Wow, I had only planned to be gone a week or two, but it turned into nearly a year! Sorry everyone! Please don't hate me! A lot has happened and I am trying to get things back on track. Without further delay, your chapter. Enjoy!

Harry stood looking at the two men who were meant to have raised him. "Sirius?" they had been given permission to hash out a plan for getting ready before dinner.

"Yes Pup?" Sirius wanted to spend every minute making up the decade he was in prison. He knew it would not be an easy task but he would spend the rest of his life doing it.

"If Madam Bones has not announced your innocence, won't people attack you?" Sirius thought about it for a moment. "I do not know much about magic," he had to bite his the inside of his cheek to avoid laughing. "But I would think seeing a man who is suppose to be in prison, in a crowd like it was when I came in this morning, would cause a mass panic. Right?"

"You have to admit Padfoot, he has a very good point. I know you want to prank everyone now that your free, but helping Harry comes first." Remus said looking at his best friend. "there will be time to prank everyone later, but right now there is too much at risk."

"Perhaps your right, I am anxious for some pranking." Sirius looks down at his hands. "I spent so much time in there I forgot a lot of things. My common sense for one thing."

"And Andy's daughter, but it is understandable. A decade in hell is not going to be forgotten in a few minutes." Sirius nods before looking at Harry.

"When you summoned me Harry I believed I had finally died and was reunited with James. Your father was my only real friend before we started at Hogwarts. For a long time I blamed myself for their deaths." Sirius wiped his eyes quickly. "They would have been proud of what you did today."

"I would like to think so, but," the little boy sighed. "I have no real memory of them. Nothing that I can remember I mean." he looked up at them realizing how small he was compared to them. "Will you tell me about them? Both of you?"

"Of course Pup. Until the announcement is made I will agree to a glamour. Only when we are out in public." Harry smiled brightly knowing he had convinced him.

"I will handle it." Remus said tapping Sirius on the head with his wand. The transformation was quick but effective. Harry watched in fascination as his godfather's black long mangy hair grew shorter and the color became rust red.

"Wow, you could almost pass as human now." Harry said with a smile. "But I think his clothes need to be changed too." Remus nods and with a flick of his wand his prison clothes changed into a simple tee shirt and pants. "Much better."

"Quite right." They turned to see Ragnok walking up to them. "I had been hoped to catch you three before you left. Lord Potter, I-"

"Master Ragnok, I may be a Lord but, I would hope my friends call me by my name. I count you among the few I currently have." the goblin in question looked at the young lord in shock.

"Well then Harry, I am honored. I realized you have no experience with magic and neglected to tell you a little more about your gift. Thorn can change its form for better concealment. Simply hold out your hand while it is strapped to you." Harry held his hand out focusing on the power of the sword on his back. The sheath seemed to glow softly before vanishing. On his hand a small ring appeared. It held the four Endless stones set beside a small sword, it was clear the sword was Thorn. "Well done, you have a strong sense for magic. I would advise training to control the sense or going to a place like Hogwarts will cause your senses to overload, or worse, it could also cause magical backlash."

"I have seen it happen before, rendered the poor woman a squib." Ragnok nods to Remus.

"Right, it seems I have a lot I need to study in the next month. Thank you Ragnok, carrying Thorn like this seems to be a much better way. So to call it back I just-" on cue the sword appeared in his hand.

"Impressive magical sense indeed. Harry, when your a bit older you may be able to master wandless magic. That is not for a long while yet." Sirius remarked, Ragnok shook his head in disagreement.

"I believe Lord Black, that he may be able to do it in just a year or two. Starting with small spells and working to more powerful ones." Harry laughed internally knowing he had already done it once. He also knew that wandless magic would help him in the future, now he had an excuse to study it further.

"Thank you again Ragnok. We still need to get a wand before going to Potter Manor." Harry said with a look of uncertainty. After saying their goodbyes to Ragnok they headed out into the street. "Right, wand then we go to get some clothes for dinner." He looked up at them curiously. "What does someone wear when going to a meeting with a professor, a girl, and her parents?"

"Don't worry Pup. We will make sure you look your best." Sirius smiled leading him to the wand shop. Harry seemed uneasy about going inside, he knew what wand was likely waiting for him. I need the wand because they are brothers, but will I be able to use it since I no longer have the horcrux inside me? Hmm.

"Hello Harry," It was Fate, just who he was hoping would pop into his mind.

"Hello Lady Fate. Is something wrong?"

