Scorpion looked out at the vast kingdom of Vale from the highest point of Beacon academy. He let out an aggravated sigh. While Scorpion's body was at the height of its power, his soul was weary beyond measure. For decades he had fought for the demon sorcerer Quan Chi, and for twenty five years after that he was free. In that time tried to find new meaning in life, and while training Takeda in the ways of the Shirai Ryu gave him a new goal that was noble and true, it didn't bring him peace. He was still tormented by the loss of his wife, his son, his clan, and by the atrocities he committed under Quan Chi's service. And even with his freedom, all Scorpion did was cause more pain. That's all he was now, pain. anger, and sadness causing more pain, anger, and sadness. If only Kana could see him now. Would she still love him, even after all that had happened? No. Scorpion knew it, and wouldn't blame her for it. The man she had loved, Hanzo Hasashi, was dead. No god or sorcerer could ever change that. The day Scorpion was born from the fires of the netherrealm by the sorcery of Quan Chi was the day Hanzo ceased to be. And what of little Jubei? Would he still look up to his father with pride and admiration? Even if Jubei was alive Scorpion would have to stay as far away from him as possible. He wouldn't let his son become the monster his father became. Death was the only thing that would bring Scorpion true peace. The world would be better off without him. He knew that he would not be missed. Yes the Shirai Ryu would mourn his passing, say a few kind words about Hanzo's greatness, and then burn the body in the traditional fashion. But no one would shed a tear. Not even Takeda would be too heavily burdened.

Scorpion's rage rekindled as he remembered the damn thunder god Raiden. How he had talked Scorpion out of hara kiri, a ritual suicide. Instead damning Scorpion to being enslaved to new masters, the elder gods themselves. They transformed him and the entire Shirai Ryu clan into protectors of earthrealm, specifically the Jinsei chamber. But even the elder gods betrayed him. Now Scorpion was the puppet of Quan Chi once again and there was truly nothing he could do about it. Quan Chi had given Scorpion yet another innocent person for a target. A student of Beacon Academy known as Ruby Rose. Scorpion's orders were simple. Find the girl, kill the girl, and bring Quan Chi her body so he could make for himself yet another revenant slave.

Scorpion let himself fall from the top of Beacon Academy. As Scorpion plummeted downwards, he wondered who it was he had murder earlier. Who was Ozpin? The old man was wise and kind, trying to talk Scorpion out of murdering him in a peaceful manner, and putting up a hell of a fight when he realised that there was no reasoning with him. Whoever this Ozpin was, he did not deserve his fate. Scorpion dearly wished he could just die from the fall, but Quan Chi's magic had too much control over him. Scorpion's entire body exploded in flames as he vanished. He reappeared instantly on the rooftop of a nearby building and began running. He jumped from building to building, searching the streets from above, trying to find either Ruby or someone he could beat her location out of. But across the street Scorpion saw another ninja running across the rooftops. Clad entirely in black, the warrior looked to face Scorpion. When Scorpion looked back to where he was running he saw the mysterious ninja standing on the opposite side of the building Scorpion was currently on. Scorpion, now finally having someone to inflict his rage upon, flung his kunai directly for his head. The ninja caught the kunai with easy. Whoever he was, he saw the move coming long before the fight had even began.

"Do the Shirai Ryu know no other opening tactics?" asked the ninja in a slightly mocking, but also friendly tone. It was as if the ninja saw Scorpion as an old friend.

"Out of my sight Smoke! I'll send you back to hell if you stand in my way!" threatened Scorpion. The other ninja let out a short chuckle.

"I am not Smoke, nor am I Enenra as he now calls himself." informed the ninja. At this moment Scorpion felt a hand gently being placed on his shoulder. Scorpion turned to see a pure black ninja, almost completely identical to the other ninja, but dressed even darker.

"Really Hanzo, I'm a little offended you didn't recognise me." continued the ninja as he approached Scorpion. As he approached, Scorpion got a better look at him. No, it couldn't be. Could it? Had he really returned after all these years and had tracked Scorpion down? Was it a trick? No, Shang Tsung was long gone as far as he knew. There was no denying it. It was the Lin Kuei legend. The warrior Scorpion had once hated so much. It was the one and only, Noob Saibot.

