Hey guys, Butterlover328 here! I know it's been a long time since my last update, but hopefully since it's longer than normal, that will make up for it. I have no idea when my next update will be due to school, lacrosse, and other activities I have this semester, but I'll try to get something out before the school year ends, although I can't make any promises. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the update, and I'll see you guys later! Bye!


In the midst of the danger and chaos, the twins had almost forgotten about their exam results. So when Hermione dragged them to the board that listed the scores of the first years in the Great Hall, they were not surprised to find out that Hermione had made the top of the class, with Harry only a few points behind. Draco had taken third with only five points behind Harry, and Percy was only a point or two behind him. Even though Neville accidentally messed up on his Potions practical exam, his score in Herbology brought his grade up tremendously, landing him a solid E overall and 10th in their year.

The day before they boarded the train to go home, Percy received a letter from his mother. As always, a package of blue cookies arrived with it, which he shared with his friends underneath the tree by the Black Lake. The letter explained that the twins would meet up with her when they went to the Muggle side of King's Cross Station, and they would spend the night in the hotel she was staying at before taking a Portkey to Manhattan. The letter also warned him not to open a letter that would be given to them by the professors, and to stop Harry from doing it as well. Percy was a little curious at that, but would follow his mother's wishes as he knew she had told him to do so for a good reason.

When they received the letters the professors were handing out, Percy made sure to be next to Harry. As he was handed his, the hair on the back of his neck stood up as a strange feeling swept over him.

"Don't open the letter." Percy cautioned as his brother was about to break the seal.

"Why not? It's just a letter." Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't know, but Mom told me not to, so she must have a reason." Percy asked. Harry shrugged, but knew that Sally was right more often than not, so he and Percy stuck the envelopes in their trunks when no one was looking.

"I always hope they forget to give us these stupid letters." Fred said as he received his letter.

"I know Gred, they always say the same thing every year. 'Don't use magic outside of school, don't use magic in front of muggles, blah blah blah.'" George spoke, opening his at the same time as his twin.

Harry's eyes widened when the hairs on the back of his neck rose as his instincts suddenly went on haywire around the Weasley Twins, and in a moment of panic he pulled on the twin bond to reassure himself. Percy wasn't expecting it as he was glancing at the Weasley Twins in curiosity to try to discover why his mother was so insistent on them, and nearly collapsed when he felt the strong tug on the bond. When he looked at Harry, he could see the well-hidden fear in his eyes, and immediately started sending calming thoughts through the bond to soothe him. When Harry started to calm down, they silently agreed to dispose of the letters as soon as they got off the train, and to make sure they never opened them when they were given out each year, no matter the consequences.

The next day passed by quickly for the twins, as they spent the hours on the train making memories with their friends. They were only interrupted by Weasley once who , and he was dealt with quickly by Fred and George. The initial panic that Harry had around them had subsided, but he felt itchy around them and felt like he needed to take a bath when they left with their brother in tow.

To pass the time, the five friends discussed their plans for summer, and made plans to meet at Diagon Alley when they got their letters to get their supplies. Percy had told Harry all about what to expect that summer, with the highlight being the trip to Montauk that Percy and his mother went on ever year. Percy complained that Smelly Gabe hadn't let them go for the last two years because of money problems, but he said that this year, he was going to convert some galleons to dollars now that they could access the Potter vault.

When the train finally stopped, the five went their separate ways as Neville and Draco went to find their families on the platform. Hermione thought she had forgotten something on the train, so the twins went through the barrier together.

"I'm going to use the loo really quick. I'll be right back!" Harry yelled, breaking into a run. Percy shook his head in amusement and waited by the barrier for his brother to return when a meaty hand clamped his shoulder and squeezed it tightly.

"There you are, boy. You think it's funny, making us waste our time on you? When we get home I'll-"

Percy acted on instinct, dropping to his knees and hooking his foot behind the man's knee. Though it took more effort than usual due to his size, the man's feet swept out from under him, and he released Percy to try to stop his fall. Percy didn't turn around, he just stood up and ran from the man. He could hear the man shouting for him to come back, but adrenaline was pumping through his veins and soon, he couldn't hear the man anymore.

