Why, hello there! Tis I, CM!

Hopefully you guys are doing well. Things are starting to settle a little, so I have been having more free time writing. Had been pleasantly surprised that I managed to finish this actually!

Anywho, this will be the last part for our rather long Chapter 3. I do hope you guys enjoy reading this. I had a blast gathering ideas for this!

I don't have much to say, other than...

See ya next time! Ciao!

Bonnie stood there, in the middle of a sea of children, whom were all very exited about something that was about to happen. Management had called her up to rally the rest of the Fazbear family over to their large, multipurpose hall. She was rather confused at first but they just told her to do so. Apparently something big was going to happen. Something about a merging. It all seemed to suspicious, but she never really took a second deep thought into it. And as such, since she wanted to see all the commotion, she came over first before everyone else.

Surprisingly, Bonita came along fairly quick. The lively and energetic blue furball had practically zipped in with a large grin displayed on her face. If one were to compare her look of excitement with the kids, most people would gravitate towards her. However, it made huge sense. That kind of energy stored up was perfect for a more younger audience, along with her group. Management made them the most kid friendly and focused on them having fun. Her getup was also based on that; sporting a pair of knee-length shorts and a light-blue blouse that had the words "Let's Rock!" printed onto it.

Meanwhile, Bonnie's group was more akin to the tamer group of children, the ones whom are slightly older and knew when and where to behave while the more rambunctious bunch would try to mess everything up. There were the exceptions, but they never failed to grace a smile on Bonnie's face.

"Heya sis! Looks like ya called in early I see" Bonita chuckled, a very distinct British-like tone escaped her mouth.

Bonnie sighed before shaking her head. She knew that Bonita had came from a different branch of the Fazbear Family, but it still kind of unnerved her that she was, in a technical sense, a big sister. Despite all of her supposed motherly traits. Luckily enough, it wasn't as bad as when Chica was first formally introduced to her younger 'sister'. Poor Chica couldn't seem to fathom everything Sachi did. Or make for that matter.

"...Yes, yes. I was curious actually. It's not everyday that Management calls up everyone into one room" Bonnie replied as she looked down towards the children whom's eyes were still glued to the closed off stage. "Even the kids were excited. As if they knew what was going to happen"

"Heh, ya got that right sis" Bonita giggled. "I may have some idea, from a little rascal that I always play with. But I reckon I'll keep it to myself for now. Still not sure whether to believe it or not"

Bonnie's eyes shifted towards her sister once again. She knew? Even if it were very little information, at least Bonnie might be able to piece together what it may be. Considering everything, Bonnie was more than surprised. Her sister was never to be the type to find things out quickly.

"Oh? Mind telling me what it might be?" Bonnie curiously asked.

Bonita looked around cautiously, as if making sure no one of importance were to hear it before ushering her sister to lean in closer. "From what I've been told, this thing might be a new group of animatronics. Her father said to keep it a secret, but she seemed so excited that she accidentally told me when I saw her shaking like crazy" She told Bonnie in a very hushed manner, trying to stifle a giggle at the end of her statement.

If that didn't make Bonnie surprised and curious, then she had no idea what would. A new group? For what reason though? Did the management want to expand even further? So many question and yet so little answer, as if a raging tornado encircling inside of Bonnie's mind. What would they look like? How would they be like? Were they for a different audience group?

Yet there was one thing that stood out...

"...How did this child's father know about all of this?" Bonnie squinted her eyes and gave her sister a suspicious look. There seemed to be something that didn't quite add up.

"Her dad's one of the leading designers. Part of the higher-ups if I'm not wrong. At least...I think that's how it's supposed to be" Bonita hummed for a moment, giving the sentence a bit of thought.

Bonnie sighed. Well, at least that one question down. Though, by the tone and way her sister spoke, she was still clearly confused as to how the ranking system worked in the management. Bonnie wasn't one to pry into the managements personal stuff, but she was curious one time, so she had a rather good understanding of how most things worked. And if what her sister said was true, then this person's status is fairly high.

"I see..." Bonnie nodded her head slowly, letting their conversation slowly die down.

The air around the both of them had suddenly became awkward and not long after, Bonita decided to leave her sister to chase after one particular group of ruffians. Bonnie was left with her own thoughts and questions, still stemming from this unusual string of events. But she decided to not think of it too hard. Any more and she would be probably sent to the service and repairs room for overheating, much to her dismay.





