N/A: None of the characters are mine. This is a rewrite of Baby Love; the first two chapters are based on the first two chapters of PhoenixBlaze8 and her wonderful story. A small disclaimer: Please Review; I need to see that people are genuinely interested in it! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and favorite the old Baby Love I hope you will enjoy this version! If anyone is interested in becoming my Beta Reader I would appreciate it! For now I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes.

Chapter 5:

Tales of the Heart


Jazmin Salazar

A couple of days later, Hermione had changed her demeanor towards her parents but she mostly spent her time in the Black Family library. The tomes lined up from floor to ceiling, the light of the old fashioned lanterns kept Hermione company. In front of her was the Book of Amun-Ra, she felt like she was making good headway but the hieroglyphics were in their original format instead of the simplified version. She ran her fingers soft mouthing the words knowing it would be too dangerous to actually whisper the words. Legend has it that it could bring about destruction with the old priest. The old priest's name had been lots among the generations, but what never changed is that destruction could come about if he ever resurrected.

Cracking her neck Hermione looked up at the clock, the time let her know she had to go to bed. Closing the book and sealing it, she put the glamour back up on it, waving her wand over her notes and hid them away in their designated area. Pulling her hair up into a bun she made the long walk to Harry's room. The darkness was immense, the floor creaked every once in awhile as she made her way. Finally arriving to the door, Hermione opened it slowly allowing the nightlight they had for Kayleigh. Walking to the dresser and grabbing a change of clothes, Hermione went to bathroom changed and tucked herself into Harry who clung to her like glue. She drifted off into with the scent of Harry .

Hermione awoke to a loud, "What the Fuck?" rapidly blinking her eyes Hermione noticed the beautiful redhead. Ginny Weasley had walked into the room and flipped the lights on , her light brown eyes sparkled with utter hatred. Before her brain could process anymore a loud wail was heard. Kayleigh was up, the thought processed but before she could get up Harry was already on his feet. His raven hair was a messy, his pajama bottoms were a tad lower than normal but Hermione hadn't noticed that he was shirtless last night. Hermione sat up slowly, after all she was groggy from the little sleep she had. She watched as Harry picked up Kayleigh and bounced her slowly until her crying became soft whimpers. The brunette smiled at the interaction, she really loved how Harry didn't have to be told to help. Feeling the immense glare and the scurry of footsteps brought Hermione back to reality.

"Ginny." Hermione greeted the redhead, as she sat up and clung to the blanket, her night shirt wasn't the best at covering her body, she literally just took the nearest long shirt she could find unfortunately she hadn't noticed it was Harry's Quidditch shirt. Cursing internally at her luck, she just keep a cool head, as she watched the youngest Weasley cling to the door knob, when another redhead appeared behind her.

"Why are you screaming Ginny?" The 5'7 redhead young man asked, his hair was askew , he seemed to have just woken up as well.

"Well your best friends are fucking each other! How can you just stand there? That little tart!" Ginny screeched, causing Kayleigh to bawl all over again. Harry threw a heated glare at her but he could speak, his best friend actually did.

"Hold on, Ginny. Don't you dare call Hermione a Tart. So what if she sleeping with Harry? Can't you bloody tell she literally lost someone she loved? How insensitive can you get? And they say I have an emotional range of a teaspoon! Besides if Harry and Hermione were fucking as you so put it, that's none of your concern." The redhead boy took a deep breath as he squeezed the top of his nose to calm down before he looked at his baby sister knowing the next sentence that was about to be spoken, would hurt her feelings but it needed to be said. "Ginny; you have NEVER been anything more to Harry than just a friend and his best friend's baby sister. Do you honestly believe that he could love you? We are in the middle of fucking war! I and they cannot concern ourselves with petty relationship drama. Plus if they were together they'd tell me, right guys?" Ron finished his rant towards his baby sister. Look at Hermione and Harry, waited for one of them to respond.

Harry opened his mouth as he bounced the baby again and stated, "Ron's right, Hermione and I aren't together. We maybe sleeping in the same bed, but we aren't fucking." Harry crudely spat the word as he told the young female. Harry was completely ignoring the feeling of wanting to curse her out. Breathing in and just bouncing the baby until she calmed he continued, "Plus if Hermione and I did get together, we would tell Ron, her parents, and eventually everyone but we aren't. And if we were, that's still no one's business and I would be honored to be her boyfriend because she deserves to be happy as well. So Ginny, please leave." Harry finished as he walked towards Hermione and handing her the sweet baby girl who cooed as she was placed into the arms of her pseudo mother . The sounds of angry footsteps disappeared accompanied by a slam of a door; eventually only quite greeted the house once again. Ron stood at the entrance of Harry's room, with a soft smile on his face.

