"All I ever wanted was a pummmmmpkin, to make pumpkin pie~" I sang sadly, staring off dramatically into the distance before I finally took my last breath, my fan falling from my fingertips and eyes fluttering shut on the lap of my belove-

Um, no. Who the hell thinks about pumpkins and pies when they die?

I mean, I'm about to die, burned to a crisp, hallucinating, panting, an- That's one awesome pumpkin! I praised, staring at a store through the windows.

Oh gosh, what the heck am I talking about anyway? OH MY GODS! Am I talking to myself? That's sooooo…..


You know what? Forget everything you just read. Rewind. Rewind. Okay. Now, where was I?

Oh yeah, just dying and shriveling up under the sadistic sun's rays.

"Curse you, Kuroda." I hissed angrily, glaring at the bag holding the cold delicacies. "Making me go and buy you ice cream. So what if I lost six hundred and fifty two times continuously to you in rock paper scissors? You're inhuman! I was watching One piece!" I wailed out to noone in particular, though a few passersby stared at me like I was a freak.

Well, I guess I was pretty loud after all. I narrowed my eyes at the air particles in front of me while I made my way back home.

"Stupid brother. Stupid brother's best friend. Why the heck do you spend all your time at my house? And eat MY ice cream? Shoo. Go away. Nobody likes you." Dragging my feet over the hot cement, black hair matted to my neck, I moaned like a zombie as I continued to curse the boy in my head.

And if anyone happened to pass by me, it would be a very happy experience… for me. Well, so to say, they would be very traumatized.

Stepping on something very squishy, a high pitched voice squealed from below me. I blinked my ocean blue eyes before looking down at a tiny mop of orange red carpeting.

"Huh…" I said to myself before taking another tiny step on the carpet.










"Mloody Murder, mou mat mreak!"

"... =.= ..."



"Oh, my, what high tech carpets they make nowadays." I paused, before the word registered in my head. No, carpets like that did not exist. They do not talk. Nope. No. Just no. "GAHHHHH!"

I jumped up and back as the thing under me wriggled. "It's alive! It talks! I- It-"

I said, staring at the furry thing with the two yellow beady eyes. "Oh, it's just a cat." … … "...wait, didn't… THE CAT TALKED!"

I inched away, staring at the cat with it's tail high in the air. Uh-oh, didn't it just seem angry?

"Must m mat, mou may?" The cat snarled. I don't know if cats snarl, but this one certainly did. "Mhe Mumans Mere Mre Mo Mery Mude."

I did, a double take, mouth dropping open as my chin lifted higher. At that moment, the air behind the cat rippled and a girl just stepped out from thin air.

I fell.

Yeah, I fell, and screamed. Like a little girl.

People aren't supposed to come out from thin air, no matter what your kidnapper and brother may tell you.

And sorry I'm not that OP or anything, but dudeeeee, I just go to school, eat, fangirl, curse my brother and his best friend, do homework, fangirl, sleep, fangirl- you know, nothing abnormal. How was I supposed to take it? Sorry I didn't go all,

Noticing the figure behind me, I dropped down onto my knees, using one hand to pivot myself with a leg straight out while the other bent to grab some random awesome looking pole somehow lying right beside me. I struck and turned my body, swiping the figure off their feet. Pinning them down securely with a knee, I then secured the figure under the pole and darkly glared at them, bangs covering one eye. Leaning down, I whispered softly with a dangerous, wild grin. "You've three seconds to tell me who you are before I send you on a one way trip to Hell."

No. I don't think so. Why didn't I do that? Oh, I don't know. You try it first and tell me how well that plays out, why doncha?

Hey, if I even had a gun without all those documentaries and paperwork, I won't be buying ice cream right now! I'd be forcing people to make a virtual reality one piece game!

Actually, I'd be in jail.

Shut up, brain.

No, really though. You'll be sent to a hospital for mentally challenged.

Go away before I stab you.

So you wanna commit suicide? Go ahead, princess.

Gah! No! Just scram! And I'm not a princess!

Sure, Captain' obvious.

Welcome, Lieutenant sarcastic- JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

I was panting, on all fours, before I finally finished arguing with myself. I immediately jumped up and stared suspiciously at the girl.

She was clothed in white, all white. It was a plain white dress accompanied with white knee high boots. Her eyes were grey, and she had a blood red rose tattoo curling up her arm.

The tattoo was most interesting, it was a dying rose, black and falling at the edges.

Her pale white lips curved into a smile as she saw me.

The red orange cat jumped into her arms, as she welcomed it with a smile.

"Mhis mirl mas meing mean mo me!" The cat… whined?

The girl let out a soft laugh, her voice calm and steady. Stroking his fur, she spoke, "hello."

I couldn't form any incomprehensible words to reply.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." She said. "But now that you have seen us, we will have to… assure some things before." She ended the sentence as is.

...before? I thought, paling. No way was this natural. ...I die?

She took a step towards me, her heels lightly tapping against the floor.

"Your name is?" She said.

I accidently bit my lip, heart thumping wildly as a million thoughts raced inside of me. She frowned and repeated her question.

"L-lena." I stammered out.

Her frown deepened.

"You're lying."

My breath caught in my throat. How did she know?

"Name." She insisted.

My lips stretched, then rebounded. Deciding against lying, I whispered, "Notte."

"Pretty name." She said, smile returning. "I am Kyrin."

I made a faint noise.

The girl's dull grey eyes scanned me over as the cat let out a demanding meow.

"Hush, Belforth." She said. "...You saw my entrance, correct?"

I managed a nod.

"If that is so, then I'm afraid we have some things to discuss. She waved her hand and the next thing I knew, I was in a park with only her and nobody else. I didn't recognize it, and nearly fell from the bench I somehow ended up on.

