Baby Blues
By Todd Fan
Disclaimer: "So... let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the king of the potato people and you're telling me your completely sane? "
This is it, the last chapter *sniff* But i AM planning a soon as i get through everything else. I have also started thinking a plot for the promised Todd/Kitty fic for Dax....but it won't be done yet. What HAS begun is my all girls fic 'Sugar and Spice' the first chapter is now up, so go read it..wait!, read this first, then go read it, k?. K.
The Scribe - More Amara joy?. You got it!
Draco-luvur - Lancitty?. Mystique seeing her son curled up with Amanda? Wandd? Rogue and Remy?. It's all there!
Evilbon32 - Awwww shucks, glad to have brightened up someones day :D
Miranda - There are X-babies comics?..kinda answers the question don't never heard of them.
Pyromaniac - Not anymore he aint :D
Rogue - Seren and Alex making out?. Tee hee
Chapter 23 - The end?
After a few more hours of watching the video, a few of the people had walked off, unable to take any more embaressment. Lance, after seeing how he had treated Kitty, as in going off with Wanda, had been on his hands and knees, begging for forgivness. Though he had wondered why she had kissed Todd, as did Wanda....not that she was jealous, she said. Kurt had snuggled up to Amanda and both were sleeping peacefully, Seren had come around and was currently in a lip-lock session with Alex...much to the desturbance of Scott. Storm had been appologising to Duncan for permenantely scaring his face..and his physce.
"So chere, you glad to be back to normal?".
Rogue looked from where she was sitting to see Gambit, smiling at her.
"So, ya'll awake now, huh, Swamp Rat?", she said, with a small smile.
"What, no 'Gambit's my boyfriend'?", teased the Cajun.
Instead of hitting him, which he expected, Rogue walked over to him, ran a gloved finger over his cheek and smiled.
"Not yet, sugar", she said with a smile, "ya'll just wait".
With that, she sauntered off, leaving Gambit staring in awe. Amara was flicking small balls of fire into the fireplace as she watched Bobby, Roberto and Pyro argue over who was the most foolish around her. She gave a small smile, it was good to be a princess. She glanced over at Jean, who was looking at a burnt crown and an equally mangled doll.
"I had this doll since i was a baby", she said, "who wreaked it?".
Tabby whistled and beat a hasty retreat upstairs. Meanwhile Seren had left Alex to return Magneto and Mystique to their former glories. It took a split second to do the deed. Magneto sat up and blinked.
"Oh dear God, i know i did something bad..what?", he said, holding his head in his hands.
"Help", came the weak voice of Xavier, his wheelchair nailed to the floor with a staple gun.
"Oh...that's what", said Magneto, with a chuckle, "sorry Charles".
He flicked his hand and made all the nails release Xavier's chair. Mystique had started to point widlly at her son and Amanda.
"They..they..they're cuddling!!!!", she said, "no!! No no no no no!!".
"You should have seen Rogue with Gambit", muttered Colossus under his breath.
"What?!", said Mystique, turning on him, "okay, that's it!. I have no children!!!!!".
A few days later, after the dust had settled and people had time to relflect, Seren left the institute and disapeared without a trace..much to the disapointment of Alex. Moira had dragged Rahne back to Muir Isle, leaving Sam a depressed mess. In the Brotherhood boarding house, things had quietened down too...after Todd had stopped giving his team mates looks which spat venom whenever they went near him. Wanda had headed into her room after a fun few hours of tourturing her brother to see a package on her bed. She blinked and opened it, finding a plush Kermit the Frog. Attached to it was a note:
'Thought you could use the real Kermit to cheer you up when i'm not around - Todd'.
"What the heck is that?!".
She spun around to see Pietro, looking at the Kermit with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing", said Wanda, "just Toad being stupid".
She tossed the toy to the floor to prove it meant nothing to her. Pietro shrugged and headed off to his own room. Once he had left, Wanda walked over to the Kermit. She smiled, picked it up and gave it a hug before placing it by her pillow.
In the institute, Logan was showering mater how hard he scrubbed he couldn't get the Sabertooth smell off him...he was worrying that he ever would. Xavier had a lot of trouble getting Defcon 4 to shut down. He, as an infant, had changed the password. After many times, he descovered the word was 'Snoogle'...and he didn't even know what that meant. Kitty and Jamie had taken full oportunity of their new Blackmail privlages and made a point of enslaving everyone to do their own bidding.
"This is the life huh?", said Kitty from her deck chair.
"Yeah", said Jamie from his own chair, "hey, rub my feet better than that, they have alot of strain".
"Sorry", muttered Ray.
"Sorry what?", chaimed Jamie.
"Sorry...sir", said Ray through gritted teeth.
"That's better", said Jamie, giving Ray a pat on the head.
Yep, life was good..yet for those who had suffered looking after the children, it was never good enough revenge...they should have been carefull what they wished for...
Whaoh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!. See, there WILL be a sequel!. See, i left it open, i bet THAT'S got you wondering!!!!!. Please reveiw, then go read 'Sugar and Spice'. Whooot!