The minutes rolled by without a hitch and soon the large hall was packed with people from both the locals and the management as well as the restaurants' performers. Everyone seemed to be pretty excited with how much chatter there was in the air. If one were to turn to their left and right, they would be smacked by a sudden gush of words and sentences.

Bonnie was sitting down silently on a small plastic chair, patiently waiting for the time to pass some more. Beside her was her fellow group mates, all of whom were busy chatting amongst themselves about this sudden surprise. Even Freddy had a look of excitement in his eyes, something that Bonnie found to be rather cute. Even so, her eyes were constantly scanning the area for her beloved Mike, who was nowhere to be seen. She was slightly worried about this, considering the fact that he is a security guard. The ONLY security guard, actually. Ever since the previous one had quit, a man who looked to be jumpy, he had taken the torch.

Perhaps he was somewhere else? A security guard's job is to make sure that everything was fine and safe, so it made sense if he were patrolling a different area.

Bonnie's train of thought, however, was cut short when the crowd of children and their parents were suddenly cheering. Bonnie was confused at first that was until she saw the head of the restaurant standing proudly on stage with a microphone in hand. He was wearing his signature dark blue business suit and bright red tie, which seemed rather odd given the situation. Nevertheless, Bonnie had to note how Mr Cawthon always looked dashing. Maybe with enough time analyzing his style, she could find a way to make Mike even more dashing than he was!

"Alright, settle down everyone. I can understand all of this excitement; I too am excited actually!" Mr Cawthon spoke lightheartedly, causing everyone to chuckle. "Alright, alright. Now, as most of you may know, considering that this special announcement was pre-hyped with various posters around the restaurant"

"We, here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, is proud to announce a merger with one of our very own sister locations! And because of such, we are also proud to have some of these familiar faces with us in the family!" Scott exclaimed with a huge grin on his face. "You may or may not have seen them, but nevertheless, they are delighted to see you! Please, do give a warm welcome to our new members; Cherie Babette and her fine friends!"

The crowd grew restless afterwards as Mr Cawthon announced the names of the new members. He slowly walked to the side, his form disappearing behind the first pair of curtains before the lights dimmed down and the second pair opened. The the lights atop the stage swiftly turned to face them, giving them the needed spotlight. The next few moments were spent in absolute anticipation, with the cheers from both the kids and their parents still filled the atmosphere. Though, not long after, the performers had begun moving, as if their previous state was in a hibernation mode.

"Hello Ma' Chéri! Are all of you doing wonderfully on this fine day?" The one animatronic with the microphone, asked in an endearing tone. Bonnie noted on how its voice and dressing attire was feminine, unless it was a rather unfortunate mistake. Though interestingly enough, she spoke with a French accent, as well as implemented a few French words.

This 'Babette' was, in more ways that one, absolutely adorable. The fact that she was probably up to only Bonnie's chest level made her even more cute to look at. Her frilly dress with the reds, whites and pinks. The way her hair was tied in a twintail. Her child-like and innocent design. Everything about her just screamed 'cute' inside of Bonnie's mind. The only time this happened was when her sister did some un-called-for pouting. It wasn't all too surprising when some of the adults were 'Aww'ing at her.

The kids all answered in unison, earning a chuckle from the child-like animatronic. Bonnie was half-expecting for Babette to reply when the much taller animatronic answered it for her. In fact, the tallest animatronic out of the four.

"It would seem that everyone is doing fine, Babette" The tall animatronic piped in. It answered in a same tone as Babette, so feminine as well, Bonnie thought. In fact, Bonnie was certain she also had a French accent. Unless her audio catching software was malfunctioning. The way her attire looked gave Bonnie the idea that she must have been based off of a ballerina. And probably a pretty one as well. Her clothing was definitely a ballerina style, but it was mixed with a style of a normal dress. Instead of a circular frill protruding out, it curved downwards and was more longer.

Not to mention, Bonnie somehow felt a little...lacking, compared to her. Her 'assets' were rather big, if she did say so herself. Bonnie even had to look around the room a little, just to see whether if her friends were of the same situation; which they were, quite surprisingly.

"Then that's great Ballora!" Babette replied with glee to the ballerina. She turned her head to either sides and had exclaimed, "Did you hear that, Mon' Amie? That means we can get the action started!"

