The Dragon Prince

Hey guys, before the start of the story, I'm just going to give a quick introduction. This is my first fanfiction, and I just came up with it when I was bored, I thought the story would be cool though so I hope you enjoy!

"Yo!" Speech

""He's hot!"" Thought

It was 9am in the morning. The people of Magnolia roamed around on their daily business, safe under the protection of the Guild in Magnolia, Fairy Tail. Fairy tail was formed awhile back by the Wizard Saint, Markarov Dreyar, better known in the area as Master Markarov. The guild was already well known for their less then peaceful methods of settling things, mainly through explosions and chaos, but they were widely loved and rising through the ranks fast. It was to be the same day that Fairy Tail's most important member would join the guild. In a small alleyway behind a certain baker's shop, a pink haired child at the age of 11 came crashing down from the sky, onto wooden crates piled up at the back.

The child was Natsu. Natsu Dragneel. Natsu hurriedly pushed himself off the ground single-handedly, sparing a second to glance quickly behind him towards the sky, before taking off in the opposite direction, his small hands clenched into fists as the scarf around his neck fluttered in the wind.

Mere seconds after Natsu scampered out of the alleyway into the open street, 4 men landed behind him in the same alleyway, looking around quickly before letting out a quick "tch". 3 of them looked towards the 4th member as he lifted his head a little higher and sniffer the air, similar to that of a dog and jerked his head towards Natsu's direction.

A quick nod was their only communication as they took off in that direction, seemingly blending into the shadows as they ran, no sound escaping from their footsteps.

Natsu was still anxiously running on the main road, his tight fitting red jacket providing next to no resistance as he continued running, his yellow shorts flapping a little along with his scarf as he dashed ahead, as fast his little legs could carry him. He panted as he ran; a slightly desperate glint could be noticed in his eyes if one looked closely. He dashed and turned corners, weaving through the crowds of commoners, seemingly eager to lose his pursuers, who were slowly but surely gaining on him. The villagers of Magnolia looked on as the child ran followed by men, but took it down to another queer act by Fairy Tail, and deemed to ignore it.

The 4 men chasing continued at their pace, their faces devoid of emotion as their strong muscles rippled with each movement. In desperation, Natsu spun a corner suddenly, dashing as fast as he could to the other end.

However just as he turned, he smashed face first into someone, who had exactly the same height as him. In his panic, he quickly mumbled an apology while stumbling to his feet and clutching his head in pain, before preparing to take off again into the alleyway, not helping the man get up. It was then he noticed the alleyway was a dead end.

His breath hitched in his throat as he quickly spun around, teeth clenched as he narrowed his eyes to the 4 men who had caught up and were blocking the way out.

He took a quick look at the man who he knocked over. The man was actually an elderly man, who was the same height as Natsu. He was balding and only had hair around the side of his head, only with his pure wide moustache while wriggled a little when he moved. He was dressed strangely, almost comically in an orange jester hat with orange pants and jacket, along with his boots with curled tips, the picture of an old jester. The old man was now slowly getting up, dusting himself off.

"You should get out of here old man" Natsu murmured as he clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles, never once taking an eye off the 4 men who were now approaching.

Before the old man could reply the men standing in the middle spoke "Surrender, or we will take you by force"

"Never" Natsu declared as he settled into his fighting stance, his feet spread apart vertically as his fists were levelled to his chest, one before another.

Just as both parties dashed forward to clash, Natsu suddenly jerked to a halt as the old man appeared before him, a grin on his face as his eyes crinkled.

The attacking men had no such restrictions and carried on, sending punches that would have thrown the old man away and knock any grown man unconscious. It was then Natsu's mouth hung open as he watched the tiny old man stop the fist a hairs breadth away from his face with his finger, using no effort at all in slapping that fist away and sending a similarly bone crushing punch in return, his fist seemingly growing for a second, which was quickly blocked by the men, only for a resounding crack to be heard, and the men being thrown back, his head at an angle which it was not supposed to be.

