Pyrus: Welcome to my new Gajevy series. Please enjoy. An update for my followers, I will be working on updating many of my older unfinished stories and finishing them in more legible writing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters.

Chapter 1: There is no better party than a Mt. Olympus party

A small girl sat under a flowering willow tree, her white skirts spread out around her, in the middle of a meadow overflowing with thousands upon thousands of wild flowers. She inhaled deeply shifting her weight so that her back rest against the smooth bark of the tree. In her lap lay an open leather bound book, a pressed fiery red flower holding her page as she watched her handmaidens collecting flowers. Mortals named her Persephone, but she prefers to go by the name Levy.

A slight breeze stirred her striking light blue hair from her shoulders just as another figure appeared out of thin air out in the distance. Her mother, Demeter, approached her intricate robes of emerald green were encrusted with ivy leaves and spring flowers, while wheat and barley had been intricately woven into her bun of white hair.

Levy sighed, gently closing her book and standing. One of her handmaidens rushed over to relieve the young goddess of her burden, but Levy clutched her book tighter to her chest as she approached her mother.

Levy wore simple white dress with its strapless neckline that draped across the small amount of chest she had before cascading down into her flowing skirts that ended just above her knees. She wore a simple crown of wildflowers upon her head and nothing upon her feet. She smiled at her mother, who frowned back at her.

"Where are your shoes?" Demeter's brow furrowed deeply.

"I didn't feel like wearing them. Its such a nice day."

Demeter's frown lessened slightly though with a snap of her fingers made Levy's happy go lucky smile vanish. Her crown of wildflowers was replaced by a golden floral headpiece, with matching gold floral wristbands, and gold sandals that criss crossed all the way up to her knee.

"Mother," Levy whined.

"Persephone !" Demeter barked, Levy pouted.

Demeter took Levy's book from her hands and handed it off to the waiting handmaiden. Levy sighed heavily as she saw the handmaiden tuck her beloved book away into a basket. Demeter then took her daughter's hand and the two vanished.

Demeter and Levy appeared in the grand entranceway within the gates of Mt. Olympus. High vaulted ceilings with flame lit chandeliers lit the way to the main hall, while brilliantly colored stained glass windows of all shapes and sizes lined the walls. High above them the nymphes and lesser gods flitted around the chandeliers in a strange game of tag.

Levy's smile returned once more as Hermes, or Jet as he always encouraged her to call him, came flying down to meet them. He was dressed in a short dark plum toga that had a belt around the waist. He wore a golden helmet and shoes both adorned with little white wings that allowed him to speed across the skies.

"My lady, my lord Zeus awaits your council in the main hall." Hermes stated bowing low before the pair.

"Thank you, Hermes." Demeter nodded her head.

"Hello Jet," Levy whispered.

"Good evening Levy," His eyes following her, as the pair passed by.

They continued their walk to the main hall, Levy's mind wandered staring at all the guests who were drinking and loitering in the hall. Before long, however, a pair of attendants opened a set of heavy golden doors allowing them to finally enter the main hall, which was a mad house as per usual.

Levy smiled slightly as she continued to walk in her mother's shadow, noting all the major gods and goddess. She spotted Apollo with his pink hair and orange robes fighting with Poseidon whose robes of dark navy blue stood out from the warm tones in the room. Watching them silently were the goddesses Athena, with her ever critical look that pierce out from under her curtains of ruby red hair, and Dionysus, who was surely to drunk already and wouldn't remember most of the details of the party come morning.

Levy was jolted back to reality as she nearly ran into her mother's back. Peering out from around her mother Levy found herself eye to eye with none other than the queen of the gods, Hera. Hera was a short petite woman with curtains upon curtains of blonde hair. She could have been mistaken for a child younger than Levy, but her eyes betrayed her for they showed her true age.

"Persephone child, you should be having fun." Hera stated with a smile and a wave of her hand.

Levy didn't have to be told twice. She stepped back away from the pair of women, Hera having already looped arms with a reluctant looking Demeter. Levy took off into the colorful crowd of people looking for her best friend.

As the small bluenette traveled deeper and deeper in the crowded room she found herself getting tossed around by the many bodies around her. It became so bad that she was worried she would trip and fall flat on her butt in front of everyone. Sadly this became fruition for no sooner had Levy envisioned herself falling that a running water nymph ran straight into her. The smaller goddess went spinning around from the nymph's momentum only to land against something rock solid.

"Thank goodness" Levy sighed, through her relief didn't last long.

What she had originally taken for a wall she suddenly realized was metal, and to make it even worse that said metal, was breathing. Levy jumped back, fear etched across her face as she came face to face with none other than Hades.

Hades was nothing like the mortals imagined him. Where they imagined him to be slim, pale and gaunt Hades was actually built much like a small house with his broad shoulders and rippling muscles. His skin was a deep olive tan, he had a mane of long black hair, and piercing red eyes. Some would have called him handsome much like his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, except Hades' was silent and his scowl made many of the other gods and goddesses feel very uneasy.

Levy stood there stunned looking up at the taller god who in turn stared down at her with a mix of shock, displeasure and something else that Levy couldn't name. Levy felt a smaller hand latched onto her upper arm and pulled her away. Levy stumbled off after the person pulling her, casting one more look over her shoulder at the dark haired god.

"Are you mental?" Levy's savior questioned moments later, as they came to a halt.

"It was an accident Lu."

Lu was short for Lucy, which was the preferred name of none other than Aphrodite herself. Dressed in her usual pale pink wrap dress with her blonde hair done up in a simple bun Lucy was stunning and in Levy's mind she could never be as pretty as Lucy or Hera.

"Well next time fall into Jet or freaking Athena." Lucy ranted, "I mean come on, Hades of all people, really!"

"Lu can't we just go hang out with everyone?" Levy asked snagging two cups of Ambrosia from a passing satyr.

Lucy gave into Levy's wishes both downing their drinks before running off to find their friends. As they were going Jet flew down and scooped up Levy who laughed. Jet touched the young goddess' shoes and little white wings appeared allowing Levy to fly on her own.

Levy loved flying, it made her feel free and tall. She soared past Apollo and Poseidon who were being berated by Athena. She laughed as she nearly got hit as she past Aeolus and Aura who were playing target practice with several bottles as targets. She zoomed back to Lucy who had been picked up by Apollo and was currently on his back. Levy laughed some more and landed on a large chandelier.

"I thought you hated visiting us?" Apollo commented as he dropped off Lucy.

"I love and hate it." Levy explained, "It's one of the few times I get to see you, but I can't be myself."

"It does stink that Demeter is still controlling you, like your 50 years old." Poseidon commented having just shot himself up onto the chandelier.
"I'm 300 years old, but don't tell her that." Levy commented grumpily.

"Oh come one Levy don't frown." Jet commented bringing her another glass of Ambrosia.

"You're right, Jet." Levy said sitting up and taking the drink from him, "I can enjoy these moments with everyone."

"Aye!" Apollo called out, "Then lets start a game!"

He watched the childish party of gods and goddesses from a distant table. He was brooding, the shadows clung to his body discouraging anyone passing from disturbing him. Beside him his trusty hellhound, Lily, fained sleep.

Gajeel couldn't understand. He should have been pissed about being touched by another goddess, but for some reason he only wanted to feel that contact again. He growled low and slammed his fists on the table causing Lily to open his one good eye. Gajeel downed another strong mortal drink that burned all the way down his throat, his eyes never leaving the giggling laughing form of Persephone.