"Oh? That's just fantastic!" Their 'Freddy' cheerfully exclaimed. Bonnie took heavy notes on how their Freddy was different from hers. Not just from the design, but also from their behavior and speech. It was clear as day that this Freddy was more focused on engaging children and having fun with them. Perhaps from games or other mischief that might ensue. Unlike her Freddy, who was more akin to entertaining them via songs and such.

Also, she had to note how their Freddy was rather...girlish, despite his voice. True, it was from the design, but it felt weird to Bonnie considering how two generations were clearly of male structure. And the fact that he had a puppet. A ventriloquist, as what they would call him.

"Alright! Party!" The puppet Bonnie squealed in delight, its voice high-pitched though still distinctly male.

"We ought to hold on that thought for a moment, friends. We have yet to show them our special routine" Their...'Foxy' said with a small sad look on her face. Bonnie was slightly confused as to what she should call her. On one hand, maybe 'Foxy'. But her design, way of speech and dress was heavily siding with Foxy's 'cousin', Mangle. Aside from that, Bonnie had to admit she was almost the same as Mangle.

"Oh no! I forgot about that!" Babette worriedly replied, earning a chuckle from a couple of adults as well as from the other animatronics. "But we still have time, do we not? If so, let us perform!"

Bonnie looked around, finding herself face to face with her best friend Chica. She looked confused at first, as if silently asking Bonnie what was it that they had that they couldn't do. Bonnie chuckled a little, amused by Chica's facial expressions. But she nevertheless shrugged her shoulders and silently ushered her head towards the stage, telling the yellow hen to continue watching.

The lights dimmed down by a fraction of their initial luminosity, earning a few whispers from the crowd of children and adults. Not too long after, a gentle and graceful voice entered into the fray, silencing the crowd with its beautiful harmonics. It spoke softly, slowly rising until at normal speaking level though still retaining its quality. It spoke of a sad child, with no friends to play, all alone with only her parents to accompany her. Then, the lights suddenly flared out, bringing the entire room into the bright light.

And then, as if an invisible reached out and placed something in front of Bonnie without noticing, the entire room was filled with music and a myriad of colours. Pleasantly surprised, Bonnie smiled at the unexpected surprise. Their song and dance were cheerful and upbeat, danceable mayhaps. The fact that the lyrics rhymed also helped in enthralling everyone. Bonnie even managed to spot Freddy humming along as his head subtly swayed in sync with the music. The entire place was filled with joyous laughter when their Freddy sung about bad jokes, to which his hand puppet replied with a cheesy one-liner.

And just as quick as it came, the four animatronics' performance came to a close. Though, not without a rather surprising finale in the form of mini robots zig-zagging across the room, between the audience's feet and creating a spectacular star formation behind the four main performers with confetti and streamers being shot and evenly sprayed around, covering everyone and practically everything in both.

"Thank you, everyone! We hope to see you all once again!" Babette concluded as she bowed and waved her hand free hand, her friends doing the same thing. Everyone waved back in response as the curtains slowly closed, placing the new members behind of them.

Bonnie chuckled yet again as she slowly removed stray confetti from her fur. She had to admit, the merger was sudden, but she had a feeling it would bring up the restaurant to even greater heights. So far, the new members were pleasant, although she could go for a different way in calling them. Though aside from that, she honestly had no qualms against this. In fact, she was loving it.

She sighed. If only her dearest Mike were here. He would absolutely love them.


Oh well, she sighed mentally. Now the only thing left in her mind was how to clean up this entire mess.

Oh bother...

=Time: ?=

=Location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. Backstage Kitchen=

"GAH!" Bonnie exclaimed, flinging her head outwards into the darkness that lied forth. She panted, regulating her beating, metallic heart. She placed her hands everywhere on her body; her face, chest, sides, arms and legs. Everything was still in order. It was all still fine. Bonnie shook her head vigorously. The last thing she remembered before being sent off to...wherever, was in her dedicated charging station.

Was that a dream...? No, Bonnie thought. It was a recollection...A string of events that she remembered took place.


Right. Now she remembers.


It was the beginning. The beginning of the end of her relationship. How could she forget.


After all, once she entered into the picture, that was when all those things happened. They happened slowly, but after each separate event, the tie between her and her beloved gradually degraded. Until the coup degrâce.

"If only...there was another way"