I must be bloody insane. I have only just started one pure Naruto fanfic, and now, I'm going to do a crossover, and one of the more popular crossovers on this website! Namely, Naruto and Harry Potter! I'm half burnt out doing other fics, like the penultimate episode of Harry Gainsborough and the Philosopher's Stone (Book 2, and the third story, of my Cetra Heritage Saga, a crossover between Harry Potter and Final Fantasy VII), as well as the aforementioned pure Naruto fanfic, Observations of a Wannabe Kunoichi, and so many others.
And yet, this idea wouldn't go away, poking and prodding away at me until it got its way and got put down onto paper. It's not an entirely original one: I have seen about three fanfics with this as a central conceit, or at least a related one. And yet, there's something perversely appealing about it. It is a what-if of staggering proportions.
What if Orochimaru was Harry Potter's father?
There are a ludicrous amount of crossover tales that diddle with Harry Potter's parentage, and yet, out of all those concepts, it was this one that appealed to me most, perversely enough.
I was also partly inspired by sakurademonalchemist, and their Harry Potter and Naruto crossovers in particular. To a certain degree, this story is a homage to their stories. But I hope that this story stands on its own two feet. It will also be the first story where I undertake some serious bashing of Harry Potter characters: while I am still considering whether to do so in my rewrite of Lux in Tenebris Lucet, I have definitely decided to bash Dumbledore and James Potter (I'd also say the Dursleys, but they deserve bashing more than these two). Any others, well, I will think about when the time comes. I'm undecided as to whether Harry will go to Hogwarts in this story, and as such, I am wondering whether to bash Ronald Weasley, though I'm leaning more towards not doing so.
There are hundreds of fics with this title on this website, and already nearly a score of Naruto fics with the same title. Hopefully, this one will stand out, for the right reasons. I also want to look at how Orochimaru being the father of Harry will influence others.
Anyway, the usual disclaimers. Firstly, this story will be heavily annotated. You don't like that? Bugger off.
Secondly, I am not going to slavishly use the Japanese honorifics, save for sensei and sama. Even so, I will interchangeably use Japanese and English terms for the jutsus and a few other terms.
Thirdly, there will be spoilers for both Harry Potter and Naruto, especially for the latter, given how Orochimaru names Harry. If you don't want to be spoiled, then stop right here.
Fourthly, this is an M-rated work for a reason. There are very dark themes, as well as profanity, sexual references, and violence. You have been warned.
Fifthly, this is one of my more experimental fanfics. Updates will be sporadic and irregular.
Finally, the following is a fan-written work. Naruto and Harry Potter are the property of their respective rights owners. Please support the official release. Otherwise, Orochimaru might decide to make you his latest vessel.