"I can understand if you want revenge Bi Han." started Scorpion. "I know the longing for retribution more than anyone and I will oblige you in honorable kombat if that is your wish." Noob Saibot let out another chuckle.
"I have buried the past Hanzo. Your reasons for killing me were understandable and I have learned of the corruption of the Lin Kuei. You were right to kill me, as now I am stronger than ever and serve a much higher purpose. A purpose I'd like to offer you." His proposal surprised Scorpion. After he planned kill Quan Chi, he had no plans for what to do next. An honorable suicide seemed like the only option, but now there was a different path. Possibly even redemption.

"I am a slave to the accursed sorcerer once again. I cannot accept." informed Scorpion, turning away in shame.

"The champion I serve can remove the spell of the damned demon." Replied Noob Saibot. "The new ruler of the netherrealm will grant you new purpose in life, revenge, power, and your family back in return for your service." At this, Scorpion's hopes were raised for the first time in over a year. "However we must be sure that you are truly ready to serve us, so you will complete your mission and kill Ruby Rose." Scorpion let out a sigh. Ruby shouldn't have to die, but to bring back Kana and Jubei he was willing to kill anyone.

"I accept. Tonight a Rose will die!"

Ruby was practically inhaling the cookies and cream ice cream while shoving her face with cookies and taking the occasional sip from her cookies and cream smoothie. Weiss' face was in her hands as she sighed from the seat across from Ruby. It just wasn't fair. How could Ruby survive on a steady diet of cookies and cookie filled foods and yet stay in top physical condition? The Schnees all had a very strict and healthy diet to make them some of the most fit warriors in all of remnant but of course Ruby could just eat cookies all day and keep up just fine!

Weiss gently placed her hand on Ruby's. Ruby looked up from her food and stared into Weiss' eyes. Weiss bit her lip before saying "Ruby we need to talk." Ruby's eyes seemed to get bigger as she tries to swallow her mouthful of cookies and icecream. "I just need to get this out there before this gets too serious." Ruby tilted her head, confused by her best friend's words. She continued to chew her food at an alarming rate until she finally finished. There was a moment of silence as Weiss' face turned from pale to red. Ruby tried to think of what her bestest friend in the whole wide world meant until it finally hit her.

"Ruby I… I…" Weiss began, fiddling with her own hair with her other hand. " I love… that you're enjoying your meal but we have to do something about your cookie addiction." Ruby quickly redrew her hand from under Weiss' and used both her arms to shield her plate of cookies and icecream, hissing at Weiss as she did so.

"I won't let you take away the precious!" squealed Ruby. She almost considered reaching for the crescent rose.

"You need to be at your best for the tournament you dolt!" yelled Weiss.

"We did just fine today. I don't see what's your problem ice queen!"
"You know I hate it when people call me that! And we got lucky last time, we won't be lucky again." Ruby was about to reply when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." said Yatsuhashi. The two girls instantly stopped their bickering and pretended like they hadn't just been fighting.

"Mister Daichi." Weiss addressed formally, trying to seem proper after the rather childish fight she was just in.

"Miss Schnee, Miss Rose. Me and the rest of team CFVY were wondering if you'd like to celebrate your victories with us, along with the rest of your team of course." Ruby smiled as she thought of getting the chance to meet the famous Coco and compare weapons., maybe even find out what kind of secret weapon Velvet had been keeping locked away. Weiss however was a little suspicious.

"How do we know you're not trying to find any weaknesses you can exploit during the tournament?" Weiss asked. Ruby quickly covered Weiss' mouth with her hand.

"What Weiss means is we would love to come, just as soon my sister comes back and after we pick up Blake." Yang had left to "take care of some unfinished business" and said she'd back in a giffy. That was an hour and a half ago.

"Where's Blake if you don't mind me asking?" asked Yatsuhashi.

"She said she wasn't feeling good." Weiss replied. "Too much stomach acid I think." She wasn't entirely wrong at the moment.

