I'm back!

(A bit later than I originally intended, but still..)

Anyway, here is the JeanxMarco extra that finally brings this whole story to an end. For the most part I really enjoyed writing it and tonight I finally got the inspiration to finish this off.

I really needed this to be over as I have had nothing to do with the Attack on Titan fandom for quite some time now and have been lacking in inspiration and drive to write about the characters. I feel that maybe in the future I might come back to them, perhaps once Season two is out, I do really enjoy writing Levi's character. But until then, maybe check out my other stories.. I hear they're alright.

Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting, I have appreciated everything (:


Three hundred and fifty eight days before the epilogue.

"Move in with me."

Marco lifts his eyes from the papers he was going over, and stares at Jean as if he'd gone insane. "I'm sorry?"

"Move in with me," Jean repeats his tone definite and sure.

Marco places the papers down on the table and stares at his boyfriend. "Don't you think it's a little soon?"

"We've been together for years, so why not?" Jean states shrugging his shoulders as if this wasn't the biggest decision of Marco's life. "Besides you practically live here anyway, and your apartment is across town. I live closer to your work, so wouldn't it just be more convenient?"

Marco's brow furrows as he listens to Jean's words. "You want me to move in with you because it would be more convenient?"

Jean gives him a blank look; damn he can be thick sometimes. He takes a deep breath as he leans across the table towards him. "I want you to move in with me because I love you."

A blush quickly spreads across Marco's brown cheeks causing Jean to grin. His grin widens as Marco begins to stutter, he loves to see him flustered.

"B-But Jean, there are things to c-consider. Like what if you get sick of me?"

Jean almost laughs but manages to stop himself when he notices the look of distress on Marco's face. Instead he smiles, his regular charming smile this time and gestures to his plate. "As if I could get sick of you, you make amazing French toast; I'd keep you around just for that." He can't stop the laugh that escapes his throat when Marco's expression doesn't change.

He sighs turning serious. He grabs hiss hand across the table, squeezing it tightly to reassure him that he's completely serious. "Please consider it."

Three hundred days before

"Jean, did you eat the last of the coco pops?"

The man in question slides the half empty bowl of brown cereal behind his book as Marco turns around. "No."

"Oh really?" He asks walking over to Jean's side of the table and pulls the bowl back out into plain sight. "Then what's this, huh?"

"Okay, so I might have had one bowl."

Marco pulls out the chair next to him, sitting himself down and hovering over the bowl of chocolately goodness. "You told me you didn't like it," He pouts.

"I actually hadn't tried it before," Jean responds, shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"You can buy the next packet then," Marco states, grabbing his coffee and standing up.

Jean smiles up at him, they're so domestic. He glances over Marco properly for the first time that morning and notices the suit he's donned. "You look hot."

Marco blushes at the compliment as he hides his red cheeks behind his mug. "I have that job interview today."

"The one at the high school?"

"Yeah," He replies, taking a shaky sip of his coffee, it's obvious he's nervous.

Jean puts his book down and leans towards him, placing a reassuring hand on his back. "They're going to love you."

Marco smiles, still slightly wavering and unsure.

"Trust me. We'll celebrate your employment tonight," He continues with a wink, placing a light kiss against his cheek.

Marco smiles properly then, more at Jean's antics than what he's actually saying. "I'll see you tonight."

And then he's out the door.

Two hundred and forty days before

"Who was that on the phone?"

Marco looks up to see Jean coming in the door, already removing his jacket that looks slightly damp from the drizzle outside.


"What did she want?" He's worried, not because of Mikasa exactly, but because of what she brings.

Namely one Eren Yeager.

"She just wanted to talk. It's been so long since we all saw each other."

Jean sighs, coming to sit next to him on the couch. "Please don't do this, Marco."

Marco's eyes are sad as he looks down, turning the phone over between his fingers. "He's hurting, Jean."

Of course Jean knew that Marco would bring this up. As soon as he found out who was on the phone he knew this is where the conversation was going. And that makes him mad, because what business does Eren have being in their discussions.

"Stop it!"

Marco flinches back at the hard tone. "Jean -,"

"No!" Jean knows he's being unfair, but the whole situation is screwed. "If you're going to ask me to see him the answer is no. I thought we'd both put him behind us?"