She delicately placed her hands in her lap. "You are aware of the one piece, right? The great treasure… the pirate king."

I gaped, astonished.

Not hindered at all, she continued. "I am a pirate. I ate the Universe Universe fruit. It allows me to travel through different dimensions and see people's lifetimes." She said, staring at me. "You should eat a more healthy diet."

Uh, excuse me?

"Unfortunately, I have lost my way back. Very powerful magic is blocking me from home. And my Belforth is very offensive, so your life may be in danger if you are to leave things the way it is."

"If it's about me seeing you, I'll keep quiet… I mean, it's only a joke, right?" I said meekly. The fact that she came from One piece, a manga, still didn't quite hit me yet.

"Heedless, that is not what it is. Belforth will kill you since he is bored, and you have offended him. So if you don't want to die, you must carry out one of his wishes."

The cat nodded and smirked. Smirked! At me!

"Therefore, I do not want trouble, so you do not have a choice." The girl said, smoothing her white dress.

She paused, a silence enveloping us before she waved a hand and a hat came fluttering down. Handing it to me, she explained, "Belforth wishes that you are to be sent to my world, and complete a list. Then you shall be free to go." She paused. "Oh yes, time shall carry on the same way through your worlds, since they are parallel to one another."

Then, she took off one of her million bracelets dangling on her right wrist. It was like a cuff, white, but thinner.

"This will lead you back home. Once you have completed the following, you may go home. It will not activate until you have done so."

"B-but!" I stammered, "what? I have a life! My br-brother is still-" I said, trailing off and head in a wreck. But then it hit me. To be living one piece? A life I've dreamed of and wished for so long? To have this impossibly impossible and probably fake chance of actually going? To maybe meet the straw hats? My parents didn't care about me, only them and their work, so that didn't matter. But my brother… and Kuroda.

"Do not worry," She said. "I have sent them a letter explaining the situation."


She continued on as if she didn't hear me. "Are you ready?" She said.

I looked at her cat, whose unexplainable smirk widened. Which scared me even more, because cats can't smirk! They not supposed to. That just defied logic.

No duh.

She handed me a hat. "Choose."

I nodded, reaching in tenderly and pulled out a scrap of paper. Noting that there were words on it, I turned in over a bit and read, "Kidnap."

Uh, she wanted me to kidnap someone? I dooooon't think so.

"Choose." She said again, and my hand moved towards the hat despite my protests.


My jaw fell out.

"For at least three days. Continue."

"Woah woah woah- but hey, if- if, that was possible, well, doesn't he have all those Haki things? He defeated all those super strong people and there's no way it's possible for me to even think about k-" The girl shot me an impatient glare as I wilted under her gaze.

Rummaging through the hat, I pulled out another slip of paper. "Make fun of Buggy's nose three times and steal his treasures."

"Mmhm," She hummed.

"Tell Ace how much I hate him. NOOOOOO! I REFUSE I REFUSE I REFUSE YADA YADA-DES!" I hollered. Ace was like, so awesome. And cool. And sweet. No way in hell was I gonna…. I sniffed.

Unsympathetically, the girl shook the hat.

"Sob… Steal… Sob… Zoro's sword and draw on his face. Steal…. WHAT?! I'll dieeee-"


"Challenge Shanks to a drinking competition."

I stared at this line. Well, that was decent, but… "Uh, may I ask a question?"

"You may." The girl said, petting Bel-whatever on his head.

"I'm still underage."

"That's not a question."


The girl blinked her eyes owlishly at me.

"Your point being...?"

"...I don't want to go to Jail because I'm not Op and would like to remain a good citizen?"

"Ah, you don't need to worry. You should not be thrown into Impel Down if you drink a bit."

"HAH? IMPEL DOWN? I'd die if I entered Impel Down, are you crazy?" I screamed as all those terrible images came racing over me. "A floor of spikes and pits of fire and weird animals and poison and if those evil criminals can't even handle it- even Luffy for one- how the hell am I even supposed to- no, why the hell would I even be the-" I smacked myself on the head. "No, nevermind." I ended lamely.

There was no reply apart from a tilting motion with her head.

"Go and get S-" I choked on this one before finishing reading it. "Noooooooo!"

"Break into a marine base and steal something that would possibly get you killed." Inner torment.

"The crew's gonna hate me!" I wailed. "And the marines! Isn't that really bad?!"

No reply.

Ooookay, well, wasn't that nice.

"Spill oil on Brook and set him on fire."

"That's murder."

"Okay!" The girl chirped insensitively. "The last few are a secret, from me however."

She waved a hand and a sheet of paper fluttered down as the hat and tiny slips disappeared.

Unable to reply, I looked at the list she gave me, and promptly fainted.

The last words I made out was, "Have fun suffering."

All I ever wanted to go to One Piece and join their crew... peacefully.

So, um... yeah. I hope you enjoyed it, or thoug- REVIEWWWWWWW- ht that it was at least the tinnnnyest bit interesting.

PLEASE REVIEW! I WANT REVIEWS! Constructive criticism is well appreciated. And, if you have any requests for poor Notte here, (to add to the list) just tell me and I'll try to add it, okay? That would be kind of cool, to hear your thoughts.


Fav or Follow? Or... you know it, that tiny box down there?

Good day to 'yall~

Peace out! 3

Kid: Yep, she'll need a hundred lives and over~~ Thanks for being my first reviewer!

Rednose NOTBUGGY: Thank you! Yep, I will. As you see, I added it when I was editing this. It'll be her first time drinking, so who knows how well that's gonna turn out.

Musa Stella: Uh, for the list, I will continue editing and revising it. The cat's a bit sadistic, so the paper will continue to add tasks until...someday? Hope you enjoyed.