"GET OVER HERE!" commanded an unfamiliar voice from behind the three students. Yatsuhashi looked down to see a kunai stabbed through his chest. It took him a second to recognise the pain he was in. He coughed up a mouthful of blood before reaching to Ruby for help. Before she could take his hand, Scorpion pulled on the chain connected to the kunai, pulling his helpless victim to certain death. A sword materialized in Scorpion's hand and with a single swing he decapitated the poor student. Blooded sprayed from Yatsuhashi neck, covering the ninja's face with blood. The diner was dead silent for a moment as the student's body and head fell lifelessly to the floor.

"Ruby Rose is the one I want." informed Scorpion. "The rest of you may leave unharmed." Ruby sat still, paralyzed by the horrific event that just took place. She had cut up countless grimm before, but those weren't people. Seeing a soulless monster that was incapable of doing any good dying was one thing, but to see the life a student ended so quickly and brutally was enough to stun her. She looked into the dead white eyes of Scorpion and felt something she hadn't in a long time. True and total fear in its purest form. Scorpion on the other hand was doing everything in his power not be the slightest bit excited. Yes this was wrong, Scorpion knew that. But even though he was being forced to murder an innocent little girl, he craved a true challenge in the form of mortal kombat. The defenceless civilians ran to the exit as fast as they could.

From the corner booth, Lie Ren put down the book he was reading titled "Icha Icha". In a fraction of a second, Ren's SMGs were out and pointed directly at Scorpion's head. Before he could pull the triggers though, a black portal opened up and Noob Saibot's shadow clone ran through it, punching Ren in the face as it emerged. Noob Saibot stepped through the portal a moment after.

"Sorry, this is Scorpion's fight. You may die by my hand." mocked Noob Saibot. Ren readied himself to face his new opponent as Noob Saibot waited patiently. "It's an honor to get to kill the mighty Lie Ren. Maybe after this I'll give your lover your head head so she can give your nose a boop!" Ren was too well disciplined to show the rage boiling inside of him, but taking a life became a much easier call to make now.

Scorpion's patience was wearing thin as he waited for the shaking girl to ready herself for kombat. Weiss drew her sword, not without fear of course but she wasn't going to let her best friend die at the hands of such a monster. She summoned a glyph and used it to fire herself at amazing speeds. Scorpion was almost caught off guard but parried her lunge attack with his sword easily enough. She began to unleash a fury off strikes and jabs at Scorpion, using every sword tactic and maneuver she knew. She was competent enough to hold her own, but Scorpion continually blocked and parried her every move, his decades more experience backing him up. Ruby snapped back to reality fast enough to see Weiss begin to falter as Scorpion began taking a more aggressive fighting style, striking down on her with considerable force with far more strength than the young woman could muster. Ruby fumbled a little as she transformed the crescent rose into a deadly sniper rifle. She took careful aim at Scorpion's head, but in a burst of flames her target had disappeared.

"Ruby behind you!" yelled Weiss. She turned around just in time to see Scorpion bringing his sword down on her. In that second she was sure of her death. She closed her eyes, accepting her fate. Was it worth it? To come so far, fight so much evil, but to be beaten by some crazy flaming ninja? This couldn't be it, she had more to offer the world. She looked up to see her executioner. But Scorpion's arms were frozen in ice. He felt the worst sense of deja vu. "What the hell are you doing you dolt!?" roared Weiss, reloading another dust crystal after firing off her ice one. Ruby snapped back to reality and transformed the crescent rose into a scythe. Before she could cut Scorpion in half he consumed himself in a fiery aura that made his entire body go ablaze, leaving himself unharmed but melting the ice. The flames expanded and engulfed Ruby. She screamed in agony as the flames began to consume her, but she wasn't willing to die so easily anymore. She blasted away from the fight, making it to the other side of the diner in less than a second with her semblance, and creating a whirlwind around her to put the fire out.

Weiss took the offensive approach and propelled herself forward with her glyph, impaling Scorpion this time. Her rapier pierced straight through his gut making the wraith groan in pain. But she gravely underestimated what this warrior was able to survive. Scorpion grabbed her by the throat and lifted her high off the ground, starting to choke the life out of her. His eyes lit up in a blaze of flames as he raised his other arm and conjured a large ball of fire.

