Okay, so we're going to embark on a journey. A darker journey, one that will be around a different kind of Edward, a snarky, bossy Bella and a new Esme. It will be a drabble-ish type fic. The chapters will be between 1000 to 2000 words. Updates will come on Mondays and Fridays with teasers on Tuesdays and Saturdays on my blog. The link for the blog will be on my profile. The story is planned, but not pre-written.

This is it. The epilogue of Buying Love. We are wrapping up the story and catching glimpses into Edward and Bella's future. A few notes of appreciation … Thanks to Mina Rivera for the beautiful banner and gif of the banner. It was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you to all of you who encouraged me to continue writing this even while my haters said that it was too close to The Thin Red Line. Finally, thank you to everyone to took the time to review and read this story. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful readers. Your patience with me means so much, especially while I was dealing with the death of my mom, getting a new job (a promotion!) and adjusting to my new work schedule.

Hugs to you all …

And now, without further ado …



Two Months Later …

"Edward, you're going to wear a hole into the wood," Carlisle, my best man, quipped. "I know you're anxious to say 'I do,' but pacing like a caged animal is not going to make time go by faster."

"Anxious is putting it mildly," I deadpanned. "This past two months have flown by. Ava is growing like a weed and I just want Bella to be my wife. I want us to truly start our lives together, as a family. I just feel like if both of them have my name, that nothing can take them away."

"No one is taking your happiness away," Peter smiled. "You just need to enjoy your wedding day. It's gorgeous outside and in less than fifteen minutes, Bella will be walking down the aisle to you."

"Edward just wants to get laid," Emmett snorted. I scowled at him, tossing a pillow at him. Jasper smacked him upside the head. "What? You were bitching that you were horny while we were running this morning." Both of them were groomsmen for the wedding.

"Yeah, I'm horny, but I've got a newborn," I said. "Sex is the farthest thing on our minds." Liar, liar, pants on fire. Bella got the thumbs up from her gynecologist earlier this week and me, acting like a horny teenager, wanted to be with her in the worst way. She looked at me the same way, but Ava was still puking up everything she ate and not sleeping well. Sex was truly the farthest thing on our minds.

Until tonight.

Carlisle, Elizabeth and Charlie were taking care of Ava while Bella and I were having a weekend away at the Seattle Swan Boutique B&B, in one of the contemporary villas. Bella was terrified that Ava was going to be a mess while we were gone, but my mom said that while we adored our daughter, we had to make our relationship a priority. And our wedding was definitely a moment for our relationship to become number one. So, Rose packed a bag for Bella and made all of the arrangements.

"Edward, it's time," said Liam, poking his head into the groom's suite.

We were getting married on the same land as the B&Bs. The wedding was being held in one of the more rustic villas with a large backyard. I was in the lower bedroom that acted as the groom's suite. Bella was upstairs in the master bedroom getting ready with her bridesmaids, Alice, Jessica and Rose, who was her maid of honor.

I went outside and stood at the altar. It was gorgeous, set back against the wooded land of the villa. The chairs were white with pale blue decorations, flowers and ribbons. I escorted my mom down the aisle as the string quartet played a beautiful song written by Jasper. I kissed her on the cheek, standing next to Liam, who was acting as our officiant. Jessica and Emmett came out first. The music continued and Alice and Jasper floated down the aisle. He was dressed similarly to me, with a light gray suit and pale blue tie. Alice had on a flowy dress in the same shade of blue as our ties. She held a bouquet made of hydrangea, roses and flowers I didn't recognize in shades of blue, peach, pink and white.

Rose was escorted by Carlisle, carrying Ava in her arms. My daughter was in a white dress with pale blue bow around her waist and around her reddish curls. When she saw me, she squealed, reaching for me. I took her from Rose's arms, cradling my sweet baby girl. "You can't get married holding your kid, Edward," Carlisle quipped.

"I'll hold her until Bella's here," I said, my fingers gliding along her pale, alabaster skin. "Did you see Mommy? Is she beautiful like a princess?"

