Author's Note:

Hello there folks! Here's a new update! Sorry for the delay! Now, we decided to create arcs for the story since it will be more organize than just writing stuff with no smooth flow of events. And *ehem ehem*, uhh I'm new with this stuff so... okay...

For those who followed the story:


Fiery Ronin

Marche V





Evil Aksara

Pragmatic Nightingale


The Composcreator

Last Future of Embryo

Thank you very much for supporting Swindler! You know a view is enough for me already, but a single review, follow and fav is making me happier. :3

Okay, lastly, please if you have some suggestions, comments or feedbacks just go and PM me. We like to discuss things with you and no one will be ignored. The beginning of this chapter is one of my favorite scenes in Magi. Let's start!

Night 4: Kougyoku's Wish

Kougyoku was sitting on the ground of flowers in one of the gardens of the palace. She was clearly alone and isolated by that time as her attendants were nowhere near her. Seemed no one had the spine to dare and interrupt her private hour for the day.

The red haired Princess was picking flowers as she crammed it up on her hands. She was about to pick another one on her front as she abruptly froze on her position. A memory flashed in her mind as she was transported back from a memory on the past.

Sighing so deeply, the Eight Imperial Princess of Kou was sitting along the gardens of Sindria while picking some oriental flowers. Her mind was travelling somewhere as she kept on daydreaming about the man she fell in love with.

Truly, it was great to experience how to fall in love. It was a new and soothing feeling. It was also exciting and the heart was pumping abnormally as it kept on rushing rapidly on the veins. She had no proper and better explanations to describe it, and she was certain it was harmless for everyone around her.

She was busy, yes busy, on picking flowers as when she would pick one from her front, a foot stomped on it. An instant rage engulfed her as she quickly gazed up, seeing also a shock expression of a particular blond.

"Hey you!" she sneered, "Be careful where will you step on!"

"Ah? Eh... Sorry!" The blond, who shattered the flowers, apologized hastily. Sure, the blond was tensed up since her high pitch was quite startling though.

Kougyoku tilted her head. "Wait... you are..." she recognized the young man who she had met back in Balbadd. It was Alibaba Saluja, the 'former' Third Prince of Balbadd whom she had debated about taking over the slum country by Kou Empire.

Still outraged, Kougyoku gazed away from him. For her, it was rude to someone destroy a beautiful flower in front of her. It sounded childish, but, she really felt bad about ruining her peaceful moment.

Wait... If things didn't went up this way... I might ended up marrying this man... She realized that it was really the possible thing that might occured back then. Luckily for her, she never ended up with someone she barely knew about and she never loved with.

"Here," Alibaba intervened her thoughts. The Princess turned back at him as she was welcomed by a crown of flowers. She blinked twice as Alibaba continued, "Sorry if I stomped on your flowers. Please accept this as an apology."

Kougyoku was quite mesmerized by his handicraft as her sight became fixed staring at it. "Hey, how did you make it?" she asked in curiousity.

"Eh?" He exclaimed.

After that incident, their friendship began although it started rough and unpleasant. Kougyoku laughed inwardly by remembering her blond friend's stupid expression. He really looked like an imbecile and clumsy, but, they were similar in many ways.

The joy faded as she retreated back her hand and rested her hands on her lap. She was lonely. Kougyoku should get used of this kind of isolation since things wouldn't come back to normal again.

She sighed a sad one as she muttered, "I hope this will be the right decision..."

The red haired princess rose up from her feet. She spun her heels around as she left her spot, leaving the white flowers behind.

She was greeted by her attendants, as they bowed in her presence. They let the Princess led the way first as her attendants followed.

"Ah Princess," Koubun interfered, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," Kougyoku answered without looking back. Her voice was calm but serious, and it was tainted that nothing would change her mind anymore. She was sturdy and firm, as Koubun knew that her decision would not reversible anymore.

