So over the course of the summer, I spent a lot of my time writing Doranhar one-shots, because it is my absolute favorite pairing. I have decided to actually post them, as Doranbolt and, especially, Lahar need more attention. Thus for the first chapter I bring you how I like to think the two of them met. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Fairy Tail. Because if I did Lahar would still be alive, and Doranhar would be a thing.

It was the first day of Rune Knight training and Lahar was going to be late. He mentally berated himself, knowing he should have left his apartment sooner. Plus he had no idea where he was going as he had only been given instructions to meet in some sort of meeting room. Deciding that the second floor would probably be his best bet he started going up the stairs two at a time.

Only for his foot to slip off a step half way up. Throwing off his balance and sending him tumbling down. Of course that was also the moment someone decided to walk by in the previously empty hallway. The other man had looked over in surprise but didn't even have the chance to move before Lahar crashed into him. Sending them both to the floor.

Lahar quickly pushed himself up from where he was sprawled on top of the other. Grabbed his glasses from where they had fallen, and quickly scrambled to his feet. "I'm really sorry about that." He held out his hand for the man to take and then pulled him up. Once he was upright, Lahar took off again, not letting the other say a word, now extremely late.

It was hours later in the dining hall that walking in Lahar saw the same man he had crashed into. This time he actually took in the other's appearance. Wide turquoise eyes, short dark spiked hair, an earring in his left ear, and a curious scar on the left side of his face. He wore a cadet uniform as well. Lahar paused then took the three steps that would bring him to stand beside the man who sat on the edge of the bench.

"I am truly sorry for earlier, and I hope my clumsiness has not caused you injury." He bowed his head slightly as he apologized. The other blinked in confusion for a second.

"What? No! I'm fine, not even a bruise." He assured. "Besides, you're the one who fell down those stairs, so really I should be the one asking if you're alright. I was going to earlier, but you ran off before I could."

"Oh, erm, yes. I'm fine." Lahar responded, deciding to totally ignore the aches in his ribs and shoulder from their contact with the marble stairs. The other nodded satisfied, and then surveyed the dining hall.

"It doesn't really look like there are any another spots left. Why don't you sit here." He patted the empty space next to him. Lahar hesitated a moment before sitting down.

"Thanks..." He trailed off now realizing he still didn't know the other man's name.

Seeming to read his mind he answered, "Doranbolt", with a grin.

"Lahar." They shook hands, a small smile spread across Lahar's face as well. Though it quickly disappeared with Doranbolt's comment of, "Oh so you do know how to smile." He just shook his head and sighed, unwilling to wonder what he had just gotten himself into.

Reviews are very much appreciated.