Authors Note: This one-shot was inspired by a walking dead confession on tumblr that states: "I want Michonne to dream about fucking Rick. I want every conversation they have to make her think of wanting to fuck and suck his cock over and over again." Well, I had to write a story about this, I hope you all enjoy.


Michonne entangled her hands in his hair as he sucked on her exposed clit. She held her breath while Rick licked her inner lips and she clenched her thighs around his head when he slowly pushed two fingers in her. Michonne was forced to breathe again, letting out a loud moan as he sped up his rhythm and latched onto her clit again. Rick began to hum and moan against her, moving his tongue clockwise and counterclockwise around her nub. The vibrations, the wet warmth of his mouth, and his fingers massaging her inner walls overwhelmed her as she came.

"Rick, oh god, baby." Michonne moaned and pleaded for him to stop, continue, and then to stop again as her legs shook from her orgasm. Smiling, she looked down to see Rick licking and kissing her quivering pussy. Then he stood up, wiped his mouth, and wrapped his hand around his length and stroked his harden cock. Michonne sat up and scooted away from Rick. She was already exhausted and didn't think she was ready for more. Michonne licked her lips as she watched his hand move up and down his length and around his girth. The vision both intimated and excited Michonne.

"Where're you going?" He demanded, his voice was low and hoarse, his eyes wild. She's seen that look before, it'd been a year since he gave her that 'look' and they were strangers at that time. Have I've done something, she thought.

"Turn around. Put your ass in the air." Michonne whimpered at his demands, but did as she was told. Getting on her knees she turned around, facing her behind to him, and placing her hands flat on the bed. Her pussy was sopping wet, her nipples were aching, and the anticipation only heighten her senses. Then she felt Rick's arm wrap around her waist, pulling her to the edge of the bed. He bent forward, resting on her back and pushing her torso to the bed. She moaned as she felt his length on her backside.

"I said ass in the air," he repeated.

If this was any other time, someone ordering Michonne around would have been met with defiance. With Rick though, she was putty in his hands. Only in the bedroom did she not get her way. She could bat her pretty brown eyes as much as she wanted, but it'd be to no avail; Rick was relentless. Michonne moaned and clung to the sheets when he slid his hand up and down her pussy; sliding three fingers into her, moving them deep into her.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," her answer was muffled from biting the sheets, but Rick understood.

Her stomach tightened when she felt his hardness inching closer to her entrance, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed onto her ass. Michonne jerked against him causing his tip to touch her nub. They both moan at the sensation. He squeezed her cheeks while pushing himself into her.

Michonne sighed, "Baby," she whispered.

Rick wouldn't move, so she rotated her hips, gyrating on his length. She heard Rick's moans which gave her satisfaction that he couldn't resist her, she continued until Rick moved his hands up to her hips stopping her.

"Naughty," he said and stood up, pulling out far enough so that only the tip remained in her warmth and then thrusted back in her.

Slapping her ass in the process, Michonne winced from the pain that quickly took a back seat to the immense pleasure she was receiving. Rick moved faster, only occasionally slowing down just to tease her. This rhythm was frustratingly wonderful, Michonne called out Rick's name, moaned and thrashed underneath him until her completely pulled out.

"Move up," Michonne looked over her shoulder, Rick was wiping the sweat from his face, his chest gleamed with perspiration, and his cock was coated with Michonne's arousal. Once Michonne was in the position of his liking, Rick climbed on top of her. At his mercy, she relaxed and enjoyed his kisses to the side of her neck and hands all over her. She sighed when he entered her again from behind and then she cried out when he massaged her clit. His hand and his hips moving in unison.

"Cum for me baby," he said. Michonne felt the familiar pressure from earlier building up. "Cum for me," he repeated.

"Oh God Rick. Oh God!"

Knock. Knock.

The sudden interruption of her dream startled Michonne, she opened her eyes and realize that she wasn't in the throes of passion with Rick.

Knock. Knock.

"Hold on," she yelled.

Michonne got out of bed, her panties were uncomfortably wet from her arousing dream. Taking them off, she tossed them in the laundry basket. Grabbing her pants that were on a chair, she put them on over her tone thighs, she then straighten out her tank top and hair, and walked to the door. When she opened it, it was the star of her dreams. Rick was standing awkwardly, his hands on his waist, chest out. Michonne gave him a small smile.


"Good morning, Michonne."

"Morning," she said, crossing her arms.

"I want you to be with me when I go talk with Deanna." Michonne looked at him, still affected by her dream, and studied his face—currently covered in bandages from his fight with the now deceased Pete. The bandages couldn't take away from his handsome features. She could tell by looking into his eyes that he was tired, yet alert. She loved how intense they became when his emotions flared up and depending on the time of day, they varied in shades of blue. Michonne began to imagine what it would be like to make eye contact with him as she wrapped her lips around his cock. Slowly taking him in her mouth—.

"Michonne?" Rick's voice forced Michonne out of her daze. Michonne realized that she was staring at Rick, mouth open, she was even starting to drool. Michonne covered her mouth, faking a yawn so that she could wipe the slobber that was collecting at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm with you. Of course," she said through her hand. Rick nodded, if he thought her behavior was odd, he didn't let on.

"I'll be downstairs."

"Just give me a minute." Rick nodded, turning from her door.

Michonne watched as he walked down the hallway towards the stairs, she marveled at his bow-legged strut. It was so, Rick. The walk, the jeans that he refused to get rid of, probably because they hugged his thighs and his ass, and his whole aura. Michonne saw herself grabbing onto Rick's ass while he pumped into her, making him thrust deeper and harder into her. Michonne groaned, what the hell is wrong with me today?