Two months had already passed since the coronation of the new Emperor. He noticed the rapid maturity of the Princess, by the way she stared, she walked, she ate, and spoke. All the words that were slipping on her tongue, all of them were depth and full of sense. In other words, she really put herself in order.

"P-Princess?! A-Are you serious?!" Koubun shouted in utter shock. The Royal Princess of Kou was just had her head bent down with her eyes covered in odd determination he had never seen before. She was resting on her chair of her chambers as Koubun was in an awkward pose that made the female teen to stare at him, twitching.

"You look awful. Could you please stop that act? It's hilarious," she spatted as Koubun straightened himself to look not embarrassed. He cleared his throat for a moment to erased his flustered face to a serious and persistent servant of the Eight Princess.

"I mean Princess Kougyoku, do you think that country suits you? Well, I don't want to say this, however, it was not a fascinating place to make your stay," Koubun tried to discouraged her but she remained on her stern and collected decision. She was undaunted.

"That's the reason why I'll go there. How will it make its progression in that place if no one would dare to at least know everything its culture and living? That country has a huge potential to become a center of overseas business and it will be shame if it become constant as an unpopular country. Who will do it if I won't?" Kougyoku reasoned out.

Koubun tried to understand her and he found out that it was reasonable. But again, "Princess, how will you do it? You didn't stand on a higher ground just to easily take over Balbadd. Maybe it was possible in the past if you'll request it to the late... Emperor... The Seven Seas Alliance had Kou and Balbadd under their provision. It will look suspiscious if you just suddenly wanted to handle Balbadd unless, you have a more concrete reason to force them to let you have what you are aiming,"

Even Koubun was just a mere servant only, he was completely aware of anything. It was also part of his duty to know all the things that was concerning about their country in case that his obliged Princess would get involved. In addition, he possessed a Household Vessel even it was only for healing purposes.

"Don't panic, Koubun Ka. I know what I'm doing, trust me." Kougyoku assured, but, Koubun was still not sure if he should rely some faith on her.

Until now, Koubun still didn't believed what she was planning to propose. It was astounding. He never thought that this Princess born from a lowly courtesan would take a huge step.

They were silently following the female noble that was seen as childish one and naïve before. He remembered when he first served her and thought that she was just one of any other princess that would just get to be married someday with a random king. A little innocent and effete kid that could be manipulated easily and her effusiveness led her to this misery.

But now, he saw a matured and elegant young lady with a new elated pride that would be able to shine someday.

Princess Kougyoku is... turning mature tremendously... The dutiful servant, Koubun, thought. But somehow, a fear inside of him was starting to engulfed him while thinking what was her prime objective beyond all the reasons she had told him a couple of months ago. He simply no idea of it, it was just giving him some tremor. He was clueless and he hope that his suspicions were only wrong.

As they reached the familiar huge structure at the midst of the palace, they had paused in front of the majestic doors. Kougyoku glanced over her servants as she totally faced them.

"Well, you could stay here for a moment," Kougyoku softly commanded. The servants nodded obediently as they retreated steps behind with a polite bow.

Kougyoku turned towards the main doors. "I wanted to see the Emperor," she said with pride and authority. The palace guards stared at each other with a sort of malice that caused for the Princess to tip her chin up.

"Should I repeat myself?" she stated calmly but with a meaning that made the soldiers broke their stares away. They smiled at her as they bowed.

"There's no need, milady," one of the soldiers assured her. From the back, Koubun was glaring towards the palace's soldiers. The other two attendants were praying that their majordomo wouldn't retort against them.

"Koubun-san, please hold your temper," the tall man servant whispered at him. Koubun was currently gritting his teeth in straight annoyance as his hands were grasping hardly to one another.

Back over the main palace's doors, one of the soldiers displaced in the midst as he enveloped a hand nearly to his mouth, in order to project a loud voice. "Here is the Eight Imperial Princess!"

