Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker


The Doctor leaves Clara and Clara remembers her lives. She goes to the man she loves her she now remembers. She and Her love bringing the Doctor more than he bargained for…

Chapter .1.

Clara tossed and turned in her sleep. As memories plagued her. They have plagued her since Danny's death and the Doctor leaving. She has been dreaming about a man for the last few weeks. One her past echo married. An immortal man.

Clara wakes up and gasps, "Jack"

Tossing the blankets she hurries out of bed. She finally had a name to the face that has been plaguing her for weeks. She remember meeting him in the 51st century and working with him at Torchwood. Clara hurries and changes and goes to her car. She begins the drive to Cardiff.

"How could I forget him?" Clara asks herself


Clara walked through the streets she had aimed for this period of time. She was still remembering why. And why did she land here? Wasn't it meant to be a library? Suddenly a man in a coat comes running into her.

"Sorry Ma'am", an American accent man says

"No it is my fault", Clara says

Clara looks at him her eyes widen he was the man from the space satellite. Wasn't he meant to be dead? When so was she but still.

"Jack?" Clara asks

The man turns and study's her probably his eyes widen.

"I know you. Satellite 5 right?" Jack asks coming back over

"Yes", Clara says

"But you died. In my arms no less. Name is Clara isn't it?" Jack says

"It is a long story. But didn't you die too?" Clara says

"Well I know this place where we can talk", Jack says offering his hand

Clara takes it feeling like home which she hasn't felt. A spark was there.

"But first we better run", Jack says looking behind them

Clara looks and sees guys with guns coming. Clara and Jack run fast.

"Do you know how to shoot?" Jack asks as they hide

"Yes. This echo was meant to know", Clara says

"Echo?" Jack asks

"Part of the long story", Clara says

"Well sooner we deal with these blokes the sooner we can hear that story. Her take my spare", Jack says handing her a gun

Clara ready's herself.

"Ready?" Jack whispers

Clara nods.

Jack and Clara step out from their hiding spot and shoot. For Jack it was a surprise that she had good aim. Clara saw one of the men turn to her and shoot. She couldn't die not here. She was not meant to die here. Suddenly she was pushed out of the way. Clara sees Jack take the bullet. She didn't know why but her heart ached. Clara picked up her gun and dispatched the last two before going back to Jack who was not breathing.

"Jack?" Clara cries holding him tightly

She lets tears escape. Suddenly he sits up right gasping. Clara gasps.

"How? You were dead", Clara says

"Clara it is a long story too. Want to grab that coffee now?" Jack asks

End Flashback/Memory

Clara smiles at the memory. Jack had surprised her telling her he was immortal. She had to find him hopefully he was at Torchwood. She promised to find him. She was going to keep that promise. She needed to talk to someone. Jack had described what had happened to him in the Time Vortex. Well it was the same for her. She couldn't die. She was 'killed' in a car crash a few weeks ago but woke up like nothing had happened. She was so confused to she started dreaming of Jack. She figured going into the Doctor's timeline it had made her like Jack. Now finally remembering his name and where he worked she was going to keep her promise and come back to him.

Clara remembers when she made that promise…


Clara and Jack were at the library. Going to save River Song for the Doctor. They had known each other for three years now. And they had married. Jack hadn't turned his back on her just because she was an echo. Even though she told him she was born to save the Doctor and will eventually die for him. He said he would hold on to her for as long as he could.

Now he was helping her even though it will get her killed. They both knew that the Doctor needed River Song. So getting her out alive was important.

Clara and Jack watch the 10th Doctor plead with River to change places. Clara had on a filter that made her like River. So when the flash happened she traded places with River. Taking the full force of the charge.

Jack had taken River to their hiding place. When the Doctor left Jack was at her side. Clara opened her eyes.

"I love you Jack", Clara whispers

"I love you too Clara. Please find your way back to me", Jack pleads kissing her

Clara weakly kisses him back.

"I WILL find my way back to you Jack. Take my wedding ring and engagement ring and give it back to me when I see you again", Clara says tears fall

"I will hold you to that promise", Jack says wiping the tears

"Now go. Get River the help she needs. Goodbye to when I see you again", Clara says

Jack kisses her then goes. Clara closes her eyes.

