Present day

Rin glared at her father's sleeping form. He had fallen asleep on his desk again. The man constantly said he was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to Rin, yet he had the time to sleep at his desk. Rin continued to glare at him before leaving the room.

Rin was four years old. She has silver anti gravity hair that reaches down to her back. She has dull grey eyes. She is the exact image of her father except if you look closely at her eyes, they look angered. She wears a grey sweatshirt, black jogging pants, and a black hoodie.

Rin walked outside and was greeted with the cold, winter, air. She took a deep breath and started wandering the village. No one in the village intrested her, yet they always greeted her. She was the hokage's daughter after all! She dug her hands into her pockets as she ignored everyone. She wanted to go to the park.

At the park, Rin, played on the swing sets, her favourite thing to do. Some kids talked to her and she talked back. She played until sunset. She was having fun until the other children's parents came to pick them up "Mirai, time to go home!" Shouted a woman with curly black hair and red eyes. Mirai instantly perked up at the sound of her mother's voice. "I'm coming, Mama, see ya later, Rin!' Mirai shouted back at Rin. Rin was left all alone at the park. She tightened her fists knowing her father wasn't going to pick her up.

Rin stood there for an hour, hoping that he would come get her. He never came. She left the park by herself and headed home. She went to the hokage's office only to see her dad was asleep. She was pissed that her father would rather sleep than spend time with her.

Kakashi was suddenly awoken by the feeling of a fist crashing into his face. He would admit it did hurt and when he looked at his attacker, he realized it was his daughter, Rin. "Rin, why did you hurt papa?" Kakashi asked his girl. "I want to go to the academy!" She yelled at him. Kakashi knew Rin harboured feelings of anger and rage towards him. Now she was asking to go to the academy? "Rin, wait until you're older, then I might let you go." He said calmly to the young girl. "I DON'T CARE, YOU NEVER SPEND TIME WITH ME, NOW YOU WON'T LET ME GO TO THE ACADEMY WHERE I CAN BE STRONG, YOU'RE THE WORST DAD EVER!" Rin yelled at her father. "Alright Rin, calm down, I'll register you in the academy." Kakashi told Rin. He knew he couldn't say no to her.

Rin ran up to Kakashi and gave him a big hug. "Thankyousomuchpapa!" She said quickly. Rin had plans. She was going to become a powerful ninja and then one day her father would come up to her and praise her. How she wanted him to look at her and know she existed. That is all she wants. That night, Rin slipped in her PJ's. They were silver and decorated with wolves. She buttoned up the last button then crawled into bed. She dreamt about Kakashi spending time with her. Rin pulled her wolf plushie close and told it good night.

The next morning she slipped on her usual clothes and headed towards the academy. Her father told her all the information she needed to know. What room she was in, who her teacher was, and who were her classmates. Rin ran into the academy until she reached room 107. She went inside only to be greeted by a man four times her size. The man had brown hair that had been slicked back with hair gel, and two fang marks on either side of his cheeks. Behind him was an aging dog that she instantly fell in love with. "Excuse me, my name is Rin, and I'm your new student." Rin told the man. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Rin. My name is Kiba Inuzuka, and this is my best friend, Akamaru." The dog behind Kiba barked. "Take your seat and we'll start class." Kiba told her. Rin ran to her seat as some kids were looking at her. "Hey, isn't she the hokage's daughter?" A boy known as Ijin asked a girl. "Yeah she is, I see her walking around the village a lot." The girl known as Aikya told Ijin. "She must be so lucky having the hokage as a father, she'll probably get special treatment." Ijin said. Rin just ignored them both. She was going to train hard and earn her father's praise. Rin sat next to a lonely boy known as Ren. Rin payed close attention to what Kiba was saying and then the class headed outside. "Alright, how about shuriken practice? Who want's to be first?" Kiba asked his students. The only one who answered was Rin. "I'll go first if that's alright with you, Sensei." Rin said. "Alright." Kiba said getting his paper and pencil to grade her. "Sensei is probably going to pass her no matter what just cause she's the hokage's daughter." Aikya said. "That's totally unfair!" Ijin chimed in. Ren just looked at her because he wanted to see how well she did. Rin focused her thoughts and concentrated on her targets. She gave the shuriken a good throw. " A perfect score of 10!" Kiba said. Sure enough, all 10 of the shuriken had made their targets. "See what I said, she get's everything handed to her." Aikya said. Ijin was just as quick to agree with her. Ren was just amazed by her. Next thing you know there another girl who wants to go. "ME NEXT, ME NEXT!" The girl said waving her hand. "Alright, Mirai, you can go next." Kiba said to the girl. It had been the girl she met at the park. Mirai smiled and threw the shuriken. "HEY, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" Kiba shouted as one of the shuriken almost hit him. None of them hit their destined target. "S-sorry." Mirai said dis-heartened.

After all the kids went they headed back inside. Mirai sat next to Rin. "Hey, you did a good job out there." The boy known as Ren spoke up. Rin and Mirai just stared at him since this was the first time he ever said anything. Ren blushed when they looked at him. Ren was four years old, he has shoulder length black spikey hair and blue eyes. He wears a blue shirt with the leaf symbol and a navy coat. He also sports a teal scarf. Rin spoke up. "Ya know, you're kinda cute." She told him. Ren blushed a deeper scarlet. The three talked for awhile until Kiba came in and started teaching again.

After classes had ended, Kiba came up to Rin. "Listen to me Rin. You're dad is a dog summoner and well I belong to a clan who uses dogs." He looked towards Akamaru. "Akamaru here just had his first litter of puppies, so I decided to give you one." Kiba said as he pulled out a silver pup that resembled a wolf. Rin started at the pup amazed. "Her name is, Peri, you take good care of her." Kiba told her. However; Kiba didn't need to tell her anything. She already loved the dog.

When Rin got home, Kakashi was surprised to see she had a dog. He sighed knowing he wouldn't get rid of it. That first day at the academy was the best day of Rin's life!