Summary: Two women gave birth on the same day at the same hospital. Due to a nurses error they both ended up with each others child. This doesn't come to light until Regina Mills husband DNA test's their daughter that looks nothing like either of them. DragonQueen with twins little!Emma&Elsa and a little!Lily.

PS: If you want to read a well written DragonQueen story with a little Emma and Lily, Gravity in the Air has two stories. A Rose by Another Name and Out of the Woods. She writes alongside another really great author RowArk who does sister stories with her. =p

She couldn't fight the anger that rose deep in her chest as she looked down at the paper that her soon to be ex-husband slapped down in front of her. It was proof that he didn't trust her word, that he went behind her back and swabbed their three year old daughter's mouth but it was also proof that she wasn't really their daughter. And I mean, how could they have fooled themselves into believing she was. Once her dark hair fell out and grew it a bleach colored blonde and her eyes settled from their newborn gray and into the brightest green she had ever seen, she had her doubts.

"I told you. For years I told you she wasn't mine. I just didn't know she wasn't yours either."He couldn't resist the jab at the brunette woman across from him.

"This is utterly ridiculous! You were there when I gave birth!" Regina spat, throwing the papers on the floor. They had been arguing for the better part of the year, but everything reached its boiling point when Robin told Emma not to call him daddy because he wasn't her father

"It's right there in black and white! This little girl isn't ours! I knew something was off when that nurse brought her back! Somebody else has our child, but you're content with her!" He slammed his fist down on the table loudly, startling the little girl who was playing merely feet away.

"Mama..." Emma sniffled from her spot on the floor.

"Darling its okay, Papa is just upset." Regina was quick to assure her.

"She is not your mother and I'm not your father! You want to play this game? Fine by me! I have a son and a fiance to get home to." He sneered, reminding her of his long term affair with his secretary Marian. The man walked out of the home he had shared with Regina and Emmalyn for several years, and Regina was ecstatic that they had went with Mills as her daughter's last name. When the door slammed Emma started sobbing where she stood, and Regina roughly massaged her temples. It wasn't like she could call her nanny and have her come watch Emma while she went out for a drink to clear her head. So she called the next person available.




"Hello darling." Her father answered the phone right as Regina was about to hang up.

"Daddy, he had her DNA tested. She isn't ours." Regina spoke lowly, so Emma wouldn't hear. But with the way the girl was screaming her head off, she truly wondered if the girl could hear her anyways.

"Honey, you have to calm down the little Sundrop. She'll make herself sick." Henry gently reminded her. He knew since Cora had vocalized her doubts about Emma's paternity, everyone knew. Now it was just confirmed.

"I can't! I contacted Kathryn, whomever her mother is- she's going to take her, Daddy. I'm already too invested! This is killing me!" Regina broke for the first time in nine months.

"Darling, you are her Mama. Nobody can ever take that away from you. You changed every diaper and soothed every fever. You are the one she wants when she is hurt or feeling sad. Don't deny that precious girl her mother for a moment longer!" Henry said firmly, knowing it was what Regina needed to hear. When the phone dropped and he heard his daughter soothing his granddaughter, he allowed himself to smile. He could hear the faded murmurs of "It's okay baby, Mama's got you. Mama's got you" before he hit the end button on the receiver.

"She isn't hers, is she?" A stone faced Cora looked to her husband. If anybody had bonded with Emma since birth besides Regina, it would have to go to Cora. When Henry shook his head in the negative, she let out a shuddered breath before composing herself.

"We're not losing her. Even if we have to use every last penny to fight." Cora looked determined, and it was a look that he had seen on her face countless times. If there was one thing about his wife that he could say he loved and hated, it would be the fact that she never lost.

Three days Later:

Regina sat across from her childhood best friend who shot her a grim smile. The brunette looked towards her blonde hair green eyed child, and she knew she would break if she had to give Emma to someone else. It didn't matter to her that her biological child was out there, because her daughter was sitting right in front of her playing with a squishy version of Donatello.

"The results haven't come back in our favor. I'm sorry to say this but there is no possible way that she is your biological child." Kathryn delivered the heart stopping news.

"What are you saying, Kathryn? How the hell does something like this even happen?" Regina hissed, anger was the only thing keeping her from curling into a ball and crying.

"Hospital error. The nurse on duty that night worked fifty six hours straight. She claims she fell asleep and there is a possibility that she gave you the wrong baby and gave yours to another woman. This is where things get complicated." Kathryn swallowed harshly.

"Just tell me! This has been dragged out for long enough! Just tell me what I need to do to keep my daughter with me!" Regina exclaimed.

"There was only one other woman who gave birth during that same week as you. Her name is Mallory Nolan. We went to high school with her. She was the Captain of the Soccer team since the eighth grade." Kathryn reminded her.

"Yes I remember! I also remember she hates me!" Regina replied snarky.

"The problem is she no longer lives in Storybrooke. She moved shortly after giving birth to Portland, which isn't too far from here. From the documents I was able to obtain, she gave birth to twins. Elsa Jane and Lilith Paige. I have reason to believe that Lilith is your biological daughter." Kathryn answered, ignoring her friends rudeness.

"And how did you come to this assumption?" Regina rolled her eyes while grinding her teeth.

