AN: I am thanking SuNoYo early, I know she will edit this later. Here is the end of this tale. Will we have a sequel? Possibly. When will it come, I don't know. Thanks also goes to Yen for helping with the very end of the tale. It was the part that started the entire tale. ^-^ Now, go enjoy.

Changing the Timeframe

Standing in Diagon Alley, Gellert absorbed the feeling of the hustle and bustle of people. Not three hours ago he had flooed in from the German Ministry where no one soul recognized him as Grindelwald, just as not one here did either. 'Fifty years can do that. I wonder if Albus would recognize me?' That question lead him to wonder if he would recognize Albus after all this time.

Turning quickly to avoid a running child, his new purse slapped against his leg reminding him of the oath the goblin nation extracted from him half an hour ago and their promise that it insured.

We shall not reveal that you are alive, nor your location, but you must make a binding oath that you will not help Lord Voldemort nor knowingly do anything to hinder the economy. If you break your oath, we shall be forced to make sure the official death records are correct.

With one simple oath, Gellert had access all his vaults. They gave him the purse with a very succinct version of their deal stitched on it in the goblin's language. Our gold stops flowing, your blood stops flowing.

Casting a quick look at Gringotts, Gellert headed off to find the shadier side of the British Wizarding World. It was there he would learn about his quarry.


"You shall need a broom, Severus." Yu watched as the last cauldron was scrubbed and stacked.

"A broom?" Severus stretched his back the best he could with Yu wrapped around him. "Why do I need one?"

Yu's face filled his vision as the dragon answered. "I wish to go flying. It is the students' holiday, so most are not on the grounds. We can soar in the clouds and enjoy the wind."

"I don't like flying -" Severus never got a chance to finish his sentence.

"Don't like flying! It is those brooms – you must come with me! I will take you soaring and show you the wonders that are there to be had." Yu unwrapped himself from around his companion, grabbed him by the left arm – making sure to cover the mark, and proceeded to drag him out the door and onto the grounds.

"I will need a broom at least for show."

Yu let him snatch one up as they passed the school broom closet. The evening sunlight glinted off the Black Lake and a crisp chill in the air pricked at Severus eyes. It was not a time to go flying.

Yu flowed about him like smoke, and Severus watched him expand until Yu's head dwarfed him. He was a third of the height of one curved claw.

"Mount your broom, Severus, we are going flying."

Doing as ordered, Severus was soon uncomfortably sitting on the broom. He considered just flying without it, but he was not quite willing to let the staff and the students know he could. Angling the broom up, he flew into the sky, Yu right beside him.

It didn't take long for them to be amongst the clouds, the evening sunlight glinting off the edges of Yu's scales. A large paw wrapped around Severus and his broom. "Settle and relax, I am taking you flying, Severus."

Keeping hold of his broom, Severus settled onto the back claw as Yu wove through the clouds and danced with the winds. He was willing to admit to himself it was fun.


"You want me to do what?" Severus stared at Albus in disbelief.

"Harry must learn Occlumency, Severus, and you are the best one to teach him." Albus folded his hands under his beard, his blue eyes watching the man across from him, wondering where the dragon was.

"Why does Potter need to learn an obscure Mind Art?" Severus leaned back in his seat, doing his best not to pace the room to vent his frustrations.

"Voldemort and the boy have a mental connection. Harry needs to learn to block it."

Sighing, Severus nodded and then fought the grin at Albus' astonishment from his giving in so easily. Without the anger there, it was so much easier to do what needed to be done.


Pacing about his office, Severus stared at the mound of parchment on his desk, wondering once again just how he was going to convince Potter that he was not intending to harm him while doing what would seem just like that. Learning Occlumency was hard work, harder than he had anything he had ever seen the boy do except face the Dark Lord year after year. 'And this isn't rush in and save the day stuff.'

Moving to a small cauldron set up just so he could brew to calm his mind, he began a simple smoking potions. It had no true purpose, just billow smoke from the surface of the liquid, but it was a test in precision. One slip of the stirring rod, one ingredient added a quarter of a second early or late, and it would not work. It was this potion that allowed him to clear his mind, for when brewing it, nothing but it could be there.

The knock on his door came as he finished the last stir and the first curl of smoke rose from the surface. "Enter."

He turned around as Potter walked through his door looking nervous and a bit defiant. Gesturing to a seat, he moved to lean against his desk. "This … topic is complex, Potter. It will take diligence and focus as well as the ability to preserver when there is no sign of accomplishment."

His could tell his words, even though he spoke them softly, almost blandly, affronted Potter.