She's always found Rick attractive, but never dwell on it too much. Admittedly, there were times when she was alone, she thought about him, about what it would be like to be with the Southern Sheriff. Was he dominant in bed or was he lazy? Did he like to give or was he more of a taker? She even a time or two gave herself an orgasm dreaming up different scenarios of how intimate her and Rick could get, but, she was always able to get it out of her system and go about her day. Not now, feeling like a horny male teen, there was a lingering sense of want that wouldn't go away, making her drift off to dreamy places where Rick worships her body.

Michonne shook her head and saw that Rick had stopped at the stairs and was looking at her. He seemed perplexed which alarmed Michonne. Caught! Not knowing what to do, Michonne turned to go back in her room. And because she was in such a rush to get away from Rick's look of concern, she didn't realize she had shut her door until she rammed her forehead into.

"Shit," refusing to confirm whether Rick just saw her embarrassingly display, she swung her door opened and quickly went inside her room to get ready.

Deanna was not ready for the changes Rick proposed or at least pretended to be proposing when in actuality he was telling Deanna what was going to happen. She had gotten up from the table several times only to sit back down, now she was pacing. Morgan was also here, sitting at Deanna's side of the table, he hadn't said a word since they'd started the meeting ten minutes ago. Like Michonne, he was quietly observing the situation. Unlike Michonne his attention seemed to be 100% on the conversation between Deanna and Rick while Michonne's mind bounced back and forth from what was being said to daydreaming that she was on top of Rick, riding him.

"This is too much and too fast. My people don't know you Rick, all they see is a stranger that turned their town upside down," Deanna said.

"They're going to have to get over it and become real acquainted with me, fast. We don't have time, there could be a human threat outside these walls and your people can't even defend themselves against walkers," Rick replied.

Michonne nodded, most of the Alexandrians were sheltered. Some thought the events from two years ago was a terrorist attack. Some had manage to go this long without seeing a walker up close and now it was her, Rick, and other members of the group's responsibility to help them prepare. Michonne gazed at Rick who was still in the midst of his speech. She saw that there was a vein on the side of his neck pulsating, he's getting irritated, she thought. She wanted to reach over and kiss his neck, sit in his lap and make him calm down. In her mind, she was doing just that, staring into Rick's eyes as she unbuckled his belt and pants. Watching him close his eyes and hearing him moan as she stroked his erection. With her pants and panties on the floor, she gasped when Rick ripped her top, exposing her breasts, kissing them, licking and sucking on her nipples until they were sensitive to his touch. Both Michonne and Rick groaned as he entered her and—.

"Michonne?" Rick once again broke her out of her horny trance. He, Deanna, and Morgan were all looking at her; flustered, Michonne sat up in her chair.

"I didn't hear you?" She admitted, she couldn't look up at Rick instead she stared at his nice light blue button up shirt.

"I asked if you and Glenn wanted to take a group with you on a short run."

"Yes, I can do that," Michonne glanced at him and quickly averted her eyes back to his shirt.

"Okay, then we're done here, unless anyone has anything else to say." Michonne could tell Rick was directing his question to Morgan, who as far as she knew, still hadn't said a word.

Deanna paced herself out of the meeting and Morgan stood up, held his hand out to Rick. Rick stood up as well and shook his hand. Seeing this as a sign that it was time to go, Michonne grabbed her jacket and followed Morgan out the door. Rick stopped her, gently grabbing her shoulder to pull her towards him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his thumb rubbing on her forearm.

"I'm fine, Rick. Just tired," it was a bit of a white lie, she was tired, she was always tired, but fine? No. She was horny and disappointed that she couldn't have him.

"No more secrets between us? Right, we promise to be truthful to each other."

"When did we—"

"Michonne, tell me the truth. What's wrong?"



"Rick, I need to get out of this dumb uniform and grab Glenn. I'm really okay though, I swear." She moved her arm from his grasp and proceeded to her destination.

"I heard you this morning?" Michonne turned her head so fast towards Rick, she gave herself whiplash. Rick smiled and looked to be on the verge of laughing. "I'm sorry, I was at your door and before I knocked, ahem," his smile broke into a grin while he cleared his throat. "I heard a little bit of 'Rick, oh God, right ther—'," Michonne didn't allow him to finish his imitation of her by playfully punching him in his chest.

"Jesus. Not funny," Michonne didn't know whether to run and hide or laugh. Easily she chose the latter, watching Rick rub his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"Why do you hit so hard?" Michonne rolled her eyes, her secret was out and now she felt things were going to be awkward. Trying to leave for a third time, her efforts were stopped again when Rick slid in front of her path and hugged her. Rick squeezed tightly and Michonne returned the affection by wrapping her arms around his back.

"I'm sorry for teasing you." Michonne only nodded, silently enjoying his body heat and weight on her. "It's my turn to tell the truth… again," he continued, chuckling. Rick reposition his arms so that they now rest on her waist. Michonne didn't protest, her mind and body knew where this conversation was heading. "I find you attractive. I think you're beautiful and perfect, too perfect for a dud like me. And," he straighten his posture so that he could look Michonne in the eye. "It excites me that you want me just as badly as I want you."

Rick moved Michonne closer to him, her eyes popped for a moment when she felt his bulge, growing as he spoke.

"Now?" She asked.

"Not here. Your room."

"And training?"

"Can wait."

They didn't need extra words to effectively communicate what they needed from each other. Rick and Michonne both walked to their destination, hands around each other waists, oblivious to any looks they were receiving. They were on a mission to make Michonne's fantasies a reality.