A/N- JJ and Prentiss are in a relationship together, the team slowly finds out.

Agent Prentiss was in the lead with Morgan right behind her. Testing the handle of the front door, she found it to be locked. Without hesitation, she reared back and brought her right foot up solidly against the wood of the door, near the handle. It splintered easily and she shoved her way through as Morgan followed closely.

Their guns were up, Derek's eyes trailed Emily's gun and the thick, black leather strap on her watch. It sild up and down her wrist slightly as she swung the gun to lead her examination of the room.

A movement from the back of the house drew their attention, and Emily was after it in a second, sprinting out the back door and chasing the subject through the back yard. Morgan had hardly made it out the door when he saw Prentiss launch herself at the suspect, tackling him to the ground and securing his hands behind his back.

Rossi and Hotch soon joined them, bursting through the back gate with their guns trained on the man Prentiss was hauling to his feet by his cuffed hands.

"Nice catch, Prentiss." Morgan smiled at his partner.

"Maybe next time you can play linebacker." She joked, bringing her right hand up to push a bit of hair back behind her ear, the thick, black leather strap of her watch slid just slightly down her wrist in the action.

"And take away your fun? What kind of partner would I be?"

She rolled her eyes, escorting the man out of the back yard, and into the waiting SUV.


The team piled into the jet, and everyone gathered around the central table to review the case file. They had been able to enjoy the most of a three day weekend before they had been called in on an emergency case that went straight to Hotch, bypassing JJ entirely.

Now, sitting around the table, it was obvious that most of the agents were less than pleased with the interruption. Morgan wasn't too angry at being called in at ten on the Monday morning they were supposed to have off, but Prentiss had a distinctly pissed off expression. JJ looked plain tired, while Rossi was mildly annoyed.

While they waited for the jet to take off, Morgan decided to do what he did best- tease his partner.

"What's got you so worked up, princess?" He asked the brunette sitting across from him.

She glared at him, "None of your business."

"Are you sure? As your partner I feel like I should be informed if there's something that could impact your performance in the field."

Emily scoffed at the implication that anything could impact her performance, and flipped through the case file in an attempt to diffuse attention from herself. Morgan wasn't letting up that easy.

"You look like you were interrupted in the middle of something." He began, teasingly profiling her.

"Morgan." She warned, but was cut off when Reid jumped in on the profile.

"He's right, your hair is in a ponytail. And you only put your hair up like that when we're going out into the field or if it's been a long day. Normally you straighten it, indicating that you were interrupted and didn't have time to get as ready as you normally are when you come into work." Spencer rattled off.

Emily narrowed her eyes at the young genius sitting across the aisle, "Really now?"

"Yes. And judging by the sleep crusted in the corners of your eyes, I would guess that you spent the morning in bed."

Morgan raised an eyebrow at the insinuation that Reid had accidentally made while Prentiss squirmed at the accusation, rubbing her eyes harshly as though they had personally betrayed her, "So, princess, anything you want to let us know about who it was keeping you in bed all morning?"

She coughed subtly into her fist without replying to him. Instead she focused on JJ and Hotch also seated at the table who were looking through their own copies of the case file, "So what time are we taking off?"

"Just a few more minutes." JJ replied, she had a faint smirk as she shook her large watch down her thin wrist so it sat comfortably.

The team settled in for the jet to become airborne as Hotch began briefing the case. It was relatively straightforward and there wasn't much they could do until they got on the ground. So Morgan tried to settle something that had been nagging at the back of his mind all morning.

Prentiss had left her seat at the table and was settled in her usual seat in the back of the jet next to JJ. He waited until the brunette got up to grab a couple of waters, before cornering her at the front of the jet near the small fridge.

"I didn't know you were seeing anyone." He said, making her jump and straighten again to regard him.

"I'm not."

"Random hookup?"

Emily laughed shortly, "Not talking about it with you."

"Come on Em." She tried to step around him, but he blocked her path. Morgan looked at her eyes, and watched her tense body posture, "So it wasn't just a random hookup. You're dating someone and you haven't told me about it either because you're concerned that the team and I won't approve of him or because you don't approve of him and don't want to be embarrassed by it."

Emily's smile made Morgan know that his original suspicion was probably right, "For a professional profiler, you're totally off base."

She managed to edge around him, "Oh, Prentiss." He called at her as she resumed her seat at the back of the jet, "What time is it?"

Out of habit, she brought her right wrist up to check her watch, frowning when she realized she wasn't wearing the usual accessory. He smirked at the scowl she sent him as if it were his fault her wrist was empty.


Morgan reclined in his chair, throwing his feet up on the table before him. Half of the team was sitting in a conference room of the local police station, trying to complete a profile to release to the media.

The other half was at the first crime scene, checking out anything the police may have missed. JJ twirled the dry erase marker around in her fingers as she examined the board they had set up so far.

"So we know that the unsub is targeting primarily middle aged couples with no children, that are very well off." JJ rattled off.

Reid nodded along, Morgan tore a piece of paper off his notebook and crumpled it up into a ball. He threw it up as if shooting a basketball and caught it easily.

"Is there anything significant about the race of the couples?" Reid asked.

Morgan threw his ball, and caught it again.

"No, there's two white couples, and one with a white male and hispanic female. It seems to be insignificant." JJ shook her head.

Morgan repeated his action with the ball, and JJ finally interrupted him.

"Care to contribute to the team, Agent Morgan?"

"I'm still processing." He said with a smile, he had been unusually difficult since the interaction with Emily that morning and it was grating on the blonde.

"Well whenever you're ready to begin doing your job." JJ taunted before turning back to the board.

Seeing his chance, Morgan threw caution to the winds and made his move. He chucked his paper ball in a high arch towards JJ, ensuring she had enough time to spin around and catch it.

She transferred the dry erase marker to her left hand to catch the ball smoothly in her dominant right, and held it up triumphantly.

Morgan smiled as his suspicions were confirmed. JJ dropped the ball on the table with a raised eyebrow at the other agent's antics.

"I take it this means you're ready to contribute?" She asked, pushing the thick, black leather strap of the too-large watch back down her thin wrist so it sat comfortably after the upset of catching the paper projectile.

"Yeah I'm ready." Morgan confirmed, dropping his feet from the table and looking JJ straight in the eye, "That's a nice watch." He said with a wink that went unnoticed by Reid, but made JJ flush a bright red.

He knew, and now she knew that he knew.

A/N- Stay tuned, up next is Rossi! Drop a review and let me know what you thought.