Author's Note: Greetings to all. Here's your update! See you at the bottom. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't owe anything.

Summary: After twenty minutes on a very reluctant but steady talking on my part, a blanket of silence befall upon us. Before Ron was the one who broke it, "So, Malfoy is toying with you." Ron articulates slowly. Harry turned to ask me. "So, what are you going to do?" My answer was simple. "Ignore him." If only avoiding him were that easy. DM/HG


By: S.P. Tripathi

6. Muggle market. Next day. Around 2 at noon.

A soft hum from the air conditioner installed inside the store resounded across the place as a background music. My eyes scanned down shelves upon shelves of stocked product. Varying from different categories. In a muggle store, nonetheless.

Just for the groceries shopping. Because I find myself quite low on the supply today.

Softly humming to myself, I reaches out and picks up the cartoon of Cranberry juice. My right hand fingers curling softly around the cold metal hand bar of the cart I'd been carting around the store.

While half of my brain mulled about whether I should go for the juice or discarded for the Orange one; the other part whirled around the things going about me as of lately.

Or around someone, precisely.

Suddenly annoyed, I place the cartoon on my cart with more force than it should required. But at that moment, I couldn't care less. Huffing, I pushed on the cart as I wheeled it further down the aisle. An unhappy frown marring my face, my cheeks steadily heating up from my turn of thoughts around that somebody in anger.

That ferret.

Subconsciously, my lips curled into a thin line as I came to a halt beside a snack shelves. Picking up some packs of blueberry muffin's along with a box of cardamom biscuits - I maneuvered them around to drop them inside the cart. But while the packs of muffin went right inside the destined place, the box of cardamom biscuits hit the edge of the metal bar and toppled right over, aiming directly for the ground.

Now, naturally, when you see something falling over, regardless that it wouldn't break off that easily - you'd reached out to catch it reflexively.

And that's what happened.

But only managed to bump my elbow with the aisle, making me flinch in pain. And unfortunately, I stubbed my toe on the wheels of the cart and gasped.

Sadly, it wasn't finished. The horror of it, I mean.

Because while I was busy hopping around the place like a wild bunny, I walked right into the cart and lost my balance.

As I wailed my arms around the place to hold onto something - and even through the shooting pain erupting from the recently bruised places - I very nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt something strong and warm wrapped around my waist from behind, halting my movements.

And my fall.

I exhaled noisily, catching strong whiffs of a very manly cologne.

Something spicy, yet still sweet as a newly rained forest.

And the thing - the words that went around my head was like a big red Alarm.

I knew that smell.

"I always knew you were a Danger, Granger," a deep yet soft voice said with a chuckle meet my ears, heating it up.

Clenching my jaw hard enough to hurt, I pawned at his hands on my waist wordlessly. Very angrily.

But he only tightened his hold, to my surprise.

I felt warm breath on my neck, making goosebumps to appear. "Hey," he said, softly. His voice real soothing. "I came in peace, beaver."

This time, I tugged at his hands on my waist in response.

"Easy there, Tiger," he chuckled.

I nearly growled.

"Let go!" I hissed at him finally.

The only response I got from him was a soft warm blow on my earlobe; which gently fanned down my collarbone. My eyelids softly fluttered, as if to close.

I almost shivered.


But instead, my subconscious Alarm bell rang more loudly in my head, and my eyes instantly widened in alert.

A sudden reminder went off in my head.

It sounded just like Mad-Eye Moody's words.

'Constant Vigilance!'

I ducked and twisted out of his hold so fast that everything seems like a blur for a moment.

My back hit the other side of the aisle fully loaded shelves with a loud 'thud'. Several products sliding abruptly down of their places from my actions.

But I am staring at steely grey eyes.

Those pair of eyes - whose drilling straight back into my brown ones.

They reminds me of the eye of a thunder.



I mentally shuddered. Violently.

But outwardly, I aimed a hard look at him. A dead look.

And with a snare, I pivoted sharply on my heels. Walking away from the place as fast as I could. Without making it seem like I am about to break into a sprint. Leaving the place.


The cart filled with due products forgotten.


So much for the groceries shopping.

-..To be continued..-

A/N: I hope you like this update. Been gone for so long. Hope you aren't going to pelt me with rotten eggs and tomatoes.

This is my New Year update for you. In advance, indeed. Really don't know what to say. Leave your comments, and tell me if I am really a horrible person..?

Until the next update then,

S.P. Tripathi

P.s; By the way, a huge shout and thanks to all of those viewers who Fav/Follow this story. And lovely reviews! GOD! I love you all! You really are the bestest people anybody could ever wish for! It really means a lot. Considering the fact that as an Amateur Writer, you all people loves what I wrote. I know most of the times it's rubbish. About what I publish in here - I mean. And that my grammar and spelling mistakes get on your nerves. But seriously guys, this is really something.

No amount of 'Thank You's', or 'I am so gratified' could measured up to what I am really trying to put into words.

Oh, alright! Enough of my rambling. I am off.

I love you. XD