Greetings, one and all and welcome to the Epilogue and final chapter of Kill La Kill: Male Who Invites. I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to THE EMPEROR, superhuman, kyrogue23, killer, SharpRevan, HYPE IS REAL, KING OF KINGS, Guilty Pleasure, Assassin5027, Chance Green G King, demonic anger, the rider, legendary blt, reaper, DISTURBED FAN, Badger, Wolf King 0811, AaronAmerican, DBZ FAN, Dark supreme and Linkonpark100 for reviewing, and I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone who has read, favorite or follows this story, I wouldn't have be able to complete it without you ladies and gents. As for a sequel or the like for this story... There are a few hints in this chapter. Now on to the last time I am going to answer the reviews of this story.

Legendary blt: Thanks for the compliment, and as I said, there are some hints to an sequel to this story.

kyrogue23: I thought so too, happy you agree. They are going to return the lightsaber to its rightful owner (Its going to happen in another story currently on my page(Its Avatar Heroes)).

Wolf King 0811: I like random questions. As for your answer... I love all of my OC's but if I have to pick one out of ALL of them, I would pick Jason Sephiroth Skywalker. But if its only in this story, it would be Izanami or Izanagi.

And now, its time for the conclusion.

22 Years later...

Two katana's clashed against each other, sparks springing from the blades. A young woman of about 18 was clashing with an older man of about 40. The young woman was tall, though still a head shorter than the man. She had an angular face, with long silver hair and yellow eyes the colors she had inherited from her father. She also had rather thick eyebrows something she had inherited from her mother. This girls name is Amaterasu, Ammy for short.

Ammy struck at the older man again, but he deprived her of her katana with a quick flourish. He then lazily slashed at Ammy, but she rolled out of the way of the attack and called her weapon to her hand. The man performed another casual swing of his weapon, Ammy managed to block the attack inches above her head. Taking this moment, she quickly slashed at her opponent, only for him to block her blow. He attacked again but Ammy managed to fend him off, leaping over an attack at her legs and flipping above him.

Ammy tried and failed to hold off the onslaught of fast heavy overhand power blows. Thrown off balance by a failed blade-lock, Ammy was forced to keep enduring the relentless offense, while he easily blocked and shunting aside all of her counters, eventually blade-locking with the young girl again and throwing her into the ground.

Bringing the tip of his blade to Ammy throat, "You are beaten.", he declared, much to Ammy's annoyance. Placing his sword back into its hilt, the man extended his hand. "So frustrating, why can't I beat you dad?", Ammy asked as she was helped up.

"Don't worry about it, Ammy. At your age neither your mom or aunt could hold a candle to me.", he said with a smile, proud about that his daughter had inherited her mother's drive and determination. "And yet you still took orders from me.", a voice said from the door. Turning around he saw the woman he had fallen in love with so many years ago, still as beautiful as the day they met. There stood Satsuki Ryu, his wife and the mother of his child. "She has a point dad, if you were so much more powerful, why didn't you lead?", Ammy asked cheekily.

He walked over to Satsuki and pulled her into an embrace, "I followed her so that I could keep watching her beautiful behind.", Izanagi said placing a kiss on his wives mouth, much to their daughter's disgust, who made a vomiting sound as she stick her tong out. They then heard footsteps upstairs before a voice called out, "Hallo? Satsuki? Izzy? Ammy? Where are you?"

"In the training room, just follow the sound of my parents making out uncle Izza!", Ammy said back, much to her parents embarrassment. Walking towards the living room, they saw Izanami, a pregnant Ryuko and their son Tsukiyomi.

Tsukiyomi or Tsu as his friends called him, was about the same height his father had been at 16. His black hair was styled in a messy bowl cut with a single left-swept red highlight on his bangs. He had inherited his fathers yellow eye. Another thing he had inherited from his mother aside from his hair color, was Senketsu, who over the years had learn to transform into different clothing articles. He had gone from Sailor Uniform to a black school uniform jacket. He wore the Kamui under a lose button white dress shirt, while on his lower body he wore black pants and white sneakers.

As Tsu walked over to his uncle, aunt and cousin while his father turned around to Ryuko to help her sit down, "Let me help you, Ryuko.", he said, but Ryuko brushed him off. "Relax Izza, I am pregnant not helpless.", Ryuko said with a smile as she sat down.