"Wrong, not quite, it would seem that Father decided to give you a little extra assistance. I do not know what he means by it, but I have to trust that he knows what he is doing." Harry could tell in her voice that she was unsure.

"If he feels that I need the extra help then I too have to trust that he is right." Harry felt in his magik that something was going to happen, but he could not tell what.

"We also wanted you to know we are proud of what you have managed to do in just a short time. You have done well to get started. But do not get ahead of yourself, changing too much too fast can cause unforeseen problems."

"You mean like ripples in water?" He heard Fate laugh a little, it made him feel better.

"Yes, that analogy works quite well" Fate said with a chuckle.

"Hello Harry Potter."

"Source, hello again." Harry stopped to look at a cart as he spoke with the Endless. "I understand you will be sending me some more assistance?"

"Quite right Young One, I have decided that you can not bare the knowledge of the future you came from alone. Yes, you have your goblin adviser but I do not feel that is enough. My gift to you is a choice. You can tell one person the whole truth, or I will send you someone who already has my blessing."

"That is a difficult choice to make. Do I have to decide right away?" Harry pondered the choices deeply. He had not lied when he said it was a hard choice. "I simply mean that a choice like this one should not be made in haste. I did too much of that in the past, and you know how well that turned out."

"Indeed I do. I understand your hesitation. Now, attend your uncles and know that I will not force you to make a decision right now. I must stress upon you however that great trials lay ahead of you." Harry pulled himself away from the cart turning to look directly at Hedwig.

"Hello girl." He put his arm out and she flew down to him happily.

"Harry Potter, I have been waiting for you for a very long time. So very long." He looked at her in surprise. After a fraction of a second he remembered his beast-speak ability.

"I do not know if you are aware, but-" with a click of her beak she stopped him

"I do not know how, but yes, I know what happened. I want you to know however that I would do it again in a heartbeat. I also want you to know that even after my death I did not leave you. I stayed right by your side. As I will do for eternity, if you will have me that is." Remus watched the interaction between the owl and the young boy with interest.

"I forget how astounding beast-speak can be. Can you really understand her Harry?" Hedwig looked at Remus then back to her Harry.

"I can, she said she has been waiting for me." Harry stroked her feathers gently remembering just the right places she seemed to enjoy.

"You would be right lad," They all turned to the shop keeper. "forgive me, my whole family has trained the ability to see the magical bonds between a familiars. Her bond with this boy is incredibly powerful. I have not seen one like it in a very long time. I had hoped she would find her wizard soon."

"Well then, there is no doubt that he will be taking her. We will pay for her now and be back shortly to pick up a cage, a large box of treats, and a wing care kit." The shop keeper lead Remus inside to pay for the happy owl.

"Harry, since you can understand me now there is something you should know. In the last timeline I always felt another bond." Hedwig explained as she settled down on his arm better.

"It is a creature bond. I do not know what it is yet, but I am sure we will find out together." Sirius looked at Harry as he talked to Hedwig. "Sirius, do you know what it means to have a creature bond?"

"I had one once, it is a lot like having a familiar. However with a creature bond there is a lot more magic involved. They can enhance their partners magic and they can communicate mentally." Sirius explained. "I lost my creature during the war. There is something you have to understand Harry, a creature in a bond will sacrifice their own life to protect their partner."

"Is that what yours did?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I called him Nightmare. He was a Grim, it is his form I take when I change. It is very rare that an animagus will have the same form as the bond creature, but it does happen. I suppose you are asking about your own bond?" Harry simply nods.

"Your father had just put you to bed, I remember you were teething at the time and causing everyone to lose sleep." Remus said as he came out of the shop. "He was quite proud of himself for having gotten you to sleep without the numbing potion."

"I remember that, when he got back down to the living room he was strutting around like one of Malfoy's peacocks." Sirius laughed thinking about it. "All of a sudden there was an explosion, it sounded like it came from your nursery. We all apparated into the room, wands drawn, to see a blazing white phoenix sitting on the mattress with you. Considering what I had experienced when I bonded with Nightmare I knew she wouldn't harm you. I just never expected the power behind the bond."

"You rolled around until you sat up, Lily was happy considering it was the first time you had done it on your own. You put your little forehead against hers, the magical shock wave knocked the four of us out for a couple of hours. When we finally came around you were laying there in your crib with her curled up around you." Remus finished explaining. "I don't think we ever figured out how the window got fixed. It had been repaired by the time we woke up."