Yu peered closely at Potter. "There are too many negative connections, Severus. We need to break them, or he will never learn."

Severus raised a questioning eyebrow at the dragon, missing the puzzled the expression starting to form on Potter's face.

"I can snap the connections, but you will need to form the mirror and explain to the child what is happening. Tell him about me, but swear him to secrecy so he will not reveal the information to anyone who might tell the Dead Man."

Nodding once, Severus focused back on the boy. The confused green eyes caused a small grin to flash on his face. "Mr Potter, you know these lessons are a matter of complete secrecy." At the boy's guilty look, he continued. "Of course you would have told your two constant companions. What I am about to reveal to you shall not go past them, do I have your word?"

Potter swallowed nervously, his gaze shifting from one place to another until it landed back on Severus. "I give you my word."

"Good. I have a companion who made a suggestion which make sense. He says you are surrounded by negative connections that need to be dispelled. We can do this for you, making it easier for you to learn the skill I am to teach you. I will know nothing about what these connections are, but I cannot guarantee that my companion will not. I can guarantee that he will not spread any information that is not needed to be known."

"Your companion? I do not see any companion, ... Professor." Potter looked about the office, attempting to see into the shadows.

"Severus," Yu shifted his weight and unwrapped his tail. "I will leave you long enough to fly through the smoke rising from the cauldron so he can see me."

"Very well," Severus watched as Yu released his grip on his connections. Returning his attention to Potter he caught the wary look. "My companion is invisible to most people, Mr Potter. He is going to fly through the smoke rising out of that cauldron so that you might see him. Once he is visible to you, I will cast a spell that will show you all your connections formed from every relationship you have had. I will then touch the connection allowing you a moment to hold all the positive memories connected to that relationship, and then he will destroy the negative. You will still know why it was a negative connection, and you will have all your memories, but you will have better control of the emotions they invoke."

A gasp came from Potter, causing Severus to look over where the boy was staring. Smoke clung to Yu's head, not as well as the joss smoke, but it was very clear that it was a dragon's face. Yu slowly moved through the smoke, obviously letting it coat him so Potter could see him. Turning back to Potter, Severus cast the Soul Mirror spell that he had insisted Zhu teach him.

Yu walked across the floor, until he was next to Potter. He curled his tail around Severus' leg as the Potions Master joined them.

Severus stared at the number of black ribbons streaming off of Potter. Reaching out a hand, he rested one finger against the darkest of ribbons. "Think of any positives you wish to keep, Potter."

Tears sprang to the boy's eyes, only to be blinked away.

Yu moved until he was once again draped over Severus as he normally was, but this time one paw was out stretched resting on the back of Severus' hand. At Severus' nod, he drew a claw through the ribbon. It puffed out of existence and the boy gasped in surprise.

Severus moved to the next one and they repeated the action. As they reached the black cord extending from Potter's hand, out of the words carved into the back of his hand, Severus couldn't resist a fast glance at Yu. When the Imperial Dragon learned about the Defense Professor's detention methods, he became enraged. That very evening, Yu insisted that Severus walk near her office while on patrol. There was a student in detention, using the Blood Quill. The dragons surged off his shoulders, through the cracks around the door, and Severus was left not knowing exactly what happened. The end result though was there were no more Blood Quills, and Umbridge walked about in a permanent damp.

Focusing back on to Potter, Severus watched as that black cord vanished. As he moved to the next one, Yu prevented him from touching it.

Yu glared at the cord before turning his attention to Severus. "You cannot touch that one. The Dead Man will know. We cannot break it either, or he will know, and we're not quite ready for him to know. Tell the boy so he can understand."

"Potter, this last one is your connection to the Dark Lord. If we destroy it, then he will know. I do not know what the repercussion of that will be." Severus cancelled the mirror and looked into the overwrought expression on Potter's face. "Go, we are done for tonight. You must come to terms with all the changes before we can proceed. Tonight practice clearing your mind of everything. Ask Miss Granger for some techniques to help with this."

Stepping back to his desk, he waved his wand, opening his office door, and watched the boy walk out slowly.

"Part of the Dead Man's soul is in the boy." Yu watched the dread fill Severus' face. "I can break the connection, which will allow the soul to pass on as it should have, but its presence means that learning Occlumency will not help the boy block the man out. The Dead Man needs to be ended now."

Severus felt his resolve harden. "The version we worked on over the holidays is close enough that he might believe it can work. I will let the Dark Lord know, and then we end this."


