Hi everyone. Rose Gupta here, bringing you another blog post that I thought of when I was with my friends today. Obviously, you read the title of the post, so you sort of know what I'll be talking about, but hey, better introduce it here too, right?


I'm literally going to be talking from personal experience, because recently, I've had to bear witness to a blossoming romance which, quite frankly, has made me question everything. Did I mention that this romance is also making me feel as though my heart has been torn from my chest, stamped on, smashed, and the remaining pieces thrown away?

Okay, okay, I'm getting ahead of myself here, which I definitely shouldn't do. I figure that, for you guys to fully understand my situation, I'm going to have to tell you the whole story. Which I definitely can't do all in one blog post, right? It would take me far too long and I don't have the time to do that.

So, instead of writing out everything, I'm going to be attaching videos to my posts. This isn't a one-time blog post – it's going to be an ongoing series, I suppose – and I'm going to be recording videos and uploading them to YouTube, and linking them in posts, one every week until...well, until the story is done, I suppose.

There are a few things you need to know before you go ahead and decide to watch these future videos. This may get a little cliché at times, and it's not all going to be sunshine and rainbows. This is an experience that's close to my heart, and frankly, it makes me feel like crap at the best of times.

Bottling my feelings inside is not a good idea, I know. But talking to my friends doesn't seem like the answer because – you guessed it – they're the romance I'm talking about. The romance that's breaking my heart.

I'm not going to be uploading the first video until next week. So I'll see you then, I guess!

Until then, just keep on being the great person I know you are!


Rose Gupta