"Done having your ass handed to you?", Tsu asked teasingly to his cousin. Ammy send him a death glare, "At least I have no need for Junketsu to fight on equal footing with my father.", Ammy shot back at her cousin, while the two argued, belittled and down right insulted one another, only they were allowed to do that. There was an accident in middle school where some boy had tried to kiss Ammy and he had come to her defense. And on another occasion, a group of bullies tried to pick on Tsu, which they had come to regret when Ammy gave them a beating of a life time.

"Very impressive that you can keep up with a middle age man.", Tsu said back rolling his eyes taking a seat next to his mother. This earned him a glare from his uncle, "I am standing right here.", Izanagi said with a stern voice, crossing his arm. Upon the reaction of his cousin, Izanagi couldn't help but smile, he had grown quite fond of the young man. "So I guess we are the first one?", Izanami asked as he took a seat next to Satsuki, who had taken a seat next to her sister as they talked about the upcoming new addition to their family. "Yes, but I expect...", Izanami started, but was cut off when he suddenly heard, "Oh, Tsukiyomiiiiii!", and in a blur, the young man was tackled to the ground by Keiko Gamagori, a girl with a blonde bowl cut and tanned skin.

"Keiko... get off me...", Tsu groaned while his parents couldn't help but smile nostalgic. Keiko's parents, Ira and Mako Gamagori and twin brother Mamoru Gamagori arrived in the living room. "Right on time, Ira.", Satsuki said, standing up to meet her old friend. "As always my lady.", Ira said, after all those years he was still Satsuki's shield. Mako meanwhile had taken Satsuki's place and was talking with her friend. Mamoru had gone to Ammy, "Good to see you again, Lady Amaterasu.", he said with a bow, placing a soft kiss on her hand, much to Ammy's amusement.

"Seems Mamoru really takes after his dad.", Satsuki said, much to Ira's amusement. "He takes more after his mother if you ask me.", the tall one responded. They were slightly startled when Nonon's and Uzu's son, Nori Sanagema entered. The pink haired young man walked over to Ammy and told Mamoru off for stealing all of Ammy's attention. "Seem Ammy has inherited her father's ability to gain the attention of the opposite sex.", Nonon mused as she walked over to her friends, much to their amusement. "Its so sad that were going to different schools, with you going to Yokai Academy and all..." Keiko said with a sad tone.

"Hey you don't hear Nori complain about Ammy going to Karakura High.", Tsu said, while he was fond of Keiko, there were times he found her caring for him a little overbearing, which wasn't been helped by his parents shipping them together as his uncle would call it.

They were then joined Hoka, Nui and a pregnant Rei. They were warmly greeted by the rest of the friends. And as they talked, Rei showed them a gold ring around her finger. Mako, Keiko and Nui let out a squee while Ryuko, Satsuki and Ammy gave a smile. "So Abby finaly popped the question.", Izanagi said congratulating his future sister in law, "Where is he any way?"

"He had some work to finish, but he will join us for dinner.", Rei said with as she rubbed her swollen belly. As if on cue, Abbysion appeared in a cloud of black smoke. "Have you already broken the news?", he asked as he walked up next to his future wife, and by going by the looks everyone was giving them, he could guess yes.

That evening, the group had settling themselves down to eat beneath a clear, deep-blue sky. Izanagi, Izanami, Ammy, Tsu and Uzu were talking spiritedly about the upcoming Interwordly Duel Championship finals between Team RWBYS and Team JNPRS.

"It's got to be RWBYS. They flattened everything in the semifinals.", Izanami said, through a mouthful of rice. "But JNPRS have Jaune Arc and Toshiyuki Sutakira.", Tsu pointed out, taking a bite out of sushi. "Jaune and Toshiyuki are two decent fighters, but RWBYS has The Skywalker.", Uzu said shortly, "Team SSSN went down to RWBYS while they didn't break a sweat."

"Well JNPRS totally slaughtered Team CRDL, though shockingly nearly lost to Team CFVY.", Ammy said back as Izanagi lightened the candles to light the darkening garden before they had their deserts, and by the time they had finished, moths were fluttering low over the table, and the warm air was perfumed with the smells of grass and honeysuckle. Izanagi looking over the table, he took in the faces of his friends and family and he couldn't help but smile brightly, feeling extremely at peace with the World, "Everything changes, nothing perishes."


That is it, the final chapter of Kill La Kill: Male Who Invites. For the last time, many thanks to everyone who reads, reviewed, followed or favorite this story until the very end, you magnificently awesome beautiful bastards, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all a fantastic day, and maybe I will see you ladies and gents in one of my other stories. Until then, Skyguy626 signings off.