'I can't make it there until the beginning of summer, Severus. Are you sure this can't wait until then?' Zhu response came quickly after Severus' note about planning to alert the Dark Lord about the testing of the potion.

'I can't either.' Kenji writing was almost illegible, as if he was writing with the wrong hand. 'Severus, please get that Order to go with you. Please!'

'What are you working on, Kenji? Severus, do what Kenji said to do. Get help! I can't be there either, there is no time to get a portkey.' Kasem's reply was written before Severus could get his quill to the page.

'I will talk to Albus. Yu will not hear about this being put off, Potter is being more affected by the Dark Lord than we thought.'

'More affected? I didn't know he was being affected at all. What is going on, or can you not tell his business?' Jin-sun hastily scribbled message appeared at the same time Kenji's answer popped up.

'I'm trying to brew a batch of Pepper-up. There is a group of visiting British wizards who caught a could and spotted it on my list of potions. Severus, you need to make sure you have witnesses – credible witnesses – that can prove that you worked against the Dark Lord.'

Severus grinned. He taught that potion to Kenji years ago, and the Japanese Priest has been making a fortune off of it since. It was one reason he was considering moving in with him if need be. He could brew the British style potions to pay for his keep. 'Charge them appropriately, Kenji - those are a rarity there. I will make sure there are credible witnesses. As for Potter, part of the Dark Lord's soul is lodged inside his connection to him. I agree with Yu, it cannot remain.'

The comments that followed that assured him his friends agreed with Yu and that he needed to have a long conversation with Albus tonight and this should be handled by the morning at the latest. They would be anxiously awaiting his update.


Severus knocked sharply on Albus' door, entering when the Headmaster called out. "Albus, the Order needs to be ready to move out at a moment's notice."

Minerva's head jerked around, her eyes widening, as Albus stood quickly from behind his desk. "What's happening? Where's the attack going to be?"

Flashing a slight grin at her, Severus shook his head. "We are going to attack him when he calls me this time."

"I don't know if that is wise idea, Severus. The Death Eaters still out number us." Albus slowly sank back into his chair.

Dropping into his normal seat, Severus leaned forward, his expression earnest. "The potion is ready, the one he asked me to brew last summer, or rather it is as ready as it is going to be. Yu and I will be delivering it when he summons me. Then Yu is going to break all the connections holding the Dark Lord's soul to this plane. Once that happens, and the potion fails – as it is designed to – he will be vulnerable or dead."

"Severus, you never did say what potion Voldemort wanted you to brew for him." Albus searched the black eyes, seeing only relief and happiness.

Resting against the back of his chair, Severus clasped his hands in his lap. "An Immortality Potion. Impossible to create, but over the summer my friends and I came up with a plan of creating one that would appear to make you immortal – protecting you from death for a short while – but it would eventually poison you, possible killing you. The plan was to give it to him at the beginning of summer, as he requested, but since Potter has a bit of the Dark Lord's soul stuffed in his head, Yu and I think we need to end this now. Occlumency will not work against it."

Yu nodded over his head before turning his attention to Fawkes. They had plans to discuss.

Pale and trembling, Minerva shakily set her tea cup down. "A part of You-Know-Who's soul in his head? You are positive?"

"I am, Minerva. More importantly, Yu is." Severus noticed the puzzled look on her face and couldn't help but shoot a surprised look at Albus. He was positive the Headmaster had told the Deputy. "Yu is an invisible Chinese dragon that is travelling with me. As a Shen-lung, a spiritual dragon, he is capable of sensing and breaking spiritual ties."

"A dragon? Here in this school?" Minerva looked around her eyes wide. "What about the students?"

"Yu is not like the Chinese Fireball from last year, he is a benevolent, intelligent dragon. Most of the time. He is also talking to Fawkes over your head right now." Severus added that last line to warn the Transfiguration Mistress, he knew she would hate to speak ill of a being to their face.

"The ball is already in motion?" Albus frowned in thought as Severus nodded yes. "How will we know where to go when you are summoned?"

Yu answered Albus' question. "I will let Fawkes find me, and he can bring Albus, who then can tell the others where to come to."

Severus repeated the answer to Albus, but added to it. "You could place a tracking spell on me, key it to everyone who is coming, have them appear, and then I will break it. It'd save the back and forth."

"Tracking spell?" Albus pulled his wand and cast it quickly. " If it breaks, we will use Yu's suggestion. What's the place like that you normally go to?"

Severus narrowed his eyes as he pictured the manor in his head. As he described it to Albus, they began planning in earnest.