"Because she looks just like you. And its quite clear that Elsa is related to Emma." Kathryn pushed pictures of both girls. They were professionally taken with both girls giving wide smiles. While looking at the picture of Elsa, it was clear to her that she was blood related to Emma. They had practically the same face except for Emma had Mallory's chin and instead of Elsa having green eyes, they were a bright blue. However it was looking at Lily that should could see the girl had Robin's paler complexion but she looked just like Regina did at that age. In fact looking at this picture now, she would swear Kathryn had stolen it out of her parents living room.

"Tell me about them." Regina gingerly placed the photos down, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"All I know is the what I was able to gather off of Ms. Nolan's Facebook page. Both girls look very well taken care of, however there is no father in the picture. Elsa does ice skating, dance and the violin, while Lilith is in dance, gymnastics and plays the piano." Kathryn paused when Regina spoke.

"And Emma does swimming,soccer, and dance" Regina looked down fondly at Emma.

"Their birthday's are the same August 9th and they go to one of the best daycare in Portland. Mallory works as an veterinary in her own Animal Clinic. She owns a four bedroom, three bath home with a picket fence and a pool." Kathryn rattled off

"Okay, you have still yet to tell me how I keep my daughter." Regina pointed out.

"Those details need to be worked out when Mallory arrives in Storybrooke. However I promise you I will do everything in my power to insure that Emma stays with you. While this is rare at best, it has also happened several times and nearly every time the child remained with the family that raised it. However it might get bitter if Mallory tries to fight for Emma." Kathryn warned

"She can fight all she wants! Emma is my daughter!" Regina refuted.

"Mama I'm hungry." Emma spoke slowly to make sure she pronounced every word correctly.

"Well let's go fix that, hmm?" Regina scooped up her daughter, before sending one last look to Kathryn.

"Please make sure Ms. Nolan knows, she will be in for the fight of her life if she pursues this." Regina adjusted Emma on her hip and the girl waved good bye to her Auntie Kat.

She had never suspected that something like this could happen. Nobody ever looked at her funny for having one blonde child and another with the darkest chocolate hair she had ever seen. Both girls acted like true twins outside of extracurricular activities and they both loved each other more than anything. Whenever she looked at Lily, she thought she was simply seeing Diaval in her child. Yet now she couldn't get the image of Regina Mills from her brain. Her daughter had the same hair and eyes as her old high school crush. Her mannerisms and the way she carried herself simply screamed Regina in bold letters. Not to say that Elsa wasn't just as refined but Lily carried herself with this air of arrogance that Mal found amusing in a child. Elsa was much softer in that regards. It wasn't even hitting her that she had another little girl out there, because to her she was looking at her children.

Both girls were tucked into bed, Lily's side of the room was a royal purple while Elsa was a powder blue...that was Regina's favorite color. Tears burned her eyes when she looked at her darker haired Princess. She couldn't and wouldn't give her up for the world. Lily and Elsa had given her purpose when she fell pregnant at twenty-one.

"Mal, what's wrong?" Ruby jogged into the house after getting her best friend's SOS text.

"I just got a call from a lawyer in Storybrooke. I'm being summoned along with the girls." Mallory licked her lips before turning to the brunette.

"Okay, why?" Ruby frowned.

"They are saying that Lily isn't mine. That she was switched at birth." Mal tried to stay strong

"What? Did they find out with who?" Ruby questioned.

"Do you remember Regina from high school? Her little girl's name is Emmalyn. Apparently her husband DNA tested her because he thought she cheated or something. My god, what if she takes Lily from me?" Big fat tears rolled down Mal's face while she clutched her stomach. She felt like she was going to be sick.

"That's not going to happen. We don't even know if its true yet." Ruby went to hug her.

"She sent me a picture, that little girl looks just like Elsa. She's so beautiful Ruby and I'm conflicted. I want to keep all three of them." Mal admitted, pulling out the picture that Kathryn had faxed over. Ruby's jaw dropped when she saw Emma clad out in her little red and black soccer uniform with her cleats and everything as she was about to kick the ball. She was passed another picture of Emma in a tutu and ballerina bun. Her dimpled cheek grin came from Mal, no doubt.

"Mal I know this is a lot. But you were just saying how you didn't want Lily to be taken from you. If I remember Regina correctly, she isn't just going to let you take her daughter from her. It wouldn't be right either." Ruby gently reminded her.

"I know, I know." Mal hung her head.

"Mama I thirsty." Elsa yawned from the doorway and Mal went to pick her up.

"Where is sissy?" Mal asked the three year old.

"Her sleep." Elsa yawned as Mal walked around to grab her spill proof cup with a crazy straw. Filling it up with white grape juice and water, she handed it to Elsa and sat her on the counter.

"Ellie, we're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship." Mal smiled at her daughter, trying to at least ease on of her babies into the process.

"Soarim through da sky. Wittle Eisenstein!" Elsa cheered, clapping her hands together before her eyes settled on Ruby.

"Hi TT!" Elsa held out her arms to the brunette.

"Mama snuggles." Lily yawned as she stumbled into the room.

"Okay Little Princess." Mal hurried over and hugged her child, probably tighter than she should have but Lily simply buried deeper into her chest.

How could she lose this?

AN: Well this is for the people who asked for it. Let me know what you think, the good the bad, the ugly. But seriously head over to Gravity in the Air and RowArk because they are like a billion times better at this than me. Should I continue or just drop it?