Chapter 15

The Destiny of Satan and the Great White Throne of Judgement

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe belongs to J.K. Rowling, I have nothing out of this except for enjoyment.

A thousand years later, Satan was released.

Then Satan began to deceive the people on earth again, it gathered the people together, and they surrounded the people in the city of God.

Suddenly, fire came down from Heaven and devoured them.

The devil, who had deceived them, along with the false prophets and the beast, was thrown into the lake of fire.

/Scene Break/

The Lamb of God, who had overcome evil, had risen those who did not belong to him.

"Albus Dumbledore," he called out.

Dumbledore stepped forward.

The Lamb of God checked the book of life, and he looked at Dumbledore.

"Do you really think you can enter Heaven?" he asked. "You have no doubt done a lot of things which I consider evil, one, in particular, causing a boy called Harry Potter to suffer for so long. When he suffered, not only you were not there for him, you insisted him going back to that abusive family."

He paused.

"In spite of the fact that he had told you about me, you didn't even stop and think to turn to me and accept me into your life, did you? Your name is not in the book of life."

"I did many good works," Dumbledore said. "I did what I did for the greater good."

"This is such an unreasonable excuse," the Lamb of God said. "You think what you did was good, but you are full of sin, there's no way that I am going to allow you into Heaven."

Then he turned to the angels.

"Cast him out of my presence!" he commanded.

The angels rose, and they pushed Dumbledore out of the city of God.

Then the Lamb of God called the next person.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle," he said.

Voldemort stepped forward, realising how weak he is.

The Lamb of God rummaged through the book of life, and he said.

"Do you really think you can enter Heaven?" he asked. "You have attempted to evade the first death by creating what is known as Horcruxes, didn't you?"

Voldemort didn't respond, he was now terrified, even though he knew how powerful he was on earth, by now, he only hoped that Jesus would give him mercy.

"You didn't even stop to think to turn to me and believe in me while you were alive on earth, Tom Riddle," the Lamb of God continued. "You've killed so many people and you were trying to do as much evil as you could. I cannot allow you to go to Heaven because you are full of sin."

He paused.

"Cast him out of my presence!" he commanded.

The angels rose, and they pushed Voldemort out of the city of God.

After he judged another enormous amount of people, he called out.

"Dolores Umbridge!"

Dolores Umbridge stepped forward.

"Do you really think you can enter Heaven?" the Lamb of God said. "I don't suppose you stopped to think about turning to me. You were one of those who attempted to persecute those who belong to me, not to mention that you have done a good amount of evil beforehand."

He paused.

"The most important problem is that you don't belong to me, therefore I shall not let you in," he said, then he turned to the angels.

"Cast her out of my presence!" he commanded.

The angels rose, and they threw her out of God's city.

Afterwards, Rufus Scrimgeour and Argus Filch were also judged, and they were also being thrown out of God's city.

As soon as all the unbelievers were judged and sent to hell, the earth was made new again.

The one seated on the throne said: "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Harry and Hermione looked at the city, and they smiled.

"No more nights," Harry said.

"Not only that, we don't have to fear anything because nothing impure will ever enter here," Hermione said. "There's so much treasure in here, and they are completely imperishable."

From that time onwards, they praised and worshipped the Lord their God, for the whole eternity.

The people in hell, on the other hand, suffered, and they began to curse God because of his injustice, but there was no way that they could get out of it, thus they suffered day and night, forever and ever.


I understand James and Lily did not get to Heaven in this story even though they were good people, and I know this is not fair, but since the Harry Potter books did not say they turned to Christ before they died, I have to assume that they are in Hell. If I let James and Lily go to Heaven in this story, that means I make God give them another chance for salvation, but this is not biblical (Hebrews 9:27), and I cannot modify Bible texts, or else I am violating God's commandment. (Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18)

I mentioned something in this story, but I will repeat it here: If everything in this world is fair, no one would ever get to Heaven because no one deserves Heaven.

Names are not requirements for someone to become a Christian, God takes in anyone who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.