It wasn't more than an hour later Severus felt the summons.


Gellert observed the entire room, one hand near his wand, while the other was wrapped about his tankard. The last several months had been spent hunting out Death Eaters and crafting spells to sense when they were summoned through the soul curse and one to show their true loyalty. The first was relatively simple so he had been following the summons for the last couple of months. He perfected the later just last month and had cast it upon the entrances of Voldemort's lair. Each person who walked through them were affected by it. The moment he triggered the spell, their true loyalty would show up on their face. Death Eaters would have the Dark Mark, which was the only one he set, any others would be almost unnoticeable.

A reverberation, as if a gong was struck, vibrated the air around him. Doing his best not to react, Gellert watched as over half of the pub left. 'It seems as if Voldemort is calling a large meeting this time.' Paying his bill, he left behind the others.

"Ready, Ming?"


Gellert and Ming followed the summons, and Gellert disillusioned himself once he appeared, as Death Eaters were still arriving. Moving carefully, he crept close to the entrance, but stopped short of his normal spot as Ming curled before him, blocking his path.

"An Imperial Dragon!? Why is he carrying an Imperial Dragon?" Ming's words rang out in surprise, carrying across the grounds.

Gellert stared at the man that Ming was gesturing to. He could feel the dragon wrapped about the tall Death Eater. "An Emperor is here? Why would he follow that man? I thought they bowed to no one."

"He does not, and I don't know." Ming's head jerked to the right, his eyes widening.

Gellert drew his wand while attempting to find the threat. Instead, his eyes also widened. Fawkes was staring at them from where he sat on a headstone out of the Death Eater's sight. Shifting his focus, he hunted to the phoenix's companion. There, crouched in the headstone's shadow, was Albus. It couldn't be anyone else. The glasses perched on the wrinkled face brought a slight smile to his, as did the outrageously coloured robes.

His breath caught and held as those blue eyes met and held his. Surely Albus couldn't see him. 'Maybe not, but he can see Ming.'

Slipping back, he found a sheltered spot, removed his spell and waited. He knew that Albus would be there soon.

In less than a minute he was face to face with the Elder wand and sharp blue eyes searching him over from head to toe.

"Hello, Albus." He spoke calmly, hoping to keep the other from overreacting.

"Gellert." Albus slowly lowered his wand. "You are supposedly dead."

Keeping his hands lowered but visible, Gellert tipped his head slightly to the side. "The reports of Voldemort's success are slightly exaggerated. Ming helped."

Blue eyes narrowed slightly, searching his face. "Are you here to take your revenge?"

Gellert could see the hope trying to drown out the belief that he was. "If I wanted him dead, I could have finished him months ago. I am more interested in marking his followers."

One white eyebrow arched, asking an unspoken question. "They are marked with a soul curse, there is no true escape for them if they do not know how to break it. I will free those who are not loyal to him. That is why I am interested in them, and why I am marking them."

Albus stared at him for what felt like hours when in reality only seconds passed. "If I can feel Yu, you will be able to as well. He is with Severus, who is mine; do nothing that will harm him."

A sharp, swift lash of jealousy hit Gellert, causing his eyes to narrow as he stepped towards Albus. Fighting it back, he forced himself to focus. "I will leave him alone. What is your plan?"

Deciding to be straight forward, Albus answered. "Severus has created an Immortality Potion for Voldemort, as he was ordered to do. It will only work for a moment, but long enough for Yu to cut the bonds he has with others, allowing him to die. We will then capture the gathered Death Eaters. As Severus is my spy, he will not be captured with the others."

Studying the plan at all angles, Gellert frowned. "It is almost a full meeting in there. He called everyone in to witness something." At the question he could see forming on Albus' face, he explained. "I have a monitoring spell on his soul curse. It alerts me when he summons his followers and the size of the summoning." Glancing at Fawkes and Ming, he looked back at Albus. "Can we help?"

"Gellert." Albus stopped when Gellert shook his head. "What?"

"Gel Hummel, a Defence Against Dark Arts specialist, not Gellert Grindelwald – he is dead." Gellert quirked a small grin. "Ming brought me reading material during my stay at my former residence with the promise that I would create ways to defend against the things I was studying."

Albus' eyes widened. Hummel was German for bumblebee, just as Dumbledore was Old English for the same thing. Could this mean that Gel honestly changed? Pushing that thought way, he focused on what they were there for. " Come on, I will introduce you."

The two men disillusioned themselves and slipped back over to where the Order members were hiding.

Once there, they became visible again.