By Todd Fan
Disclaimer: "So... let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the king of the potato people and you're telling me your completely sane? "
This is it, the last chapter *sniff* But i AM planning a soon as i get through everything else. I have also started thinking a plot for the promised Todd/Kitty fic for Dax....but it won't be done yet. What HAS begun is my all girls fic 'Sugar and Spice' the first chapter is now up, so go read it..wait!, read this first, then go read it, k?. K.
The Scribe - More Amara joy?. You got it!
Draco-luvur - Lancitty?. Mystique seeing her son curled up with Amanda? Wandd? Rogue and Remy?. It's all there!
Evilbon32 - Awwww shucks, glad to have brightened up someones day :D
Miranda - There are X-babies comics?..kinda answers the question don't never heard of them.
Pyromaniac - Not anymore he aint :D
Rogue - Seren and Alex making out?. Tee hee
Chapter 23 - The end?
After a few more hours of watching the video, a few of the people had walked off, unable to take any more embaressment. Lance, after seeing how he had treated Kitty, as in going off with Wanda, had been on his hands and knees, begging for forgivness. Though he had wondered why she had kissed Todd, as did Wanda....not that she was jealous, she said. Kurt had snuggled up to Amanda and both were sleeping peacefully, Seren had come around and was currently in a lip-lock session with Alex...much to the desturbance of Scott. Storm had been appologising to Duncan for permenantely scaring his face..and his physce.
"So chere, you glad to be back to normal?".
Rogue looked from where she was sitting to see Gambit, smiling at her.
"So, ya'll awake now, huh, Swamp Rat?", she said, with a small smile.
"What, no 'Gambit's my boyfriend'?", teased the Cajun.
Instead of hitting him, which he expected, Rogue walked over to him, ran a gloved finger over his cheek and smiled.
"Not yet, sugar", she said with a smile, "ya'll just wait".
With that, she sauntered off, leaving Gambit staring in awe. Amara was flicking small balls of fire into the fireplace as she watched Bobby, Roberto and Pyro argue over who was the most foolish around her. She gave a small smile, it was good to be a princess. She glanced over at Jean, who was looking at a burnt crown and an equally mangled doll.
"I had this doll since i was a baby", she said, "who wreaked it?".
Tabby whistled and beat a hasty retreat upstairs. Meanwhile Seren had left Alex to return Magneto and Mystique to their former glories. It took a split second to do the deed. Magneto sat up and blinked.
"Oh dear God, i know i did something bad..what?", he said, holding his head in his hands.
"Help", came the weak voice of Xavier, his wheelchair nailed to the floor with a staple gun.
"Oh...that's what", said Magneto, with a chuckle, "sorry Charles".
He flicked his hand and made all the nails release Xavier's chair. Mystique had started to point widlly at her son and Amanda.
"They..they..they're cuddling!!!!", she said, "no!! No no no no no!!".
"You should have seen Rogue with Gambit", muttered Colossus under his breath.
"What?!", said Mystique, turning on him, "okay, that's it!. I have no children!!!!!".
A few days later, after the dust had settled and people had time to relflect, Seren left the institute and disapeared without a trace..much to the disapointment of Alex. Moira had dragged Rahne back to Muir Isle, leaving Sam a depressed mess. In the Brotherhood boarding house, things had quietened down too...after Todd had stopped giving his team mates looks which spat venom whenever they went near him. Wanda had headed into her room after a fun few hours of tourturing her brother to see a package on her bed. She blinked and opened it, finding a plush Kermit the Frog. Attached to it was a note:
'Thought you could use the real Kermit to cheer you up when i'm not around - Todd'.
"What the heck is that?!".
She spun around to see Pietro, looking at the Kermit with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing", said Wanda, "just Toad being stupid".
She tossed the toy to the floor to prove it meant nothing to her. Pietro shrugged and headed off to his own room. Once he had left, Wanda walked over to the Kermit. She smiled, picked it up and gave it a hug before placing it by her pillow.
In the institute, Logan was showering mater how hard he scrubbed he couldn't get the Sabertooth smell off him...he was worrying that he ever would. Xavier had a lot of trouble getting Defcon 4 to shut down. He, as an infant, had changed the password. After many times, he descovered the word was 'Snoogle'...and he didn't even know what that meant. Kitty and Jamie had taken full oportunity of their new Blackmail privlages and made a point of enslaving everyone to do their own bidding.
"This is the life huh?", said Kitty from her deck chair.
"Yeah", said Jamie from his own chair, "hey, rub my feet better than that, they have alot of strain".
"Sorry", muttered Ray.
"Sorry what?", chaimed Jamie.
"Sorry...sir", said Ray through gritted teeth.
"That's better", said Jamie, giving Ray a pat on the head.
Yep, life was good..yet for those who had suffered looking after the children, it was never good enough revenge...they should have been carefull what they wished for...
Whaoh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!. See, there WILL be a sequel!. See, i left it open, i bet THAT'S got you wondering!!!!!. Please reveiw, then go read 'Sugar and Spice'. Whooot!