A/N: Okay, okay, okay. I'm updating, Jeezum Crow. This is just a little filler chapter to help you get acquainted with the Capitol staff, the Gamemakers, everyone that could be important. Enjoy!

Jiselle Corbett POV

President of Panem

My meeting with Odysseus was just over a month ago, and all of our staff has been working like crazy, or so I've heard. Today I make my first visit to the different departments to make sure that everything is going smoothly, and that each department has everything that they need. Past presidents have just left that to their assistant, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty.

Vanity and I head to Mutts and Plants first. This year's theme requires mutts that can't be half assed. Walking into the room, you see something that you wouldn't necessarily expect to find in an official Capitol building. Each wall is painted a different color, some bright, and some dark. There are several multicolored tables crowded with the most creative people in Panem. Most of the tables are filled with artists sketching, coloring, and re-sketching the same animals and plants over and over again. A few tables are surrounded by people simply sitting, and staring at the walls, until someone breaks out of the trance and starts scribbling furiously on a piece of paper, before delivering the paper to the artists and returning to their spot just to stare at the walls again.

After a moment of looking around, a small man, around 5'5", hurries up to me with a large stack of papers in his hands.

"Hello Madame President. We have not met yet, my name is James Belmont." James sticks his hand out and I shake it firmly. He shudders as he looks up at me, I am a good three inches taller than him, only made more drastic by my heels. I don't want him to fear me, fear never results in good work, so I smile kindly.

"So, I understand you have some papers for me," I say, gesturing to the stack in his hands.

"Oh, yes," he responds, handing me the pile, which I then pass off to Vanity, who carefully places the papers into a file folder labeled M+P. We make a little small talk before my watch beeps, signaling that it's time to leave and head to the next room over to meet with the head of Terrain, Leah Harding.

Leah has been at this whole business longer than I have. She's only told me 20 times in the past couple of months. I know that she thinks that she should be President instead of me, so I plan on making this a quick visit.

"Ms. Harding," I great her, curtly but politely.

"Corbett," she simply replies in a tone that suggests that being civil is taking everything that she has in her. I brush it off as menopause.

"So, Leah, do you have the diagram of the Arena?" I ask, hoping to get out of there quickly.

"Well, we have a couple, we haven't decided which one to use yet. I hope that's okay?" She says it mockingly, she doesn't care if it's okay.

"Okay, well just give me the blueprints for the best few, and I'll look them over." As I finish my sentence, a small smile creeps across her face.

"Alright, here you go," she replies, far too cheerily. And then she hands me a massive stack of paperwork, which I struggle to pass off to Vanity. I roll my eyes, shake her hand, and get the hell out of there.

My next stop is to the remake center. Haley LaFerriere is the head of Remake and Costume Design, and no sequin or eyeliner pencil goes without her inspection. For the most part, I let her and her designers make all of the decisions, so I'm really only here to pick up some designs for my outfits for all of the parties and conferences and whatnot. Fashion has never been my forte. Haley has been heavily altered, even for a makeup artist. Her skin has been tie dyed, I don't even want to know how, and her face is powdered completely white. Her wig changes color every thirty seconds or so. However, her outfit is the craziest. The dress is electric blue, with neon green detailing. It is a Victorian style ballgown, but it has been cut so that it is a high low dress, showing off her neon green fishnet stockings. All of this has been paired with a snow white cape, with a collar that sticks up about six inches. Looking at her hurts my eyes, and her voice hurts my ears. Somehow, she has gotten surgery to make her voice high pitched and squealy all the time. Even just hearing her say hello makes me grind my teeth. Needless to say, I am out of there faster that she can criticize my black pantsuit.

My last stop is more of an indulgence than an actually important stop. After sending Vanity back to the mansion to file the paperwork, I make my way to the private offices of Panem's amazing announcer of four years.

"Chayse Corbett," I proclaim, letting myself in. My cousin whirls around to see me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Actually, it's Chayse Specter now!" Chayse extends her left hand, showing off the glistening obsidian ring.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim, hugging her until she can't breathe. Chayse tells the story of how her and her husband eloped and spent the winter in their vacation home on their private island. I'm just about to ask when he proposed, when my phone starts ringing. I step aside to answer it, and I'm greeted with the mildly frantic voice of my boyfriend.

"Jiselle! Jiselle, where are you?!" I glance down at my watch and laugh when I see that it's 6:24. I promised that I'd be home by 6:00.

"Odysseus, I'm fine! I'm just at Chayse's office. I haven't been assassinated. I'll be home soon." I hang up the phone without waiting for a response and I turn back to Chayse.

"I'm sorry, Odysseus is waiting for me. Ill see you in two weeks." Chayse nods and hugs me goodbye, and then I'm out the door.

A/N: So, howd'ya like it? My next chapter will either be the District One reaping, or one more filler chapter, depending on how many more submissions I get. So, please submit more, so that we can get to the exciting part sooner! Also, shoutout to Jms2, DobbyTheFreeElf1290, Annabeth- TheTributeThatLived, and Fifidear. They know why.


1.) Which Capitol employee was your favorite?
2.) Which was your least favorite?
3.) Which would you like to hear from again in the future?
4.) Any predictions yet?