Marco looks guilty, and that almost makes Jean's heart break. Because he knows Marco has been having a hard time with this, no matter what problems they had between them, Marco always tried to see the good in Eren. Jean's only mad because he doesn't think that Eren has any redeeming qualities, not after he shut them all out. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Because I worry about him!" Marco yells, shocking Jean. It's not like Marco to lose his cool like that. Still, Jean's anger is just waiting for him to explode at his boyfriend.

"Don't!" Marco's eyes widen. "Don't worry about him! He's the one that cut us out. He's the one who decided that our friendship wasn't good enough for him. He's the one that chucked us to the side. So forget him!"

Marco says nothing more as he gets up and walks out of the room without another look at him.

Jean slumps into the couch. That was their first big fight since moving in together. And he hates that it's over someone who isn't even worth mentioning, let alone fighting over. He feels drained, he knows he should get up and apologise, but finds himself not willing to move.

A while later Jean hears shuffling behind him before the opposite side of the couch dips as Marco sits down.

"Jean, I'm sorry."

He says nothing as he flicks through the television channels, not wanting to speak on the topic any longer. Marco sighs beside him, he just wants to apologise.

"Look, I shouldn't have said anything. But I can't help but worry about him. Do you think that maybe we were too hard on him?"

Jean looks at him then with a piercing glare. The look alone would have been enough to cause Marco to drop it, but he's immune to it by now, he knows that it's just Jean putting up a front. He knows Jean still worries about Eren.

"He made his choice, Marco. Don't feel bad because he's too much on an idiot to realise just how great you are."

Marco smiles, knowing that Jean is only trying to make him feel better.

He misses Eren, they all do.

Two hundred days before


The voice on the end of the line sounds gravely and harsh, though it holds no real malice.


He hears a sharp intake of breath followed by silence.

He's not sure why he called. He should know by now that Eren doesn't want anything to do with him and yet he can't continue on how they are. Not when he's sure there is something he can do.


Eren's voice sounds so unsure. Marco can understand why, the last time they saw each other Jean and Eren exchanged words that caused more than a rift between them. He hates that he hasn't seen or heard from him since.

"Marco," Eren's voice is surer this time. "Why are you calling me?"

He's stumped for a moment. The truth is he really only wanted to hear Eren's voice, he wants to know if he's okay. Yet his constricted throat allows him to say none of that. Instead he whispers out.

"I miss you."

They're both quiet for a long time, neither sure of what to say. Until Eren breaks it.

"I'm sorry, Marco."

"Don't apologise to me, Eren," He can feels his eyes welling with tears and he sniffles to keep them at bay. "Please don't."

"I don't know what else to say," He whispers, his own throat tight. He hasn't felt such overwhelming emotions since Levi walked out on him and he silently curses Marco for getting such a reaction from him.

"I-," Marco begins before he cuts himself off. Eren hears a loud noise in the background and stays quiet, trying to listen in. Shuffling follows as he assumes Marco is moving around.

"Shit," He curses into the phone, confusing Eren.


Everything is silent until Jean calling in the background disrupts it. "Marco, are you home?"

"I'm in here Jean." And then he frantically ends the call. "I'm sorry, Eren."

The line goes dead.

One hundred days before

"You know I always expected Levi and Eren to get back together."

Jean turns his head to look sleepily at his boyfriend. Marco stares up at the bedroom ceiling with a smile on his face, though it's sad as if he's recalling a memory that bleeds melancholy.

"I know they had their issues, but somehow I always thought they'd work it out and find their way back to each other."

"They weren't good for each other, Marco."

"Why? Because they weren't like us? Because they had problems?"

Jean sighs. "Because they had bigger issues than we will ever have." Marco looks at him urging him to continue. "For one, Levi has some deep seated trust issues and two, Eren is a psycho."

"Doesn't that mean that they should have been perfect for each other then?"

Jean laughs, he can't help it. "I guess that's true."

His smile fades quickly.

"I guess some things just aren't meant to be."

Thirty nine days before

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"Why are you hovering?"

Marco pushes himself away from Jean's chair then, getting some distance. "Why are you so defensive lately?"

"Why are you so nosey?"

"Why are you hiding something from me?"

"Why do you need to know everything?"