"Well what do we have here… 4 humanoid demons chasing after a young child, I wonder why?" The old man asked as he raised an eyebrow at the men, ignoring the child for the moment. The 3 remaining men rushed forward as a single mind, thrusting and kicking with ferocity that was only matched by the most trained of mankind. The old man narrowly avoided the attacks and leapt a distance away before snapping his fingers.

The 3 men froze as their legs refused to continue moving before a spark erupted simultaneously from their necks, quickly followed by their heads dislocating from their bodies, wires and circuits could be seen in replacement of blood and tissue.

Natsu gaped as he watched the short old man demolish his pursuers, pursuers who he could barely take on, the chances of him winning at a 65%, a chance he had not been willing to take. As the old man turned back, his smile returned to the demure smile he always bore, before taking in the child with his eyes. Natsu was covered from head to toe with dust and dirt, grime coating his fingernails and his bare feet. The child has been taken aback, but was now glaring at the old man in defiance; his fists rose once again, this time ablaze with fire.

"Who are you?" Natsu snarled as he slowly back off, his eyes glancing rapidly around the alley searching for means to escape.

The old man seemed to glance over the boy quickly before he answered "At ease child. I mean you no harm."

Natsu eyed the old man once again his guard lowering slightly, though ever ready to attack or flee, though he knew if he engaged this man he had no chance of winning.

"I am Markarov, one of the Tenth Wizard Saint and the Guild leader of Fairy tail. I can offer you protection, but you have to tell me why they were chasing you" Markarov said as he raised his arms in the air beside him, trying to placate Natsu.

"That's all? How do I know I can trust you?" Natsu replied.

"You don't" Markarov replied as Natsu raised an eyebrow, ready to make a dash for it.

"But at the same time, you know running is futile and you cannot escape me, even trying to fight me in suicide" Markarov continued, watching Natsu's reactions.

Natsu glared back "Fine, but if you try anything weird to me old man, I'll kick you in the balls and leave!"

Markarov's jaw nearly dropped as he heard the answer, rather releasing a loud laugh at the child's rude and unruly answer, before nodding and gesturing for Natsu to follow him, before turning and trotting out of the alleyway towards fairy tail.

Natsu once again contemplated just making a break for it, but knowing the old man's skill, and his need for the protection offered, he lowered his fists and sighed, trudging after his saviour.

It was not long before they arrived at a tall and grand building which looked like a temple. As Natsu entered, he noticed the words Fairy Tail carved in blue on a gold plaque above the entrance.

As he entered, Markarov suddenly jerked to the side, leaving Natsu defenceless to a flying beer bottle which shattered on his face. As Natsu wiped the shards off his slightly scratched face, he took in his surroundings.

Benches and tables were strewn around the hall he was standing in, some toppled over while others were broken. Many man and woman sat around, drinking and talking, while watching the spectacle ongoing.

A long red haired girl dressed with a chest plate in a white dress with long sleeves had her sword out and was currently crossing fists with a white haired girl who was dressed sleazily with a bikini top and what s probably the shortest shorts Natsu had ever seen, along with stockings. They both seemed 15, looks wise anyways.

They were currently leaping from table top to table top, exchanging blows as they yelled at each other, hurling insults all the time. Natsu's right eye twitched as he grabbed the nearest object he could get, Markarov, and despite his protests, swung him around his head once before hurling him straight at the two girls, Markarov swinging his arms above his head frantically the whole time.

In the split of a second, the white haired girl leapt backwards, while pushing the red haired girl back, causing the flying Markarov to smash right into her.

The white haired girl turned with a grin as she looked at Natsu. "Thanks whoever you are!"

Natsu ignored the girl and turned back to Markarov, only to see them on the ground, Markarov's face planted firmly in the red haired girl's reverie. Markarov giggled as he rose a thumb up into the air, only to get slammed in the face by a fist and thrown across the guild hall.

As Natsu watched Markarov fly across the guild hall, giggling to himself perversely, he decided to never go near the old man, just to be on the safe side.

