A/N: My response to the second NCIS LA Hiatus Fic Challenge created by aprylynn on Tumblr. The theme this time was "speculation". This was what came to mind when the challenge came out.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"We will find her." Callen stated, looking his partner in the eye and laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Damn right we will or there will be hell to pay." Sam said, the tone of his voice sounded deadly. He pulled Michelle closer as they looked at the picture of Kam up on the screen. They were in the boatshed waiting for word of a hit on who could have taken her.

Someone had climbed into her room during the night, drugged her and kidnapped her. It had been at least four hours before Sam and Michelle found her missing. They knew she was drugged by the chloroform laced cloth left behind. Now it had been around ten hours since her abduction and all they had was the cloth and grainy footage from the security cameras.

"LAPD hasn't found any traces of child trafficking in the area in the last few months and they don't think it is just a regular kidnapping either based on the fact that the percentage of kidnappings had been lower in the last month or so." Deeks said, his voice deep and serious. Kensi laid a hand on his back, rubbing it up and down in comfort. She knew how he felt when kids were involved, making it a kid he knew and had been growing closer to over the last few months made it worse. She leaned her body against his and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure that it isn't anyone you know? Any old enemies?" She asked. Sam sighed.

"No. All of my enemies are either dead or locked up with no one on the outside to help them." He said.

"Same with mine. Sidirov was the first case I had been on in years. All my past cases that might have thought to do this are now gone in some way." Michelle added, ignoring the reaction she got from Sam and Deeks by mentioning the man who had done horrid things in the last days of the case.

"Think I got something." Eric's voice filled the room before the TV automatically turned on and his face filled it.

"You think?" Sam asked with an incredulous tone. Michelle sent him a look before turning back to the screen.

"What you got?" Callen asked, prompting the tech to hurry.

"Nell and I have been going over the footage from the cameras and we finally got it to where we could get a facial rec." He explained before pulling up a picture of a dark haired man in his early to late twenties.

"That is Mark Adams. He is a worker at a club in downtown Los Angeles." He added.

"So, how did he know about Kam? Who is he?" Sam demanded before a voice was heard behind him.

"He's my friend."

Everyone turned to find Aiden Hanna standing in the doorway.

Thanks for reading! Tell me what ya think about it in a review!