This little game is becoming tiresome. "Because I'm worried about us!"

"You're overreacting." Jean voice is low, almost bored as his eyes never leave the computer screen.

"I'm overreacting?" Marco can't believe what he's hearing. "For months you've done nothing but ignore me in favour of staring at that computer screen and doing god knows what. Are you finished with me? Is that what this is, Jean?"

"Stop it!" He yells back, slamming his fists against the table. Marco watches as he shuts the laptop and stands, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

Jean doesn't even turn around as he walks out the door. "I'm leaving. Your screeching is getting on my nerves."

Marco stands rooted in place as the door slams shut, causing the walls to rattle slightly.

When did everything go so wrong?

Seven days before

April 7th

"Are you ready yet?"

Jean puts his left leg through his dark Jeans and tries to pull them up his legs quickly. "Yeah, just give me a second."

Marco's looks at him from the door. "We're already running late, can you hurry this up a bit."

Though his words insinuate annoyance his eyes give away the humour he's finding in watching Jean struggle. "Are they the wrong size? I didn't want to say anything, but you look like you've put on weight lately."

"Oh shut up, Marco," He answers, finally getting the pants around his hips and doing the button up. He looks up to see Marco grinning at him from the door. "It's my birthday, you're supposed to be nice to me, you know."

Marco's expression turns into one of mock offence at his words. "I am being nice. I'm taking you to dinner after all."

Jean walks over to the door, wrapping his arms tightly around Marco. "I know, and I appreciate that. But you know we could just stay here, order some pizza," He leans in to kiss his neck lightly, teasingly. "Just have the night all to ourselves."

He can feel Marco's resolve begin to waver as he continues to run his lips over his skin, he shudders before pushing Jean away slightly. "Come on, Jean. I've had this planned for months, and you are not going to seduce me so you can get out of it."

He steps out of Jean's arms laughing as he pouts.

"When are we going then?"

Marco looks down at his watch even though he already knew they're running late. "Now."

Jean wasn't sure what to expect from the night. They were never ones for fancy dining so he wasn't at all surprised when Marco pulls into the parking lot of a diner they've been to a hundred times since they began living together.

"You love this place, don't you?" He asks from the passenger seat. He notices how white Marco's knuckles are as the skin strains tightly over them as he grips the steering wheel. He opens his mouth to ask if he's okay when Marco turns to him, a grin on his face.

"We love this place."

Jean can't argue that.

They walk in the doors and are quickly greeted and seated at their usual table by one of the waitresses before she takes their drink order. Jean stares at Marco across the table when she leaves, the stupid grin still causing the skin under his eyes to crinkle slightly as he looks over the menu.

They order their meals and are left by the waitress to stare at each other across the table. Marco's grin has now faded into a tight line and Jean can't help but feel a tension between them tonight, one that he's never experienced before. He doesn't like it. Marco seems reserved, almost worried about something, his usual composed expression turned into one that is slightly stressed.

"Marco, are you okay?" He asks, because he can't stand the tension for another moment.

He's surprised when Marco's hand reaches out and grabs his tightly across the table.

"You know I love you, right?"

Jean's eyes widen at the sudden words. "Ah, yeah? Marco, what's going on?"

He watches as Marco takes in a shaky breath before he stares right into his eyes.

"I didn't want to make it a big romantic gesture because I know how much you hate being put in the spotlight like that," He takes in another breath, stumbling over his words. "B-But I need you to know how I feel about you. I love you, Jean. I-I want to be with you forever."

"M-Marco, w-what are you d-doing?"

He looks into Marco's dark eyes which are the most serious he's ever seen them. He smiles slightly.

"Marry me, Jean."

Jean feels his eyes begin to water at Marco's words; they've never been a particularly cheesy couple and while the proposal is just Marco sitting across the table from him, holding his hand tightly in his with an expression that is bordering on worry the longer Jean keeps quiet, he can't help but think that it's as cheesy as they come. Sure Jean's thought about it, thought of marrying Marco, but he always thought that just being with him would be enough; he wants to stay with Marco forever too. And yet he can't get his mouth to cooperate with his brain and say the words out loud.

"Jean?" He looks up into Marco's worried eyes, and yet he still can't speak.