"Albus, who is this?" Minerva peered at the old man standing next to him.

Motioning Gel forward, Albus hoped this would work. "This is Hummel, he is a German wizard that specializes in Defense. I am glad he could make it. Now that all of us are here." He looked over the every member of the Order, making sure he had their attention. "I will explain the plan."

The group clustered together and listened carefully.


Severus stood in his spot inside the Inner Circle, his eyes focused on Voldemort, his mind worrying about Albus and the Order. Voldemort had called most of the Death Eaters to this meeting, Severus hoped it wasn't to make a spectacle out of him, but feared he was to be the main attraction. Yu shifted slightly, reminding Severus he wasn't alone.

"Severus, another dragon is here. A Ti-lung." Yu's voice trailed off as the dragon craned his head around, looking everywhere Severus wished he could. " It is Fawkes' dragon! He has come from Germany – we have help. Between the other dragon, Fawkes, and the Order, these others will not escape unjudged."

Severus could feel some of the tension leak out of Yu, but it filled him. Fawkes' dragon... there was only one person he could conclude was the companion of that dragon. Only one person that couldn't leave the continent and join Albus at one point in the last fifty years, and that person might not be on the Order's side. Even as Voldemort finished the opening section of the meeting – the reports from the Ministry, St. Mungo's, and other places – Severus tried to plan how to defeat Voldemort and Grindelwald, and Grindelwald was going to be harder because of the dragon companion.

"My Potions Master, come forward."

Severus strode into the centre of the curve created by the Inner Circle, his robes flaring about around him. Yes, the Inner Circle knew who the others were by this point in time, but most of the Outer Circles had no idea he was Severus Snape and he wanted them to know. They were more likely to be the witnesses called during the trials, and he wanted them to tell of what was about to take place. Focusing his complete attention on the events to come, Severus raised his eyes to the Dark Lord.

"You have sent word that you have completed the potion I ordered."

Severus shook his head slightly.

"No? You contradict me? I called this meeting for you to shine!" Voldemort gestures took in the crowd.

'Part of this gathering are here on my invitation, not yours.' Shunting the thought away, Severus shook his head again. "I informed you that I believe I have a working version. Due to your requirements, I have been unable to fully test it. I cannot call it complete until I know that it is successful."

Pulling a small vial from his robe, Severus held he thick purple potion out towards Voldemort. Yu tensed around him, obviously ready to act, as the red eyes glared at him.

"Wormtail!" Voldemort's voice cracked over the crowd, calling his servant.

Severus looked about as if watching for the rat while in truth he was attempting to see the Order and figure out where the other dragon was, it felt like it was everywhere.

"The Ti-lung is wrapped about the room, its body blocking the exits. The Order and the dragon's companion are disillusioned near the back and side exits. They are ready, Severus." Yu tightened his grip around both of the cords that he was there to break, ready to end them in a moment's notice and then defend his companion.

The scampering steps of Pettigrew drew Severus' attention to the man entering the circle to kneel at the Dark Lord's feet.

"How can I help you, my lord?"

The raspy nervous voice never failed to irritate Severus, but for once that irritation was overwhelmed with worry of what Black's reaction to his former friend would be.

"He," Voldemort shifted his eyes to Severus as he gestured to Pettigrew, "will take the potion."

Severus eyes rapidly shifted between the two before settling on Voldemort. 'At least there's a contingency plan.' His only regret was Pettigrew avoiding trial. Stepping forward, he held the vial towards Voldemort. "I followed your orders exactly, are you sure -"

He stopped when the yew wand pointed at him. Spinning quickly on his heel, he strode over to Pettigrew and shoved the vial into the rat's hand. "You must drink it all."

Pettigrew uncorked the vial, glanced at Voldemort, and did as Severus said. Scrunching up his face at the taste, he gave a full body shudder.

"Kill him." Voldemort's order was obviously directed at Severus.

Pettigrew's eyes widened as Severus pointed his wand at his head. "Reducto." The curse flew towards Pettigrew, who stood there shocked, hitting him in the head with enough force it should have blown it off his shoulders. Instead, Pettigrew was knocked back, landing ungracefully on the ground but still alive.

Severus turned back to Voldemort in time to see Voldemort's wand aimed at Pettigrew and a green light hitting the former Marauder who was laughing softly to himself while looking at his hands in fascination. The brown eyes glazed over briefly only to come back to life, wide with fear, darting to and fro.

Voldemort ignored Pettigrew and focused on Severus. "Well done, Potions Master. You shall deliver me a vial tomorrow."

