"Honestly, Dipper, sometimes you're truly infuriating!" Pacifica Northwest exclaimed, finding herself in yet another argument with her best friend.

"I'm infuriating? Pacifica, how am I supposed to know there's an issue, if you don't TELL ME what that issue IS?" Dipper Pines replied, raising his voice in irritation.

It's true, only Pacifica knew the true reason they were fighting.

"I don't know!" She yelled in frustration, turning away and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Cif, if you just tell me what's wrong..." He trailed off, his voice softening as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I shouldn't have to tell you! We've been friends for years, I don't know why you're still so.. So CLUELESS!" She shouted.

Dipped, having enough of this fight, grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around, sitting her on his bed next to him.

"Pacifica. I'm a guy. I'm an idiot. I'm probably the smartest guy you know, but I don't know why you're angry with me. So talk to me." Dipper stated softly, giving her a determined look that she couldn't say no to.

She sighed defeatedly.

"It all started when-"

She went into detail of what was bothering her. Dipper had been dating a new girl lately, Haley, and she'd been tagging along with them lately. A lot. Pacifica never got any alone time with him anymore, and when she did, they always fought. She just wanted her best friend back.

Somewhere within explaining herself, Pacifica began to cry. Dipper reached out for her and pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on her head as she let her emotions run free. He sighed.

"Paz," Dipper started, "I have to tell you something. And you might hate me for this."

"O-okay..?" Pacifica questioned, pulling out of the hug and wiping her eyes.

"Haley and I... We aren't together. We were, at one point, but we broke up. We didn't work out. The only reason she's still been hanging around me... Is to help me out with something." He explained, not meeting Pacifica's gaze.

"See... When we were all three hanging out together, I guess it was clear to her that... That I have feelings for you. She confronted me about then and I was honest with her, so we broke up. But she wanted to see if you felt the same about me.. So she made a plan for us to make you jealous." Dipper finished, hiding his face in his hands.

Pacifica was quiet.

"Paz, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was hurting you so much, it was so stupid, all of it. I told Haley it was a waste of time, but she said it was either that, or telling you how I feel..." He sighed, feeling like an idiot.

"Dipper..." Pacifica trailed, collecting her thoughts. Suddenly, she punched his arm as hard as she could.

"You big jerk!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him to engulf him in a hug.

Dipper instinctively hugged her back, thankful she didn't seem to totally hate him.

"I know, I'm a moron, I'm sorry," he apologized again, "honestly, it's a stupid crush, it'll pass. I don't wanna ruin our friendship." He decided.

Pacifica pulled away, grinning. "Dipper, you're really an idiot. It's a wonder why somebody like me, likes somebody like you as much as I do." She said pointedly.

"Wait.. So...?" Dipper said, his ears turning pink as he pieced it together.

"Yes. Dipper, I like you too." She smiled.

Dipped found himself grinning as he pulled Pacifica into another hug.

Pacifica pulled away, only slightly, into their faces were only a few inches apart.

Unable to resist, Dipper leaned forward and kissed her. It was a short kiss, but it was one that mattered.

After another kiss. And another. And a few more after that, they knew that nothing between them would be the same.