Chapter 11: A trip.

A/N: It's funny how a good thing can be a bad thing at the same time. On Monday I cut my index finger and it wasn't just a small line; I literally cut off the tip of my finger, almost cut off a piece of nail as well. Thus I was not able to play any games, however it did not prevent me from writing. All in all it took me less time to write this chapter.

Also, this chapter has first actual fight scene. Rejoice!

Fire country forest. North of Konoha. 8:00 in the morning, 25th of December, year 2876.

Naruto and Yuuki were tree hoping towards Konoha. Kitsune wanted to see more of the elemental Nations and hanyou had some business to take care of in the village. A classic win-win. Yuuki was humming a song she got from the silver wind – she became much more in tune with it since her training began.

"Someone's happy," Naruto made an offhanded comment.

"I finally get to go to the Elemental Nations and a shinobi village to boot, I'll most likely get to fight with you and get a new skill and, most importantly," her smile widened even more, "no training for today!"

"You really hate my training, don't you," Great One said with a sweatdrop.

"I love the results, but not the process," she shuddered a little. "I'm pretty sure any human would have died from that."

"Well, not any human, but the majority would," he shrugged and continued with a sigh. "I find it a bit sad that everybody wants something, yet no one is willing to pay the asking price."

"Just because I don't want to doesn't mean I won't," Yuuki said with a pout.

"You're not the only one…"

For a split moment Naruto's familiar felt a tearing pain in her chest and not even a second later it was gone. Yuuki blinked in confusion – where did that come from? She thought about it for a moment and then it hit her; kitsune couldn't feel any emotion coming from Naruto. When she looked at him, his eyes were dead and cold.

'Was it-'

"Yes. Someday I'll tell you about the price I pay," he said, serious for once.

Yuuki simply nodded. She wanted to apologize for bringing this up, but she already knew that Naruto would just tell her not to blame herself and drop the topic.

Despite her appearance, kitsune was quite mature. The only reason her body didn't age with her mind because she wanted to grow at the same rate as Naruto. So far it seemed to work. When Naruto asked why that was the case, Machiko had an explanation ready for him.

Kitsune's appearance was defined by four things. Genetics being the least influential while maturity making the most definitive changes. Two other were the kitsune's own image of beauty (or handsomeness) and the most finicky one – personal desire. The last one seems pretty straight forward; the finickiness came from a certain condition – the conscious and subconscious desires had to be the same. This also explained why kitsune didn't have periods and lacked body hair. Well, some male one's had, but who wants to read about that? Too bad you already did and now you're stuck with that mental image. You're welcome.

Yuuki was brought out of her thoughts by the voice of the one she was thinking about.

"Stay sharp, there are multiple humans nearby."

Just a minute later they came to a small camp. There were just twelve people there, having breakfast.

"I still can't believe that those merchants would hire a team of Genin to guard them," one of the men said.

"I guess their greed is just as legendary as they say," the other let out a loud laugh.

"We still lost seven of our own to them," the third one joined them in front of a campfire.

"Bah, there is no place for weaklings in our ranks. Besides more loot for us," the second one said again.

'Look who's talkin' Mr. nameless lvl 10 bandit.' Naruto thought with a smirk.

"We're just lucky they had a Chunin with them instead of a Jonin, otherwise we would have all been taken out," the third man was apparently the voice of reason in this band. Second just grumbled.

Meanwhile Naruto and Yuuki observed them from a nearby tree.

"Looks like your ordinary group of bandits. None of them are above lvl 10, but considering their stats, they should pose no problem to you," hanyou said with a confidant grin.

"Didn't they just say that they killed a team of Genin and a Chunin?" Yuuki asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

"That is simply because they had the element of surprise on their side," he answered, raising a finger. "But do not worry, you won't be fighting them." Yuuki shot him a questioning look. "This provides the perfect opportunity to show you the art of Quickening in action."

Yuuki's eyes shone with excitement and her lips stretched in a wide grin. She always enjoyed seeing Naruto fight; he's movements just seemed so perfect to her.

Slowly a black haze started to surround Naruto's feet, swirling around. He drew his ninjato from its sheath on his back and disappeared. Yuuki followed the slight forward motion and saw as her master landed on one of the bandit's shoulders and, after a quick slice, dashed to the side in a similar manner, bandit's head falling off right after. However, hanyou didn't see it as he was already behind another man with Kusari slicing through its second neck in a span of this second. The beheading process repeated three more times before Naruto was noticed. Bandits started to draw their weapons in a hurry and took battle ready positions, but not before two more of them fell.

Only four remained.

They stood back to back. One of them had a crossbow and shot a bolt at Naruto. Instead of dogging, he simply caught the projectile and threw it back at the attacker at twice the speed. Needless to say, there were three left. Naruto dashed forward stopping right after another man, holding his sword at the side. Using a quick draw technique he cut the man's stomach open and before the bandit could bring his sword down on Naruto, he dashed up, his misty outline fazing through both gore and blade. Hanyou ended up over bandit's heads. Coming out of the intangible state Naruto thrust Kusari downwards, right above the second to last bandit's collarbone and further down into the man's heart. After the deed was done, he disappeared into another dash, but the last man couldn't find him anywhere. He looked around frantically, sword at the ready. What he didn't expect was ending up in the ground with only his head sticking out, Naruto jumping up from behind him.

"Earth style: headhunter." (This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. 50 CP D Rank). Naruto said and gestured for Yuuki to come down.

"That. Was. AWESOME," she shouted, jumping up and down.

"Now do you see how important the element of surprise is? I took out almost half of them before they even knew what was going on."