Ava cooed, her feet kicking excitedly. Mom got up as the music changed into another gorgeous Jasper original, taking Ava from me. Our guests stood up and I looked down the aisle. Bella was on her father's arm. Her dress was strapless, cinched at the waist with pale blue chiffon falling away from her body. Her dress was elegant, but casual and fun. Her hair was curled with a sparkling headband. She held a large bouquet, mainly white but with blue, pink and peach accents.

My breath was blown away at how gorgeous she looked. My Bella was beautiful wearing sweatpants and my button-downs. But, seeing her in wedding dress, walking down the aisle to me, to become my wife. Charlie placed Bella's hand in mine and we exchanged vows. Rings were placed on each other's fingers and Liam pronounced us husband and wife. I took Bella's face into my hands, staring into her gorgeous eyes. "I adore you, Mrs. Masen," I whispered.

"I love hearing that," she breathed. "I love you so much, Mr. Masen." I smiled, pressing my mouth to hers. Her hands slid up my arms and I pulled her close to me. I was over the moon excited. We were married. I was married to the most wonderful, sexy, amazing woman I'd ever known. She was the mother to my child and my savior.

"It gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Isabella Masen," Liam beamed. Our family, friends and guests applauded as we walked down the aisle. We spent a few hours taking photos with our wedding party, family and having our first family photo with Ava. My face hurt from smiling so much, but it was a perfect, wonderful day.

After dancing until midnight, Bella and I took the limo to a contemporary villa while our wedding guests stayed either at Swan Towers or other villas at the B&B. It didn't matter to me. I just wanted to be with my wife. The limo pulled up to the villa. I helped Bella out of the villa, sweeping her off her feet. I carried her over the threshold and up to the bedroom.

"Edward, I love you," she murmured. "But, to be honest, I'm exhausted. I just want to relax in the bathtub and get a good night's sleep." She bit her lip, her eyes filled with remorse. "I want you. So badly do I want you."

"Bella, I get it," I said. "We have the entire weekend before we have to go back to real life." She melted against me, smiling and hugging me. We took off our wedding regalia and went into the luxurious Jacuzzi tub. Bella actually fell asleep in the tub and I had to carry her to bed. I noticed the subtle changes to her body. Bella was still slender, but she had a softness to her. It reminded me that our love created a perfect baby girl. Sliding into the bed, I held my wife in my arms.

When I woke up, Bella was kissing my jaw and her hand was gliding across my stomach. I blinked my eyes opened, looking down at my wife. Holy shit! I have a wife! I cupped her chin and brushed my lips with hers. She sighed as we kissed, our hands traveling over our naked bodies. We teased each other to the brink, with quiet whispers and gentle caresses. She was so wet and ready for me.

When we came together, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Bella and I made love, consuming each other and loving each other. "Edward," she breathed, her legs hooking higher on hips. "I'm coming."

"I can feel you, bellissima," I whispered. "I adore you, Mrs. Masen. You and Ava are my life and I'll do anything for you." She tugged on my neck, crashing our mouths together. My body ignited, coming forcefully inside of my wife. Bella's muscles clenched around me. I kept my hips moving until I slid out of her, rolling to my side. "God, I've missed you. I missed being inside you."

"I know," she whispered, moving to straddling my hips and perched herself on top me. Seeing her naked body in the lavender light of dawn made my cock harden even though I'd just come. "You are so handsome, baby. I'm such a lucky woman. Thank you for marrying me yesterday. Thank you for loving me."

"I'll love you until the day I die, Bella," I vowed. "Until death do us part."

"And it will be a long, wonderful life," she breathed. "Only filled with happiness." She leaned forward, brushing her lips with mine. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to make up for some lost time, baby."

"Oh, yeah," I growled, moving her over my cock and sliding her down my length.

xx BL xx

Five Years Later …

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" squealed my daughter as she ran to me. "I missed you! I missed you!" She jumped into my arms and covered my face with sloppy kisses. "Did you bring me a present?"

"Ava Renee," I chided. "Just because I go on a business trip doesn't mean you always get a present."

"Liar," sang my wife.

"Hush, Mrs. Masen," I snickered.