After a brief moment after the call, the palace doors opened from the inside. As soon as it was opened, Kougyoku entered gracefully with some quick pause. From the eyes of her servants, her figure was getting smaller as when she was totally inside, the palace doors closed again.

Koubun was about to step towards the soldiers whom the Princess had encountered with. His assault was just given to a halt when the other two servants embraced his arms and torso.

"Hold your temper Koubun-san!" The tall man cried.

"Koubun-sama, please stop!" The younger female servant seconded the motion.

Koubun was still struggling wildly just to get his revenge. "Let me go! How dare they mocked Princess Kougyoku! They deserved to taste my revenge for insulting her ladyship!"

"Koubun-san!" The tall man insisted, "Let it go already! Remember what happened to you when you fight a soldier when you're drunk?!"

He suddenly froze as he quickly remembered the time when he was drunk, he challenged a guard soldier to a fight. He was having a false confidence that he could easily vanquish a soldier. It was pretty embarrassing to forget that his Metal Vessel was only had the power to heal. And because of his cleverness, he was defeated, bombarded with injuries and wounds.

"Koubun-sama, please consider that we used to tend you!" The young female servant yelled like bugging his conscience. The lower ranked servants had just their faces in horror because they didn't wanted to experience another terrible day just to cure him.

Koubun slumped down. He finally caught what his juniors wanted him to understand. "Fine, Densukei, Amerin,"

They stripped their arms away as they fixed their stature. Koubun gazed back towards the main palace. "I wonder what will happen..." he muttered lowly.

In the meantime, on the throne room

The huge doors opened with a quick creaking sound as light entered the large empty throne room of the palace. A figure made her ramp on the main entourage way as when her body was totally inside, the outside guards closed the doors respectively.

Above the stairs, a man was standing there with a flat crown while putting a square stamp on the table in front of him. Some scrolls were present on the table as the figure of red haired princess began her stride again.

Each step was enigmatic as when the Princess reached the midst, she immediately took a kneeling bow for the Emperor who was on the throne.

"Here I am, the Eight Imperial Princess of Kou, my Liege," she addressed formally as the black haired Emperor stared at her with a little confusement for why she was here for a reason.

Emperor Hakuryuu displayed his manly figure, perfect for his authority. His eyes remained stoic as he spoke, "What can I do for you, cousin?" He asked in formal manner but he kept to call her in that way to reduce the pressure between them. There was no way to stay as strict and away from each other since Kougyoku already pledged loyalty for him. Another reason, too, the war was over.

"I heed for your forgiveness if I mean disturbance from what you are doing. Forgive me, Your Highness..." she apologized drastically as she lowered her head in such shame. But then, Hakuryuu reconsidered her presence because his cousin wouldn't try to bother his time if she had no a reasonable reason to do it.

He inwardly sighed as he completely set aside his work. "Well, can you let me know the reason of your presence here?"

Kougyoku raised her head a bit as she timidly stood up from her feet. The Princess suddenly broke out a severely determined shining eyes as she purposedly matched his eyes.

A strange aura seemed had been around her by and he couldn't understand what was it. Might be if he was able to see the rukh, he could interpret what was the meaning of the abrupt change of the atmosphere. Unfortunately, not.

"Can I wish of something?" She partially revealed her intention. If someone would really notice the happenings here, the rukhs were swirling between them. And for some unknown reason, the golden butterflies seemed like guiding and supporting the Princess on her grief 'intention'.

The Emperor stared at her incuriously. He had no idea what would be her 'wish' so, "State your wish and it shall be done,"

That's it... Kougyoku thought inwardly as a small smirk plastered behind her sleeves.

"A-Are you sure of it, Emperor?" She repeated for assurance. She needed to be sure of this or else...

"Of course cousin. I mean, sister. Put it into words so I could grant for it." He replied in genuine way as the Princess stood straight in confidence.

She simply took a little breath as the next things that she would say would completely changed to everyone.

