Snow. Snow covered the ground in the dense forest that was displayed over the grave. In the snow, where boot prints. A man, wearing a grey coat and boots. The coat had a black caplet over it stopping right above his elbow. Hiding behind his coat was a black T-shirt. His pants consist of a light gray-ish color though most of it hidden by his coattails that reached his mid-calf. A sigh came out of his mouth causing a puff of white gas to fly out. He rakes his gray hair, and rubs his hands together trying to get some warmth. The grey-haired man continued walking till he found the grave.

Summer Rose Thus Kindly I Scatter

Another sigh came from the man. "Uh, hey summer it's Gray." He knew he wasn't going to get any kind of reaction out this but he promised to himself that he'd do this. "Um, I know it's been a while, yeah I know it's a big excuse that I use but I had… to do a few things. But uh, I got you your favorite flowers!" Gray instantly put down the flowers

Funny enough one of summer favorite kind of flowers were gray ones. Sure gray flowers aren't really a flower there a nickname for white ones but still. "Uh, I um, found somethings out. Heh, uh, Ruby apparently is going to Beacon! She's a lucky girl isn't see? And me and Yang are starting our freshman year. Didn't you go to Beacon?"

A moment of silence filled the air. Gray was happy one for Ruby and two because he gets to see her and Yang again. "I really miss her. I bet she does too right?" He already knew what summer answer would be 'Of course'. And he believed her. Her non-bodied-conscience-sounding voice. "I'm going to make up my lost time with her. I was her first best friend. Hey, remember when Ruby drop her cookies and she bawled her eyes out?" Gray was chuckling at the small memory.

"We had some good memories. You know I miss you two Summer. You were a fantastic mother and a great role model. Ok, I think I'm done boring you to the point of- uh, well boredom." Gray said not able to come up with something. "Hopefully things go well with Ruby. Take care Summer."

Gray turned on his heel and started to walk off leaving behind the flowers. Gray following his tracks found some other tracks next to his. An Ursa. Gray instantly grabbed his weapon a strange mix of a double barrel shotgun and a pump shotgun. The weapon consisted of two short barrels that come out of the shell of the gun and a weird blade in the middle of them. The shotgun wasn't a very big gun I was a basic size for a shotgun however it was longer than a normal gun. He has two different magazines one on the bottom left, a 32 shell drum. And one the right side of the shell, a short 8 shot mag. The shell had small parts on Grimm bone. In the center of the double barrels was a Grimm bone bask. The eyes had the barrels inside them. Looking around he sees the Ursa charging, however he doesn't fire. Gray puts his finger behind the trigger and lifts it up, a click come from the gun and the trigger flips up revealing a hidden trigger behind the other. He quickly pulls the trigger and the tips of the double barrel heat up and fire right before the Ursa attacked. Gray's weapon exploded pellets and recoiled barely. The sound of flesh tearing and the Ursa's death groan filled the air. Gray watched in satisfaction as the Ursa looked down and saw its chest or what was left. The Ursa fell over. Gray decided to end it, he then transformed the shotgun into something more for close and medium range. Flipping and spinning the weapon around it quickly changed into a terrifying weapon. Once complete he slammed the once hidden blade into the Ursa's head. The shotgun had transformed into a scythe the blade was long and well crafted, with some details. On the blade in revealed the scythe/shotgun's name: SPINE.

Gray yanked off the Ursa's punctured head of Spines blade and transformed it to its compact form. Gray look up at the broken moon. He sighed. "No hunting tonight." He told himself. "Gotta get home get to uh, night. Yeah that sounds right." He once again said to himself. And with that he walked back home keep his eyes on his tracks.

OK, so after that short opening/ I guessteasing? Well anyways that was the first chapter rate and review and tell me what you think so far this was my first fanfic and I hope you enjoyed!

*Warping to January 31 2016*

Uh, hello! This is future Legendary! Past me forgot to tell you, that Gray's bio is on our profile! Also, oh my god what was past me doing?! I need to keep this chapter up. Anyways, I need to do my trademark goodbye!

Have a great Day / Night everyone!