"You didn't get me a present?" Ava pouted. "I was a good girl! I helped with the babies. I threw away the stinky diapers. Jared's diaper was really, really stinky. Mommy said he has the shits."

"Isabella," I growled. "Language."

"I already paid the swear jar," Bella laughed, holding one of our twin boys, Jared William. The other one, Andrew Edward, was in his bouncy chair, babbling excited to see me. "But, my little parrot doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut."

"Sorry, Mommy," Ava giggled, snuggling against me. "I didn't mean to get you into trouble."

"Big trouble," I nodded. Bella scratched her face with her middle finger. I barked out a laugh, putting Ava on the ground and rolling my suitcase into the bedroom. Ava was on my heels, desperate to see her present. I plucked out a stuffed unicorn with a rainbow mane. "Thank you for helping Mommy with the twins, Ava, but don't expect a present every time that Daddy goes on a trip. What do you say?"

"Thank you, Daddy. I love you," she said, hugging her unicorn to her chest. She tugged on my hand, kissing me on my cheek before skipping to her bedroom.

Bella walked into our bedroom, placing our sons into the pack and play. "How was the meeting with Rosalie? Is the Swan Boutique B&B expansion going well?"

"Very well. We are already to go in New York, Connecticut, and Vermont. Chicago, Minneapolis and Rochester are near completion. Preliminary locations in Washington D.C., Arlington, Norfolk and Raleigh are getting bids. Things are booming. Plus, all of the larger resorts are doing as well. But, I'm glad to be home," I said, kicking off my dress shoes. "I know that these trips are necessary, but being away from my family just sucks."

"Language, Edward," she chided with a cheeky grin, unpacking my bag. I tossed one of my socks at her. "Hey! I'm not your maid, Edward. Pick that up."

"Yes, ma'am," I snorted, picking it up and tossing it into the hamper. I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I popped out my contact lenses and put on my glasses. After the cross-country flight, I was ready to relax with my kids, my wife and my family for rest of the week. Bella and I worked hard, but we also made it a priority to spend time with our family. Every Sunday, we ate dinner together either at our house or my mom's home she shared with Carlisle.

Have they gotten married? Nope. And from what both of them have told me, it wasn't going to happen either. My mom was happy with Carlisle, but getting married wasn't on their agenda. Mom was in love with my dad and he was her husband. She also loved Carlisle, but felt like it was a betrayal of her wedding vows to marry him. So, they lived in sin. I would have supported her decision to marry Carlisle, but I respected her choice to stay widowed.

Charlie was at every single one of those dinners, too. He even hosted a few, but not too often. He didn't like to cook and felt guilty making Bella, me or Mom cook in his kitchen. He offered to have the dinners catered, but it was the preparation that made the dinners special. Charlie was still single, but he had gone out of a few dates, not clicking with any of his dates.

Rose and Emmett were married in a huge wedding in Seattle. They celebrated their nuptials on New Year's Eve with almost the entire city of Seattle invited. The wedding was ostentatious, over-the-top and a lot of fun. Ava was the flower girl with Bella's baby bump as the ring-bearer. We found out about the boy's gender by accident. The doctor said that we were having twin boys and we cried. So, our daughter was dressed in a black sparkly dress while Bella's bridesmaid dress doubled as a tuxedo.

Alice and Jasper were separated despite their best efforts to make their relationship work. Alice loved Jasper and he loved her, but she couldn't stop controlling him. So, they were separated. Jasper lived in my old craftsman that Jared left me, working on his doctorate in psychology. Alice was living one of the suites in the Seattle B&B location. However, she was looking to move back to Los Angeles to be closer to her older sister, Cynthia.

"Daddy! Can we play outside?" Ava asked, skipping into our bedroom.

"After dinner," I answered, scooping her up. "I need to unpack, little one. And Mommy and I have to talk about work. Then, I'm all yours for four whole days. What do you think about that, Nugget?"

"Yay!" she squealed, hugging me. I put her down and she pounded back to her room.

"She really missed you," Bella said, hanging up my black suit. "She wouldn't go to bed until you called each night. That girl is enraptured with her daddy."