"Yeah, yeah," Yuuki waved hear hand, but taking note of what her master said none the less. "Why did you leave this one alive, though?" As an answer he simply handed her the sword. "Sooo, you want me to kill him on a calm head, without adrenalin or bloodlust clouding my mind?"

"Yep, that's exactly it," Naruto patted her head.

"Please, don't kill me! I swear I'll return back to my village and never commit another crime again!" the last remaining bandit pleaded for his life, with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, how cute. He thinks we care," hanyou grinned™ at him.

Yuuki just snorted and took the sword into a reverse grip. She walked up to him, raised the sword above her head and plunged it into the man's pleading mouth. Half of Kusari's blade sunk down, dropping the man's HP down to red and giving him a 'bleeding' status. Kitsune withdrew the blade, making his HP drop down to 5%. In the next four seconds he was dead.

"So, how did it feel to pop your kill cherry?" Naruto asked with his usual grin™.

Yuuki thought about it for a few moments and then shrugged, "Meh."

"Good," master gave his familiar another pat on the head. Naruto couldn't feel any bloodlust, satisfaction, grief or sadness from her. Only indifference and slight disappointment. "Too easy?" he asked, getting an idea about where the disappointment came from.

"Yeah. No challenge, boring. I thought I would feel something from taking someone's life…" Yuuki trailed off.

"That is a good thing. You won't start killing just for the fuck of it and you won't hesitate to do the deed. Just don't create challenges for yourself; many needlessly died because of it," Naruto gave her another piece of advice.

"I won't," she promised with a smile.

"Now about that skill…"

"Yay, what do I do?!" she exclaimed with a jump. If she had her tails out, they would be swishing back and forth excitedly.

"Give me your hand," Naruto asked and kitsune immediately complied. Hanyou placed his hands on hers. "This will hurt a little."

Naruto focused on his 'Hiraishin' tattoo. A small spark of silver lightning emerged from it and snaked to Yuuki's right wrist. Immediately she felt burning pain. It spread from her arm to the entirety of her body. A few drops of sweat formed on her forehead as she clenched her teeth. It felt as though she was standing under a waterfall… only the waterfall had boiling water in it. Ten seconds later the pain vanished as it was never there. The only evidence of the procedure taking place was a tattoo of a thin silver bracelet made out of chain links circling her wrist, almost invisible against her white skin.

New skill gained: Dust Dash (By receiving a piece of 'Hiraishin' you are now able to turn intangible for a brief moment and move near instantaneously to any place in range. 500 CP/min, 0.5 m per point of SPD.)

"'Dust Dash'… " Yuuki muttered.

"Try using it," Naruto said with a grin™.

And use it she did. Right away bits of white and black dust started to swirl around kitsune's feet. She dashed to her maximum distance and stumbled forward, disoriented a bit. Naruto appeared not a moment after.

"How does it feel?" he asked. Yuuki was his first try after all. In theory the chance of something… unfortunate happening was pretty much nonexistent, but who knows.

"That was SO cool!" she said happily. "And so much faster than 'shunshin' AND it makes me intangible!"

"Try dashing around for shorter distances."

She dashed up to the nearest tree branch, then back towards another, but overshot it and ended up falling. She used her hand to push herself down at an angle, initiating another dash. As Yuuki landed, she lost her balance and started falling, but Naruto was there to catch her.

"Ah, thank you," she muttered with a small blush and stepped away from him. "It takes only one step to dash, but the hardest thing to get used to would be the momentum not carrying over," kitsune quickly analyzed the situation - as per Naruto's teachings - with a hand on her chin.

"Meaning it can also save you from a fall, especially if you learn how to harden air," Naruto said, happy that Yuuki didn't suffer any unexpected side effects. "That will most likely be the next skill I teach you," he said, rubbing his chin. "For now keep it up until you have 500 CP left. That way we'll reach Konoha in another five minutes."

Yuuki simply nodded and they both dashed away.

Meanwhile - the Hokage office.

Two men just finished watching Naruto slaughter the bandits from the crystal ball. The signal of his chakra signature entering the area was sent to Hiruzen not even a minute ago.

"So, what do you think?" Sarutobi asked the man standing beside him, with a satisfied smirk that only widened as he saw the mix of awe and bewilderment on his student's face.

"I admit, I didn't believe you at first, sensei, but after seeing all that… He's faster than Minato – not mentioning 'Hiraishin' of course - and more ruthless than Kushina," answered the tall, white haired man. "Hm, why is he leaving one of them alive? And who's that girl? And why is handing her his sword?" his voice grew more and more concerned by the question. "Ouuukaaaay, she just killed a man by stabbing him in the mouth…and shrugs it off like it was nothing." The man ran his fingers through his long hair. "Well, she is either a born killer or not human."

"Maybe both," hokage muttered under his breath, remembering something about Uzumaki. The fact that Naruto seemed to be in good terms with his tenant only strengthened his guess. Sarutobi was brought out of his musings by another exclamation from the toad sage.

"Did he just teach this girl his jutsu!?" Jiraiya leaned closer to the orb. Hiruzen leaned in as well.

Yuuki was just dashing around, getting used to her new skill.

"Seems like she just preformed that jutsu for the first time…" old man mused.

Naruto chose that moment to signal Yuuki to move out and followed after himself; but not before sending a wink right at the shinobi watching. Both of them recoiled back.

"Do you really think he saw us?" sage questioned. "There's no way that can be done, right?" a hint of desperation in his voice could be heard now.

"You know, I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore," his teacher answered, shaking his head.

"*sigh* Shouldn't you sent some anbu to bring him back?" Jiraiya asked, giving up.

"Pointless," the elderly hokage simply answered, anticipating the look on his student's face at seeing Naruto use 'Hiraishin'. He knew Jiraiya well enough to know that he would never anticipate young jinchuuriki to know such jutsu. Oh boy, was he going to enjoy this meeting.