"I..." she paused a bit until she held her head high, "...want to rule over Balbadd."

Shock was an understatement. Hakuryuu's eyes widened in astonishment as he felt his throat being stucked for a moment.

Silence was the best word for now as a sweat dropped on his cheek. He neither blink nor speak. Meanwhile, Kougyoku's gaze at him didn't falter as she was waiting for his answer.

"Emperor... you told me that you shall grant my wish." Kougyoku pinned a greater pressure on him as he almost stumbled back, but, gladly, he regained his composure and held on his long robe slyly, so tight.

"Princess... Kougyo...ku..." he muttered and wasn't sure what to say, "For... what reason...?"

"I wanted to be any of help for you, my Liege. Besides, it's been two months that pass but, the Balbadd kept its throne empty. I never aim to intrude this kind of affair but, I seem to be afraid if... that country falls in the wrong hands..." she explained with complete sincerity, as she averted her head away, "...and..."

The black haired Emperor flamed its curiosity on the end of her statement as he watched her, waiting patiently on her further explanation. He felt that the red head was quite troubled as he intently dazed her unnecessary movements. Taking this as a cue, "What troubles you, sister?"

She played along her fingers under her sleeves as she returned looking at the young Emperor. Her brows were uneasy 'cause of its strange up and downs until she stabilized it not fully.

She took a deep breath and contained herself together. "...I'm worried that my fiancé might be upset if a stranger will take over his beloved country. I won't let such a kind of insolence will happen even he's already dead..."

Fiancé...? Hakuryuu was shocked again. Why he never know such things like this? Why he was never informed? And the only possible person that Kougyoku was talking about was...

"Fiancé? Don't tell me it's... Alibaba?" He asked for confirmation. Kouen planned this before the summit... I knew it...

She nodded, "Yes, my Liege. The deceased third Prince of Balbadd."

Kougyoku abruptly remembered something before the summit took place. It was a night before her brothers left Kou when she was called by her Brother Kouen on his office.

"Brother Kouen... I'm here..." she sneaked in through the doors as she found the First Prince on his table, working some stack of papers even it was a time to rest for the day. Kougyoku really admired her older brother on his hardworking attitude.

"Kougyoku, come here. You don't have to stay at the door." Kouen strictly said. Kougyoku stiffened as she bashfully went near to his desk and bowed slightly on him.

Feeling curious, "Uhm... Brother Kouen... W-Why did you call for me?"

Kouen gazed on her, straight to the eyes as he said, "I hope you don't mind but I'm afraid that the Empire needs your duty as a Princess once again."

Her eyes saddened. She was aware that this might happened to her again, but not this soon. However, she couldn't object if she was needed to be married to someone for her country. She strongly believed that she must fulfill her duty as a Princess even it would cost her sole happiness to be with the man of her dreams.

Kouen noticed her downgraded reaction as he mildly sighed, "Do you want to know that person? I seem to be unfair with you the last time because I just told you the position of your supposed to be fiancé. You're not given a chance to get to know him but, now I will fill the point that I lack."

Kougyoku smiled weakly, "Brother, whoever he is, I'll follow your order if its for the sake of our country."

"But don't you have the least curiousity to know even his name? I bet, you already know him," Kouen gave a clue as he seemed tempting her to know that person.

Kougyoku tilted her head, "Eh? Brother, did I really know that person?"

Kouen nodded, "I think this should make you happy,"

From the back of her mind, a small light of hope glowed. She felt her heartbeat went faster as her face became flustered.

It could be... him! She thought. But... I can't be sure if it was really him... But, Brother Kouen said knowing him will made me happy... But... wait... Does Brother Kouen know that I love him?!

Kougyoku broke her thoughts, "B-Brother Kouen? Can you please tell me who he is?"

"Well, it was," he paused, "the former Third Prince of Balbadd, Alibaba Saluja."

Kougyoku was stunned, "Eh?"