He waited a few minutes to catch his breath before he made his way back to the barrier, keeping an eye out for the man. When he thought the coast was clear, he went back to get his trunk, but as he returned to the barrier, he ended up getting tackled by a large boy when he wasn't suspecting it. The boy pinned him to the ground, and Percy glared at the boy, but was unable to move as the man came towards him. As if they had practiced this, the boy rolled off of Percy just as the man clamped his hand on his arm, so he wasn't able to escape again.

"Come on boy, we don't have all day to dawdle here." He leaned towards Percy's ear. "If you try to run again or make a sound I'll make sure that you wish you were never born."

Percy knew he couldn't fight his way out of this, so he closed his eyes and concentrated on the bond between him and Harry.

Harry! Get my mom! I'm being kidnapped! He thought frantically.

'On it Perce, where are you?'

They're taking me to the exit. It's a large man and boy, as well as a tall, skinny woman.

'Wait a second, did the man call you boy?'

Yeah, why?

'Those are my relatives! They must think that you're me!'

Well we are twins, I can see why they think that. Percy snorted, gaining the attention of the man.

"What's so funny, boy?" The man squeezed his arm tighter and Percy winced in pain.

"Nothing really, just the fact that I'm really surprised you can walk with all the fat weighing you down." Percy retorted, only to feel a sharp pain in his wrist where the man squeezed him even tighter. Percy let out a deep breath; he was pretty sure the man had just sprained his wrist, but he's had worse in the past and tried to focus on his breathing to deal with the pain.

Anytime now, Harry. He thought worriedly as he saw how close they were to the exit. Harry had told him several stories of the Dursleys while they were growing up through the twin bond, and he did not want to know first hand if the stories he claimed were true.

'We're coming, Percy. Just hang on!'

I''m trying. Percy grit his teeth, the man reminded him too much of Smelly Gabe. His eyes widened as he realized how much closer they were to the exit than when he spaced out.

"Excuse me sir, but what are you doing with my son?" Percy silently sighed in relief as he heard his mother's voice.

Mr. Dursley turned around, surprised to see a woman glaring furiously at him. Percy knew that his brother had thrown the invisibility cloak over himself to hide from his relatives' view. Dursley smiled, thinking it would calm down the woman.

"I apologize, miss. I must have mistaken your son for my nephew. He's a troublemaker, that one, in need of good discipline. If you see him, please tell him that his aunt and uncle are at the entrance of the station waiting for him so we can go home."

"I don't believe that will be necessary, Uncle Vernon." Harry said, revealing himself. Vernon's eyes widened.

"Ah, Harry, there you are. I was beginning to think you were lost. Come along now, we're leaving." Dursley turned, releasing Percy from his grip with as much subtlety as he could manage, which wasn't much.

"I don't think so. In fact, I'm going to stay with Mrs. Jackson and my brother for the summer instead." Harry declared, mimicking Draco's posture as he tilted his chin up at

Vernon's eyes bulged as he heard the word "brother", but he started chuckling as if Harry had made a joke. "The boy has quite the imagination, doesn't he? He's an only child, I'm afraid. His parents were killed in a car accident when he was a infant, so he was sent to live with us. Quite an unruly boy though, unlike Dudley over here." He gestured over to the boy, who puffed up like a Peacock with pride.

"Oh really, then why are we able to have a connection that only magical twins have, and how was my birth name Potter before I was adopted?" Percy bit out as he glared at the man, his teeth clenched in pain while watching Dursley pale several shades until his face was grey.

"You f-freak! T-The letter said you were dead!" He spluttered in a mixture of shock and fear. Percy's eyes darkened and he sent his "Deluxe I'll-Kill-You-Later" glare at Vernon, barely letting himself feel the satisfaction of scaring Harry's abusers as Dursley took several steps back to distance himself from the twins and Sally. Petunia and Dudley looked on in horror, too scared of attracting attention and the twins to move or help Vernon in any way, shape, or form.

