So, I just started writing one day, and this happened. I hope you like it. Please review!
Also, I don't own Skylanders or TDG, and there will be some swearing in here.
(Jake's POV)
'And we believe, it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal I have become!' My alarm clock sang out to me. Three Days Grace. I sat up, the black satin sheets of my bed sliding off me. I stood and walked over to the still-blaring clock, hitting the snooze button. That gave me ten minutes to get ready for school. I entered the connecting bathroom and hit the light, illuminating the white marble sink, silver faucets, wall mirror, toilet, and shower. I stood in front of the mirror, assessing myself. Jet black hair grew out wavy and unkempt. A sharp, angular face, and deep blue-gray eyes. Plus extremely pale skin, but that's due to my heritage. I'm a hybrid; half human and half Vampire. So, i'm going to clear the air about some Vampire myths. First off, we're not allergic to sunlight, and we don't fucking sparkle either! Wooden stakes kill Vampires as effectively as they do humans, or anyone else that has a heart. We can come into houses uninvited (though we do have very good manners, so we will probably wait for permission anyway). And we don't absolutely need blood to survive. If I bit someone, they wouldn't "turn", and there's no eternal feud between Vampires and Werewolves. I looked at the clock again. Crap. Three minutes. I decided to skip showering and threw on a plain black t-shirt and black jeans, tucking my wallet into my back pocket and clipped the end of the chain to my belt loop. I dashed out into the living room, colliding with my room mate Tony. Tony was...Odd. He's a Biomancer, a mage of the Life element, and one of the very few people who knows about my true species. He's a human, with dark brown hair and eyes. We met in freshman year (we're juniors now), as we were both homeless and social outcasts. We eventually found jobs and managed to scrounge up enough money to rent an apartment together. We always get weird stares walking around together, because he's a Biomancer and i'm a Necromancer. Elemental opposites.
"Ow, that hurt, come on, we're going to be late!" He said, staggering and rubbing his head. Mirroring his actions, I nodded and strapped on my boots, slinging my backpack on. We dashed out the door (causing me to wince at the sunlight), and we were immediately greeted by the sight of our bus... Driving away. I cursed under my breath and motioned for him to follow me as I ran to he backside of the house. He protested, but followed nonetheless. I stopped before a ring of stones in our back yard, and knelt down, touching the ground within the ring. The ground melted into shadow, opening into the Underworld. Part of my abilities include being able to create gateways and shortcuts through the Underworld. It really came in handy when I was late for school. Tony whimpered as we jumped into the inky blackness, emerging from the other side in a graveyard a half mile from school. After killing the shortcut, we dashed of to school.
Edison County High School (Go, Fightin' Eagle's!). A large, two-story brick building nestled in the valley between two mountains in mid-eastern Washington. The first only Earth school i've been to. I used to live back in Skylands, but I had to move due to... unforeseen circumstances. Earth and Skylands have been at peace since the Legendary Ten, a group of Portal Masters, forced the Dark Portal Masters into exile twenty years ago. Now, the Doorways remain open, and travel between the worlds is free and easy, with major world capitals in Washington D.C. and the Cloudbreak Islands. I came to Earth about three years ago, and the first thing I did was sign up for school. Probably one of the worst mistakes I ever made. As Tony and I made our way up the stairs at the front entrance, we were stopped by a gruff voice we knew all too well.
"Hey guys, look, it's GhostFace and FlowerGirl! How was your summer, friends?" The voice sneered the last word as we turned to face our long-time adversary. Arthur Dustan, long time bully. A huge man with an even larger amount of skill. He's the best Pyromancer (Fire mage) in my grade. His croney, Brock Marianas, the best Geomancer (Earth Mage) in our grade, snickered at our nicknames. Now, for the record, I could've murdered the both of them a long time ago. They're just humans. But, nobody is supposed to know that i'm a hybrid. Honestly, i'm probably the strongest Necromancer this school has ever seen. But, I decided long ago to hide my Vampirism and pretend to be an average human. Which was easier than expected, because I found that I can actually retract my fangs, the only dead giveaway to my origins. Although I am pale, i'm not so pale as to arouse (much) suspicion. Somehow though, Tony knew as soon as he saw me. Heck, even the school records say i'm human. So I just play the part of a human who really, really sucks at magic.
"Hey Ghost, are you even listening to me?" Arthur said.
"Nope." I replied flatly, my face expressionless.
"Why not? You're really hurting my feelings here." He stated, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Because I really, truly, honestly, don't care."
He visibly tensed at that, the rage in his face obvious. He drew his fist back. Bad move. He's still on the stairs, and i'm on the landing. He swung with his right, and I grabbed his wrist in my left, pulling him forward. Then I took his shoulder in my right hand and, using a bit of my non-human strength, threw him so he hit his back against the front door, causing the glass to crack in a small area. I heard footsteps behind me and threw my foot backwards, hearing a grunt of pain as my boot came into contact with Brock's stomach, sending him flying down the stairs. The final bell rang, so me and Tony ran to our first hour class.