Two Months Later
Jack was resting. It had been a long eventful day for the young man and he decided that sometimes he hated his species. He had a compulsion to listen to his mate and his mate had decided that not only would he not go back to humanoid Jack Spicer Young but that he wasn't allowed to go hunting for wu. So as Chase went to go hunt some big important wu Jack was stuck here alone with some cats stress cooking. He also seemed to be stress eating because half of what he cooked went straight to his stomach and he was still hungry. It wasn't uncommon after a shed like the one he'd had last week, he shivered, a horrible week full of itching and embarrassment for Jack and amusement for Chase. Jack had wanted to punch him the way that he kept smirking as Jack had struggled. Really, as much as he loved his mate, the warlord could be impossible sometimes. Jack sighed,and ate another pan of cupcakes.
Chase was smiling as he once again beat the monks for some minor wu.
"Why are you even here Chase? This isn't some major Wu! What's your game?"
"Why would he be playing a game Raimundo? This is extremely serious." Rai simply glared at the yellow child and waited for Chase to speak.
"I almost forgot. If you or any of your friends come to bother me within the next three months, I will destroy you, your families and your temple. I will be taking a reprieve from evil as will Jack Spicer. You've been warned."
The monks stared in shock as Chase disappeared leaving them their Wu. Their first instinct was to follow him, to spy on him and see what he was up to but they really didn't want to end up eaten by an angry dragon so they grabbed their Wu and left.
"Wait, what does that varmint Jack have to go with this?"
Back at home Chase hurried to see Jack and saw that Jack had been baking again. He smirked as he made his way to where he knew Jack would be.
Chase found his lover redecorating thier bedroom with even more comfortable objects gathered to the center of the bed which most of his body rested in.
"Hello Jack, what are you doing love?"
Jack flinched but s he recognized Chase's voice he continued to do what he was doing.
"Making a nest the eggs truly didn't tell me about with be here soon probably later tonight and I'm almost ready."
Chase smiled and gave Jack a kiss on top of his head and began to help as he waited for Jack to calm down.
"You know I didn't figure it out until I started to make this thing. How long have you know Chase?"
Chase smirked, " Since you've had us move our bedroom seven times in the last month love. It was amusing to wait for you to find out."
Jack settled into his makeshift nest and glared at his mate though the effect was ruined by his pouting. It only took a few kisses for him to forgive Chase, still he was apprehensive. What if their children were tainted by him, by his unique brand of freak? What if he was a horrible parent? What if they got hurt by his or Chase's enemies? What if-
"Calm yourself love. I'll protect you and our young and of I cannot you will, you'll be a wonderful mother."
Those words and those words and the gentle kiss that followed allowed Jack to relax for the first time in weeks as he nuzzled his mate's neck with a smile. That was when he felt the egg begin to make its way out of his body. Jack grunted and tried not to stiffen.
"Yes love?"
"It's starting!"
Chase's stunned and slightly panicked exclamation was the first of many that happened but six hours later, Jack and Chase had two beautiful eggs. One was colored with golden and red swirls and the other with green and white. Both parents cooed over their new laid eggs and Jack coiled protectively around them. Chase kissed each egg before kissing his mate long and hard.
"They're beautiful, just like their mother."
"They're not even hatched Chase but I agree, how could they not be with a father like you."