"I think it's the other way around," I snickered, tickling Andrew and Jared. "But, I love you boys, too. Were you good boys for mommy?"

"Ma! Ma!" Jared squealed, giving me his smile.

"When did he start talking?" I asked.

"He's just repeating sounds," Bella said. "Hey, little man."

"Mamamama!" he said, reaching for her.

"He totally called you Mama," I grinned, picking him up and snuggling his belly. "Such a good boy." He grabbed at my nose and blew raspberries to me. Andrew got jealous and started saying his own words. But, his sounded more like 'babababa.' Bella picked him up, giving him the same love that I was giving Jared. We traded boys and went downstairs, talking about my trip to the east coast. We also worked on making dinner. Just as I was going to call Ava down for dinner, my cell phone rang.

"I thought that your assistant knew you were off," Bella snickered, plating up the sautéed vegetables.

"He does," I said, sliding my finger across the screen. "Edward Masen."

"Edward, it's Liam. We gotta talk. Can you meet me at Jasper's?" Liam asked.

"I just got back from a week-long business trip, Liam. I haven't seen my family in that long. Is this an emergency?" I asked.

"I would say yes," Liam muttered. "I'm sorry, but I need you. Jasper needs you." He didn't give me a chance to respond. I gripped my phone, blowing a huff of air.

"What is it?" Bella asked.

"Liam. I need to go to Jasper's," I said. "I'm sorry, Bella."

"Liam wouldn't have called it weren't bad. Very, very bad," I said, grabbing my keys. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I'll have your mom come get the kids. I think you're going to need some breathing space once you get back. The last time Liam called, you kind of went off your rocker about Felix."

"That's probably smart," I nodded. I kissed my wife and darted out.

As I drove the short distance to my old house, I thought back to last time Liam called me with that grim sound in his voice. It was just before Bella said she was pregnant with the twins. We were celebrating our announcement of breaching the Fortune 100 list, separate from Swan Hotels. Liam came to my house. I was home alone with Ava and he dropped the bombshell that Felix had been beaten to death. I didn't know why, but I was irrationally angry that he had been killed. I kept my temper long enough for Charlie to come get my daughter and then I went for a ten-mile-long run and then sparring with the punching bag, breaking three of my fingers. I had to go back on medications for six months and I didn't trust myself around my daughter. It wasn't until Ava crawled into my lap, asking why I didn't love her anymore that forced me to pull my head out of my ass. After that, I fawned over my baby girl and I told her how much I loved her, every second of every day.

Parking behind Liam's Mercedes, I walked up the steps to my old house. Knocking, Liam ushered me in. Jasper was on the couch and Carlisle was sitting across from him. "What's going on?" I sat down next to Jasper, my brows furrowed.

"We wanted to tell you both about the news we got this morning," Liam said. He reached into briefcase and took out a file. "Bedford Hills Correctional Facility contacted me about a prisoner."

"Esme," I breathed. "What happened?"

"It appears that her torment came back to bite her in the ass," Liam replied. "This pictures are quite violent and graphic."

"She's dead," Jasper muttered.

"She's dead," Liam confirmed. He took out the pictures and fanned them across the cocktail table. "From what the ME said, her torture was long-term. She was brutalized and died from internal injuries from being sodomized with a sharp object."

The pictures were graphic, but it showed that the monster who had ruined my life was no longer a monster. She was a frail, old woman with a lot of enemies on the inside. Her body was bruised and battered, covered with scars, cigarette burns and open wounds. I was shocked at the sheer amount of blood. But, her terrified, open stare will haunt me for the rest of my life. "Did we look like that? The fear?"

Jasper picked up the picture and growled, tossing it across the table. "She deserved that. And more. She should have suffered more, Edward. She only suffered for five years. We lived with it for ten years, Liam. Ten years!"

"But, she's dead," I whispered. "She'll never hurt anyone again." I sat back, twisting my wedding band on my finger. "She'll never hurt anyone again." I got up, looking at Liam. "Do you need me anymore?"

"Edward, you shouldn't be alone," Carlisle murmured. "Let me drive you home."

"No. I need …" I said, holding up my hands. "I need to be alone for a little bit. I need to process all of this."