The red haired girl seemed to have just realised who it was and let out a quick shout of "master!" before rushing towards Markarov to help him up.

"So who are you? Never seen you around here before cutie" Natsu turned his head only to be met by the white haired girl leaning against the pillar, facing him.

Natsu raised an eyebrow, red tinged cheeks could be spotted for a moment before they disappeared as a small smirk gracing his lips as he replied "I'm Natsu, it's nice to see a beautiful girl like you in a crowd of old man. And how bout you? What's your name?"

She giggled as some guild members around them voiced their complains as being known as "old man".

"I'm Mirajane, though you may call me Mira" she replied with a laugh as she slung her arm over his shoulder, "So are you joining the guild or what?"

Just as he was about to answer, the red haired girl came soaring over sending a fist straight into the pillar behind Natsu, which he narrowly avoided by ducking down.

"How dare you throw master into me?" She roared as she repeatedly threw punches at Natsu, which he kept dodging until he finally gripped her armoured fist and threw her back a distance. "You threw the bottle at me first!"

Red head narrowed her eyes and was just about to retort when the previously downed Markarov appeared out of nowhere and butted in "Yes you did Erza"

She stared at Natsu once more, before bowing stiffly, arms at her side as she said "I am sorry. You may hit me now"

"Uhh… It's ok really…." Natsu raised his eyebrow slightly at the sudden mood swing.

"No I insist. You must hit me" Erza repeated, keeping her eyes stuck to the ground with her head lowered.

As Natsu took a step forward, Erza shut her eyes in preparation of receiving the pain but was shocked when she was merely tapped on her head.

She glanced up to see Natsu smiling brilliantly at her. "Why?"

"It is my rule never to hit a girl, or let a girl be hit! At least the nice ones anyway." Natsu replied, his ever charming grin plastered on his face.

Erza nodded slowly, a brief smile flickered on her face briefly before Natsu turned back to Markarov "So you wanted to talk to me about something old man?"

Markarov nodded and gestured for Natsu to follow to the back where they entered a room in which Natsu presumed was his office before Markarov close the door, placing his hand on the door momentarily as it glowed for a second, something Natsu did not miss.

"We have a lot to talk about…" Markarov begin as he looked to Natsu, who returned him a disgruntled nod.

"Who are you? Why were the humanoid demons chasing you? What is your purpose in Magnolia?" Markarov questioned.

Natsu clenched his fists below the chair, licking his suddenly dry lips. "You may answer as you feel comfortable to, but know that if I am not satisfied with the answers, there will be repercussions" Markarov warned, the friendly old man gone, replaced with the fierce and protective Guild Master."

Natsu released a small sigh before answering "I am Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel the fire dragon" a sharp intake of breath could be heard as he continued "I'm a Dragon Slayer, a fire dragon slayer, though I know how to use lightning and darkness magic too. I was taught by Igneel, and was also raised by him."

With Markarov's rapt attention placed on him, Natsu sighed before continuing "As for the second question, they… they were chasing me for this…" Natsu hesitantly reached into the neck of his sweater, pulling out a gold chain necklace. It was then that Markarov truly was stunned beyond belief, his voice stuck in his throat as he observed the blue pulsating lacrima attached to the necklace.

"Impossible…That… That's…"

30 minutes later…

Natsu walked out of the Master's office, a grin placed on his face while followed shortly after by Markarov, his face one of indifference and boredom, though a glimpse of cunning could be seen in his eyes on closer inspection.

They were met by Mira and Erza who stood outside the door, waiting apprehensively. "Well? Is he joining the guild or not?" they asked simultaneously, before glaring at each other, butting heads as they glared at each other.

Markarov walked past all of them as his legs extended and he stretched himself onto the second floor banister, before slamming a mug he picked off the bar onto the railing, yelling "Silence!"

The chatter in the hall immediately disappeared as everyone turned to listen to their Guild Master.