Neither noticed a subtle genjutsu placed on them by that wink, preventing them from seeing a shadow sucking in all the blood and bodies.

Back with Naruto. Near the village wall.

Naruto quickly created a black shadow clone, who promptly hiraishined away after receiving a small wooden box from the original.

"Sooo, do we just walk in?" Yuuki asked, standing near him on a tree branch.

"Saw what he did?" he said pointing at the space previously occupied by the clone. "We do the same."

"Hmm," kitsune just hummed affirmatively.

"But before we do that…" hanyou made a senbon and twirled it in his fingers. "I want you to do something for me."

Hokage office. Again.

"If you want to surprise him, cloak yourself Jiraiya," Sarutobi advised.

Sannin raised an eyebrow, but followed his sensei's advice none the less. Just a moment later the air in the office started to smell like ozone. Both shinobi were well aware of what exactly this smell signified. Jiraiya nearly lost his concentration and dropped his cloak. In an over exaggerated swirl of black lightning Naruto appeared.

"Yo, jiji," he greeted the old hokage with a mock two fingered salute.

"Hello, Naruto-kun. What brings you here?" asked the kindly old man.

"Just a few things here and there," hanyou waved his hand, absentmindedly. "Ah," he said as if only now remembering something. Naruto snapped his fingers and a privacy barrier sprung to life. That made Hiruzen raise his eyebrows in surprise. They were risen further as four anbu, stationed inside, dropped to the ground, unconscious. "Allow me to introduce Yuuki," Naruto said making a sweeping motion to his right. The girl in question swung down from the ceiling and landed on the floor without making a sound.

"Nice to meet you," she said with a smile, making a curtsey. Then she turned to her master. "You were right – this was easy."

The moment they teleported into the office, Yuuki used the remnants of her 'Dust Dash' to get above ceiling paneling where anbu stood their guard. Dashing between them she stabbed each one with a senbon, making them drop unconscious. Right after the deed was done she deactivated her skill and waited for Naruto's introduction.

"Or you're just simply too good," he grinned™ and raised his palm up.

"Damn right," Yuuki grinned in return and gave him a high-five.

"What was this display for, if you don't mind me asking?" Sarutobi nudged himself back into the conversation.

"It was more of a test for Yuuki than anything," Naruto just waved it off. "Onto other matters," he said, changing topics. "This is for you," hanyou handed him a wooden box, after pulling it out of his inventory dimension. Sarutobi took it and opened it. Inside was a long smoking pipe made out of dark wood with golden ornaments. Below it was another compartment holding quite a bit of tobacco.

"This stuff won't actually hurt your health, but it's indistinguishable from the real one."

"Thank you, Naruto-kun," Hiruzen sincerely thanked him. His smoking habit wasn't doing him any favors, but he was too far gone to simply give it up.

"Sit back," Naruto said, hovering a ball of water above his right arm. "I'm going to clear out your lungs."

Hiruzen complied. Hanyou then moved in and with his left hand poked a few pressure points across Hokage's upper chest and neck, enhancing the effect with lightning chakra (something kitsune in the village taught him). The procedure was quite painful and his ministrations were necessary to dull the pain. Then he slowly brought his right hand forward, making the ball of water sink into his patient's chest. Hiruzen didn't feel any pain, only mind discomfort.

"Hold your breath," Naruto ordered.

He started gently swirling the yang chakra infused water, removing all taint from the smoker's lungs. In the course of the next two minutes small balls of black water floated out from Sarutobi's chest to hover above Naruto's left hand. Once the last drop of water was out, he whistled.

"*whistle* Now that's a lot of shit," Great One said, looking at the black water. "I bet you don't even remember breathing this freely," a grin formed on his face as he looked at the hokage, now taking deep breath of air.

"You're right. I feel so free now," a grin started forming on Hokage's own face. "Thank you, Naruto-kun."

"No problem. Now for my second present," he said, pulling out a palm sized black and silver probe (A/N: google 'Starcraft 2 protoss probe', if you're unfamiliar. Gold is replaced with black and blue with silver). "This little guy will help you out with paperwork."

The look on Hiruzen's face changed from 'interested, but confused' to 'almost childishly hopeful'. Naruto activated it. The silver parts started to glow brighter; the probe unfolded and started hovering.

"It will sort your documents – by urgency, alphabetically or by date of arrival. It also destroys any trash," at that the inventor picked up a piece of paper from the bin and tossed it to the probe. "Probe, trash," the probe immediately caught it with a silvery beam. A Thin black laser shot out from its eye and completely disintegrated the piece of paper. "It can lift up to 100 kg (A/N: 220.5 lbs) and can act as a security measure. In guard more it will scan the perimeter for any signs of life and will alarm you or eliminate them as per your choice. You, myself and Yuuki are immune to illumination. Also it's nearly impossible to destroy."

"That is… certainly interesting…" muttered the hokage. "How does it work?"

"You just say 'Probe' and then a command afterwards," Naruto explained. "It's intelligent, but not to the point of holding a conversation. It can read to you and do any calculation you may need."

"How intelligent exactly?" Sarutobi asked with a great deal of interest.

"Close to human, but, like I said, you won't be able to talk to it."

"Umm," at that point Naruto felt Yuuki's hand on his shoulder. "This invisible old man has been staring at me since we got here. It's starting to creep me out."

"Ah, don't worry, that's just Jiraiya," Naruto waved off her concerns.

"Oh," kitsune calmed down from that. "The same Jiraiya that tries to write the same books that you do, but fails miserably?" she asked innocently.

"Damn, apply Snow country to the burnt area! Nice one," duo exchanged another high-five.

