The sun was already risen high over the ocean as the cliff stood facing the vast wonder, ocean waves humming against the broad breast of the cliff face whilst the salty air rode in tumultuous weaves and snapped at the hem of the dress of the lone figure. The woman was slim, with long golden hair cascading down her back freely for the breeze to brush against as she gazed tranquilly at the ocean, her thoughts travelling far and wide. Even after all the years that had passed time had hardly made a scratch upon her features. The crinkles at the corners of her eyes were from laughter, the vibrant shine in her eyes still glittering brightly like cornflower jewels as her rosy cheeks seemingly glowed.
It had been twenty years since Lianne had left the opera house, since she had married Eric and the two of them had found a perfect home tucked away on the coast where they were never disturbed. Of course they had a house in town as well seeing as Eric had taken over the Opera Populaire some years ago with Lianne as his partner, though no one ever saw him. All public face was directed to Lianne until finally they were able to retreat to their cottage by the ocean on the cliffs with a sheltering of trees to break the wind from rattling at the windows.
For a long time Lianne had not conceived a child, a total of five years and she began to fear that she was barren until finally, the blessed jewel of her life came to be. Danielle, hers and Eric's first daughter and child. At first Eric had been wary, unsure of how the tiny child would react to his mask and later his face but the child had her mother's heart and loved her papa in all his entirety, clinging to him permanently like he was her lifeline. Danielle had Lianne's vibrant blue eyes and her father's midnight hair, her features angular with pale, creamy skin. Even at fifteen she was a great beauty and already attention was being drawn to her whenever she appeared in town with several offers having already been made but Eric would refuse them all before Lianne even had the chance to list them. He was still a possessive man and disliked other men looking at his daughter in such a way. She was his ultimate angel, with a voice that cried to the heavens and her skills with the violin surpassed bother her parents, however she was the sweetest girl despite her talents. In most ways, she was just like her grandmother who she was named for, with a heart of gentleness and Lianne adored her with all her heart and soul.
Six years later, a surprise came for them all. Lianne gave birth to their second child, a son whom they named Leonardo. He took after his mother in all aspects, from his golden waves to his adventurous attitude. He was full of life and was like a warm summer breeze to everyone he met, refreshing and loved. With a pang, Lianne flinched as she remembered the hardship that had fallen over her house. Her precious son, Leonardo, died when he was two years old from sickness and she had wept for days, Danielle also being inconsolable. Eric had not known how to react. For a long time he had sat in his chair completely motionless before he exploded into a furious rage, destroying the study and dining room, smashing everything he could and Lianne had had to leave with a sobbing Danielle in tow in order to avoid his wrath should he accidentally catch them in the crossfire.
After seeing her husband so distraught, Lianne had forced herself to become strong. She became his rock and pulled him back out of his darkness, lulling him to sleep in her arms as Danielle sang to him each night until gradually, the wound of losing their first son healed. It was still a scar on their hearts but with time, the suffering lessened. Lianne gave birth to two more children. Another daughter they named Meganne after her dear friend Meg and a boy they called Antoine. All of them had their father's raven hair and only Antoine had his father's eyes, the girls practically exact copies of one another and in some ways, Lianne found it fitting. Her children looked similar because they were siblings, however it served as a warming reminder of how different her first son had been, her Leo. Now with her children beginning to grow up, Lianne took this blissful moment of peace and quiet to herself so that she could fully enjoy the splendour this place had to offer.
The breeze slowed and died slightly, causing a hush to be thrown over the cliffs with only the washing of water against rock whispering down below and Lianne felt her smile deepen slightly at the general tranquillity around her. Her life had been difficult at times and very dark in the beginning, however with the light that shone around her now she found all her trials had been worth every scar, pain and nightmare to reach this final point. Of course, she was fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead, however she felt that this moment was a reward for all her perseverance. A gift from the universe, you could say. Her life was full, she was still as much in love with Eric as she was twenty years ago, more so even because of all they had endured together side by side and she now had a family of her own flesh and blood of her own. She felt truly blessed.
"Anne, it's cold out here, you should take better care of yourself." His spine tingling voice whispered in her ear and Lianne's lips curved upwards further as a thick blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and Eric's arms secured around her as his lips nudged against her neck. "You were not beside me when I woke."
"Today was a perfect day for watching the sunrise." Lianne said to him softly as she leaned back against his solid chest and they both looked out over the ocean which was beginning to grow murky from the rising tide. "I just so happened to be awake to witness it." She felt his smile against her skin and it affected her own, widening until she turned around to face him. These days Eric didn't wear his mask when it was just him and his family as he felt no need to, however he did wear a hood whilst outside just in case someone should happen by and he always hid himself away whenever the maids came to clean, never letting them into his study as he distrusted them and their cleaning hands, not allowing them to even touch any of his masterpieces or secret works.
His eyes melted into hers for a timeless eternity before their wordless calls for one another brought them closer until their lips met, brushing softly before Eric pushed further, his hand anchoring to Lianne's back to pull her up onto her toes which curled instinctively in her shoes as she gripped tightly onto her blanket, feeling the vivid sensations of Eric's kiss reviving her passionate soul with simple brushes and strokes until he pulled back only a breath away, a finger trailing down her cheek. "Danielle has taken the younger ones to the market, you know." He murmured with a suggestive tone in his voice which caused Lianne's eyebrow to arc elegantly.
"Oh?" She queried innocently as Eric's kiss moved to her neck with a blunt firmness which almost dragged a moan from her but she held onto it determinedly, pressing her eyes shut as her expression flickered with hazy lust secretly.
"So that means the house will be empty for several hours until they return, my Anne."
"Intriguing. Do you have any ideas of what to do with such time, my love? Where you perhaps thinking of a music lesson?" Lianne continued to deliberate, one hand reaching up to rest on Eric's shoulder whilst still gripping onto the blanket, his hands now entrapping her waist and pulling her firmly against his chest so that she could not escape.
"Do not play coy with me, Lianne." Eric warned and Lianne gave a soft chuckle as his lips found the sensitive spot just behind her ear.
"Very well then Eric, I will admit defeat. Claim your conquest as you see fit, as you said..." Lianne suddenly gripped onto Eric's jacket and yanked him down towards her, giving a swift biting kiss to his lips before drawing back. "We have several hours to waste." With that Lianne moved past her husband with a sway of her hips, a satisfactory smile on her lips as she felt rather victorious at having gotten the last word. That is until Eric stormed up behind her and lifted her up into the air, causing her to give a shriek before she burst into a fit of giggles, her husband carrying her over his shoulder before he kicked the door open and barely managed to close it behind him again as he disappeared inside, carrying his beloved wife up to their bedchamber where they firmly shut and locked the door behind them.
Once again I want to say thank you all for your support and for seeing this story through to the end, thank you also for being so patient and I hope this was all worth the wait. To you all, there is only left to say...Au Revoir.