"Ron?" Hermione spoke.

"Yea" he responded, as he tried to shake the sleepiness out of his eyes .

"Thank you" Hermione told him with a soft smile on her face, her hair was a mess, while being pulled by a tiny little fist.

"Anytime." Ron laughed as he watched her wince, and how she tried to uncurl the strand from the little fist.

"Oh and Ron?" Hermione spoke, her hand softly brushing her hand at the little fist.

"Yea?" The tall redhead responded.

"I think you've graduated to an emotional range of a tablespoon now." The brunette laughed as she watched her close friend's ears turn red again and laughing. Just for moment in time, the Golden Trio was a peace with one another. Harry mused at the feeling of contentment as he watched his Hermione hold the baby.

"Do you wanna meet her?" Harry asked as he watched Ron staring at the baby intensely. Ron shook his head 'no' and responded with a "Maybe later, it's still really early."

"What time is it?" Hermione asked, as she triumphed as she took the last piece of hair away from the baby, and caressing her face.

"It's five am." Ron responded with a yawn, and stretched his arm up, his shirt rose a bit, showing pale skin. Pulling it back down, he leaned against the door frame as the conversation continued.

"Seriously? I slept like 2 hours." Hermione groaned as the baby wiggled in her arms, getting impatient showing her caretakers that she was starving.

"Here." Harry told her as he handed her a bottle full of formula. Smiling Hermione took it and started to feed the kayleigh who's chubby fingers wrapped around the bottle head as she gulped her milk down.

"What time did you guys get here?" Harry asked his redhead of a friend, crossing his arms, as he waited for an answer.

"We got here at eleven last night. I went straight to bed. I have no idea what Ginny was trying to do. Again, I apologize for her." Ron told them, his ear turned red in embarrassment or anger, Harry couldn't be sure.

"It's alright man. Don't worry about it. Why don't you go get some sleep." Harry told him, with a small smile.

"It is like you read my mind, plus I got to be up at eight you know mum has the food ready by then. Goodnight Harry, Hermione." Ron responded as he turned the lights off and locked the door, and went to his own room.

In the light of the nightlight Hermione yawned as the baby finished her food, Hermione patted her back softly causing a soft burp. Getting up and putting her back into her crib, she hadn't noticed that the Quidditch shirt had risen a bit, giving Harry a nice view of her knickers. Tucking Kayleigh in with her blanky and her favorite teddy, she laid a kiss on her forehead and turned around just noticing that the shirt was showing a bit to much.

"Harry, I'm sorry I took your Quidditch shirt, I was so exhausted last night I just changed and went to bed. I hadn't noticed that it was your shirt I took." Hermione rambled as she approached the bed shyly.

"It's alright." Harry told her as he cleared his throat to continue, "It looks better on you anyway. You can actually keep it."

Hermione smiled at his words, as she sat down next to him. She pushed him to fall back on the bed, he took her cue and laid down with his arm outstretched so that she can lay down on him. Settling on her spot, she sunk into the pillow, they both laid awake next to each other, waiting to see who would bring up the elephant in the room.

Sighing, Hermione opened her mouth and whispered, "Harry?"

"Yes." The husky voice responded.

"Did you mean what you said?" She nervously responded, her left hand toyed with the end of the shirt.

"What exactly?" He asked back, the tension in the room mounting.

"The part of if we got together you would be honored to be my boyfriend." The pounding in Harry's ears made him more self conscious than what was really necessary. It was the moment of truth or maybe not, maybe since she was really tired maybe she wouldn't remember. Taking a deep breath, he responded, "I did. You know Hermione I care for you very much and whoever ends up being your boyfriend will be very lucky. And I would be honored to be your boyfriend if you ever left like that towards me."

Hermione held her breath as Harry told her. 'Maybe just maybe' she thought, 'he would love her too.' Feeling braver than she was, she turn to her side to face him. Tentatively, she laid her left hand on his face. Feeling the softness of his skin under her fingertips made her belly do flips, she held her breath as he moved to his side to face her. "Harry." She whispered to him, making the action feel more intimate than it actually was. "Yea" He whispered back. Her brown eyes searched in the semi darkness for his eyes, when she found them she whispered, "Can I kiss you." The words came out before she could completely process them. Next thing she processed was lips on hers and the hint of mint, Hermione realized Harry was kissing her. Freaking out internally before she could no longer think but all she could do was feel. His right hand tightened around her waist, her hand went into his hair.