"Well, that was uncalled for," the object of a burn said with a sweatdrop, dropping his invisibility cloak. "How did you know I was there? Regular shinobi can't sense me." There wasn't any confusion in his voice. Sennin pretty much figured who Yuuki were.

"You completely surrounded yourself with nature chakra. You're like a shining beacon to anyone who can feel it," the girl explained.

"Besides, your 'Transparency jutsu' isn't as perfect as you may think," hanyou joined in. "You're still a bit visible and the fact that there is the sun shining right from behind you isn't helping your case either. Combine it with my sharingan and your jutsu officially lost its effect."

"Does sharingan enhance your vision even while inactive?" Jiraiya asked, not really surprised as he knew that Minato had it and Sarutobi already told him about it.

"Yes. My vision is 20/20, I can see more colors than a normal person, my perception and attention to detail are increased as well."

"So, why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"You weren't important enough to pay attention to," Naruto shrugged.

"Oooh, we'll need an Ice style user for that one!" Yuuki exclaimed this time and partners shared another high-five.

"Sick burns aside. What do you want, Naruto-kun?" Hokage laced his fingers in front of his face. "You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't expect something in return."

"Oh, you know me to well," Naruto mock blushed. "However, you are correct," his tone immediately did a 180. "I want two things: First – Scroll of Seals. I need it just for a day."

"You know, there is a reason why Shodai-sama sealed those jutsu, don't you?"

"Of course, that is the reason why I'm asking for it," hanyou answered with a grin.

"You are not seriously considering giving him the Scroll of Seals, are you, sensei?" Jiraiya was seriously concerned.

"What is your second request?" Hiruzen ignored his student. Naruto turned his face to the toad sage.

"The key," he simply said, looking straight into sannin's eyes.

"You can't be serious. How do you even know about it?" Jiraiya was starting to lose it.

"*sigh* I'm a level five seal master, so it didn't take very long to figure that there is a key. There was no key found where the ritual took place and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that my father hid it with the toads. Thus you have access to it, or at least know of its location," Naruto explained. "Anyway, it doesn't really matter if you give me the key or not. I'll simply make one myself. It just won't be as safe as the original."

"How did you even become a level 5 seal master? Who taught you?" Sage knew the answer, but he needed to hear it from Naruto himself.

"*sigh* Kyuubi taught me," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Look, everything that jiji told you about me is true. Let's end it at that," Naruto held up his hands.

"Even the-" Jiraiya started, but Naruto cut him off.

"Yes, even the Kekkei Tõta, even the seven elements, even my genjutsu skills," our hero started to get annoyed. It also made sense for the Sannin to question his aptitude with illusions, since Uzumaki never really practiced them, aside from kitsune of course. "Can we just get back to the key?"

"Why do you even want it?" Sennin was getting desperate.

"To access more power," hanyou shrugged. "I've been stuck on three tails for the last two years. And I'll have to wait for two more to weaken the seal enough to gain a fourth tail."

"Why such a difference?" Hiruzen inquired. "You seemed to gain first three fairly easily."

"It has something to do with the three thresholds of power," Naruto said matter-of-factly. "Every three tails a kitsune gains a bigger increase in power than previously. A four tailed kitsune can take on two three tailed ones. With some difficulty, but their chances of victory are quite high. However, a five tailed one will have similar amount of trouble facing a single four tails," he felt like a school teacher right now. "I won't be going into details – it will take too long – and frankly I don't really care to give you all that information."

"That is… understandable," hokage nodded. "Uzumaki always were particularly adamant about keeping their secrets. Especially the secrets of their partners," he said glancing at Yuuki, who simply smiled.

"Anyway, back to the matter of the key," Naruto let the statement hang in the air, looking Jiraiya straight in the eye.

The man in question was getting anxious. Once he knew of Naruto's birth, he expected a red haired ball of sunshine, with the same easy going and charismatic personality as his father, that would grow to be as ferocious as his mother on the battlefield. When he received Hiruzen's report, however, he was forced to reconsider his image for the newborn as the first messages from Hiruzen came just a few months after his birth. Change in hair color, slitted eyes and accelerated growth – for a moment he thought something went wrong and Kyuubi has taken over. However, he quickly dismissed the thought, since if the fox was actually a kitsune that lost its mind from too much chakra, like he believed, they all would be done for already.

When Sannin learned about Naruto's intellect and fighting style, he was both elated and wary. He was right about Kushina's ferociousness and the ever present Uzumaki genius. However, there was a darker side to him. His sense of unease only increased after he heard about the time Naruto spent in his mindscape; with Kyuubi teaching him, no less! But he had faith in the son of his student.

And now all of his worries were coming back. In front of him stood a man – not a child. Any experienced shinobi could tell that. Jiraiya wasn't a sensor, but he could feel power radiating from the man in front of him. At first Naruto's eyes were careless – maybe even naïve -, but as the time went on, Jiraiya realized just how mistaken he was. Right now looking at him were the eyes of a prod man, eyes of someone who knew that he was superior. Jiraiya couldn't lie – it irritated him a little. Maybe it was that irritation, or maybe his knowledge on how to play the pride of his opponents, that drove him to say these next words. Maybe it was his own pride, combined with his wide range of skills that drove the voice of reason and self-preservation away, as the words left his mouth:

"I will give you the key," Jiraiya said, making Hiruzen raise his eyebrow, ",but," he raised his finger, ", but only if you beat me in a fight, all in."

As soon as those words left his moth, Naruto's eyes turned red and he grinned.

"Oh, you. Are. ON," Naruto said in a demonic voice, making pauses after each word.

Immediately toad sage regretted his decision. A proud and haughty man was gone. He was replaced by a bloodthirsty warrior.

