BEEP BEEP BEEP. Becas alarm sounds, however Beca had been awake for hours.

She walked over, fully dressed and showered and turned her alarm off.

It had been three days since she got the news that she would be working with Louisa. And since then, she hadn't had much sleep. Last night she had only slept 2 hours, so she decided that she couldn't stay in bed waiting to fall asleep so she got up, dressed and worked away at her laptop.

She yawned as she walked out of the door, leaving early to grab a coffee on the way to prepare her for her day ahead.

She orders and waits for her coffee, contemplating sitting down, but she notices that her favourite couch had been taken and she was too tired to handle any sort of socializing with others.

Grabbing her coffee, she turned around heading for the door. She walked mindlessly, too tired to notice a woman coming through the door from the other side.

With that, Beca smashes straight into her, remarkably managing to hold onto her coffee.

" Was zur Hölle machst du? Bewegen Sie mir aus dem Weg!" The tall blonde woman snarled.

The brunette looked up at the Blonde and suddenly realised who it was. Luisa.

"Kommissar, errr Luisa! Es tut mir leid!" Beca apologised.

The blondes scowl dropped into an amused smirk as she noted the small brunette girl.

"Ahh, The tiny maus, she speaks German" Luisa taunts.

Beca freezes and wonders how the woman could change her mood so seductively fast.

Beca goes to reply sharply, slightly offended at Luisas tone, but is interrupted by the hand rising up to her shoulder, picking fluff off of her black jacket.

"I didn't see you there, you are so tiny. And I am sorry for being..." she pauses with a huge grin, maintaining eye-contact, "Harsh".

Beca hitches on her breath. Why was this woman so attractive? Every word she says sounds like she's seducing someone and insulting them at the same time.

"Mouse?" Luisa questioned the silence.

"Uhh, sorry. I mean I uh, I'm sorry that I bumped into you. I didn't see where I was going and I was walking, and you were there and I was here and..." about to continue her tangent.

"I know. I was there. You have already apologised. But good, don't do it again". Luisa ubruptly mentioned as her face dropped from a smile. " I will see you in the early afternoon Tiny mouse", she then turned to walk away.

"Just because you're stupidly gorgeous does not mean I don't have a name! It's Beca for your information! Beca!" She exclaimed furiously- game to get a reaction of some sort, though more frustrated that her comeback included a compliment.

Luisa stopped and almost ignored Beca, but she turned around and simply said "Oh and Mouse? Do wear more black. It suits you" and walk away to order her coffee.

Beca stood there in awe, mostly because she could see Luisas hind, swaying away almost hypnotizing her. But partially because she couldn't understand why she felt the way she did about Luisa and how she could be confused about one person as much as she is right now.

She could have watched for much longer but another woman came through the door and bumped Becas shoulder as she was still standing partially in the way.

Beca snapped out of it and headed to her car, fumbling for her keys.

She arrived at work and business was as usual, that was until Luisa arrived.

"Luisa" Beca nodded, acknowledging the blonde, her heart beating fast. Too fast.

"Mouse" Luisa poked back, knowing it gets on her nerves.

Both sitting down, they talked about the different arrangements that Beca had come up with, music only.

"So I was thinking, though you are wanting to move to softer music, I think its important that we keep a strong beat in the song until we know where you're really going?" Beca said, giving her honest opinion. "Your voice is so beautiful and powerful, just like the rest of you is.." only just realising what she was saying and tries to cover up the adoration, "but we really need to make sure that you've got great music backing you up, I mean you could sing hot cross buns and be so entertaining because of how beautiful you are and your eyes. . . . Oh my god what am I saying" Beca stopped herself again, mentally kicking herself.

"I hear what you are saying. About the music, and the flattery but surely we could keep the two seperate? Though it seems that is hard for you to manage?"

Luisa said, smirking with one eyebrow raised.