"You all have accomplished many missions…. But you have destroyed so much! I have a stack of paperwork from the council that I need to fill up just because you destroy building after building during missions!" Markarov roared as he glared down at his guild members, most who were trembling or trying to keep a straight face.

"However… We do not care what the council or anyone else thinks! We are reaching the top, and we do what we want, because we want to! We are Fairy Tail!" Markarov shouted as he raised his beer mug, which had magically filled with beer, to be met with every member raising their mugs and cheering with him, waving their hands in the air or just smiling while chatting with other Guild mates.

"Oh and before I forget, we have a new guild member. His name is Natsu Dragneel, and he is a Fire mage, who specialises in destruction, what we do best!" Markarov yelled while glancing at Natsu, who nodded his head, before throwing it back, letting loose a huge torrent of flame into the air, the flames so high that the licked the ceiling of the tall guild hall.

The guild replied with a roar of approval, some getting up to greet Natsu while the rest just opted to wave and shout hellos from their current positions.

With much laughter and joy Natsu started to be introduced to everyone, talking as he was pulled across the hall to the bar counter, where she quickly slipped behind and grabbed a few stamps, asking "What colour and where?"

Natsu looked up slightly confused, tilting his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows at Mirajane. Mirajane couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her lips as she saw his expression, before explaining "It's a guild mark, our Fairy Tail symbol! It is made of ink instead of a normal tattoo that sinks into the skin, and can be removed if you choose to leave."

Natsu gave a quick though before pondering for a moment, finally pointing to his the centre of his collarbone, right below his neck and above his chest.

"What colour?" Mirajane asked.

"Pink" Was the instantaneous answer Natsu gave as he grinned, pulling down his scarf a little a leaning forward. Mirajane dipped the stamp in the pink ink, before gently yet firmly applying it onto Natsu's body, reaching out another hand to grip his shoulder to hold him steady.

After that, it was yet another round of congratulations as everyone crowded around Natsu and cheered for him for officially joining the Guild.

As he talked to everyone, he soon knew Reedus, Gildart, Macao, and many other man and women.

It was not long before Mirajane and Erza gripped him by his shoulders and dragged him out of the crowd, eager to introduce him to more people his age, as they glared at each other for coming up with the same idea.

The first person he was dragged to meet, were Lisanna and Elfman Strauss, both who were Mirajane's older and younger siblings. Elfman was yelling about how he would be a "man" who Natsu found strange but acceptable. Lisanna however, though she looked exactly like Mirajane, only younger, she had a kind personality, and she was gentle and caring, while Mirajane was abrasive and loud. Natsu immediately found he was attracted to 11 year old Lisanna, who he found out was the same age as him. She had both the looks and the kindness, and she always wore a bright smile, her soft and gentle laughter causing his stomach to do small back flips. As Natsu talked with Lisanna, Erza and Mirajane were arguing over something else and it was then that another member introduced themselves.

"Yo!" Natsu jerked off the bench in fright while Lisanna giggled again. A brown haired girl rose from beneath the table he had been sitting next to, hugging a big barrel of beer while waving at Natsu. He could smell the strong stench of beer as he returned to the table, sticking his hand out to greet her.

She was clad in only a blue bra and red shorts as she stuck her hand out to grasp his and shook it "Nice to meet you, I'm Cana, what's your name sweetheart?" She asked as she pulled herself forward using his arm and slung it across his shoulder while leaning against him, hiccupping slightly.

"I'm Natsu. Natsu Dragneel. The new member" Natsu said as he shifted slightly, the cheerful smile on his face never revealing his discomfort at their closure. Though he wasn't the only one was unhappy with it as 3 girls eyes twitched ever so slightly at seeing Cana being so close to Natsu.

"So Natsu, you drink?" Cana asked as she swung the huge barrel of beer she was hugging into his face. "Nope… And I have no intentions to yet anyway... Aren't you around my age? Why are you drinking? Natsu asked as he perched slightly further away from her yet again, avoiding a wild swing of the beer barrel.