"The usual training ground, in an hour," hanyou said. "Oh, and ask Shisui to come as well."

Hiruzen nodded. HE already realized that just ignoring matters regarding Naruto were the safest route. For both his physical and mental health. No one hand him that whipped since his wife. "Do you want the Scroll of Seals now, Naruto-kun, or after you fight."

"Now, please," his demeanor shifted to cheerfulness again.

At that hokage stood up and motioned Naruto to come along. Yuuki followed suit and Jiraiya was left with a sense of foreboding he only remembered feeling before his most recent spars against Minato. Only now the feeling was raised to the power of a battle ready Kushina.

Hiruzen led the non-human duo to Hokage's personal storage room. It was located on the top floor, in the center of the tower. The room itself wasn't all that big, but the walls were laced with seals. It was filled with scrolls and items, however, only two items caught Naruto's attention – the big Scroll of Seals at the end and a thinner, but equally long red one to his right. As Sarutobi went for the big scroll, hanyou moved to the red one.

"Found something of interest, Naruto-kun," old man asked, returning with the scroll.

""Yeah, this scroll has a blood seal on it," he said, picking up said scroll.

"If I remember correctly, this was one of Mito-sama's personal possessions," Hiruzen trailed off.

"Well, since no one aside from a main branch Uzumaki can open it, can I take a look at it?"

"I don't see why not. Go ahead."

Using his fang, Naruto bit his thumb and grew it across the seal. It flashed red and, after a few seconds, turned green, slowly fading away. He set the scroll on the floor and unrolled it. Inside were multiple maps with a storage seal under each one. Also, to the side of each map was a writing Sarutobi couldn't read.

"Can you read this, Naruto-kun?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's a language Uzumaki created."

In reality it was just Latin, but since everyone in this world spoke Japanese and used kanji, it was a completely foreign language to them. From the books Naruto found out that originally everyone in the world spoke the same language, however, some Uzumaki scientists became a little paranoid and decided to create a completely new language to hide the fruits of their research. There were actually a few language books bound by a blood seal in the kitsune library.

The maps in the scroll were the locations of all the Uzumaki hideouts with the descriptions on how to get to them and the storage seals contained keys to those places.

New quest: Rebirth of Uzumaki.

Main objectives:

-Visit all Uzumaki hideouts

-Find at least 15 pure blooded Uzumaki (0/15)

-Recreate the Uzumaki clan within Konoha

Bonus objectives:

-Find all surviving members of the Uzumaki clan

-Vengeance (0/3)

-Remake Konoha into an Uzumaki village


-600 exp per main objective, +1500 rep with Uzumaki

-1500 exp per bonus objective, +3000 rep with Uzumaki, ability to modify Konoha.

'Oho, now that's what I call a quest!' Naruto had to resist an urge to rub his hands together and chuckle evilly.

"What's with the 'Vengeance' part?" Machiko let herself known.

"0/3 leads me to believe that I must exact vengeance upon three villages that destroyed Uzu."

"Makes sense. Especially with that rep increase."

Naruto unsealed all seven keys and stored them in his own space. After memorizing the maps and adding them to his 'Uzumaki' folder, he rolled up the scroll and sealed it back with the same blood seal, then put it back in its place.

"You saw nothing," Great One pointed at Hiruzen, who stood there for a moment, staring into space. Then he snapped out of it.

"Here's the Scroll of Seals you wanted," he said, handing Naruto the giant scroll. It was surprisingly light. Hanyou use the strap that came with the scroll to sling it across his back, in place of his sword.

"See ya in an hour," Naruto saluted his hokage, grabbed Yuuki's shoulder and they vanished in black lightning.

At the training ground 25

Naruto and Yuuki appeared in a small clearing near the ravine.

"Looks… underwhelming…" kitsune mused.

Naruto simply snapped his fingers and a barrier flared to life. As Yuuki's mouth made a cute 'O' Naruto set down the Scroll of Seals.

"Is it me, or the Hokage was way too compliant?" Yuuki tilted her head.

"That was just a byproduct of my little trip," hanyou said grinning™, as he unrolled the scroll.

"The one from eleven months ago?" She remembered the only time her master left to go to the elemental nations.

"Yep," a strip of chakra reinforced paper appeared as the scroll rolled away from Naruto.

"What did you do then?" Yuuki didn't let her curiosity get better of her at the time, but now, after seeing the effects, she just had to ask.

"Well, it went something like this…" he started his story, studying the scroll.

(Flashback – 11 months ago. A fair warning – there's some pretty graphic shit in here.)

Naruto was peacefully sipping his tea after lunch, when he felt a pull. Creating a clone to explain his situation to the kitsune, he hiraishined to the hokage.

"What's the emergency?" hanyou asked straight up, still sipping his tea. No one was in the room except for the two of them. Hiruzen was sitting in his usual place, fingers laced in front of his face.

"The council wants to meet you, Naruto-kun."

"Hm, does it now? When?" Naruto grinned™.

"In thirty minutes."

"Are they testing your word that I'll be here immediately at your notice?" his grin widened, voice dripping with amusement.

Sarutobi simply nodded and hanyou sat down on the couch to finish his tea. In the next thirty minutes Naruto disappeared twice to refill his cup, while Hiruzen tried to explain what he should do. Our hero, however, didn't bother to listen as he had already formed a plan.

Finally the time X was upon them. They left Hokage's office and headed to the council room. Naruto didn't bother with a henge, since Hiashi and a few other council members could easily see through it.

As they entered the room all the talking seized. All present were seated around a rectangular table, each with a chair that had a clan symbol engraved into them. Three civilian council members were at the far end of the table. The hokage took his seat, closest to the door. Naruto stood next to him with an impassive look on his face.

