Author's Note: A little drabble to pass time by as I think of what the hell to write for my next BSHS chapter.
IF ANY OF YOU ARE REBEL WILSON FANS - Go follow my Instagram account dedicated to Rebel news, edits, and other fun things! rebs_wilson
Okay, promotion time over, on to the story...
Bumper lay on his couch, caressing the soft blonde hair upon his chest that belonged to his girlfriend. Since returning from World's two weeks ago, Bumper and Amy had become inseparable. They had gone on a few dates before the competition, without having sex, surprisingly. The night Amy came home, though, she spent the night for the first time. When they had previously hooked up, it was quick, usually against a wall, in a chair, rarely in a bed. She had always feared of accidentally falling asleep, never wanting to be vulnerable around him. When they slept together, actually slept, Amy had finally felt like something was complete in her life.
Then the week of final exams came around and there was absolutely no time for sex, not even quickies. She had told him this firmly, very adamant about the time she needed for her studies. They came to a decision that she would not spend the night with him for the whole week.
They lasted one night.
On Tuesday, around one am, Bumper heard a soft, tentative knock on his apartment door. He wasn't asleep, unable to keep his mind racing around thoughts of Amy. When he opened the door he was surprised, yet relieved to find her on the other side.
"I couldn't sleep," she told him, biting her lip. She was dressed in pajama pants with bananas on them, her slippers, and a t-shirt.
She looked adorable.
"I actually couldn't sleep either," he said, stepping aside to let her in.
She smiled at him and wordlessly, they made their way to his bedroom. They climbed into bed, tangling their arms and legs together under the covers. Once they were settled, Amy let out a soft sight of satisfaction.
"This is exactly what I needed," she whispered in the dark.
He grinned, snuggling closer to her, mumbling "me too" in her ear. Within minutes, the couple was sound asleep.
Bumper felt warmth fill his chest as he recalled the memory. He glanced down at Amy, who was sleeping soundly. Today was her last day of exams and she had wanted to celebrate, but the long week of studying had exhausted her. She collapsed on top of him as soon as she entered the apartment and was out like a light.
Amy shifted on top of him, slowly waking up. She lifted her head and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the light. "How long have I been asleep?" she mumbled, her eyes finally focusing on him.
Bumper smirked. He loved how thick her accent was one she first wakes up. "About an hour," he said, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "I didn't wake you, did I?"
She shook her head, pushing herself off of him and stretching. Bumper sat up as well, placing his hand on her upper thigh as she got her bearings. "What time is it?"
"Quarter til four."
She hummed and then looked over at him, tilting her head to the side as she let a smile cover her lips. "I didn't say hi to you earlier, did I?"
Bumper caught the tone of her voice and grinned cheekily, playing along. "No, you sure didn't."
"We'll have to fix that, now, won't we?" She leaned in seductively, her eyes glued to his lips.
He met her half way, their lips connecting slowly. Amy raised her hand up and placed it on his cheek, tilting her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Bumper slid his hands up around Amy's waist, pulling her closer to him. She shifted with him, moving to straddle his hips, her arms wrapping around his neck. They parted reluctantly as the need for air became apparent.
Amy rest her forehead against his her eyes still closed from the intense kiss. "I need a shower," she said.
Bumper moaned, the image of her in the shower invading his mind. "Mind if I join?" he asked.
Amy wiggled her hips teasingly, feeling his hardness through his jeans already. "I'd be insulted if you didn't."
Author's Note: This is SUPER SHORT, I know. I'm sorry. I feel like I might write another chapter to it, though...