"Oh god, is this too soon? Have I freaked you out? God if you say no this is going to be so awkward, because everyone is staring at us and our food hasn't even come out yet and we're going to have the most awkward dinner. And oh god, I just ruined your birthday, didn't I? Dammit. Jean I'm so sorry, I take back what I said if that's what you want. If it's too soon, shit." He begins to loosen is hold on Jean's hand when he grabs it back tightly.

"Marco, shut up," Marco stares at Jean with matching watery eyes, Jean feels his heartstrings pull tightly. "Are you crying?"

Marco swipes his spare hand across his face trying to rid himself of the tears that were beginning to fall. "No."

"Marco, look at me."

Its few second before he moves his arm.

"Yes, I mean I'm a little annoyed that you asked me first. But yes."

Those words cause the tears to start again; they flow so quickly he has no hope of stopping them.


Jean squeezes his hand tightly. "My answer is yes, Marco. I want to be with you forever."

Marco stares at him through blurring eyes as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "Y-You were going to ask me? Then why were you crying?"

Jean almost laughs, how could he not know? He lets go of his hand and leans across the table placing both his hands on his face. Marco stares at him, his eyes wide with shock. "Because I'm so happy."

Marco's eyes light up as Jean leans forward and kisses him.

"Now stop crying."

Marco wipes his sleeve across his eyes again, trying his best to no look like a sobbing fool.

The waitress returns with their food then congratulating them both as she smiles at them knowingly before she leaves them to their dinner.

They drive home late, much later than they normally would when they go out to dinner. They would have left sooner but they were enjoying the complimentary desserts they received from the restaurant.

They never have desert when they go out.

Marco drives the dark road carefully. Jean has always made fun of the old grandpa way Marco drives, the man had always looked at him seriously, every time stating that road safety is no laughing matter.

Jean always laughed anyway.

"So what happens now?" He asks, leaning back against the seat as he stares out the windscreen.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you have any plans for us, or are you just playing it by ear?"

Marco laughs quietly. "Honestly I only planned up to asking you."

For once Jean is surprised, Marco usually has everything in his life planned out. "I guess we'll figure it out together."

He places his hand on his knee and smiles over at him. "I love you, Marco."

Marco smiles knowingly, "I love you too, Jean."

He takes his eyes off the road for a second, only so he can smile at Jean.

It was only a second.

And Jean's eyes are wide in horror, as his face is illuminated brightly by the lights of an oncoming car.

"Marco, watch out!" He screams. Though it's a hopeless sound, as if he already knows he's too late but feels the need to do it anyway.

Marco stares forward again, sees the light of the car coming straight towards them, speeding, out of control. He turns the wheel sharply, hoping that it will be enough to get them out of the way, to get them to safety. He knows he's failed when his body is jolted to the side, a searing pain making its way through his entire body. He tries to scream, but his mouth opens without any sound. He feels his head smash against something, the roof maybe, as the car flips onto its side. He watches as the glass of the widescreen cracks and shatters inwards, the glass stinging his face as it flies against him, cutting his skin.

He wants to tell Jean that it's okay, that they'll be fine. That they can plan their wedding and they'll live together and love each other for the rest of their lives. But he's afraid the rest of their lives together just got a lot shorter.

The car comes to a halt on its roof, the windows smashed and metal twisted beyond repair. He can feel the steering wheel digging into his stomach and he's aware instantly that it's bad. Really bad. He turns his head slightly to look at Jean; whose eyes are open and staring at him in horror.

"M-Marco," He stutters, his eyes glassy with tears as he stares at him, both covered in blood and struggling to hold on.

Marco opens his mouth to finally tell him. To tell him they'll be fine, it isn't that bad, but he knows that's a lie. He knows that Jean knows he doesn't have that long. He feels lightheaded as he loses blood, the car spinning as the world around him darkens. He feels warmth against his cheek and instantly knows its Jean's hand.

No Jean, you shouldn't move, you're hurt.

He tries to speak, to tell Jean that he's going to be okay, that he's going to live and that he loves him. But the words never make it out of his mouth; only one long drawn out breath as his body leans forward, weighing down against the steering wheel. The last thing he hears is the sound of sirens coming closer to them which are almost silent over the piercing wail of Jean's screams.

He just wanted to spend his life with Jean.

That was all.