"Now that everyone is here, care to explain why did you feel the need to summon Naruto-kun here?" Hiruzen started.

"Because we need to fill him in on some misinformation he might have received," Fugaku started.

'Read 'put him in his place',' Naruto thought with a mental smirk. His face remained unchanged.

"That he can come and go as he pleases," Homura interjected.

"He is an asset to our village," Koharu put in her two cents. "He must be kept under constant watch."

"I say we just kill the demon and be done with it!" a fat civilian said. "He received his training and just went Kami knows where. He clearly has no love for Konoha!"

'You got that right.'

Truth be told, Naruto couldn't even bring himself to be amused by this anymore. He looked at those humans in front of him and couldn't help but feel something akin to what a normal person would feel looking at flies, buzzing over a carcass of a road kill.

"Why, you-" Tsume started to growl, but was interrupted by Naruto addressing the hokage.

"Why the hell those three cum gobbling cock slaps are even here?" he asked quietly, but loud enough for the rest to hear.

'Might as well milk the situation for what it's worth.'

The room was silent for a moment, but then it was broken by Tsume's laughter as she saw the look of shock and disgust at the civilians faces.

"I mean why the fuck a disgustingly posh shit spewing pig," he said pointing at the fat man, "a withered pug," this time he pointed at an elderly woman that held a remarkable likeness to aforementioned dog, "and Voldemort's brother caught in a napalm shower would be discussing a clearly military matter," at last he pointed at the third civilian. All was said in a calm nearly emotionless voice.

By the end of Naruto's line Tsume was doubled over and slamming her fist into the table, roaring with laughter, Choza was laughing as well. Even Inoichi and Shikaku were chuckling. Hiashi actually cracked a small smile; he had the same opinion Naruto held. The rest were scowling or gaping at the Hanyou.

Finally the fat man regained his composure. He slammed his hands into the desk and stood up.

"Now listen here-" he started but was interrupted by a knife sailing through the air and pinning down his palm to the table.

"No, you will listen," hanyou said in a freezing voice that got everyone silent; it even stopped the scream from the fat civilian. Slowly a wooden arm chair rose from the ground, seats cushioned with moss. Naruto sat on it like it was a throne. "The only reason why I came here today is to show you all exactly why you don't fuck with me." He swept the room with his gaze; everybody were sitting quietly, eyes on him.

Finally his eyes stopped at the fat man.

"Take it out," the man pulled out the knife from his hand. "Cut around your wrist," the man started doing just that. The blade of the knife Naruto made was infused with a bit of fire chakra, just enough to prevent the bleeding debuff from appearing. That just made civilians task of not crying out that much harder. Chakra truly is a powerful thing; even a civilian in this universe was more resilient than a human in other worlds.

"Make a cut to your elbow," was Naruto's next command. With a shaking hand he did just that. "Make another ring." Naruto wanted everyone to know – this man was at his complete mercy and without use of any jutsu. For the first time since entering the council chambers Great One grinned™, as the man finished the third cut. "Remove the skin." And the man screamed.

Everyone watched in morbid fascination as the man in front of them – without any resistance – started ripping the skin of his forearm. Two civilians next to him threw up to the side at the sight and sound of skin tearing from the muscle. Screaming in agony the man ripped more and more of his skin, without the help of the knife.

After twenty minutes of ear splitting screams, the man was done, but not Naruto. He made about a fist sized bag and tossed it to the civilian. "Rub it in." Man opened the bag and his eyes widened in horror as his hand moved a generous pinch of salt to sprinkle it on his exposed forearm. If his screaming was loud before, now he was seriously threatening to snap his vocal cords. However, the rest of the people present almost snapped their necks, turning to a more horrifying sound, coming from the opposite side of the table.

There sat Naruto… with a bucket of pop corn on his lap. When he noticed stares directed at him, everyone snapped their heads back. The sadistic look of genuine enjoyment on Naruto's face was far scarier than the sight of a man salting his own arm.

About ten minutes later, the bag of salt was empty and the civilian couldn't scream anymore – only muffled rasps were coming from his mouth now.

"Eat it," hanyou's words dropped like a butcher's cleaver.

The crying man sank his teeth into his own dripping flesh, taking put big bites and chewing them thoroughly. Bite after bite, he got closer to the bone, blood dripping generously down his chin, his tongue burning from all the salt.

When the man was ¾ done, Naruto emptied out the last bits of pop corn from the bucket and turned it into ash.

"*sigh* Well, this is getting boring," he rested his head on his hand. It was high time to end it. "Rip it out."

Civilian grabbed the thinner of the two bones and pulled. It took him four tries to rip it out, seeing how there was still some meat on his arm. Using a bit of wind chakra Naruto cut off the tip of the bone, making it into a sharp point. "Throat," he simply ordered. The man complied immediately, piercing his artery. As he removed the bone a spray of blood shot out, nearly reaching the other end of the table.

When man's head hit the table he was dead. A shadow crept along the table and engulfed the man. Once it retreated no traces of the body were left.

"And now you will forget all that happened." Naruto grinned for the last tome and disappeared in a flash of black lightning.

(Flashback end.)

"What was the point if you made them forget everything?" Yuuki asked. She wasn't sure what she should be feeling right now. Disgust, fear, repulsion – all of them would be normal, but she didn't feel anything. Perhaps not experiencing it firsthand couldn't give her enough motivation to feel something.

"Ah, human memory is such an interesting thing, Yuuki," he said, now almost done studying the scroll. "They may not have the memory anymore, but the feelings and emotion remained."

"Soooo, basically everyone who was in that room are now scared shitless of you?" kitsune guessed.