Yu snapped the braided black cord, cutting the negative ties to the Marauders. Studying Voldemort, he waited for just the right moment to end the last negative tie.

Severus shook his head, doing his best not to reel from the sudden release from the connection. "I cannot. I followed your orders: brew one draught, have no notes." He watched as the red eyes widened in realization and then narrow in anger.

"You remember what you brewed! Do it again!" The order cracked out, the anger in it rebounding off the walls.

Yu snapped the soul connection as Severus tipped his head in acknowledgement of the truth. "I also no longer have the ingredients to brew another dose, and cannot acquire more until this summer. Though it is possible I might not be able to then as well. Several of them were collected under very unique circumstances."

Voldemort shook in anger, his wand pointing straight at Severus. His words hissed out, boarding on Parseltongue. "Kneel before me and beg for my mercy."

Yu lifted his head high and stared down at the dead man, his wings spread wide. His companion his chosen did not beg.

Severus raised an eyebrow before smoothing out his expression. "I cannot kneel before you." The coils around his knee loosened allowing the blood to flow again. Yu had made sure he couldn't kneel even if he had wanted to. "See, ingredients are not the only thing that I found over the summer. I also became a companion of an Imperial Dragon, and as such, I cannot bow to anyone."

"Then die! Avada K-" His words ended in a screech as his wand was snatched from his hand.

Yu slowly became visible, the wand clasped between the tips of two claws, the rest of him still wrapped about Severus. Just when Voldemort's could clearly see what was happening, he pushed the tips together, snapping the wand in half.

Screams erupted, not only from the Dark Lord, but from all the circles. The ones closest to the exists began running for them only to bounce off an unseen wall.

Gellert watched as the Emperor and his dragon faced Voldemort, the pieces of the captured wand falling gently to the floor. He became visible, wand in hand, as the last piece clattered at its owners feet. Three stunners and binding spells took out the first ones that ran into Ming. Levitating them to the side, he disillusioned them and moved into the melee. Spells, dark but not illegal, flew from his wand, taking out his opponents. It felt good to cast freely again.

Taking a moment, he finished the loyalty spell, and smiled as the man in front of him wore a skull and snake where his mask used to be. Choosing a more debilitating spell than he originally planned, the man crashed hard onto the floor. A glance about showed the Order members taking the change in stride.

His gaze caught Albus' and he let his smile broaden. He knew that Albus would understand just what happened.

Aiming his wand, he took out one of Black's attackers. The man seemed to be intent on making it to the centre of the room, where Wormtail was casting spells confidently, injuring friend and foe alike. As the man seemed to have a mission, Gellert decided to help him out.

Another series of screams erupted from the milling Death Eaters and the Order members, causing Gellert to look about. Spotting nothing, he made it to Albus' side quickly. "What happened?"

Albus' blue eyes twinkled. "Ming made his presence visible, much like Yu did." He cast a gently sleeping spell at a Death Eater who mask was still simple white cloth. "I take it, the one with the Dark Mark on their masks are the loyal ones?"

Gellert nodded. "It is actually covering their faces. Anyone that is loyal to him or his cause and has passed through these doors in the last month will have the Dark Mark covering their faces."

Albus smiled. "Can you teach me the spell? It would make trials that much simpler when they come."

"Of course. What if the Emperor, I believe you called him Severus, has the mark?"

Albus' eyes hardened for a moment, but then he shook his head. "Not likely."

"You know him better than I do." A note of jealousy slipped into his voice, but Gellert ignored the feelings and turned to continue the fight.

Albus' voice sounded next to him, soft and warm. "He is like a son to me. He turned from this nightmare and has worked hard to redeem himself from a mistake. He succeeded a long time ago, but he refuses to let it go until Voldemort is gone. He is also a professor at my school."

The words soothed Gellert's wayward emotions.

A scream pierced through the din and both Albus and Gellert could see Black and Pettigrew facing off in the cleared space near Severus, Fawkes, Ming, Yu, and Voldemort.

"You can't hurt me! I am immortal." Pettigrew laughed as Black circled him. "Snape made me so."

Sirius' held his wand loosely, refusing to give into his anger like he did that last two times he faced his ex-friend. "It was Snakeface who made him give it to you. If he made it for you, you'd be dead."

"It doesn't matter! You still can't kill me," snarled Pettigrew.

A manic gleam came to Sirius' eyes as he raised his wand. "That just means I can take out my ire on you and it won't matter – you can only feel the pain."

Incarcerous what the first spell to capture Pettigrew, holding him to one place, while Sirius proceeded vent fourteen years of frustration and anger onto the rat.