"What letter?" Harry was surprised to hear Percy speak in such a dark tone as he demanded his uncle to answer him, and was once again reminded of how dangerous his brother could be if he was hurt.

"The one that old coot gave us when he left the boy on our doorstep that wretched night." Vernon spat. The twins' eyes widened as they realized the cause of this.

"Dumbledore." They spoke in unison, spooking Vernon as he pushed Percy away from him.

"Just take him! I don't care anymore! Just get the freak away from us!" He exclaimed, once more turning the glares of the twins on him, along with a glare from Sally.

"Let me get one thing straight," Sally interrupted, a hint of anger laced in her voice as she spoke. "The boys are not, and never will be, freaks. From what I've heard about and seen of Harry, he's a sweet boy that has a good head on his shoulders, and is kind enough to take everything the world has thrown at him thus far and only show compassion in exchange, no thanks to you. In fact, it is only because we are in a public area that I am not giving you and your family what you justly deserve. So, I suggest that you quit while you're ahead and leave us immediately. You wouldn't want to do something you regret, would you?" She smiled thinly. Percy shuddered despite his anger and his eyes flicked to his mother. He had never seen this side from her before, and so he quickly changed the subject to divert her attention away and prevent her from doing something that she may regret.

"Hey Mom, Harry and I need to unpack, so how about we just head back to the hotel and get situated there? Maybe later we can also go out to eat and discuss what our plans are for the summer?" Percy asked, drawing his mother's attention away from the Dursleys. As much as he hated them, he wasn't sure they deserved what his mother was about to dish out. He had a feeling it wasn't as one-sided as they believed, and he hoped that he wasn't making a big mistake by letting the Dursleys get off easily for now.

Sally's face was hard as she first glanced at her son, but Percy's pleading look softened her own expression and she nodded slightly before she turned back to the Dursleys.

"You're lucky that I'm letting you off the hook for now, but if I find out that what you did to Harry all those years were of your own free will and uninfluenced by magic, then so help me Zeus I will return and make you pay for what you have done to him. Do you understand?" Sally's voice was soft yet fierce as she spoke, indicating that she was serious and shouldn't be messed with. Vernon's face was nearly puke green as he tried to digest the idea of being influenced by magic, and he nodded silently and sharply before grabbing ahold of his equally puce wife and son and brusquely heading towards their car. Percy and Sally shared a quick look of pride and amusement before they were interrupted by Harry.

"Thank you Sally, you have no idea how much it means to me that you scared them off." He said, his eyes indicating the truth of his gracious demeanor.

"It was my pleasure. After all, I used to knock the British on their arses all the time. Though this time was verbal, it was still quite fun." Sally said, a hint of vindication still lingering in her voice.

"I mean, did you see their faces when they ran off?" Percy interrupted, laughter threatening to burst out of him as he spoke. "They looked like ghosts! I think your cousin might've peed his pants!"

"Percy." Sally sighed, though when Harry glanced at her, he noticed a gleam of amusement in her eyes. Percy tried to control his laughter, but eventually it grew too strong and he had to bend over and take a moment to catch his breath, which is when Harry went over to Sally and spoke so that only she could hear.

"You know, I was really worried that I would be forced to stay with them this summer. They looked really mad, so if you hadn't stepped in, this could've been the worst summer I've had yet. I might not have been able to go to Hogwarts next year, and then where would I be?" He stopped, then shook his head as if to dismiss the thought.

"What I'm trying to say is thank you. I know I said it before, but I really need you to understand how much your intervention means to me. Percy helped me build my self-confidence a lot this year, and it might've all been worthless if I had gone back to the Dursleys. Everything I've done this year changed me a lot, and I don't want to know what a summer with them would've looked like."