"Hmm, more like… cautious and much more complied to follow my wishes." Naruto rolled the scroll back up and stored it in his inventory dimension. "We have 35 more minutes left; want to go grab a bite?"

"Sure," she smiled.

Half an hour later both of them were walking back to the training ground, eating some takoyaki. Hiruzen, Shisui and Jiraiya were already waiting for them.

"Yo," Naruto saluted everybody after swallowing. "Since everyone is already here, let's get started."

"Started with what exactly?" Shisui asked.

"Our last spar," he answered, walking to the center of the clearing. Yuuki took the remaining food and went to sit in a shade of a nearby tree.

"So you vanish for a year and think you can beat me?" anbu grinned. He too moved to the center of the clearing, stopping about 5 meters (16.5 feet) away from our hero.

Instead of answering Naruto activated his sharingan; three tomoe spinning lazily and unsheathed Kusari.

"You know what you have to do in order to win, don't you?" Shisui smirked as his eyes changed into a four pointed shuriken.

"Of course," hanyou's sharingan continued its lazy spinning as it started to morph. Three tomoe extended both towards the middle and the rim of Naruto's eye. They bent making a sharp looking curve, finally three dots appeared – one in between each curving line (A/N: Just scroll up and look at the cover image for this story). Naruto held Kusari in his right hand and swung it from left to right, taking it in a reverse grip. All the while rotating a mechanism in the handle – one turn right, half a turn left – something in the blade clicked and it extended.

Shisui swallowed as he looked at the too familiar sword. Its 50 cm (20 in) blade was separated into ten equal parts, cut at a 50° angle. Strips of metal wire could be seen running down the middle.

"Where did all that confidence go, Shisui?" Naruto said spinning his blade around while charging it with fire chakra.

"Oh, it's not going anywhere," anbu smirked and unsheathed his own flaming tanto.

"BEGIN!" Yuuki shouted from her spot.

Immediately Shisui used shunshin to close the distance between him and Naruto, only to jump back as his opponent became surrounded by two rings of flame courtesy of Kusari. He thought he avoided the flame covered blade, but the burning pain on his forearm proved otherwise.

'Damn it, of course he's using genjutsu. Even if it's just for half a second, it's still enough considering the speeds we're at.'

Shisui is forced to dodge again as a barrage of small fireballs is heading his way. He manages to dodge all ten of them and sets his eyes back on Naruto, who just winks at him.


He is quick to dispel another illusion, just in time to see a giant fire ball heading his way. Anbu jumps up and readies a handful of shuriken to launch with his 'Phoenix Flower' jutsu. His eyes widen as he feels heat behind him. The barrage of fireballs from earlier turned around and is now heading his way again.

'Kami, fuckin', damn it. I forgot how good his tracking is.'

Indeed 'Fire style: Phoenix Flower' can be controlled by chakra. And since Naruto's control was perfect, so was the tracking ability of the fire balls. Not wasting any time Shisui launches his prepared shuriken adding a bit of fire from his mouth. They collide creating an explosion, forcing him to shield his eyes.

Shisui lands on the ground, but before he could get his bearings, he feels more heat from above.

'Did I miss one!?'

Shunshining to his left he finally opens his eyes, but there is no explosion.

'Another illusion?'

Too late he notices a spinning fall of shuriken around him. Ninja wire binds him head to toe, biting deep into his skin. A stream of fire is quick to reach him. Roaring flame 'Fire style: Dragon Fire' burns him. The thin wire falls apart from the intense heat.

As the fore dies down, a green skeletal figure is reveled, Shisui's static Mangekyo Sharingan locked to Naruto's lazily spinning one.

A green skeletal fist rushes towards hanyou, but as it nears him, Naruto disappears in a blur of speed.

'What, since when is he so fast?!'

Little did he know, it wasn't Naruto's speed that increased, but rather his own perception of time that slowed down. That is the way 'Tsukuyomi mode' worked. An A Rank genjutsu barrier – a variation of 'Tsukuyomi' taking 1000 CP/min.

A flaming whip (or a chain, rather) wrapped around the skeleton's ribcage. Green chakra sizzled in the place of the contact. His hands weren't bound, however, so he moved to backhand Naruto away. Only to stop dead as giant white spikes impaled Shisui's body. A powerful A Rank paralysis jutsu enabled thanks to 'Tsukuyomi mode' bound anbu's body. Naruto pulled the handle of his whip/sword and it crushed Shisui's Susanoo, making him stagger from sudden chakra loss. This little incident cost him greatly in terms of chakra and stamina.

As he looked back up to find Naruto once more, he found him way too close for his liking. Their noses were almost touching. Then Naruto said one word, that sealed his fate.


The world exploded and shattered. The ground became an endless black mirrored surface connected to the same colored sky. The only thing indicating that there was even a sky was a silvery glow of the horizon and a burning silver moon in the sky, bathing everything on the ground.

Shisui spun around looking for his opponent. A second later, he wished he didn't. Instead of our hero he found a much… tougher adversary. Right at him were staring two giant silver slitted eyes; the slits being bigger than him.

Kyuubi's form was pitch black, only eyes and teeth gleaming as if they were made out of metal. A silvery glow started to gather in its mouth. Kyuubi opened up and a raging ocean of silver flame engulfed Shisui's form, erasing his form from existence.

In the real world things were a bit less dramatic.

"BEGIN!" Yuuki shouted from her spot.

Immediately Shisui used shunshin to close the distance between him and Naruto, only to fall face first to the ground without making it even half way up to him.

Yuuki was laughing on the ground kicking her legs, somehow still keeping the rest of the takoyaki intact. Hiruzen and Jiraiya were gaping at the spectacle in front of them.