"Run, run you clear boy and remember me", Clara whispers not just saying it for the Doctor but also Jack

End Flashback/Memory

Clara pulled up at the rift in Cardiff. She gets out and looks around. Clara remembers the entrance to Torchwood. Going to the entrance she enters the code she remembers and it works.

The first person she sees is Jack. Who is looking at her stunned.

"Jack", Clara says tears falling

"Clara", Jack says starting to smile

Clara runs into his open arms in front of his co-workers.

"I remember", Clara says kissing him

Jack spins her around and then holds her close.

"I thought I was never going to see you again", Jack says

"I promised", Clara says

Jack laughs the real laugh his co-workers never knew about.

"You did", Jack says

"Who is this?" Gwen asks

"This is Clara Oswald. My wife from a different time", Jack says grinning

"We are not married. You married my echo", Clara says

"Well then…", Jack says going down on one knee pulling out the engagement ring he gave her echo, "I love you. Will you marry me again?"

"I love you too. I will. Always", Clara says

Jack slips the ring on her finger and pulls her into a kiss again. Clara kisses him back with passion.

"So what have I missed?" Clara asks smiling

"Well lets go and catch up. My office", Jack says taking her hand

Clara and Jack work leaving his stunned co-workers behind. She they could catch up. She leans her head on his shoulder together they were again. The familiar spark ran through them as it was meant too…

Two Weeks Later…

Clara had Gwen curl her hair. She and Jack where getting married today. They decided what was the point in waiting any longer now that they have caught up? It was only going to be the Torchwood team there, Kate Stewart and Clara's Dad Dave. Clara's wedding dress was white and hugged her curves. It was from the 63rd century. Jack gave her his Vortex Manipulator and Clara and Gwen had gone to the 63rd Century Earth and got her dress.

Clara was excited she had all her memories of Jack back now. Her only wish was that the Doctor could be there. But he had Gallifrey.

She walked down the aisle with her father to a beaming Jack Harkness. Jack took her hand and they turned to the priest. That Jack had persuaded to come from a different century to perform the ceremony.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the priest asks

"I do", Dave Oswald says

"Welcome everyone", the Priest says, "Today we celebrate the immortal and undying love that Jack and Clara have found in one another. We rejoice alongside them as they declare to all present their intent to enter into marriage and stand together from this day forward and for the rest of their lives together. In this world where it seems so little is considered sacred, one thing remains so. That is, the agreement made between two people to share their lives together. Marriage is a most honourable estate, a tender and profound relationship. I congratulate you on the journey that you are about to embark upon. Again", the Priest says

Everyone chuckles even Dave Oswald. Now knowing his daughters secret.

"Both of you have found a way to embrace a serious love and receive the blessings thereof. What a comfort to know that at the end of the day you will come home to find the shelter and affection of each other. Marriage endures through the ages of trends and fads. Marriage thrives, and continues to live as a promise of a beautiful dream come true. As long as individuals are drawn together, marriage will be a natural unfolding of that relationship. And in this case will last throughout their immortal life till one day they both move on. Because nothing is Immortal. Not truly anyway. So here we are gathered to witness these to souls bonded together", the Priest says

Clara smiles at Jack and Jack smiles at Clara.

"Does anyone present here know of any reason that Clara and Jack will not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace", the Priest says

No one says a word. That was good because Jack would have strangled someone and Clara wouldn't have liked that.

"Clara, do you take Jack as your immortal husband and partner, equal, lover, and friend, keeping yourself only unto him for as long as you both shall live in your immortal life?"

"I do", Clara says smiling

"Jack, do you take Clara as your immortal wife and partner, equal, lover, and friend, keeping yourself only unto her for as long as you both shall live in your immortal life?"