Sally glanced over to check on Percy, who was starting to calm down, before she knelt down to Harry's level and looked at him right in the eye to convey her sincerity. "Harry, you don't have to thank me. You've been through a lot these past few years, and I want to make sure that you never have to go through that sort of pain ever again. Percy and I will protect you as long as we're still breathing, and we're not going anywhere anytime soon."

Harry's eyes were wide as a shocked expression flitted across his face, and his eyes started to well up with tears as he was touched by Sally's promise.

"Thank you." He whispered, as he had absolutely no idea what else to say. How do you show someone you are truly grateful for their existence and everything they've done for you without sounding insincere or wearing out the words that everyone tends to use?

Sally smiled, as if she already knew what he was struggling to say. "You're welcome." She said softly, then proceeded to give Harry something he had never gotten from an adult. A hug.

Harry gasped sharply as he felt Sally's arms wrap around him, and he froze, not knowing what to do. He felt awkward for a moment, but eventually he could sense the comfort of the hug and relaxed, eventually wrapping his arms around her as well. Harry suddenly understood why Percy loved to hug people, if he had grown up with hugs like this one. He felt a sudden spark of jealousy for his twin, from that ugly side of him that wanted the Dursleys to suffer for all they had done, but it fizzled out quickly as he realized he could have as many hugs as he wanted now, and all he had to do was ask.

"Aww, group hug!" Percy shouted as he came across the scene, his arms grappling to encompass them both. Harry hadn't been expecting the oncoming onslaught and was startled, but once he realized it was Percy, he relaxed once again and basked in the comfort the Jacksons were enveloping him in. They stayed like that for a few more moments, until Percy realized something and sprung back.

"Oh crap, my trunk's still at the barrier! We need to go back and get it before someone finds it!" He exclaimed, taking a moment for his words to register before he started to sprint towards the barrier. Harry recognized that whatever moment he and Sally had was over and shook his head softly at the antics of his twin.

"We should probably follow him. Who knows what trouble he'll get into on his own?" He said, gesturing in the direction Percy went. Sally smiled bemusedly before standing up and grabbing hold of the trolley that held Harry's trunk and Athena's empty cage. The owl had nipped and scratched the twins when they tried to get her back in her cage for the train ride home, even when they had dumped all her treats into it, so they had just written a quick note and sent her off to meet them at the apartment.

"Go on ahead, I'll meet you two there." Sally replied. Harry nodded and took off, racing to reach his brother.

When Percy arrived at the Barrier, he took a quick assessment of the area around it to try to find his trunk. When his eyes landed on it, he sighed in relief.

"There it is!" He exclaimed, heading over to where it had been left innocently to the right of the Barrier. He tried to pick it up and carry it on his own back towards Harry and Sally, but he had forgotten to lighten the weight of the trunk before he left Hogwarts, and he was starting to get tired after all the physical exertion he had been put through that day, so he was struggling to carry it himself.

"Need any help there, Mr. Jackson?" A voice said from behind. Percy turned to face the voice, and his face lit up in surprise at who he found.

"Chiron, Grover! What are you guys doing here?" He asked, baffled as to how a centaur and a satyr could blend in on the Muggle side of the Barrier. Chiron was in a wheelchair that he could only fit in through magic if Percy had remembered the size of his true form correctly, and Grover was wearing a Rasta cap and sneakers to hide his horns and hooves, and was using crutches to move around and disguise his unusual posture.

"I seem to recall mentioning that we would meet you and Mr. Potter at the station. Granted, we were a little late, but we were here. Where were you?" Chiron asked as his eyebrow rose up in curiosity. Percy felt like he had been caught with his hand in a blue cookie jar, and he rubbed the back of his neck as his face flushed slightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I forgot that you said that, and we had a little problem to take care of. I'm just glad that I forgot my trunk here and realized it as we were heading out, or I would've completely forgotten." He explained.

"I see," Chiron nodded. "Is your brother-" He started, but was interrupted by Harry nearly barreling into his twin as he tried to stop running.