The light inside her disappeared as she displayed a face of disappointment. Ali...baba...? Alibaba...? Alibaba... Alibaba...! "Eh?! Alibaba?!" She exclaimed. "H-Him?!"

Kouen was surprised on her violent reaction. "Why?" Kouen closed his eyes, "I guess you don't like him. Well, I'll just ask the other Princesses to get married with him. This time I'll give you freedom for this issue. Forgive your brother if I disturb you and forget what we have talked tonight. You can return to your chambers now."

She wanted to retreat now, but...

I thought it will be him... but... I can't afford to let Alibaba fall to the hands of any of my sisters! Kougyoku faced Kouen as she said, "Brother, I..."

Kouen raised a brow, "Hm?"

I know this is against my will... but I just can't let my witch sisters to take the credits again... She thought. And I don't want to fail Brother Kouen again! But... never mind...

"...I accept Brother Kouen. I failed you before but, this time I won't. I'll do anything for you, older brother." She agreed as Kouen smiled inwardly, satisfied that everything happened in accord on his plans.

Kouen saw that her eyes were gleaming of both admiration and determination. This kind of personality of her sister really touched his heart that she almost sacrificed her own happiness for him. At the same time, he felt sorry for her.

"I'm glad you accept it, Kougyoku. You sure you're fine with it?" Kouen asked her.

Kougyoku nodded, "Yes,"

Getting back to the reality, Hakuryuu remained speechless as Kougyoku watched him in slight amusement. She never thought that Hakuryuu was still knew how to get surprised.

Kougyoku waited his answer, but, nothing was given. She knew that Hakuryuu couldn't decide yet because, firstly, he had to recover first his country. Secondly, the Kou's influence with Balbadd became weaker because both countries became members of Seven Seas Alliance, and lastly, it was pretty conspicious that they were the ones who would decide who would be the new ruler of Balbadd. Hakuryuu had no powers over that country, as simple as that.

"I couldn't say it was a difficult wish, Kougyoku," he started, "But it was really not difficult if our country has the greater influence in Balbadd. The Seven Seas Alliance has the major decisions with this kind of affair."

Kougyoku had expected this, so she had to show up her last card. If she failed with this, there was no second chance left for her.

"Well my Liege," she covered a sweet smile, "treat our talk like it happened right after the war. I'm a soldier who contributed much with the victory of the Alliance so isn't it rightful that I should claim my prize? And the prize that I wanted is... Balbadd?"

Bulls-eye. But, "But getting you spared from the punishment is sufficient to fill your demand."

Kougyoku stayed undaunted. "My Liege, I think, sparing me to any kinds of punishment was just a piece of my prize. Well I mean no harm with this but you betrayed all of us and the whole Empire was the reward. Me? I commited the same act as you but my prize was only getting avoided to executions or being exiled. Well," her smile turned sweeter, "I deserved the same feat as you, my Liege."

Another bull's eye, yet, harder. The Emperor became speechless. He couldn't say no because he promised her that he would grant her wish. He didn't want to disappoint her, since he was the trigger that made her wish became invulnerable.

"Princess Kougyoku, what do you really plan for that country?" He asked, signing that he was nearly to flag down.

"I mean no malice my Liege," she stepped forward, "I planned to lift the way of living of citizens there in order to honour my deceased fiancé. I was completely sure that he will do the same thing to create prosperity for his beloved country so I'll do his ideals for him." She stepped forward again, "In this way, I'll become a help for you and the Alliance. Will you still not consider my wish, my Liege?"

Another deafening silence converged in the throne room. Hakuryuu thought about it as things on his mind were debating on one another. The windows of his soul dimmed for a meantime for a further concentration on this matter.

Time was slowly passing by. This talk was waiting to be adjourned as the young Emperor fluttered his eyes open with a hardened face.

"Then... I shall consult this to the Alliance."

P.S. It was finally done! I don't have much to say, but, thank you for reading this folks! See ya next time!