down. Tenten decided not to mention it before shifting so she sat beside Neji's hips.

He raised an eyebrow and she nodded. His hands removed the dick gag and he licked his lips before sitting up next to her. The vibrating dildo was turned off and she put it to a side to clean up later. He tilted his head at her, white eyes bright in their moonlit room and she kissed both his cheeks.

"Good?" Tenten questioned.


Another happy sound and Tenten leaned into him. His arms came around her, pulling her back into his lap and she grinned. She tugged on his nipple clamps and he let out a breath across her ear. She shifted so his cock was inside her and he purred against her. Neji started moving his hips and she joined him.

The one good part about being over forty and having sex was they didn't have to worry about condoms. She had stopped having a monthly cycle four years ago which meant no more babies for them. Tenten didn't mind. The feel of his naked cock inside her felt amazing.

Plus all the money she had spent on tampons and condoms could be used for new toys, books, or weapons. She hadn't realized how much they spent on tampons and condoms until they stopped needing to buy them. Hell, it also meant more room in their drawers.

Tenten stopped thinking about condoms, tampons, and money when Neji tossed her onto her back in bed. She grinned when he began moving wildly and met him thrust for thrust. She wrapped her legs around his leather covered waist then smacked his ass which made him let out a long groan.

The bad part about being older and having sex was Neji sometimes didn't last as long as she could. There were times when during she became turned off so suddenly it left them both wondering. Then there were times Neji accidently came well before her which always made him flush and get shy. But it took longer for him to get hard which meant more touching and fondling.

She shifted until she could kiss his lips and he returned the kiss. His hands wandered along her sides, brushing over the sensitive areas he knew well and she shivered against him. Neji made a sort of whining sound and Tenten knew he was having trouble stopping his body from releasing. She pushed into him, signaling he could cum but he didn't. Tenten mentally rolled her eyes. He liked to make sure she got off before he did.

She gasped when chakra flowed through her system, right at her clit like a strong vibration which instantly made her yell out and tremble as it hit every single pleasure point from her mid-thighs to her belly button. She felt Neji's cum coat her inner walls seconds later and held on tight.

Okay, so him knowing he was going to cum early had been a good thing. He had learned how to get her over the edge before he climaxed when he didn't want to. It made their bedroom activities a bit briefer, sure, but they were as satisfying.

Ten years ago they would've gone a third time but Neji went to her right side, panting and shivering against her. Tenten didn't mind one bit. She felt the heaviness of sleep over her eyelids and snuggled into her man. Neji let out a little breath and she pulled off his nipple clamps before unbraiding his hair.

Tenten grinned when he was asleep before she got his hair completely unbraided. She kissed his bare forehead, ignoring the green lines of the old Caged Bird Seal and wrapped the blankets over them. Neji sleeping in the corset and skirt wouldn't do anything horrible for either of them. Besides, it would be a fun morning if he was still in a sexy outfit.

Tenten closed her eyes and grinned as Neji shifted until his head was on her chest. The changes in both their lives had been amazing but knowing he would always like sleeping on her chest made her happy. She liked it when things like Neji's adoration of her didn't change.


Final notes: Short chapter is short, sorry. But! We came full cycle. We started with kinky sex and ended with it. Mwuahaha.

Is this the complete end of Bonds? Nope. There is the companion piece which is basically pure kinky sex and a few not-so-kinky memories still out there. Bonds: Memories will not die...yet. *winks*

I want to thank everyone who stuck with me through my unplanned hiatus(es?) to see the ending of this story. I always said I'd never be someone to abandon a story on here because I've been the person on the other side: reading an incomplete piece and wondering what would happen. I like to keep my promises. It's my ninja way. *grins*

ALSO: I want to thank captindonavin especially who made some cool fan-art for this story (remove spaces):

www. deviantart art/ The- Hyuga- family- D- 654889930 - The whole family

captdonavin .deviantart art/ Maiya- and- Hatomi- 659224901 - Hatomi and Maiya

Reviews welcome.