"Percy, you shouldn't have taken off like that!" Harry exclaimed, slightly winded from his run across the station.

"Sorry Harry, but look who I found!" Percy said, pointing to Chiron and Grover. Harry looked over Percy's shoulder, and it took a second to recognize them, but once he did, he was just as surprised as Percy had been.

"Wow Grover, nice hat." He said, not sure of what else to say. The satyr shrugged.

"Thanks Harry. How was the rest of the school year for you?"

"Hectic, but I ended up doing well on my exams, so that's a plus." He replied, feeling slightly awkward. There was a hesitant pause before Chiron cleared his throat.

"Anyways, as I was going to say, are your guardians here? I would like to discuss something with them for a moment." He asked.

"Uh, yeah. My Mom should be here any moment, and Harry's staying with us this Summer." Percy answered, just as Sally arrived with the trolley.

"Alright Percy, let me help you get your trunk on the trolley and then we can leave. I've got some blue cookies waiting for you two in the car that will start to melt soon if we don't hurry." She said, moving over to Percy to grab one side of his trunk.

"Wait, Mom! Before we go, I need you to meet someone. This is Chiron and Grover, and they need to talk to you about something." Percy insisted. Sally let go of the trunk warily, remember what had happened a few minutes before. However, as she watched her son, she realized that neither him nor Harry were tense or showing any other sign that they were being threatened, so she relaxed and smiled politely.

"Hi, I'm Sally Jackson. I'm Percy's guardian and I'm looking after Harry this summer as well." She said, holding out her hand for Chiron to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Chiron, and this is Grover. We're representatives from a special Summer Camp." Chiron had shaken her hand firmly, watching for any suspicious movements. Sally's shoulders stiffened for a short second, but relaxed once again in a split second, which went unnoticed to everyone except Chiron. Her eyes held a hint of recognition, like Chiron's name was familiar, but she couldn't remember why. Chiron mentally checked to see if he had recently had any students named Jackson, but he couldn't recall any, and so he shrugged it off for the meantime.

"Ms. Jackson, are you aware of how special the boys in your care are?" He asked curiously. Sally's eyes held him in a cautious, yet kind, stare.

"I'm aware of the gifts Harry and Percy possess from their Mother." She said carefully, her words holding more than one meaning.

"Indeed." Chiron said, correctly interpreting the hidden message. "Well then Ms. Jackson, shall we go somewhere less public? This information is not meant for prying ears, and by that, I do not mean the boys."

Sally thought it over for a moment, mentally calculating the pros and cons of the situation. Finally, she decided to go with her gut and agree, so she nodded silently and ushered them into a small, empty office, where she threw up some privacy and Muggle-Repelling charms before turning to Chiron once again.

"We should be good now, if you want to continue." She said, stashing her wand away once again.

"Very well. Ms. Jackson, Grover and I met the boys earlier this year at Hogwarts and had quite the enlightening conversation, of which the contents I am about to share with you. As you are a witch, the nature of which I am about to tell you may be very surprising, but I hope that you let me finish what I am about to say before you immediately disregard it."

Sally raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I'm not sure what me being a witch has to do with anything, but I'll listen."

Grover let out a nervous bleat. "Chiron, are you sure we should be telling her this? If they find out-"

"It is the only way to keep the boys safe." Chiron interrupted. "I will explain my actions to them if need be." Grover nodded uneasily, but let the matter go and pulled a can out of his bag and started munching on it in the corner, as if to hide from the conversation.

"Now, Ms. Jackson, I'm not going to beat around the bush any longer. Are you aware of the Greek Gods?"

Sally watched him carefully with a confused expression on her features, before something clicked and her eyes widened in realization.

"You're Chiron, the one mentioned in the journals." She said, her voice holding a mix of awe and trepidation.

Now it was Chiron's turn to be confused. "Journals? What journals?"

Sally reached into her purse and pulled out several old, leather-bound books. She handed them to Chiron so that he could go through them.