Ren wiped off blood from his lip as Noob Saibot began to pace. "Your use of aura is more than adequate." Noob Saibot continued. "But from such a strong family line I expected so much more. Your father was so much greater than you ever could be, he even bested me when I was still Subzero. I wondered if his son would be worth killing. I now see that you weren't worth the time. Can you prove me wrong?" Noob Saibot beckoned for Ren to come forward with his hand. Ren burst forward and swung his bladed SMGs viciously at Noob Saibot. He dodged Ren's first strike easily enough but the second one from the right cut right across his chest. Ignoring the pain Noob Saibot grabbed Ren's arm with both his hands. He pushed down on Ren's elbow and pulled back on his forearm. His arm made a sickening crack as it snapped. Ren grit his teeth, trying to hold in a scream. Noob Saibot kicked his opponent to the wall.
"What will you do now oh mighty Ren? Pick yourself up and die like a man! Join your parents in hell with some dignity!" Noob Saibot created a shadow clone and they both walked towards Ren. Ren racked his brain for a plan. Nora was off stalking Jaune and Pyrrha on their date so they'd be no help, Weiss and Ruby were preoccupied with the flaming ninja, and he was down one arm. With a sigh he had to face reality, he was probably going to die quite painfully. But he still had one last trick up his sleeve, his aura. The shadow clone ran at Ren, with its creator close behind. Ren fired his SMG at the clone, trying to keep the gun steady with all the pain he was in. The clone merely ran head long into the hail of gunfire, being shredded but taking the blows for his maker. Noob moved in for the strike and brought a swift kick into his stomach, sinking his foot deep into Ren's flesh.

Even though the blow as agonizing, even making it impossible to breath for a moment, Ren powered through the pain and brought his first down on Noob's knee. He blasted down with a powerful burst of purple aura, shattering the ninja's knee and even severing his leg from the knee down. Noob screamed as he drew back but Ren wasn't going to give his opponent a second to recover. Ren lunged forward, slashing his throat as he fell back. Noob's hands flung up to try to stop the blood spurting out of his neck, staining Ren's clothes in thick black blood. Ren had half a mind to let him bleed out and suffer. But there was no guarantee that he would die and Ren wasn't one to take that kind of risk. Ren raise his SMG and pointed it directly at his foe's head. Noob tried to let out a plea for his miserable life, but it came out as a gargle as he merely coughed up more precious blood. Ren opened fire as he tried his best not to smile. The bullets tore through Noob's flesh and were embedded into his skull. His eyes were pierced, his were teeth shattered, and chunks of his bones and brain were strewn across the ground. Ren fired every last bullet into the bastard's face, savoring every movement of his suffering. Finally when he ran out of bullets, Noob fell to the ground, completely motionless as the contents of his skull oozed on to the floor.

Ruby raised her sniper rifle and took careful aim. She had to take the shot or else Weiss would die, but if she missed she could kill her. The nervousness was getting to her as her hands began to shake. Sweat poured down her face and she began to panic. What if she couldn't take the shot? What if he killed them both? Would Ruby finally get to see her mother? Or was there nothing but an abis on the other side? Ruby shook her head. She had to snap out of it, for Weiss, for Winter, for Yang, for everyone, for herself. She felt her finger begin to squeeze the trigger. The target was dead in her sights. She'd shoot him right between the eyes and end this madness.

Scorpion was ready to end the life of this annoying pale faced student who performed the unforgivable sin, getting in his way. But he stopped to see his true opponent taking aim at him. He couldn't allow that. With a flick of his wrist a hellish demon made of charred flesh and pure white bone emerged from the ground from a fiery portal near Ruby and grabbed her legs.

The shock of being grabbed and jerked around by this hellish demon messed up her shot, but her reflexes took over and she still pulled the trigger. The powerful bullet pierced through the fragile gut of Weiss, causing her to scream in pain as blood spirted from her lower back and stomach area. The shot pierced right through her and had lost little of its strength as it passed through Weiss and entered Scorpion's upper left shoulder. The bullet stayed inside him until it finally exploded as it was supposed to, the priming mechanism had only activating on contact with a much tougher target. He let out a rage filled cry of pain as the explosion tore through his shoulder and arm with bits of shrapnel. Scorpion dropped the dying teenager as he grabbed at his shoulder to stop the bleeding.

