The realm of the godly spirits. Sacred Beasts, Egyptian, Nordic and Wicked Gods, the Monarchs. So many spirits that had managed to transcend time, space or both resided here be it in slumber or in leisure as they watched the other spirits travel through the swirling vortex that led to the other realms. It is here that unfathomable creation happens and it is here were the three Egyptian Gods, the only ones besides the ever struggling Exodia who happened to be awake, plotted.
For they had seen the shadows that represented the spirits of other gods begin to grow in shape and form signaling their awakening which was soon to be. Having no desire to see the world in which they inhabit become a battlefield of the gods, they knew they needed a champion. Unfortunately they could not agree.
"You want to take him out of his world, strip him of his considerable power, and give him a power equal in measure in exchange." The god of thunder and sky, Slifer the Sky Dragon mused as he looked on through the portal. "If they found out…"
"They'll start a war, yes, we know but that's why we're doing this. They're going to start the war anyway and we can only do so much." Obelisk the Tormentor argued in turn. "Has it ever occurred to you and your analytical mind that while we may be gods, we can perish. The Great Leviathan proved that."
"Which brings me to my other point. We had a perfectly good chosen one and we let him go knowing this would happen." Slifer protested.
"We had a dead chosen one you fool." Obelisk rebuked. "Inhabiting a child and without his memories or powers. A great candidate for fighting gods."
"So you want him to kill the others? There's no way he would be powerful enough even if we changed his powers."
"We don't need him to kill them. Just fight. He can learn how to seal them away as the others did."
"And us." Spoke the third and final Egyptian God. The Winged Dragon of Ra. "He will seal us all away. Together. Forever."
There was silence among the gods as the other two contemplated their brother's words.
"How is it we can be the same person but think entirely differently?" Slifer said at long last. "We all agree we need a champion. You both agree it should be him but I'm not comfortable taking another dimension's champion and dumping him on the planet expecting him to know what to do."
"Do not think so little of me brother." Ra said. "I have already assigned him a guardian. When his powers begin to manifest we will contact him."
"A guardian?" Obelisk asked. "Who?"
Rather than answering, Ra turned his head away from the dimensional fissure and his red eyes glowed brightly before another being appeared in a flash of purple light.
"You summoned me oh mighty ones?" The newcomer asked as he knelt before the gods.
"Yes." Ra spoke. "We have a charge for you to look after. You know what this means."
"A chosen of the gods is rightly a pharaoh in the laws of Egypt. And it is my solemn duty to protect the pharaohs at all costs."
"Including your immortal soul." Obelisk answered. "I see your plan brother. Very well."
"I must agree this should work out nicely. But what of the other world? Must we condemn them to the suffering they will no doubt endure simply because we need a champion?" Slifer questioned, seeing the possibilities but not the plan.
"Our needs are greater." Ra answered. "Should we fail; the battle will awaken other deities before their time. The war will grow and spread throughout the dimensions leaving nothing but ruin in their wake. Far better than a lifetime of suffering wouldn't you agree?"
"Is this my charge to be, my lords?" The newcomer asked as he took the gods silence for an invitation to do so.
"It's who he would be. We are about to intervene before his maturity."
"I see. Might I ask something of you?" The newcomer hesitantly asked, seeing no interruption he continued lest he be told to stop. "I have served as a guardian to the Nameless Pharaoh, Atem, for generations and now that he passed on I wish to join him."
"You would leave the world without a Dark Magician?"
"There are many incarnations of my spirit that have been created over time. The Skilled Dark Magician, Dark Sage, my chaos counterpart and more all exist as me yet not. It is not hard to sire one more iteration of myself, this one to take my place. I shall watch over my charge until he is ready to take my place."
The gods looked amongst one another. Before Ra looked back to the Dark Magician and nodded his golden head. "So be it." Turning back to the portal he watched as it changed its view from a man moving heaven and earth with a wave of his wooden wand, to a boy walking down the street. "Harry Potter. We, the fragments of light, summon you."
A hole opened up as Harry took another step.
'Where am I?" Harry Potter panicked as he walked the streets of the unknown city. At twelve years old he knew he shouldn't be on the street alone but he had no idea where to go. The last thing he remembered he had fallen into a hole. The journey was surprisingly nice given that most forms of magical travel were either unbelievably painful or just plain uncomfortable. The myriad of colors gave him a pretty sight just before his powers started to react to the portal. As a child he had become accustomed to the feeling of accidental magic. The tingling in one's chest which either spread out to different parts of your body, or built up before it exploded outwards. This time though, Harry had felt both, before he could no longer feel anything.
Whatever he had fallen through had left Harry in an unknown city and rather tired from the feeling of exertion. The only bright side to any of this was that he wasn't wearing robes when he fell through the hole, it being summer and him staying in a muggle society, so he wasn't exactly sticking out. On the other hand he needed to find somewhere to go before nightfall…
"Excuse me young man," Harry jumped having been interrupted in his thousand mile an hour thoughts and turned to the voice that had called out.
He saw a man. Dressed in a fine red suit and shadowed by a bodyguard this man screamed wealth, but the smile on his face eased Harry for a moment. Then he remembered the basic rules when one is a child and he was instantly put on guard.
The man, noticing Harry being put on the defensive lost his smile slightly but his face was still warm. "Come now I was just thinking to myself how boring it is to eat alone. And poor Croquet here, though an excellent man to have by your side, is not the best conversationalist in the world. So would you please join me?"
Hesitantly, Harry nodded and joined the well-dressed man at the table noticing how Croquet moved back only slightly so as not to crowd the table. Looking at the menu he couldn't decide on what to order lest it be thought he was taking advantage of the man. Fortunately he didn't have to order at all because the man ordered two of what he was having after checking to make sure it was okay with Harry. They sat in silence until the food came with the man humming a song and Harry twiddling his thumbs under the table.