"Mom, what's going on? You know about demigods?" Percy asked, feeling slightly hurt and confused.

Sally looked at Percy, guilt shimmering in her eyes.

"I should've told you sooner, but I couldn't risk you getting hurt. I tried to tell you when you got your Hogwarts letter, but then we got distracted talking about Harry and I wanted to keep you safe for just a while longer. I promise, I was only trying to protect you."

"Mom," He said, his voice tinged with unease. "What were you trying to protect me from?"

Sally glanced at Chiron - who was wholly focused on the journal in his lap - and Grover - who had gotten over his freakout and was reading the same journal over Chiron's shoulder - and squatted down in front of the twins, and grasped Percy's arms as a comforting gesture.

"Percy, the journals were written by my many times Great Grandmother, who was the last person to be both a wizard and a demigod. She kept the journals hidden in a secret trunk that she trusted to the goblins' personal care to protect them until the time was right for wizards and demigods to meet once again. I only learned about the journals and the Greek world in general when you were given to me."

"You see, back when my ancestor was still alive, the wizards and demigods knew of the other's existence and often intermarried and had children, or the gods themselves would have children with a witch or wizard. But when she was young, the wizards grew jealous of the demigods' power and wanted it for themselves. A war soon broke out, and children like my ancestor were forced to pick a side and be pitted against their friends and family. Eventually, the Ministry of Magic had banned wizard-demigod relationships and ordered the extermination of all children that possessed both magic and Greek blood, as they were deemed far too powerful and dangerous. My ancestor fled to America and forged a new identity to protect herself from persecution, but eventually she was found by a satyr sent by her father, Lord Apollo, and was convinced to return to Great Britain to attend a special camp for demigods. When she returned, she discovered that all knowledge of wizards and magic had been erased from the Greeks, and all knowledge of demigods had been erased from the Wizarding World as well." Sally explained.

"But what does that have to do with us?" Percy interrupted. Sally glanced at him, and he noticed for the first time how her shoulders sagged down and her normally bright eyes were dark with guilt and worry. He felt his own guilt gnawing at him, and so he quickly shut up and let her continue with a silent apology.

"I mentioned that my ancestor was a Daughter of Apollo, right?" Sally asked, at which both of the twins nodded. "Well, part of her father's domain is prophecy, which was something she inherited from him, mostly through dreams. As such, she had several dreams about the future, mostly pertaining to the two of you." At this, the twins' eyes widened in shock and they exchanged a quick look, but neither of them interrupted Sally, and for that she was grateful.

"She wrote down what she saw in the journals, but she also wrote a warning for me. The world of the Greeks is a harsh place, full of monsters that wouldn't hesitate to kill you, and I had to prepare you for what you would soon face. I couldn't let you go to camp too early or you would've been killed, but I had to find a way to keep the monsters from finding you, so I married Gabe to cover up your scent."

"You married Smelly Gabe to keep me safe?" Percy asked, a horrified expression on his face, and he took several steps back to give himself space to breathe as he tried to process this new information. Harry tried to step closer to comfort his brother, but Percy stepped back further and shook his head, missing the hurt that flashed on Harry's face when he did. Sally stood up, walked over to Harry, and started rubbing his arm in comfort. Harry glanced up at her in confusion.

"Give him a moment to calm down, this is a big deal for him." She said softly. Harry nodded and murmured his assent absently, but he was more focused on his brother as he watched Percy freak out, and felt helpless in the face of this problem.

Grover sniffed as he read, but then perked up as he noticed that Percy's scent was getting stronger. He glanced at the boy in question and was flooded with distress as he read the turbulent emotions on Percy's face. Grover balked at the strength of Percy's emotions, and his eyes flashed towards Chiron, who was still immersed in the journal, and shook his shoulder to alert him to the situation.

Chiron looked up from the journal and immediately noticed the position of the brothers. He closed the journal and quickly wheeled over to Sally and Harry, Grover quickly hobbling along after him.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked Sally, noticing the raw emotion on Harry's face and the resigned expression on her own. She just shook her head.