Severus considered telling Sirius that Pettigrew would die soon from the potion, but decided that the man needed this release. 'I'll tell him later if he feels guilty.'

Blocking another spell flung from a borrowed wand, Severus stalked towards the Dark Lord.

"You are my servant! You swore to me your life years ago, Severus Snape!" Voldemort cast another killing curse, only to have it blocked by the body of Nagini.

Severus glanced at the dead snake dangling from the brown dragon's claws. The moment she had slithered over, Ming – as he learned the dragon as called - had picked her, called her an abomination, and then killed her. Fawkes, who was sitting on Ming's head, added his two bits in. The trills were not soothing to hear. Then, between the two partners, Nagini met her demise.

Focusing back on the Voldemort, Severus stopped just outside of arms reach. "I never swore my life to you. I swore you my loyalty, which you betrayed. You've been chasing after Potter this entire time because of a prophecy. One that you have not heard the entirety of. One that has already been fulfilled. You just had the audacity not to finish dying." Narrowing his eyes, he shot a swift look at the Yu before looking back at his opponent. "Or maybe the power he has that you know not is that his protectors would truly do anything to protect him, by their own freewill, not by fear or force."

Voldemort sneered as he sent a blasting hex at Ming, which Severus blocked. "You? You are protecting him out of your own freewill?"

Severus nodded slowly. "I made a promise, but I made that choice, and would do so again."

Voldemort looked at the magical creatures beside them and flung himself into the open space near Wormtail, casting the killing curse as he moved.

The green light struck the dead snake, and Yu wrapped his paw about Voldemort leg, dangling him in front of Ming. The wand he held clattered to the ground.

Two dragons, one phoenix, Severus, and scattered witches and wizards around the room stared at the dangling man.

Yu swept his tail about, curling it to support him as he lifted his other front paw from the ground. Death Eaters tumbled to the ground as it moved through the Order members. Ming shifted his back leg, grabbing a wizard about to hex Gellert. Tossing him casually into a wall, he shifted to keep a better eye on his and Fawkes' companions.

"You do not need these." Yu used a claw to slowly destroy Voldemort's connections, starting with Potter's and the other large soul ties, and ending with the small ones that tied his followers to him.

"Stop! Those are mine!" Voldemort swung back and forth, his head filling with blood, but his soul screaming at the sense of loss filling it. "Severus! How could you do this to me? You were my most loyal servant!"

Severus folded his arms, his wand in hand in case he needed to block stray curses. "I have not been your loyal servant since I delivered the prophecy. Actually, earlier than that. I followed you because it was a means to an end, an end I soon learned I did not wish to achieve. I pretended to follow you as a means to an end, one that shall be soon achieved."

Ming looked from Voldemort to Severus. "What is the Emperor's wish?"

Blinking, Severus shook his head. "I am not an emperor – Yu is with me to stave off boredom, not to promote me. As to my wish, I wish that justice be served. You three," he looked between Ming, Yu, and Fawkes, "are a capable of judging a man and deciding a worthy punishment, I leave it to you to decide what is to become of Voldemort."

Two dragons and one phoenix looked one to the other before looking at the dangling man. Yu spoke, his voice resonating throughout the room, freezing the battles. "It is decided. Tom Riddle, who is self named as Voldemort, you are an abomination, a dead man walking, an oathbreaker, an unjust lord, and one who ties his people more tightly to him than they agreed to. You should have left this mortal plane fourteen years ago, it is time that you did so."

With that, dragon claws pierced through the construct body. Voldemort's scream ended abruptly.

Dropping the body to the floor, Yu reached out and caged several of the Death Eaters in his front paws. Ming copied his actions, and his tail caught more. Severus, Gellert, and Albus were the only ones not afraid to approach the captured ones to bind them.

Shacklebolt knew it was time to summon the Aurors. Voldemort was dead and most of the Death Eaters were captured. Touching a button on his sleeve, he signalled them.

Albus touched Gellert's arm, catching the man's attention. "Aurors are coming, you might need to ..."

Shaking his head, Gellert grinned. "They will know nothing, don't worry."

Moments later the room was swarming with red uniforms and Gellert faded into the background. Ming and Yu also faded out of sight, leaving the Aurors to wonder if what they saw was real.


Severus stood in his quarters, his arms clasped behind his back, facing Yu. "The task is done and your commitment is complete. The only thing left if for me to be marked, and then you are free to go where you choose."