"I do", Jack says looking into her eyes with love

"Clara and Jack have chosen to write their own vows. So it is over to them", the priest says

"I, Clara Oswin Oswald", I say, "Take you, Jack Harold Harkness. To be my husband, my soul mate, my guiding star, my constant friend, my faithful lover, the father of my children, my partner in death and in life. For all of our immortal life. The one I am destined to be with. The one I have found love, faith, respect and most of all trust and love in. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I know you will always find your way home to me. I will trust you and respect you to the day I finally give my immortal life up. May my heart and soul always find it's way home to you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. Loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. No matter anything. If you have a problem I promise to listen and help you. If you have a secret I will keep it. I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health. I will be myself with you. I promise to love you unconditionally, with every fibre of my soul. I promise to help you if you lose your way. To support you in your goals and always be open and honest with you. I will stand by you in immortal life, death and everything in-between. I give you my hand, my heart, my soul, my love, my light, my immortal being from this day forward for as long as we both shall live", Clara says a tear being shed

"Now Jack", the priest says

"I, Jack Harold Harkness take you Clara Oswin Oswald. To be my wife, my constant friend, my faithful lover, the mother of my children, my partner in this immortal life. I will keep your secrets and be a supportive husband that will protect you and treasure you always and I will always be faithful to you. If you have a problem I promise to listen and help you. If you have a secret I will promise to keep it. I promise to be there with your through sickness and hurt no matter the cost. I promise to love you with undying love forever. I will be your immortal partner and equal throughout our immortal life", Jack says

"The rings, if you please", the priest

Clara takes the ring first that she had but on all those years ago. That her echo did. And now she was doing.

"Clara you first"

"With this ring, I pledge my undying love, faithfulness to you, today, tomorrow, eternally and forever. I am honoured to call you my husband, the father of my children. As this ring has no end, neither shall my undying love and undying soul for you", Clara says

"Jack", the Priest says

"Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you, my vows to you, my oaths to you and a reminder of my devotion to you always. I am honoured to call you my wife, the mother of our children. With this ring has no end neither will my undying love, soul, body and devotion for you", Jack says taking Clara's hand and slipping the ring onto her finger again

"Clara and Jack, you now hadthe opportunity for expressing through your union and partnership, the highest kind of love - through devotion and service to each other; through patience, kindness, and total acceptance of each other. Promise to always see the goodness in your partner, even when it's especially difficult. And wherever you are in your journey through life or in death, may your hearts always find their way home. May your immortal souls always find each other", the priest says, "With that I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride"

Jack leans down and kisses Clara. A kiss full of passion and love. Tender and soft. When done he leans his forehead on her. They move on to a small reception at Torchwood. Jack takes Clara out to dance their first dance.

It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again

"Finally together forever", Jack says

Dang, who knew?

All the planes we flew

Good things we've been through

That I'll be standing right here talking to you

'Bout another path

I know we loved to hit the road and laugh

But something told me that it wouldn't last

Had to switch up

Look at things different, see the bigger picture

Those were the days

Hard work forever pays

Now I see you in a better place.

"Forever. I love you Jack", Clara says


How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

And now you goin' be with me for the last ride

"I love you too Clara", Jack says

It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again let me tell you

When I see you again

"Always?" Clara asks smiling

Aah oh, aah oh



"Always throughout our immortal lives", Jack says kissing her

First you both go out your way

And the vibe is feeling strong

And what's small turn to a friendship

A friendship turn to a bond

And that bond will never be broken

The love will never get lost

And when brotherhood come first

Then the line will never be crossed

Established it on our own

When that line had to be drawn

And that line is what we reach

So remember me when I'm gone

"Throughout our immortal lives", Clara says kissing Jack

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

And now you goin' be with me for the last ride

"I wonder how the Doctor will take this when he finds out", Jack asks spinning Clara around

So let the light guide your way, yeah

Hold every memory as you go

And every road you take, will always lead you home, home

"He will understand", Clara says

It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again

"Hopefully. He never has been quite pleased with me", Jack says

Aah oh


Aah oh



(Ya, ya)

When I see you again

"Afraid of the Oncoming Storm?" Clara asks grinning


See you again


(Yeah, yeah, uh-huh)

When I see you again

"Never", Jack says kissing Clara

Now they were together and would never be lonely. But there was one person who was. And Jack and Clara were going to fix that soon…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)