A few hours later, after the hussle and bussle of breakfast, Hermione found herself being glared at every time she encountered the youngest Weasley. After having enough of the hatred, she decided to relieving Harry from Kayleigh. Quickly leaving the kitchen towards the sitting room where she picked the baby into her arms with the excuse of giving her a bath, the entire time avoiding Harry's eyes. Her cheeks still burned with the memory of his lips on her's. Climbing up the stairs towards their room, Hermione swooned with the feeling of happiness bubbling inside her. Gathering all the necessary items to bath the baby girl, Hermione wound up in the bathroom, with a giggling baby as she bathe her. For a few minutes she really wondered if Harry and her had a child, would she resemble the current giggling baby.

Meanwhile Harry had been caught by his Godfather after avoiding him at breakfast.

"Harry?" The debonair raven haired man called him, as he got up to leave the sitting room, just to avoid him. Sighing as he knew that there was no way to avoid the confrontation.

"Yes?" Harry asked innocently, as he tried very hard not to show anything on his face.

"I have something to discuss with you." Sirius spoke to his Godson, with the tone that left no arguing. Watching Harry nodded and follow behind him, Sirius made his way towards old painting of his mother once again. Sirius took a Swiss army knife out, sliced his hand, and touched the lower right corner of frame. Watching as his Godson face shine with amusement as he processed as the painting disappeared until a small-ish golden door appeared, rubbing his index finger into a few Medieval Futhark* letters until it opened, Sirius pushed Harry threw the door, before anyone else realized what had occurred.

Instead of being greeted with pure darkness, Harry looked at the bright sky, at least what he thought was the sky. His emerald green eyes, stared at the lush green grass, under his shoes, the wild flowers that flourished, and a soft sweet aroma, that he couldn't place. Turning around to stare at his Godfather, Harry asked, "Where are we?"

Chuckling at the his bewilderment, Sirius first healed his cut before he beckoned Harry to follow. Arriving upon a small clearing, where a round table stood with chairs surrounding it. Sirius took a seat and stared at his godson who was practically for all tense and purposes his son. He wondered if Remus would be against actually adopting a baby, shaking his head at the thought, he focused. Harry was a carbon copy of James, Sirius wistfully thought.

"James!" Sixteen year old Sirius Black yelled, his shoulder length hair a mess from running to catch up with his best friend. Knocking into James Potter, whose face seemed to be stuck in a permanent smirk upon seeing his best friend.

"Sirius, what's the rush?" James asked as he catched the mischievous glint in his eye. James watched as Sirius said, "Wait for it." and then a sound of explosion was heard. The laughter was heard all the way inside the school, James opened his mouth calling out his name, "Sirius!" as laughter once again escaped.

"Sirius?" The voice called out, and the raven haired gentleman was brought back to reality. "Are you okay?" Harry asked, Sirius just stared at him one time before realizing that it wasn't James, and that was staring into the same eyes as Lily, feeling pain for a second before shaking the memory.

"Yea i'm fine." Clearing his throat he continued, "This Harry, is the Black Family Garden. Since I am the last of the Black's I am naming you my heir." Sirius spoke, he put his hand on the table and gave his Godson a sad smile.

Bewildered Harry asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we are in the middle of a war and I need you to understand and know all of this just in case something does occur. Now listen up pup, because I will only tell you once. As I was saying, this is the Black Family Garden and as the heir of the Black Family that does entitle to a couple of responsibilities. First of once the will activates, your blood will be accepted as the price to pay for the secrets of the this old Manor. I will leave you the Black Family Grimoire, which hold all the family history, who's related to who, spells that were only created for our family and the best part the secrets of the family. The book is written in Futhark, which I need to train you on. Unfortunately you cannot tell anyone this unless they are family, so no you can't tell Hermione or Ron, unless of course you marry them." Laughing at his Godson's expression, "What?" as he laughed, "Harry, you know I don't judge."

"Sirius!" Harry indignified scoffed.

"Sorry, pup! But on that note, what's going on between you and Hermione. It's been almost two months and you're still staying in the same room. You know, I completely understood about her staying with you for the first few days, but seriously are you and Hermione together?" Sirius asked, his face completely void of emotion.

"Hermione and I are complicated." His Godson spoke, his face was crestfallen, Sirius didn't really know what he meant so he asked, "Complicated in what way? Like friends with benefits?"

"NO!" Harry responded at the thought, cringing at it. Hermione could never be a friends with benefits, she was too special, maybe Luna. Yea Luna could be someone he could have that type of relationship with but not Hermione never her.