"Did this phoenix have a name?" Harry asked.

"Lily kept calling her Snowflake. We never knew if she had a name of her own." Remus answered. "She never seemed bothered by the name though. I looked for her in the house after the deaths of your parents. All I found was one of her feathers beside where Lily had fallen. I never found her."

"Me either, but if she had any form of smarts she would have gone back to Potter Manor to wait for you. That would be the best place to start looking." Sirius looked at his godson in wonder. "Lets split up for now. Remus can go get us some clothes for tonight while we get wands. Then we can-" A young girl walked up to the three of them, drawing a sword off her hip she aims the point at Sirius's neck. Remus drew his wand casting a few notice-me-not spells and another for privacy.

"On the behalf of Lord and Lady Potter, I sentence you to death for-" Harry grabbed her arm causing her to stop and look at him. She looked down at his hand, seeing the title ring on his hand she sheathed her sword kneeling to him. "Forgive me Lord Potter, but this man-"

"Is my Godfather, and my guardian. I would like to keep him in one piece." Harry studied her carefully, she did not seem much older than he was but he knew appearances could be deceiving. Either way, he could feel her power, and he did not want to get on her bad side.

"This man betrayed your parents. He is the reason-" She looked into his eyes surprised to see how small he was compared to her. Something was not right.

"He never betrayed them, that was someone else. His name is Peter." The young girl looked deep into each one of them before standing.

"Forgive me. I see through magic and I began to panic. My name is Aria Gate." She lifted the sleeve of her robe showing a crest on her forearm. It was a winged lion with a sword in one claw and a wand in the other.

"The Lion Force. I did not think anyone still held to the code." Remus said canceling a glamour from his arm exposing the same crest. "You are a bit young though. Even I did not get my crest until I was 16."

"Normally I would have trained under one of the guards each summer until 5th year but I received my mark two weeks ago when my mother died. Regina Abigail Gate was the last known Captain of the Lion Force." Aria wiped away a tear as quickly as it formed. "She tasked me with finding Lord Potter."

"Are there any others? Of any rank?" Sirius looked at her worriedly. "Anyone at all?"

"I'm afraid only a small handful are still loyal. Code name Lemon Drop drained most of our funds and supplies. Mother used most of our fortune to keep Kage Island in Lion hands. I do know a few trained over the years but without Lord Potter they could not be accepted. As a Captain mother was able to pass her mark to me." Aria's stomach made a loud rumbling. "Forgive me Sirs, I have neglected to eat or sleep much since my search began."

"Please, you can call me Harry." She hesitated before nodding. "Now, I believe we were going to get wands. And then we are heading to Potter manor to get ready for dinner. Aria, you are welcome to join us. I was raised muggle and-"

"I see, that explains a lot I suppose. Lord and Lady Potter wanted you raised by Lord Black. It is my duty as a Gate to be your guard. Despite not having completed my training I am a member of the Lion Force." Aria knelt down in front of him. "I have no great power, and I know I still have much to learn, but I will serve and protect you, Lord Potter, for all of my days."

"If Harry accepts you as his guard I will train you personally. On the condition you transfer schools and attend Hogwarts." She looked at Sirius in shock. To turn down an offer like that would be social suicide among the remaining Force members.

"I accept your vow Aria Gate. But I have a condition of my own. I do not require a guard. What I need is someone who knows this world. Someone who can prevent me from making mistakes. I know nothing about being a Lord, or a wizard." Aria stood looking at Harry.

"As Magic is my witness I will do as you command. For now you are in safe hands. I need to break my camp site down by the bridge. I will return shortly, however it is not that I do not trust General Black, but he has not handled a wand in a decade. His core is severally weakened and, no offense Sir, it is unlikely a wand will work well enough for him in the event Lord Potter comes under attack."

"No offense taken young lady, as much as I would love to argue the point Remus, she makes a very good one." Remus looked at her curiously.

"I am not sure if it is a good thing you can make an argument like you mother, but you make a valid point. You are dismissed. I expect you back in half an hour." Remus said looking at the girl in front of him.

"Sir!" She bowed to all three of them before speeding off towards the barrier to the pub.

"She seems different. What is the Lion Force exactly?" Harry looked at them as they headed into the wand shop.

