"Spyro, wake up! Spyro!" I heard Cynder shout as I slowly regained consciousness. "Come on Spyro! We got to go or we'll be stuck down here!" She shouted once I managed to push myself up with my shaky legs. She then proceeded towards the nearest tunnel leading for the surface, and it took me a few minutes to remember what was going on, but once I did I realized that it was the ground that was shaking, not my legs! I wasted no time sprinting after her, hoping that we could make it to the surface in time. We could have used our elemental powers to aid us, but the battle with the dark lord combined with the heat of being so close to the worlds core, drained us of all our energy. "Come on Spyro! Run faster! Cynder shouted back as we ran up a slope.

I looked up around that point, and saw the cracks in the ceiling just ahead of us growing bigger. I knew that it was about to collapse, so acting fast I rammed myself into Cynder with as much strength as I could manage, sending her flying forward. It was then that the ceiling gave way, and me and Cynder were separated from one another.

"Spyro! Are you alright?!" I heard her on the other side of the ruble.

"Yeah! I'm okay, but I can't get through! I'm drained!" I shouted back.

"Maybe I can try to find another way around!" She called out.

"Don't! It will take to long! Just get out of here Cynder!" I practically ordered her.

"I'm not leaving! you to die down here!" she pleaded, and I could have sworn I heard her crying.

"I'm not going to die Cyn! I'll find another way! I'll see you at Warfang, I promise!" I said as loud as I could so she'd hear me over the shaking of the entire world.


"No buts! Just get the hell out of here Cynder!" I could hear her sobbing moving away from the ruble, indicating that she was leaving. I waited until the sobbing was gone before I started running back towards the giant purple gemstone. Once I got there I looked around trying to find another way out, but every other opening in the earths crust was sealed by the plates rejoining. I was trapped. "Damn it!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I was scared, the more the thought of dying down there crept into my mind, the more afraid I became. I curled up into a ball, and started crying. I didn't want to die, I couldn't die. Not before I could tell Cynder that I... never mind. It was then that I sensed something coming at me from above, and looking up I saw a giant boulder speeding towards me! I barely managed to dodge it before it turned me into paste, and when I looked up I saw a light!

The boulder had created an opening in the earths crust, and I wasted no time in flying up towards it, dodging falling rocks and boulders that got in my way. But the closer I got the the opening, the smaller it became. It was closing in on itself, and once again I began to fear that I might be trapped. So I picked up the pace, flying as fast as my wings would allow me to go. When I finally flew through the hole I felt relief, I was out. But then I felt a sudden yank, followed by excruciating pain in my right wing. I let out a silent cry of agony as I looked down at it and saw that only half of it made it through the hole in time. The rest was cut off by the earth closing on it, and I was permanently grounded, and I will be for the rest of my life.

Without my wing it took me a month to realize that I was stranded on a tropical island about five kilometers in diameter, and the worst part was that the mainland with Warfang on it was within sight. I'm only a few miles off the coast, and I can't do anything to get there! (Sigh...)The island isn't all bad though, there is food aplenty like deer and elk, there is also a stream with fresh running water, and lots of fruit to choose from. The only main down side it the high number of grublins. Luckily with their master dead they seem rather calm so long as you don't venture to far into their territory. I've been on this island for three years now, and the only major confrontation with them happened two weeks ago.

I was out getting a drink at the stream when I heard the pained cry of a dragon in the forest that covered the island. I rushed over as fast as I could, but when I got there I was to late. At least thirteen dead grublins surrounded two adult dragons; one male and the other female. They were most likely on their way to Warfang, and stopped to rest on the island. Unfortunately the spot they chose to rest in was deep in grublin territory. The male was dead when I got their, but the female was still alive, though just barley, and was clutching something close to her chest. She looked at me with great (but understandable) shock when she saw me.

"Your-your supposed to be dead." She muttered weakly before she coughed up a bit of blood.

"Well I'm not, and neither are you." I said as reassuringly as I could.

"No-no, your wrong sir, I'm afraid I wont last much longer." she said sadly as tears began to fill up in her eyes.

"Hey- Hey! look at me. I got some red gems, they should help with the pain." I said as I pulled out a few red gemstones from the bag I always carry on me nowadays. I quickly crushed and ground them up before I applied them to her wounds. While I could tell that they weren't enough to fully heal her, they did relieve her of some of her pain.

"Thank you sir, that feels a bit better." She said as her rapid breathing slowed a bit. "But it still isn't enough."

"I know. I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"Please take this, and protect it for me." She said as she surprised me with the egg she was clutching protectively. "I can... see that you w-won't be able to... t-take it from here anytime soon, but can you least... look after my child? At least until... t-they are able to leave on... there own." She looked at me with pleading eyes, and I knew that this was her last request. So I reluctantly reached out and gently grasped the egg in my paw.

"I will." That was all I said. I was all I had time left to say before she closed her watery eyes and let out her final breath. I buried her and her mate on a clifftop with a great view of the main land, and I've done all I could to protect their egg from harm. And now I guess one could say, I'm the father of an over energetic pink fire dragoness that I still haven't even named yet. I'm stuck on either Flare or Ember.