"Then?" Sirius asked completely bewildered. He watched as a range of emotions flickered across Harry's face.

"It's like this, okay. Don't stop me and ask questions because I probably won't start again." Harry watched his Godfather nod, and he continued. "Hermione, she's special to me. She has always been, she's smart, kind, loveable, caring and I could never see myself using her like that. Sirius I think I am actually in love with her…" Harry told him, he pulled his hands through his hair as a form to calm down before he continued. "Hermione has been staying in my room, and we've been sharing a bed and we've basically been playing house with Kayleigh but I don't mind. I can't sleep without her body next to mine, and I can't imagine myself waking up to anything or anyone else besides the bushy haired brunette. She smells like a beautiful day no matter the season, she makes me feel like no matter what happens in life, everything will turn out just fine. Then when Hermione hold Kayleigh and looks at me, all I can think is 'Damn I can't wait for our children.' Crazy, right? We aren't even dating and then last night or this morning, she kissed me and I kissed her back and I swear Padfoot, it felt right. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Yet, later today she can't even look me in the eyes. What if she regretted it? What if it was a lack of sleep moment? What if she wants to move out of my room, our room? I can't stand that thought! Padfoot, I have no idea what to do? Her father hates me, and his in his right. Molly will be upset at me because although she thinks I don't know, she's hoping Ron will end up with Hermione and I will end up with Ginny. And no offense to my father but I don't find redheads attractive in that way. And then to top this out, Hermione has already lost someone because of me! How can I put her into more danger by falling for her? It's like I'm stupid or something, I swear! We are in the middle of a bloody war and here I am worrying about a girl, instead of the egomaniacal psychopathic killer! How fucked up am I?" Harry finished, with his face in his hand, completely overwhelmed.

Sirius shocked expression wore off before he started laughing. Harry glared at him feeling indignified, not believing the reaction he got from his Godfather. Finally catching his breath, Sirius wiped the tears away as he finally spoke, "Do you have any idea how much you sounds like James? I swear I thought I was having the same conversation I had with him when he fell for you mother. As for Hermione, you need to talk to her; I don't think she regrets anything with you, but if you want to really be out of doubt, you need to tell her. Secondly, so what if we are in the middle of war? Like the author Sarah Dessen said; "There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." So we are in the middle of war, that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be happy. Pup look, you are almost of age, you turn seventeen next year. I want you to know no matter what happens between now and then; that your happiness will always mean everything to me. And I am rooting for you, and if Hermione is your happiness then go for it. Just please note I don't want any godbabies yet, Kayleigh is enough for now, plus I am sure her father will kill you. Also please don't concern yourself over Molly. Hermione can handle her father and Molly will have to understand, we won't all be apart of her Happy Weasley Family. Now head up, I think we need to go back, it's been about four hours am sure Hermione is looking for you." Sirius spoke, while getting up and walking down the same path he had come to know years. Closing his eyes one last time before the door disappeared and the painting came back, silently promising James, that he will make sure Harry is happy.

So I didn't make Ron the bad guy, I don't believe anymore that bashing him is necessary for Harmony to work. Please Review!



Runic alphabet is what Medieval (Latinised) Futhark is based on. Little is known about the origins of the Runic alphabet, which is traditionally known as futhark after the first six letters. In Old Norse the word rune means 'letter', 'text' or 'inscription'. The word also means 'mystery' or 'secret' in Old Germanic languages and runes had a important role in ritual and are a number of different Runic alphabets including: Elder Futhark, Younger Futhork and finally Medieval (Latinised) Futhark.

Elder Futhark is thought to be the oldest version of the Runic alphabet, and was used in the parts of Europe which were home to Germanic peoples, including Scandinavia. Other versions probably developed from it. The names of the letters are shown in Common Germanic, the reconstructed ancestor of all Germanic languages.

Younger Futhork or "Normal Runes" gradually evolved Elder Futhark over a period of many years and stabilized by about 800 A.D., the beginning of the Viking Age. It was the main alphabet in Norway, Sweden and Denmark throughout the Viking Age, but was largely though not completely replaced by the Latin alphabet by about 1200 as a result of the conversion of most of Scandinavia to Christianity. Although there are slightly different versions of the alphabet developed in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Lastly, the runic alphabet I am using in this chapter is Medieval (Latinised) Futhark. This type came from the arrival of Christianity in Scandinavia, the Runic alphabet was Latinised and was used occasionally, mainly for decoration, until 1850. (FOR this main reason I believed it made sense for the Black Family to use as a passcode of a sort for there hidden garden.)