"What the hell did you do?" asked dumbfounded Jiraiya. His previous sense of dread paling in comparison to his current one.

"Genjutsu," Naruto just shrugged, sheathing Kusari and picking up Shisui's unconscious body without trouble.

"What kind of genjutsu would even work on him?!"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe an S Ranked one?" our hero looked the sage straight in the eye with his EMS.

"'Tsukuyomi'," Sannin whispered under his breath.

"Bingo," hanyou lay down anbu's body under a tree. "He'll come around in about a day."

"Minato never managed to unlock it…"

"Want to give up and just hand me the key?" Naruto grinned™.

"Not a chance."

"Well then, let's get this bitch started!"

Omake: Cleaning the town. (Christmas special.)

Deep in the Konoha's underground sat Naruto's Silver shadow clone, waiting for a special delivery. And, just at that moment, as if by magic, a Black shadow clone appeared in a flash of 'Hiraishin'.

"Anybody ordered a delivery?" he asked, smirking.

Silver mirrored his smirk and took the box. Inside were two compartments, both with seeds. He took one smaller white seed and planted it in a pot he had prepared beforehand. Channeling some of his chakra and life force, he made the seed grow. In matter of seconds the seed grew into a small tree covered in orange fruits.

"Is that a miniature orange tree," Akashi asked.

"No, it's a mandarin tree," Black said tossing him one. "It's sweeter and easier to peal."

"Hm, it does have a rather nice taste…" the old man mused.

"It's better if you leave for the next one," Silver said diplomatically, finishing his own mandarin.

"As you wish," he bowed and left.

"Well, let's get to it," silver picked up a different seed. This one resembled a walnut, albeit a black one. He tossed it to Black, who promptly caught it and swallowed it.

Using his own chakra and life force as nourishment, he made the seed grow and fuse with his body. Silver supplied the rest of the chakra needed. The most important part of the procedure was not the amount of chakra used, but the quality of its base. Thanks to its violent nature, Black's skin turned into ebony bark covered in thorns. He grew more and more, vines erupting from his body, further increasing his size. A minute later in front of Silver stood a giant vicious and sinister looking creature.

"Project 'Ent' success," clone grinned™.

"500% More health and STR, but only Wood style available and 50% less DEX," Ent grumbled. "Although I won't be spending any chakra if use already existing plants."

"Not bad. Well. You know what to do," Silver patted the dark ent on the back.

"Hmm, could you make something for me?"

It was a regular day for bandits of Konoha. Doing their bandity things in their bandity hideouts. However, that day all of them deeply regretted one thing – making their bases underground… surrounded by tree roots… squaring off against an opponent that could control these roots at will.

Screams of dying were muffled by the thick layer of earth. All exits sealed by the mass of wood. There was no escape as a giant black, horned creature wearing a faded red coat with chains dangling from all over his body decimated nearly every one of the bandits. Despite its size, the creature was fast, but even as few hits landed on it, there was no visible damage. The bark was simply too strong.

Bodies ripped in half and utterly crashed by the chains, pierced by tree roots, dangling from the walls and ceilings littered every bandit HQ that night. Nearly every room was painted red with blood and guts.

"What are you," one of the survivors asked, her very soul shaking.

"Call me Krampus," he grinned broadly, shoving off two rows of long and sharp fangs. The woman promptly passed out.

Very few people were left alive to see a ten year old looking boy appear in a flash of black lightning. His shadow moved as if alive and consumed every body and made tree roots retreat back into the ground, repairing the stone walls in the process. At the end of it all, he said only one thing:

"Merry Christmas you dirty animals," he spat on the ground, "and a happy new year."

Next time: S – Rank.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Lvl: 12 (exp – 100/2000)

Age: 10 years (physical), 1062 years (mental), 5 years (spend in 'Naruto' world)

HP: 4090

CP: 13100

SP: 4395

LF: 2900

VIT: 490

STR: 389

DEX: 224

INT: 1310

WIS: 1310

INS: 1016

SPD: 223


Gamers' contract: you remember all your incarnations, perfect memory, RPGescue GUI in all worlds, granted mental time freeze,

Great one: INS cannot be lower than 1000, WIS cannot be lower than INT, change In form successful 100% of the time, +100% to effectiveness in all sensory abilities, granted ability to consume/enslave souls of lower life forms, ability to reach perfect control of all natures, all physical drawbacks are canceled,

Ashura's chakra: +10 VIT every lvl, +50% to team's morale, +50% to team's exp gain.

Uzumaki – dominant: +100 LF every lvl, +5 VIT every lvl, +5 STR every lvl, +5 INT every lvl, ability to reach absolute mastery in fuinjustu (max lvl 5), chains, +50% to effectiveness in all sensory abilities, red hair,

Namikaze – recessive: +5 SPD every lvl, +1 STR every lvl, +1 DEX every lvl,

Uchiha – recessive: +2 SPD every lvl, +1 STR every lvl, +1 DEX every lvl, Sharingan,

Preteen: LF is stable,

Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi no Yoko: +100 LF every lvl, +15 VIT every lvl, +15 STR every lvl, +100 INT every lvl, enhanced healing – in combat - 10 HP/s, out of combat – 100 HP/s, total immunity to all genjutsu below A – rank, ability to sense emotion,

Hanyou: got at lvl 3 - +5 VIT per lvl, +5 STR per lvl, +5 DEX per lvl, +5 SPD per lvl, enhanced healing – in combat - 40 HP/s, out of combat – 400 HP/s, 9 tails (they represent how much of Kyuubi's chakra is under your control), sense of smell x1000, night vision, enhanced sight – up to x10, enhanced hearing – up to x10, chance of successful transformation 10% (bonuses – chance of successful transformation 100%).