"Oh well, you know, it's a nice drink!" She replied, completely avoiding the question. "Such a pity anyway… A handsome face like you would make a great drinking partner" A slight blush graced Natsu's face once again before he shrugged it off, "Yeh a pity…"

Just before Cana could reply and continue their playful banter, Erza was surprisingly the first to butt in, sticking a hand between them and pulling them apart, before sticking herself in between them on the bench before turning to face Natsu.

"There's someone else our age around here, he should be here about now, but I have no idea where he is… Ah! He's right there!" She said as she quickly diverted Natsu's attention away from Cana and pointed towards the guild entrance.

Natsu looked up only to see a young boy his age strolling in, hands behind his head as he strolled in leisurely, dressed only in a pair of boxers, revealing his fairy tail mark on the right side of his chest. He seemed to walk past them all and ignored them, before slumping down on a nearby table before staring into space.

"Grey! Your clothes!" Erza hissed as she narrowed her eyes at the boy named Grey. Grey raised his head and looked down, before cursing and turning heel, before dashing out of the guild, leaving Natsu snorting with laughter at him.

It was a few minutes after that Grey returned fully clothed this time, in a small winter jacket. Stifling a laugh at Grey's previous actions, Natsu stuck a hand out and said "Yo, I'm Natsu, the new member nice to meet you."

Grey narrowed his eyes as he watched Natsu stifle his laughter before sticking his arm out and shaking, "I'm Grey Fullbuster, Ice mage extraordinaire" Just as Natsu was about to let go, Grey tightened his grip and started squeezing his hand. Natsu narrowed his eyes, not wanting to seem weak as a new member and squeezed back. This continued on with both boys unwilling to give in, continuing to apply pressure as the glared at each other.

It was only when Lisanna tugged Natsu's sleeve slightly, and Erza slammed her fists into both of their heads did they stop. They both clutched their heads and hopped around comically, cradling their heads the whole time.

"Stop acting childishly and fighting for no reason you two! You just met!" Erza commanded as she glared at the two boys. Her hypocritical words bounced off her as both boys felt sweat drops forming, and continued to glare at each other, before stretching out their hands to shake, a quick one this time, before similarly letting go quickly.

Natsu stayed in the guild hall of a little while longer, chatting with his new found friends, and soon to be rival. He was introduced to more members of the guild as the late comers came to him to introduce themselves. After lunch, Natsu was given a quick tour of the Guild and was introduced to the Mission system and explained to about all the Guilds and about the Council. Natsu seemed to doze off at points, but eventually nodded his head in understanding, pretending it was his first time hearing it.

After the explanation where Erza and Mirajane got into another fight, everyone was once again seated at table again.

"So Natsu, tell us more about yourself. Where are you from?" Erza asked.

"Ha...ha... Hey look it's getting late! I have to get myself an apartment don't I?" Natsu said as he quickly glanced up at the darkening sky, before continuing "Well. I got to go get a place to stay, and get cleaned up; it was nice meeting all of you! See you tomorrow!"

With that, Natsu was gone, leaving a streak of smoke in his wake as everyone coughed and waved it off.

"I wanted to offer him to stay at my place for tonight…" Mirajane said with a sigh, the mirrored sighs that followed showed the similar thoughts the 4 girls shared. "Oh well, Fairy Hill's doesn't allow any boys so…" Cana said dejectedly as she took another gulp of beer.

"Natsu's a nice guy isn't he?" Lisanna said as all but Grey nodded in agreement.

"I thought he was hot-headed and cocky" Grey replied with a snort, standing up as he too took his leave and headed back home.

"Oh well, I guess we'll be heading back to Fairy Hills now" Erza said as everyone headed off, their separate ways, Mirajane staying back to help clean up the guild hall, albeit reluctantly.

Somewhere else in Magnolia…

Natsu was strolling around Magnolia, looking for a good place to stay at. As he rounded the corner, he noticed the entire street was empty, except for one man. The men stood at a 196 meters, his build broad as he was dressed in a trench coat at a hat, covering his features.