"You are so beautiful... ahh I can't. I literally cannot control my words around you. You are so stunning, how could anyone be so perfect!? Oh my god... I've got to go" Beca blurts as she runs out of the office and into the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face, her thoughts running a million miles an hour. What was all this about? Is she lesbian? Was she into Luisa? Why wasn't it different now worlds is long gone?

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and mentally pulls herself under control.

Just as she exhaled,

"Mouse?..? Are you okay?" Luisa asked, shutting the bathroom door behind her.

"Yes. I'm fine, no... I'm not. I mean.. Uhh I don't think I can say anything right now without being a total idiot in front of your gloriousness" she said turning around from the basin.

"My gloriousness you say?" Luisa asked, holding her hands out to the side, offering her body for view. "How mouse like" Luisa taunted, intensly staring as she took two steps towards Beca.

"I'm totally unsure whether you are about to beat me up or? I mean, I don't even know if I'd mind. I mean... oh my god" Beca started fumbling over her words.

"Shhhhh, Mouse" Luisa put a finger to Becas lips.

Beca was sure they were about to kiss. Her heart was beating faster the longer Luisa stood in front of her.

"You know, I find it rather... adorable that you are so clumsy in the way you speak and the way you move. It makes me feel..." she leant forward until she was just an inch away from Becas lips, opened her mouth and let out her breath and softly whispers "Like a cat who wants to eat the mouse"

Beca goes to close the inch between them, but Luisa pulls away and exits the bathroom, leaving Beca almost distraught.

She felt like she was going to pass out, as she realised she was holding her breath.

What even was that?! She drops her head as she was feeling the warmth all through her body, butterflies in her stomach because of the ex-rival.

She had less than pure thoughts and feelings about the ex rival and she didn't know if they were reciprocated and what to do about them.

Beca dries off her face and hands completely and walks out of the bathroom after a deep breath. Her breath seemed to fall out of her as she spotted Luisa having what seemed to be a serious conversation with the boss.

She walked quickly past the office, with her head down, hoping not to be caught staring at the gorgeous Blonde.

She almost made it into her office when she heard


She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, her blush reappearing.

"I must apologise, but I cant work alongside you and your babbling. I want strictly work and I don't think that is something that you can uphold".

Beca felt a drop in her stomach. She was so confused. The flirting, the teasing versus the insults and now being fired or 'let go' from her case. What does this woman want from her? Obviously not a song.

Beca goes to reply kindly but feels her body heat up. "Well, I wish you had given me more of a chance you know. Because its not all my fault, because your so mean and sexy. You confuse me. You say such mean stuff but I feel like seduced just when you look down at me. I cant control anything. This is your fault. Its not even mine. You ruined this opportunity. I'm not the crazy vampire looking goddess".

She says, rambling and not stopping to breathe until she finished.

She looks down.

"My fault? You think this is my fault? Gaah. You couldn't keep this relationship professional. Instead you just keep tripping over yourself complimenting me. Which I find adorably endearing and makes me want to bite you, very hard." Luisa raises her voice to be stern.

"Look I..." Beca starts, but suddenly confused. "Wait, you want to what?" Beca questions?

"I said..." Luisa leans forward once again and whispers into Becas ear. "I... want... to... bite... you" she pauses between every word and then scrapes her teeth across Becas earlobe.

Beca feels a shudder through her body and goes weak at the knees. Her brain kicks in.

Your so confusing. One second you seem like you hate me and the next you seem like you want to jump my bones. I have no idea what's happening and I wish you would just tell me!?" She yells, suddenly noticing everyone around them staring.

"Well now, don't make a scene will you Mouse? You can be quite loud when you want to be. I'm wondering if you can be quiet when you need to be loud?"

Becas mouth dropped open but before she could string words together, Luisa was walking towards the exit. She stood there, wondering what to say or do next? She needed a drink. Something stronger than coffee.

She sat her desk, finished some paperwork and head home for a nice cold beer.