"Damn you all to hell!" roared Scorpion. The respect he had for the young warrior was being blotted out by the sheer rage consuming him. He started to approach Ruby, carefully stepping over the writhing Weiss, when out of the corner of his eye he spotted Ren running towards him.

Ren had no plan for what he was going to do specifically. He was one arm down, the ammo in his SMG was spent, and from the legends he had heard, Scorpion was more than a match for him. But he couldn't let his friend die. Unfortunately, Scorpion was in no mood to draw this out any longer.

Scorpion flung two chained kunai directly at Ren's chest, imbedding them into him and making his bones crack. Ren didn't even have time to cry out before Scorpion sent a current of flames through the chains. When the flames reached the kunai lodged into his chest, Ren's body erupted with hellfire. Ren let out a ear piercing howl as the fire consumed his skin and flesh. He dropped to the floor as he desperately rolled around on the ground in a feeble attempt to stop the blazing fire.

Ruby's heart was pounding out of her chest as she watched in horror as her friend writhed in agony. She started to shake as Scorpion continued to approach her. She looked over at Weiss, bleeding on the floor with tears streaming down her face. Panic started to seep in and consume Ruby's body, mind, and soul. She barely had the will to cut down the demon holding her with her scythe. Scorpion kept up a steady pace as he approached her. He wanted to know if she'd run, fight, or if the fear would make her immobile. Scorpion stopped just a few feet away from her, barley of reach of her scythe. To Ruby's credit, she did stand her ground until Scorpion removed his mask and showed his true face. A pure white skull on fire with no eyes was all Scorpion had for a head, showing just how dead Hanzo Hasashi was.

With this the last action, what little courage the poor girl had left in her was melted away. She had no chance against this undead abomination against God and nature. Her instincts finally kicked in, making her do the only thing she could do better than anyone else. Run. A hurricane of wind exploded around her as she dashed for the exit. In less than a second she was at the door and opening it to leave. Survival was just in her grasp. She could run, get help, and save her friend and… best friend. At least, that's what she told herself. Deep down, even the naive little girl knew her friends were as good as dead. She wouldn't be able to get help in time and they'd die horribly because she wasn't strong enough to save them. The pain of the reality felt like a knife was stabbed through her chest. The agony radiated through her body. Then she finally looked down to see a kunai sticking out of her chest as blood soaked her clothing.

"GET THE FUCK OVER HERE BITCH!" roared Scorpion as he pulled the helpless girl like a rag doll towards him. "You don't get to die yet!" As the poor student flew towards the vengeful revenant, Scorpion swung his leg around, kicking her square in the face. Ruby slammed into the ground hard with her nose broken, and her skull cracked in many places. Blood seeped from her fractured head and crushed nose. Her once cute face was distorted by all the blood and tears mixing together.

Scorpion materialized a sword in his hand and raised it high, letting Ruby's terror reach new heights. "Prepare to die, spawn of Summer Rose! Know that you failed. You failed to save your friends, you failed to save your loved ones, you failed to protect your home, and most of all, you failed your mother. Now you will get to see her disappointment when you meet her in hell!"

Poor Ruby jammed her eyes shut as she cried bitterly. The words and wounds took the their heavy toll on her. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. She was supposed to die a hero with a spouse at her side after living a long and happy life. She wanted to start a family someday. But most of all, she wanted to live up to her mother's legacy. The wraith was right, she had failed. And in a way, she thought she deserved this horrible fate for it. In her last moments she screamed "Help me mommy!" as she felt blood spurt all over her face.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." said a rough but familiar voice. Ruby dared to open her eyes and saw Scorpion holding his stomach together as a massive gash threaten to let his now exposed internal organs fall out. The blood on her face turning out to be the blood from Scorpion's wound spraying all over. She turned to see just the man she had prayed for.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby cried out in joy.

"Hey kid. Didja miss me?" asked Qrow with a smirk.
"Nope!" In that moment all the fear was gone. There was nothing to fear with her uncle and hero watching over her. Qrow turned to Scorpion, with none of his confidence or arrogance leaving him. Sure Scorpion was an undead, vengeful, nearly unstoppable, hell born killing machine, but that was nothing compared to a dangerously drunk Uncle with a bigass sword. Getting a massive wound on an unsuspecting opponent didn't hurt either.