"We don't want a repeat of Felix," Carlisle said, arching a brow.

"I promise. No marathons or breaking of fingers," I quipped, but it sounded hollow. I took out my keys. "Call me if you need me, Jas."

"You, too, Eddie," Jasper said.

I nodded, leaving the house. I got into the car and drove around the city until the sun set. Around nine, I drove back home and parked in the garage. I went outside, sitting in the backyard. Bella came out, dressed in a pair of yoga pants and one of my button-downs. She looked so sexy, but innocent in the same respect. I opened my arms. She sat down in my lap, running my fingers through my hair. "Tell me," she said.

"You must already know," I sighed, nuzzling her neck.

"No. Carlisle called, but I let it go to voicemail after Elizabeth picked up Ava and the boys. Tell me, baby," Bella murmured, her body pressed against mine.

"Esme's gone," I muttered. "She was tortured like I was until she died." I told her what Liam said and how she was found. I tightened my hold around my wife. I needed to feel her warmth. I was so cold.

"How do you feel, baby?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "Numb."

"That's understandable," Bella said, her lips moving along my neck. Her arms hugged me and I buried my nose in her soft curls. "I'm here for you, Edward. If you need to talk, cuddle, make love."

"I need you," I said, cringing at how needy I sounded.

"You have me," she replied, getting up and tugging me inside. We made love all night. She let me process how I felt, how much I loved her and how much I appreciated her saving me. It was all about her. I made her come, bringing her hours of untold pleasure. As the sun was rising, I held my wife and allowed myself a few moments of grief for the monster who stole my innocence, but had given me the greatest gift.

My wife and my family.

That was the best thing in my life and Esme would never, ever ruin that. If anything, it was because of Esme that I had my wife and family.

But she didn't have to know and she never will.

xx BL xx

Ten Years Later …

"Thank you, Ray," I said, ending my conference call with the corporate head of our European branch of Swan Boutique B&Bs. "I'll look for that email for the numbers for the purchase of those several properties in Nice and Cannes." I hung up and sat back, pinching my nose. I was exhausted and I wanted to go home.

But, that meant that I would have to deal with Ava. She was fifteen going on thirty. My sweet girl had grown into a sullen, morose teenager. Her reddish brown hair was dyed black and she was dating a wonderful – do you hear my sarcasm – guy that had holes in his ears, nose, tongue and lip. I tried grounding her, but she snuck out. My wife and I were at wits end.

Grabbing my keys, I got into the car and drove home. As I parked the car, I heard Bella and Ava screaming at each other. Deep cleansing breaths. You will not kill your offspring. I walked into the house, seeing my gorgeous wife of fifteen years glowering at my fifteen-year-old daughter. "Edward, tell Ava that she's not going to Portland to see Screaming Niners. Especially not with Bruno."

"All of my friends are going," Ava sneered. "I already bought the ticket."

"Well, you're out the money, Ava," I said. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"It's called a dress, Dad," she snapped.

"Not in this house," I growled back. "You bend over and we can see all up in your business." I took off my suit coat, tossing it over her shoulders. "And we need to talk about your behavior and total lack of respect for both of us, Ava Renee Masen."

"Not again," she groaned, throwing her head back.

I blinked over at Bella and she nodded. "Yes, again. And we're done." I went over to her purse, removing her cell phone and credit card. "Everything has been handed to you, Ava. Your mother and I love you, but we don't like you very much right now. You're disrespectful, rude and making some very questionable choices. Until now, you are going to be on lock down. No cell phone, no time with friends, no boyfriend. AND you're working at the Seattle Swan B&B, earning minimum wage, as a maid for your spending money. The parental cash cow has dried up. You need to start acting like a young adult, not this. If we don't see a change, we've made arrangements for you to go a private school that is very strict."

"I can't believe this," she squeaked.

"Believe it, Ava," Bella nodded. She took my daughter's credit card and cut it up. "We expected growing pains, but not this. You're smart and beautiful, but you hide it all with a snarky, evil attitude. We trust your brothers more than you."

"That's because they're nerds," she snapped. "I hate you both!"