"A great duty was placed on her shoulders. Her mother was your father's guard while he was at Hogwarts. If I remember correctly Aria is almost a full year older than you are. As for the Lion Force, its a little complicated. About five centuries ago one of the Potter family heirs was killed by a rival family. His father formed a small army to protect his other three sons. Over the years it has gotten smaller and smaller but the original purpose is the same, the protection of the Lord's family. Tonight I will teach you how to do the ceremony to accept her properly. Once your magic and hers accepts the vow her protection over you will extend to Miss Granger as well." Remus pointed to the table as Ollivander worked to match a young witch to her wand. There was the same prancing lion he saw on the crest carved into the wood by the register. "If you see this mark it means they are safe and will provide you shelter and protection if you should ever need it." Harry nods looking around at all of the wand boxes lining the shelves.

"Mister Potter-" the wand maker looked at the ring. "Forgive me, Lord Potter, I wondered when I would be seeing you." He stepped back behind him grabbing a few boxes. "I hope it is easier to match you with a wand than it was your father, took him three hours to find the right one."

"He cherished it up until his death. I believe he called it an extension of his hand." Remus said. "he took great care of it."

"It is good to hear. He was a great man." Garrick Ollivander said as he set out the boxes. "He is sorely missed by all." Harry looked at each of the wands, he went to reach for one but a rattling made him look up. "Curious. Lord Potter, if you would, trust in your magic and call it to your hand."

"Call it? How do you mean?" Harry asked, after a moment he thought about Thorn and closed his eyes trying to focus. A pair of boxes pulled themselves off the shelves soaring to land on top of each other in his hand. He opened his eyes again with a smile

"Curious indeed. Lord Potter, it would seem you are matched with more than one. The wood is the same, but the cores are different. I think I know a perfect fix to this. While it is uncommon some wands have dual cores. The first core is thestrel hair and the second one is a phoenix feather. It is a curious thing Lord Potter. The phoenix who gave this feather gave another, the wand that feather went into gave you the scar. Curious indeed."

"Would it take long? We are in a bit of a hurry. Lord Potter has a dinner date with a young lady." Remus said with a laugh.

"Not long, ten minutes I would think." Remus nods.

"We will go get clothes for dinner then return. I hope I do not need to remind you that-"

"Do not think I am a fool General Lupin. I know the rules. Lord Potter's wand is his own. It is neither my business or right to tell anyone about the wand, its core, or properties." Garrick said frustrated at his insinuation.

"I meant no offense Garrick, simply that Harry does not need the public thinking he is some sort of dark wizard because his wand has the brother core to another dark wizard." Remus put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Forgive me, I suppose it has been a long day. I will have this wand finished for you in ten minutes. If I may, two shops down is the best place for robes, are you dining muggle or magical?"

"Muggle, I do not think I could handle magical dining at the moment." Harry said with a chuckle. "It is all so new to me as it is."

"I see, be sure to let them know you plan on dining muggle." After setting aside the two wands he needed to combine he set to work on Sirius's wand. Given the wand-makers ability to recall any wand he has sold it was easy to find a compatible match for Sirius. "You may not be able to use it much right now, but it will be your best match unless you can find your original wand." Sirius looked at the wand with a sigh, he missed his old one. they said their goodbyes and the wand-master went of into the back to work on the wand.

"Well, that was-"Harry had to ponder for a moment to consider the right word.

"I believe the word you are looking for Harry, is curious." Sirius interrupted." I have known that man since I got my original wand. I have never seen him look so-"

"Frazzled, he was frazzled. It is not surprising considering his Lord had just walked in. You see Harry, Garrick fought with us against the Dark Lord. Well, as much as he could from hiding, wand makers are targets for dark wizards." Remus explained. "you see Harry, there is a spell that can be used to destroy a wand."

"Who would want to destroy their wand though?" Harry walked towards the robe shop looking around at everything.

"It is not about wanting to Harry. Consider for a moment that you are a dark wizard, you have just killed a muggle when the Aurors arrive. There is a spell that can detect the last few spells cast by that wand." Sirius told Harry carefully.

"Destroying the wand eliminates evidence and there would be no proof you did it. Nothing physical at least." Harry said as he thought about the wand he had in his last life. "I do not think a spell like that should exist. When I held those wands I felt them. Almost as if they were alive." Sirius looked at his godson in wonder, for someone new to their world he had a surprising grasp on things. They walked into the robe shop walking out a few minutes later with a bundle of new clothes for both Harry and Sirius. "So, wand then the Manor, right?" With a nod from both his guardians they headed off.

Wow! So, I will attempt to update a new chapter every two weeks. I think I answered most of the questions people had, but if I missed something let me know.