"It never helps to bottle up your emotions. I'd rather him let them out now when it's manageable than later when he might explode at the worst moment." Sally said. Chiron nodded, though he didn't look like he had been comforted by that explanation, but he held his tongue as they all waited anxiously to see what was to come.

Eventually, Percy calmed down enough to use his Occlumency shields that he had been slowly rebuilding to regain control of his emotions, and the room was silent save for his deep breaths as he processed the earth-shattering news that Sally had told him.

"So, what now?" He finally asked, his voice slightly broken as he gazed at his Mom.

"Well, now that you know what you are, and you aren't behind the wards of Hogwarts, yours and Harry's scents are extremely potent. You two need to be behind some powerful warding soon, or else every monster within 25 miles of here will be barreling through the doors in an attempt to get to you. Now, Ms. Jackson, have you already made plans to reach the US?" Chiron stated, directing his attention to Sally as he asked her his question.

"We already have an International Portkey set to leave soon. I know that this isn't the best place to leave from, but we don't have much of a choice now but to find a close alleyway to hide in once the time to leave has come." She answered.

"I see. In that case, would you mind taking Grover along with you, so that he could direct the boys to Camp? I could give you my card, but it would be easier to have him go along with you three for protection, and it would save me some money for airfare." Chiron asked gently.

"Protection? How would bringing Grover along protect us?" Harry asked, blurting out the question in curiosity.

"Mr. Potter, it is a satyr's job to find demigods and bring them to Camp Half-Blood for their protection. Granted, this is only Grover's second assignment, but I have faith that he will succeed, especially since you two have magic as well in case you need to use it."

"But isn't using magic outside of school illegal until you graduate?" Harry rebutted. Percy moved over to him and wrapped an arm around his twin's shoulder, interested in what Chiron had to say as well.

"Normally, it is," Sally answered. "but the Trace is placed upon someone with the letters that were given to you, so unless you opened the letters and touched them, you don't have the Trace on you. Also, the Magical Congress has a different system for protecting the Statute of Secrecy, and the relationship between Wizarding America and Britain isn't as benevolent as the mortal alliance is, so if anyone from Britain were to investigate, the American Aurors wouldn't be happy about their intrusion."

"Okay." Percy replied as he stored the knowledge away for future use, while Harry scrunched up his eyebrows and mouthed "Aurors?" underneath his breath, trying to figure out the unfamiliar word. However, he just shook his head and vowed to ask his brother about it later.

Sally checked the time and frowned slightly. "If we're going to make this portkey, we need to find an alley really quickly. Chiron," She said, turning to the centaur. "The boys will be at the Camp as soon as possible, but I'm unsure when that will be. Expect us there in the next day or two."

"That's fine, Ms. Jackson, although the sooner the better. I hope you have a safe trip home." He responded. Sally smiled slightly at him, then turned back to the boys and Grover, who had moved to the boys' position when Chiron had first suggested his involvement in the trip, although he was clearly nervous about the whole thing due to his clammy hands that he continuously tried to wipe on his shirt. He wasn't a fan of Portkeys after the last one he used to get to England, so he gulped in fear as Sally gave him a reassuring smile and led three boys out of King's Cross Station and into a hidden alleyway after saying goodbye to Chiron and recollecting the journals.

Harry and Percy were relatively quiet as they left King's Cross, although inside their minds they were conversing a mile a minute as they tried to fully process what they had just learned. Their minds were abuzz as they reached the hidden alleyway, and Grover had to shake Percy to break him out of his glassy-eyed gaze and get his attention. Harry snapped his focus back to the outside world a few seconds after as Sally pulled out a length of rope and calmly instructed everyone to grab on tight. Grover couldn't resist wrapping the rope around his hand twice so he wouldn't lose his grip prematurely, and the others grabbed on as Sally counted down the time, and they vanished without a sound as they were whisked away to the US, a new adventure awaiting them.