She stormed out of the kitchen and her door was slammed. I calmly walked to the garage and grabbed the power drill. Walking up the stairs, I tried her door and it was locked. I picked it up and Ava screamed at me. Without saying a word, I removed the door from her bedroom. "You'll earn your door back once you stop having a temper tantrum and act like the young lady I know you can be. Call me whatever you want, but I'm done. Your mother is done. The ball is in your court."

"You are a tyrant," she sneered.

"A tyrant …" I said, leaning the door against the wall. "Do you want to know what I was doing at fifteen?" Ava didn't know about my past, only that my dad was dead and not the troubles my mom and I had after his death. She huffed. "I went from being a teenaged boy to the man of the house. I was worrying about getting my next meal. My dad had just died and my mom was sick, unable to work. I had a full time job, on top of being a student. Even that didn't help. Mom and I lost our house and there was about ten years where I was in a really bad place, Ava. I made a vow for you and the boys to never have to experience what I had. But, perhaps I loved you too much. And I do love you. You just need to do some growing up."

I left her to her tears. I went down to spend time with Jared and Andrew, working with them on their science project. We all went to bed. Bella checked on Ava and she was asleep in her bed. Her face was scrubbed clean of her war paint. Curled up together, Bella had her head snuggled under my chin and idly traced my belly. "I hope we got through to her," Bella whispered.

"Me, too. We can only pray," I sighed, kissing her forehead. We drifted asleep, but it didn't last for very long. A couple hours after we went to sleep, my cell phone went off on my nightstand. "Masen," I said sleepily.

"Mr. Masen, my name is Officer Jackson. I'm calling to inform you that your daughter, Ava, was involved in a car accident. She's on her way to Harbor View Medical Center, via ambulance."

"Is she okay?" I asked, shooting up.

"She's stable, but you need to go down there," Officer Jackson said.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice shaking. Bella was already dressing and making phone calls to get someone to stay with Jared and Andrew. Once Charlie was at our house, Bella drove us to the hospital since I was too anxious to drive. We parked and went into the emergency department. We met with a nurse, who ushered us to Ava's room. The right side of her face was cut, presumably from the windows shattering. Her leg was encased in plaster and her arm was in a sling.

Her eyes blinked open and her face shattered. "Mommy, Daddy!" she wailed. "I'm so sorry!" We both ran to her side, hugging her gently. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Shhh, baby girl," I said, cradling her broken body. "We know you're sorry."

"What happened?" Bella asked, taking Ava's left hand.

"After you and dad took off my door, I used Jared's phone to text Bruno. I wanted to get out. He picked me up around one this morning and we headed to Portland. But, Bruno had been drinking," Ava frowned. "He was driving too fast and ran into the median, causing the car to flip over several times." Tears streamed down her cheeks and she put her head on my shoulder. Her fingers ran across the scars on my wrists. I'd always made sure my cuffs were on, but they were out on display. "Bruno died on impact and … I could have died, too. I got lucky."

"You did get lucky, but we could have lost you tonight," Bella sniffled, kissing Ava's forehead. "Your dad almost had a heart attack because that's how he lost his own father. A drunk driver and car accident."

"He died that way?" Ava whispered. I nodded, tightening my hold on her. "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't know." She touched my wrist again. "Is that how you got this?"

"That's a different story, but connected to my father's death," I answered. "I'm sorry about Bruno. I know you cared about him."

"He obviously didn't care about me because he showed up drunk," Ava sneered. We didn't say much after that. The doctor checked her out and told us that she had to be admitted overnight for observation because she did lose consciousness for longer than five minutes. The next day, she was released and we made an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon for her broken leg and dislocated shoulder. She was homeschooled for two months while she recovered. She spent a lot of time working with me. I knew she was curious about the scars on my wrists.

Just before we sent her back to school, after spring break, Ava approached me. "Dad, I have a few questions for you. Can we talk?"

"You can always talk to me, nugget," I said, using her childhood nickname.

"I'm not a nugget. I'm a pain in the ass," she deadpanned, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"This is true," I snorted. She smacked my arm. "Be kind to your decrepit father. Now, what are your questions?"

