Asking for Help: Chapter 17.

Author's note: The following symbol is for flashback: ###

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: This is going to be the last chapter of the story. I am going to give the reader's choice about the ending. In a way, because I see three endings that could occur from the story. So I'm going to write up all three let you the reader choose which one you want to believe that happens in your own head and in your own hearts. Sincerely, may of rose.

Scenario one.

20 years later.

Near's point of view.

My father and Light died together today. They tried and failed to avoid the runaway greenhouse effect that was seen on Venus and happening here on earth, but they did not succeed. Instead, the oil companies and the human race are now deemed to live on a planet that slowly choking itself the death.

Governments over the world are coming together under one rule, with a headquarters located outside of the old headquarters in Ohio. After the flooding of New York and Washington, the capital of the country was moved to Ohio. It was the highest place and further away from the sea as possible, because the ocean on rising and we just don't know how much further is going to go. Florida is gone with parts of Texas as well.

Other parts of the world have gone all underwater; they include the following: Japan and the islands lower then 500 feet. This includes the England islands. They're all underwater, including the mountains of Scotland. Parts of Africa are flooded as well. Egypt is under water. Overall the world landmass has sunk by 50% because of the ocean rising.

Overall it's a great disaster. But just before my father and Light died, they found hope for humanity by finding a nearby similar system with how to livable planet that's similar to our own. It's only 35 light years away. Which means it was take two generations to get there by conventional means. However, just last week we had a breakthrough in propulsion by finally being able to harvest 0.1 energy. 0.1 energy is the energy of the universe that submitted by every star, black hole, galaxy and dark energy out there. It's a source of clean and renewable energy for as long as the universe exists. By using this energy we are able to bend space and time to go faster than the speed of light with out breaking the speed of light barrier that was established by Albert Einstein in the early at 21st century in his theory of general relativity, also known as E equals MC Squared. This form of transportation has been theorized by many fiction writers in science or science fiction, specifically the TV show known as Star Trek and its motor transportation called warp drive. This warp drive is spending space and time to go faster than the speed of light with out breaking the speed of light barrier. For on understanding on how much energy is used to bend a space and time to go faster than the speed of light. Is equal to a star exploding to get the same result in nature.

So now we're sending 30% of our population at a time to the new planet. We've have our home planet, evacuated in another 10 years. By the time I leave this planet with my son and daughter. It will be close to inhabitable from the pollution in the early 21st century and our 22nd century. We are also taking all our living animals with us as well. So it's little bit like no one in the ark. Only ark in this case happens to be a giant spaceship.

Scenario number two.

20 years later.

Light's point of view.

L and I managed to save the earth somewhat by convincing the oil companies to provide a convenient location for alternative fuels to be sold such as electricity and others. We commenced them to sell them at the same place where gas is sold as well. This way, they just had to renovate the gas station to accommodate these new fuel lines and electricity lines.

For example, at full charge of electricity for electricity vehicle. The oils companies can charge five dollars an hour for that charge now. Because 40% of all electricity comes from renewable sources such as wind and solar. This makes electricity a more environmentally friendly fuel than others. This also means that will companies make $3.50 off of the individual who buys electricity from. Because they have to pay the remainder to the company for electricity in question.

This is somewhat of a compromise of sorts but it means that we're halfway there to saving our planet and I know that I'll die happy today, for Lucifer has told us it's our day to die.

Scenario number three.

20 years later.

L point of view.

I managed to save the world and avoid a climate shift of extreme magnification on this planet. I'll die happy today with my love my life, Light.

End of all three scenarios. From here on out the endings going to be the same for all three no matter which one you choose.

The ending scene.

Light and L die from natural causes or old-age. They find themselves after they wake up in a different environment. This environment is barren and looks like a sand desert. The sky is purple with no stars and moon. But yet it's illuminated with a doll lights. This light looks supernatural in origin yet cannot be explained. Four they do not know where it comes from even though they try to figure out where it hails from.

They start to move around and find that their bodies have changed in unexpected and mysterious ways. They go and try and find a nearby town to find out what the hell has happened to them. They find themselves later on in the great Hall that's been shown to have some violence happen to it earlier on in its lifetime. Everything on the wall that's been tapestries etc. has been torn or shredded. There is evidence of fire and mayhem. There is evidence of broken glass and yet has not been picked up.

They make their way deeper into this castle and then they find themselves in a throne room. Left at the door they find a full mirror. They look in the near and they find themselves looking like death God's. They wonder what the hell's going on when they hear a laughter behind them.

They turn around and see Lucifer in all his glory. He explains because they use the death note that now they have to pay for their power. In particularly the rest of eternity they have to be death Gods under the service of him. They look to each other in shock of this revelation. But yet they are happy for it, for they know that they're going to be with each other for all eternity.

But then Lucifer is laughing his head off from this revelation to them. They understand it and asked him why he still laughing. Lucifer is short for their happiness for he thought they were the mad or upset. But he disrupts it off as them being different than most humans who use the death note.

The end.