Yu tipped his head slightly to the side before he reached out and tugged up Severus' left sleeve. "You are already marked."

Looking at his left arm, a place on his body his eyes habitually slide away from, his eyes widened. Where the Dark Mark once resided there was a dragon, Yu, flying through clouds. On the sides of it were five claws, as if Yu was holding his arm. He turned his arm over to see if there was more, but the back was a blank as ever.

"The others who bore Voldemort's mark still have them. You, though, are free." Yu moved to the sofa, stretching out, letting his tail dangle over the arm. "You said I can go where ever I want?"

Severus tore his gaze from the dragon mark to look at the real dragon. "Your obligation to me is over, of course you can."

"Then I choose to remain here. At least until you decide to leave." Yu's face was in Severus' as he continued. "I choose you as my companion, Severus Snape. I wish to remain so."

The sense of impending loss vanished and Severus smiled. "Albus won't mind if you roam the halls, just don't disrupt the classes."

Yu smiled. "There is only one that I wish to disturb. It is time that Umbridge learned the true meaning of a dragon's ire."


Three years later ...

Severus took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Looking one more time at the letter, he couldn't help but give into the laugh he had just attempted to ward off. Yes, Albus knew that he was living in Malaysia, but for the man to retire and move here as well. Shaking his head, he walked out of his house and headed for section of woods he collected ingredients in.

Memories of his last year at Hogwarts and the summer following it ran through his mind. Yu had succeeded in driving Umbridge paranoid. Every time she did something the dragon did not approve, she was either frozen or rained on. Once, when she had threatened to harm Potter, she felt the dragon's claws. Severus never told her how close she was to dying at that moment.

It was when he appeared at Kenji's house for their annual meet up before the IPA conference that he learned they had found him a place to live in Pahang. Kasem commented on the woods, Jin-sun mentioned the temperature, Zhu pointed out the cosy but well laid out house, and Kenji mentioned the nation's language of commerce. All of which sold him on this little house tucked deep inside of Malaysia near the forests. He was pleasantly surprised at being able to grow many of the British potion ingredients in special greenhouses that Albus helped to erect. Sprout contributed many of his starters as a house-warming present. Minerva gave him a large set of dishes – including a tea service, and Filius had charmed the house to be a comfortable temperature all year long. The broom from Hooch was propped near the door and help to gather ingredients high in the canopy – he could hang a basket off of it. The other professors had contributed things based off their specialities, things that reminded him of them and Hogwarts. They did make the house warmer.

Looking up over the tree line, he spotted Yu playing in the clouds. The dragon had been amazed the day he had flown with him without a broom. They were making their way to the new place, flying so that they could see the lay of the land. Since that day, Yu swore he was truly a dragon in human skin.

Chuckling, he tucked the flowers he just picked into a small basket; Severus knew that he needed to hurry to make it to Kuala Lumpur in time for tea.


Albus fidgeted with the window book display, his blue eyes searching the crowd that filled the narrow street. Spotting the white head weaving through the crowd as if there were not there, he smiled. He had told Severus that he wanted to retire to somewhere warm and colourful. So, when Severus moved to Malaysia, he knew he would eventually come here as well. What he had not expected was Gel to move here.

He had remained at Hogwarts to see Harry and his year safely graduated and then moved here. As he walked through the city, looking for where he wanted to stay, his steps had taken him to Petaling Street. The colours as well as the hustle and bustle had pulled him in. Soon he feet lead him to The Hive. It was notable because there was no cart or large open market filling the walkway in front of the store – only a large pollen laden bumblebee. The carts on either side seemed to lean away from the open space instead of in it. Laughing at the name of the shop, he entered, his curiosity getting the better of him. All about him were honeycomb shaped shelves and bins, each filled with sweets, and trinkets. The back of the store, hidden from view by a large shelving unit and a spell or two, was a section specifically for wizards who wished to buy potion ingredients, potions, wizarding candy, and other magical trinkets. It was when the shop's proprietor greeted him, he knew he was home.

Albus was pulled out of his thoughts as Gel strode through the door, the noise surging through only to be abruptly cut off as the door shut.

"I bought a lot of used books. There might be something worth keeping in it." Setting the box down on the counter, Gel ran a hand over Albus' arm before moving behind the counter. "Do you think your Severus is coming today?"

Albus smiled softly as he nodded. "Severus is not one to turn down a simple invitation for tea. He will be here."

Hefting the box of book, Albus took them to the back and began to sort them between ones that would move into his personal library, ones Severus would like, and ones that would end up on one of those honeycomb shelves to be sold.