A/N: So, you know how it's totally ~in~ these days to write an alphabet fic for your OTP? Yeah me neither. But since I ship Solangelo *restrains inner fangirl* I decided they were adorable enough to get one of these babies.

Disclaimer: Do I look like a middle-aged man who drinks the tears of little children with his morning coffee? (No. No I do not. And if you answer yes I will hit you)


A is for Apple

"Nico!" Will called. I turned around, waiting for him to catch up, trying not to smile. I have an image to keep up.

"Did you see the news?" he asked, grinning widely.

"No, but I'm sure you'll tell me," I said dryly. Will and Annabeth are among the handful of campers who bother to read the newspaper. Everyone else relies on them to share the important stuff.

Will laughed. My sullenness amuses him for some reason. "Love wins!" he yelled. A few heads turned to look at us.

I blinked at him, confused. "Pardon?" Was there a war that Aphrodite won?

"Love wins." he repeated. "Gay marriage is legal in all fifty states." he clarified, noting my expression.

"Gay marriage is legal now?" People in this time period are more accepting, but there are still a sizeable amount of homophobes.

Will nodded. "Isn't it great?" he said excitedly. "The Aphrodite Cabin is having a celebration this evening. We should go."

"Go...together?" I asked.


"Like...together together?" I wasn't sure Solace understood was what I was asking.

"What are we, twelve? Yes, together together." Will said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Unless you don't want to,"

I really did not like parties. Especially not Aphrodite cabin parties. They once tried to give me a makeover. It took me six hours to get all the gel out of my hair, and it would've probably taken longer if Piper hadn't taken pity on me. I was determined to avoid the Aphrodite campers (except Piper) after that incident.

On the other hand, this was Will asking me. There's always been an attraction, ever since the three days in the infirmary, but we've never actually been on a date. Whenever we hung out together, there were always other people around.

"Nico?" Will's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He was staring at me, looking concerned. "If you don't want to-"

"I'll come," I spit the words out before I can lose my nerve. "But I am not dressing up for this."

He laughed. "Of course not. I'll see you at seven?"

"Sure." I agreed, cursing my pale skin as blood rushed to my face.

He grinned and ran towards the Apollo cabin. I stood where I was for a few minutes until the blush receded, then continued on to the Big House.

"Nico!" Will yelled again. Sighing, I turned around.

An apple hurtled toward me. My reflexes sent my arm up to catch it.

All around me, the camp stopped. Everyone was staring at me. I blinked. I was definitely missing something here, but I wasn't sure what. All I had done was catch an apple.

"Some day, Nico di Angelo!" Will hollered. "It's legal now!" Then he turned and ran like the Furies were after him. Was he expecting me to be mad at him?

Annabeth started giggling, and was joined by Piper. I stared at them, still not sure what was so amusing. Suddenly, it clicked. "WILL!" I screamed. That little schist! All the campers started laughing as I chased down the boy who claimed he loved me.

A/N: So, for those of you who don't get it, throwing an apple at a woman in Ancient Greece was the equivalent of a marriage proposal. Will tossing an apple at Nico is basically Will telling Nico he loves him and wants to marry him.

In this story, it's a little joke more than anything, (Will's like fifteen) but I envision Will proposing in the same way years later to recall this moment.

Like it? Too fluffy? Suggestions? TELL ME. Also if you have any ideas for the letter B comment them please! (reviewers will get mind cupcakes) Other chapters will probably be longer I know this one was a little short.