"Haru-chan… Haru-chan, that's enough…"

Haruka could hardly hear Nagisa. His heartbeat thundered in his ears, louder than the storm that raged around them. He pressed his lips to Makoto's cold ones and forced his breath down his windpipe. When he pulled away, he continued with the cpr compressions.

"Haru-chan…" Nagisa's voice wavered with tears. He couldn't do it anymore. It was too painful to watch Haruka try to revive Makoto. He pulled him off, shouting over the storm. "Haruka! Stop! He's gone…"

The dark-haired boy looked as if he'd been slapped. His azure eyes searched Nagisa's magenta orbs. He had desperately hoped to see some hint of this being a bad joke. But all he could see was pain there. Haruka shifted his gaze to Rei.

Rei looked like his very soul had been ripped out of him. Even in the dark, his skin was paler than usual. His eyes were focused on Makoto's body, though it was unlikely that he saw anything.

"I'm sorry… I-I… because he came after me…"

Nagisa bit his lower lip. Haruka's hands balled into fists on Makoto's still body.

"It's not your fault," Nagisa offered. His voice sounded unsure though.

A blinding flash of lightning ripped through the darkness, followed by a deafening clap of thunder. The ocean reached out onto the sand and it's cold hands wrapped around Makoto, as if calling him back to the sea.

A thought kept crossing Haruka's mind; Makoto was terrified of the ocean. He would have never gone out alone if it had not been for Rei. He couldn't imagine a worse fate than being killed by the very thing he feared.

A wave found it's way up the beach again. Haruka felt it wash over his lap and it froze him to the core. He snapped.

"No...this is your fault." He glared at Rei, hoping that the ice he felt would reach him. "You know you can't swim! You knew it was dangerous and you did it anyway!"

A sob escaped Rei.

Haru felt his vocal cords tighten. Like pressure building in a pipe, he forced the words out, but they flowed with incredible force. "You did this!"

"Haru-chan…" Nagisa began, but he couldn't seem to find the words. He looked around and said, "Let's find shelter… It looks like there's a place up there."