The Family Tree

By: Nikasilva

Disclaimer: I do not own the show or its characters.

Confusion barley defined what those within the Mikaelson compound was feeling. The two half breeds who betrayed the very thing they all valued most, were no longer a threat and in fact, never were. The reality of who Coryna is to Elijah coming to light. Hope felt lost and after a moment she had to walk away and Coryna following soon after.

Coryna knocks on the entryway of Klaus's study when Hope had fled to "Can I come in?"

"I don't know, are you going to lie to me again."

Coryna sighed "Hope, I'm sorry. The last thing we wanted to do was hurt you. I can't even imagine how you felt through all this."

Hope shook her head and tried looking anywhere in the room except where Coryna stood.

"I don't expect you to forgive me easily and I know I have to work hard to earn your trust again"

"We both do," Wyatt said walking into the room. "We love you Hope and maybe it would have been a better idea if we told you the plan, but we can't change that now. I just hope we can have a chance to fix what we broke."

Hope couldn't help herself, she secretly wanted to make them suffer a little for what that did, but instead, she ran into their arms and hugged them tightly. "I'm still angry"

"We know," Coryna said as she and Wyatt hugged her back.

Once Coryna and Wyatt broke the air with Hope; Jasper, Haley, and the Mikaelsons came into the study.

"Hope why don't you go to another room, while we figure out our next steps," Jasper says.

"Hope stays" Coryna stated "Hope made us promise we wouldn't keep things for her anymore and we gonna stick to that"

"You sure"

And with that Coryna gave a small nod. Coryna and Wyatt then began to share what they had learned while with Daliha. The fact that their elder sister Freya was still alive and the true reason why Daliha wanted Hope was because of a pact she had made with Esther when she was unable to bear children. Daliha wants to grow her power and she wanted to do that with the firstborn of each generation. After Coryna shared that last piece of information, Coryna and Jasper looked at each other for a moment.

Despite everything that had happened Hope did admit to herself how amusing it was in how quickly Coryna and Jasper bounced back to being their normal leader selves. "You promised," Hope said sternly.

Coryna gave a small smile "Yes we did."

"So we are really going to do this?" Jasper asked

"It will get the target off Hope's back."

"You two want to fill in the blanks here," said Hope.

"There is something you should know about our family," Jasper began directing the conversation to Haley and the Mikaelsons. "I'm sure by now you have suspected that our family is different from other vampires. The reason for that is the fact that we are not solely vampires, we are what we like to call half breeds we all share a common trait of being conceived from a vampire father."

"That's not possible," says Rebekah "Klaus was only able to have a child because he's a hybrid"

"That is not completely true" Coryna began "It's rare, but there are times where male vampires can procreate. After a thousand years of 10 of us exist including Hope. We haven't determined why that is, but we just know that it can happen to any male vampire."

"Who is you, mother?"

"Sorry? What was that?

"You mentioned earlier that you were my daughter, who is your mother?" Elijah asked.

Hope, Wyatt, and Jasper stood extremely still. The topic of mothers' has always been a touchy subject for the half breeds, and they knew how Coryna felt about Elijah and the three feared how Coryna may respond to this question.

"Tara, her name is Tara," Coryna said carefully. "She was a Celtic witch you had encountered 800 years ago."

"I remember her -"

"I don't care if you remember her or not! She is dead because she chose to bear your child, you turned me into a murderer the moment I took my first breath!" Coryna yelled, Jasper stood next to her and after taking a breath Coryna continued "Who are mothers' are is not important it's who our fathers are."

"What do you mean?" asked Haley

"It means that Hope will no longer be in danger because she isn't the first of her generation," Jasper answered.

"But Hope is the first of Klaus' generation" Haley stated.

Jasper and Coryna looked at each other knowing what needed to be done. Jasper looked over at Klaus "No she's not. I am. Hope isn't just my family by choice, she is my blood. I am Hope's older brother and Klaus' son"

Coryna places a hand on Jasper's shoulder "In a few days time we are going to announce our existence and Daliha will be after the two of us, not Hope."