"Now then, whatever is your name young man?" He was asked as he ate the food that was placed before him. Swallowing, and wiping his mouth for good measure, he replied.
"Harry, sir."
"Now, there should be none of that sir business. While I admire the manners I'm far too young to be called a sir by anyone in my opinion and besides it's not like you work for me now is it? Maximillion Pegasus at your service Harry boy."
Harry subtly asked questions, his English accent doing wonders at helping his case of not being native to the area. Apparently he was in Domino City. A city which contained the best and brightest duelists in the world. When Harry had to ask for clarification on the word duelists he was very lucky that they had finished their meal otherwise he may not have gotten the description he had received. Pegasus had the table cleared and took out two decks of cards, one of which he handed to Harry.
There and then Harry learned the basics of duel monsters with Pegasus. The two dueled for hours, neither realizing that the store was empty and night had fallen. Though Harry never won, he got closer and closer to beating him every time. But as they closed their last game, Croquet leaned over and whispered in his ear.
"Well Harry it looks like our time is up. Now I'm not one to leave a young child such as yourself all on his own in the middle of the night so is there anywhere I can leave you?"
Harry thought to himself about that question before reluctantly giving the only answer he could.
"Err; my Aunt and Uncle live in number four, Privet Drive, Surrey."
Pegasus was surprised at this comment He knew Surrey was in England after all and while it was an easy feat to drop the boy off and come back here he couldn't help but wonder. 'How did this boy get here then?' He thought as he pulled out a phone and looked up the address. What he saw made his eyes widen in shock. There wasn't a house there. In fact, there wasn't even a Privet Drive at all.
"Harry boy, how did you get here?" He asked seeing no other choice.
Harry didn't know whether to tell this man or not. Whatever he had seen on his phone had clearly shocked him but if he told him how he had gotten here he would have to tell him about the existence of magic. But this man had reached out to him. He knew that if he didn't try to find answers now he wouldn't be able to get home for a long time.
So he told him everything. Surprisingly Pegasus didn't even interrupt when he told him about the existence of magic and when he finished his story with the anti-climactic ending of falling into the hole. Pegasus merely nodded as if it was nothing new though he had long since lost the smile on his face as aspects of the boy's life became clear with words he spoke and those he didn't. Unfortunately he knew of no way to return the boy to his home so he did the next best thing.
"Harry, I know that you probably want to go home, but until then, why don't you come and stay with me." Pegasus offered.
Harry wanted to accept, he really and honestly did. But he thought of his previous home life and how he often wondered would it be better on the streets or even an orphanage. But he shook his head and realized that that was only because of the Dursleys. This man had been nothing but kind to him. Still he could not say yes immediately, so he did the next best thing.
"I wouldn't want to impose sir." Was his hesitant reply
"Harry boy, what did I say about calling me sir?" Pegasus interrupted. "And you wouldn't be an imposition at all. In fact, I could use the company. It gets quite lonely at my island."
"Island?" Harry asked confused. Just who was this person?
"Oh didn't I tell you? I'm quite famous." Pegasus said with a smile on his face. After all, everybody in the entire world knew who he was; he was going to enjoy revealing it to the one person who didn't.
"Whatever for?" Harry asked.
"Well you see. The world knows me as the man who created duel monsters."
Harry's brilliant mind flashed back to the duels the two had played. It was the most fun game he had ever played. Considering the last card game he played had a ninety percent chance of exploding, to a twelve year old boy this was quite the feat.
"You created the game?" He asked shocked.
"Well not entirely. Though the majority of the world assumed I did. I will teach you all of this should you decide to come back with me."
The twelve year old could do nothing but nod.
Soon they arrived back at Pegasus Island but instead of going to bed given the hour. Pegasus took him to a room that was sealed with one of the weirdest locks Harry had ever seen. Pegasus noticed the strangle looks Harry was shooting the lock and explained.
"You see Harry. This lock, though strange, is one of the most advanced locks in the world. You see it features some of the technology incorporated into our duel disks so that it recognizes dueling cards. But in this case only one dueling card will work. A card which I contain the only copy of."
He pulled out the card and Harry instantly recognized it due to the fact that he had dueled against it several times mere hours ago. Pegasus placed the card in and the door simply opened. No theatrics no light shows, the two hinges swung revealing the contents of the room. And what a room.
Inside were stone tablets reaching the far end of the room. Though the writing was unreadable to Harry, he knew of Egyptian enough to be able to recognize it even if he couldn't read it.
"You see Harry; I like to think I didn't create duel monsters. I merely modernized it. Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptians played the same game themselves, though to them, it wasn't so fun."
Harry listened to the stories of the shadow games. Not once taking into account the time as he learned all about the new game and its origins. Then Pegasus began to tell him the story of Yugi Moto, the king of games and ex host to the spirit of the pharaoh.
By the end of the story Pegasus looked down to see that the twelve year old had fallen asleep in his arms having sat in his lap in order to see the pages of the Egyptian texts. Not really bothered to move, and worried about disturbing the child, Pegasus closed his eyes and began to drift off himself.
Just before Harry fell to the temptation of Morpheus, he reflected on the day and counted his blessings that he had found such a nice man to take him in during his moment of need. He was grateful that he had found both a friend and confidant in Pegasus and was quite looking forward to spending more time with him. After all he was in no hurry to try and find out what had happened to him. He had lost his powers, his friends, and Hogwarts. But he had also gained a fresh start, there were no Dursleys here. No more Voldemort, no more fame.
With those thoughts in mind, Harry Potter fell asleep with a smile on his face for the first time in many years.