I don't think I'll put a pairing in this, but if I do, please be aware that it will NOT be NaruHina, SasuSaku or NaruSaku.

Disclaimer: I own Kitsuba and my view of demonic culture? Not Naruto though, damn.

The explosion could be heard all across Konaha. The unearthly scream that rattled window paned and shattered eardrums, accompanied by a harsh and terrible light and heat. Naruto shielded his eyes, trying to look at it, but it was like staring at the sun. It was probably some crazy new jutsu gone wrong, he reasoned, no need to go back. He had been in training ground forty-four all day, it was the only place so dangerous that the villagers wouldn't brave harm to get to him on this horrid day and "finish what the fourth started". Some birthday.


He was dragged from his self loathing by Kyuubi's growl pooling up from the recesses of his mind. Usually he would ignore the kitsune when he was deep in thought, but right now the fox sounded thoughtful and only a few shades down from panicky, so he responded.


Go check that out?

Go back to the village? Today? Are you crazy, we'll die!

If that is what I think it is, everyone in that worthless village will die if we don't.

Naruto was nervous, but after years of experience he had learned that Kyuubi was worth listening to. He had learned to trust the voice that warned him of incoming attacks and bloodthirsty villagers before they came. Kyuubi was his guardian and saviour and he had been there for Naruto through all the hardest times. Grudgingly moving to his feet in a swift movement with an elegance he wouldn't dream of showing anyone in public, he swiftly are his way toward the village, wondering what had Kyuubi so nervous.

xX Line Break Xx

The fight was mad, Sasuke decided, surveying the chaos before him. Completely and utterly mad. The village had been spontaneously attacked by an army that seemed to have come from nowhere. Every member of the army was a demon, a sleek, elegant, animalistic creature that tore though the streets causing havoc. They could, apparently, tell the future, intercepting every move and counter attacking with a vengeance. Shikamaru had recently started calling movements that seemed stupid, but they had obeyed the genius anyway, because, in some strange turn of fate, the battle had turned into the world largest and most deadly game of chess. Thousands of pieces that didn't need to be in place to attack. Now the only question was… Who the hell was winning?

Any 'clone' that was struck down, simply healed and got up. Transforming into a glowing mass before reforming and continuing to fight, they didn't appear to have any regard for being injured, he suspected they didn't even feel it. Thinking of the orders Shikamaru was giving, it was apparent that the genius ha reached the same conclusion he had, they had to get to the core of the problem. A light that shone so brilliantly that looking at it had effects akin to staring at the sun was the centre of the battle. The demons poured from it in droves and there was no visible end, Sasuke wondered if there was even anything in the terrible ball of energy to stop. It could be some sort of demonic portal for all they knew. Biting his lip and considering his options, he acted, hurling a kuuni into the heart of the small star, nothing seemed to happen at first.

In the time it took Sasuke to blink, the star had moved, dulled down and reduced to a glowing, enormous creature that was growling and hurtling towards him. Before he could move, he found himself pinned under a massive glowing paw that radiated heat like a fire, staring down a long muzzle full of razor-sharp teeth. The creature was large and canine. An enormous glowing wolf with one, two, three… ten tails fanning out behind it. It's fur was bright, bit slightly gold tinged, he noticed, now it was possible to look at without burning your retinas. Luminous, pupil-less eyes stared him down, unflinching in the full Uchiha glare, however, despite this, Sasuke noticed the trails of fiery liquid that spilled from them, burning the ground next to him as they landed.

Lips pulled back in a feral snarl, the creature let out a strange, warped bark before growling again. He could hear his comrades trying to help him, but between the army and the lashing tails, he knew he was on his own. The creature barked again and repeated it's behaviour. It reminded him of the interrogators who loved to use intimidation, ask a question, then scare them and repeat until they cracked. Suddenly, it came to him all too fast. Taking a huge risk for the second time that day, he took a breath, still unwilling to break eye contact, and said as steadily as he was able.

"I don't understand you."

The wolf stopped growling and the pressure on his chest lessened as it lifted it's paw slightly. It looked to be in great thought for a while, like it was trying something in it's head before opening it's muzzle and in a gravelly sort of voice asked, "What did you do to Oniisan?"

Of all the things Sasuke had expected, that was not it, so if he had let out a slightly (and only slightly) undignified "Huh?" It was warranted. Apparently, it was not, however, a good idea as it seemed to make the giant canine on top of him angry again. I threw it's head back and growled before baring back down on him.

"Idiot!" It screeched, "Where is my big brother! I don't care what that foolish teenager thinks, he's not dead!"

It was beginning to sound like a desperate child, Sasuke really hoped it didn't slide into that mentality, he didn't much care for children. "Well…" He said carefully, considering every word. "Who is your big brother?" The glare sent his way was pure, undiluted disbelief.

"Stupid. How many giant, demonic animals do you get around here? You know exactly who I'm talking about, you were having a bloody festival celebrating his dea… Defeat. I caught his scent, so I came looking. Ritzuku is very hard to miss, I recognised it even as old as it is."

The wolf had launched into a small rant now and Sasuke listened in spite of himself, curious to see where this was going.

"But then I saw the paintings and stories, when I asked about them..." She broke off, unable to relive the panic and overwhelming grief they had possessed her when she thought her beloved brother was forever gone and an awkward science enveloped them. There was still a harsh weight on Sasuke's chest and his laboured breathing was the only sound one heard in their little bubble away from the battle. This continued for several agonising seconds before finally, finally his normally sharp mind made the connection.

"Do you mean you were looking for the Kyuubi? That DEVIL?" The wolf sent him a poisonous glare which immediately shut him up.

"First of, it's deamon." It insisted, stretching the "e" and kicking the "a" sound into the words in a way a human never could. "Or demons, if you can't pronounce that. Second, yes. I was looking for him. He's been gone a very long time."

"Kyuubi. You serially mean to tell me that you have been awaiting the return of the Kyuubi no Kitsune?" There was a note of disbelief in his voice.

"Do I mean to tell you that? I have been awaiting the return of Ritzuku."

"The name of the biiju that attacked the village is Kyuubi no Kitsune."

The wolf's gaze became, if possible, more intense, eyes sharper than any kuuni in the armoury. "Is it? Is it really, or is this an example of humanity's legendary arrogance?"


"Perhaps I should try get this through your thick, human skull. I have been waiting the equivalent of fifty-seven of your years for Ritzuku, as well as the others, to come home. Now that I am actually capable of going out to look for them, I am going to look for them. I will not allow you, nor anyone else, to keep me from them." It's voice was hard, steelier than even her stare, as it talked him down. "Nor them from me."

This had shocked the last Uchiha into silence, and as he mused on what had been revealed to him, a distraction arrived in the form of a blur of blonde and orange dancing across the rooftops. Naruto, he realised and he had never been more pleased to see the dobe.

But something was wrong, Sasuke realised as he watched his teammate approached. That red chakra that only seemed to appear in the most dire of situations was pooled and bubbling on his skin. As the orange clad nin came closer, Sasuke saw eyes as red as Sharringaan with slitted pupils and sharp teeth hung out of the blonde's mouth.