"So Hanzo, you got two options. Run like a bitch and maybe get out of this in one piece, or die like a bitch. Your choice." With this Qrow's sword expanded as it converted into a large scythe.

"One day Qrow Branwen, you will die like the weakling you are! Just like Raven did!" replied Scorpion before in a blaze of fire he disappeared. Qrow walked over to the injured and bleeding Ruby and picked her up gently before turning to the two other students. He let out a sad sign, he only could only take one more with him if he was going to keep them stable enough to survive their massive injuries and get them help in time. He weighed the options carefully. Weiss was an important figure, her death would cause panic. But then again, Qrow did make a promise to Ren's parents before they died. Could he simply break it for the greater good?

Ruby looked up at Qrow pleadingly, it was obvious who she wanted to be saved. "Qrow… please… she's my partner and best friend…" Qrow looked over at Ren as he writhed in agony, the fire mostly out but his skin had been blackened and charred from the flames. Much of his skin and clothing had been burned away to reveal uncovered inner flesh and even some bone.

"I'm sorry kid." Qrow finally apologized before picked up the dead silent Weiss who had gone into shock and threw her over his shoulder.

Ren reached out to Qrow, his badly scorched eyes full of tears and blood. "Please Qrow… don't leave me." He begged, his voice weak and cracking. "I can't die yet. I haven't had the chance to tell Nora that I love her!"

"I'll tell her for ya kid." And with that, Qrow dashed out the door in a feeble attempt to suppress the guilt consuming him while Ren was left to weep and suffer.

Scorpion reappeared in the depths of the Netherrealm, a world of fire, suffering, and demons. For Scorpion it was home sweet home. Scorpion let out a furious roar which make flames erupt from his pale skull. His physical wounds would heal much faster here, though his pride was something no dark magic could heal.

"Welcome home Hanzo Hasashi" said a familiar voice.

"Impossible! Cassandra Cage defeated you!" cried Scorpion, praying that the fallen Elder god before him, Shinnok, would not take advantage of his injuries.

"I have been reborn, under a new master. Come my friend, let me show you." replied Shinnok with a sinister smile.

"I am a slave of Quan Chi! I cannot go against his wishes." Shinnok merely casually waved his hand across Scorpion's face as he easily removed the spell.

Shinnok placed his hand on Scorpion's shoulder and teleported him to the massive throne room of the Netherrealm. Scorpion looked around in amazement at all the mighty warriors that had assembled. There was Baraka, Moloch, Sindel, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung, Motaro, Kintaro, Chameleon, Stryker, Mileena, Rain, Kabal, Tremor, Kano, Junior, Kung Lao, Khameleon, Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, Skarlet, Meat, Shujinko, Taven, Daegon, Ruutuu, Sheeva, Drahmin, Reiko, Kitana, and even Jade. Many were undead revenants and still more had been warped in some way or another. Scorpion took careful note at the lack of Kotal Kahn and his forces.

"Now you're all probably wondering why you are here." Started Shang Tsung as he hovered above the rest. "We have all been given a gracious opportunity to take and conquer this new realm of Remnant under a new master. One that will remove all of our shackles whether they be from loss or from sorcery." At this, Shang Tsung looked over at Scorpion as that line was directly mostly for him. "Our strong master will lead us to ultimate victory over this, and all other realms! So without further ado, I give you the lord of the Netherrealm, the champion of Mortal Kombat, the mightiest of all warriors, Liu Kang!"

Scorpion was stunned to see the once mighty Shaolin monk on the throne of the Netherrealm. Yes Liu Kang had been warped by Quan Chi's magic, but this was different. There was no regret in his eyes for the evil he had done. Liu Kang looked across the crowd of warriors before his gaze fell upon Scorpion. He grinned at the sight of such a powerful potential ally, and motioned for Scorpion to come forward. The crowd parted as Scorpion limped up the stairs and to the throne of the new king of demons.

"Welcome Scorpion. How would you like a chance to resurrect your family and clan, regain your honor, and get your revenge?" asked Liu Kang.

"That is all I wish for. But what exactly are you planning to do?" Scorpion would not be fooled again. Even with the seriousness of the situation Liu still chuckled to himself.
"Why it's simple. We're going to slay an elder god."