She took my hand, removing my cuff and pointed to it. "How did you get that? It looks like you were bound, Dad."

"That's because I was. After your grandfather, my dad, died, I was forced into a situation where my choices were taken away. I was essentially held as a slave by a woman who tormented me for ten years. From the age of eighteen until I met your mom at twenty-eight, I lived and worked for Esme Platt. She used to bind me to a table and whip me with chains and other implements of torture. My childhood was not easy and the early part of adulthood was significantly more difficult. I almost died."

"You were a slave?" she squeaked. "Like a sex slave? BDSM stuff?"

"Not so much, but I was used for sex. I was raped, Ava," I sighed.

"But, you're a guy. Guys can't be raped," she muttered, her brows furrowed. "How did you …"

"Get it up?" I questioned. She nodded. "Esme forced me to take pills. Viagra, Cialis and such. But, men can be raped. I said no. I never wanted it, Ava. The only person I wanted to make love to was your mom. She was the only person I ever did make love to and she's the last person." I sighed, scrubbing my hands through my graying hair. Ava added most of them. "It's the main reason why I am so hard on you. I don't want you to be put in a situation like I was. It took a long time for me to move past it and even now, I have moments where I struggle. And to get that phone call two months ago? It was my worst nightmare. No parent ever wants to have that happen."

"I'm so sorry, Daddy," she said, crawling into my lap. I held her, but I was tense. Yes, I knew my daughter would never hurt me, just like Bella, but I still struggled with anyone in my lap. "I want to be better for you and for mom. I love you guys so much. I know I don't say it all that much."

"You're a teenager. You're supposed to hate your parents," I said, kissing her hair.

"I don't. You only do what you do because you love me," she replied. "I promise to be better. And Mom's taking me to the salon to get the black crap out of my hair. The roots are something awful."

"I'm just glad my baby girl is back," I smiled.

And she was back. Our relationship improved and life smoothed out. Ava graduated high school, going to Stanford and decided to go pre-med. Jared and Andrew were brilliant, albeit nerdy, but it made their teenage years go well. They were too focused on video games than girls or hygiene.

On the day of Ava's medical school graduation, Bella and I sat in the audience, thinking back to how it all began. Our children were adults. The Swan Hotel Empire was thriving with another generation stepping in to take over. Our friends and family all had their respective happily ever after. Rose and Emmett lived and loved in Washington D.C., having three children. Emmett was now the director of the FBI and Rose was the CFO of the Boutique B&B division of Swan Hotels. Alice found happiness in Los Angeles with another man, one who could love her and could take her controlling nature. Jasper was a well-respected psychologist, working with rape survivors. He got remarried to a woman who he had met while he was a musician. They never had children, but were so in love. Charlie did eventually find someone to spend his life with, but he never remarried. The same was said about Carlisle and my mom, too. Uncle Peter married a colleague of Jasper's and he eventually had triplets with the help of IVF. He was almost sixty, chasing after toddlers.

I felt for him.

Truly, I did.

"I can't believe we're here, at Johns Hopkins, watching our baby girl graduate from medical school," Bella sniffled. Her hair was now cropped into a chic bob. Her skin was just as pale with the softest rose blush. Her body was rounded from having children and around her eyes, she had laugh lines from all of the happiness we shared. "We're not old enough to have a doctor in the family, Edward."

"Yes, we are," I snickered. "My bones remind me daily."

"Well, you are older than me," she snorted, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Not by much, Mrs. Masen," I deadpanned. "I'm so proud of her. So proud of all of our family."

"We've come a long way," she said, giving me a wistful look. "One thing never changed, baby."

"What's that?" I asked.

"How much I love you," she answered, kissing me gently. "To the moon and back, Edward."

"And you are my sun, bellissima," I murmured, cupping her cheek. "I adore you and that will never change. You are my past, my present and forever my future. I love you. And my love will forever be free. Never bought."

"Never bought," she sighed, snuggling in my arms. "And unconditional." I smiled, kissing her once more, my heart at peace, my soul happy and forever in love with my bellissima.