Just as Natsu tensed and was prepared to run, he felt his leg muscles freeze as they refused to respond to his brain. The man approached him and paused beside him, leaning down slightly as he whispered in his ear.

"You managed to run for now Natsu, but we'll meet again, and next time, I will get you." And with that, the man continued on as Natsu felt mobility return to him. He glanced up towards the rooftops and saw the briefest glimpse of white, smiling knowingly that the old man was keeping an eye on him as promised.

Natsu continued on his way, before realising something. He had no cash at all. With a sheepish laugh, he looked around before deciding to return to the guild to see if anyone could loan him some or help.

As he walked into the guild, he was greeted by the constant mages there who were talking, and spied Mirajane behind the counter, cleaning glasses. As he approached her with his grin in place, she looked up and saw him, before grinning and waving back.

"So why are you back here?" Mirajane asked as she continued cleaning the glass cups.

'Well you see… I have no money to get an apartment or house…" Natsu replied sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing slightly at his own foolishness, "I was wondering if you had any you could loan me?"

"Oh well…" Mirajane said the ever cunning glint noticeable in her eyes, "I stay in a house with Lisanna and Elfman, and we have a spare room if you would like you could stay over till you do enough missions to get a house!"

"Well…" Natsu pondered, eyes glancing up as he rubbed his chin in thought, missing the slight smirk that formed on Mirajane's face.

""It would be a good thing to stay with them… Seeing as they are strong mages and I could always do with some companionship!"" Natsu thought.

"I would love to be able to stay with you guy! Though I wouldn't want to impose on you guys on anything…" Natsu replied as his arm once again reached back to rub the back of his neck.

"No problem… No problem at all!" Mirajane said as she giggled slightly. ""How polite! I'm starting to like him more and more!"" "You wouldn't be imposing; in fact you would be greatly welcomed into the Strauss household!"

Natsu gave a short laugh and released a breath he never realised he was holding in. "Thanks Mira."

Mirajane was about to reply yet again teasingly when she saw Natsu's kind smile, the innocence within causing a slight tingle down her spine.

""What's… What's happening to me? I'm acting like an adolescent 12 year old with raging hormones!"

"No… No problem! I just have to finish clearing all these up before we can go!" Natsu gave a quick nod and offered "I could help too if you would like me to?"

"Sure!" Mira answered as Natsu hopped over the bar counter, picking up a glass and started wiping it clean. They soon started the process of passing the cups to each other, one rinsing while the other dried the cup.

In barely a few minutes, they were done and ready to head off back home. "Whew! That was a quick one!" Mirajane said as she wiped her forehead with her hand and Natsu did similarly.

"Yeh, it was my first time doing this sort of thing though, but I kind of enjoyed doing it with you!" Natsu replied sheepishly, cheeks tinged red.

"That was your first time? Why didn't you tell me? I could have slowed it down to accommodate your pace, instead of you having to rush everything!"

Just as Natsu was about to reply, a soft cough could be heard from behind a pillar in the hall. Both Natsu and Mirajane turned to face the pillar, noticing steam rising slightly from the side.

"Who's there?" Natsu said as he narrowed his eyes, his fists clenched in preparation for a battle, a magic circle appearing before him.

"Wait! Wait it's me! Levy!" A blue haired girl leapt out from behind the pillar, her arms raised in front of her as she stared back in fear and… embarrassment?

"Oh it's you!" Mirajane exclaimed as she playfully knocked Natsu's hand down, placing a calming hand on one. "That's our resident bookworm and genius, Levy Mcgarden!"

"Oh…" was Natsu's only reply as he stuck out his hand "I'm Natsu, I'm a new member nice to meet you!" Levy didn't return his gesture, rather her face turning red as she took a step back from Natsu.

"What… What were you guys talking about just now?" Levy stammered as she pointed an accusing finger at Natsu and Mirajane.

Natsu cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows, whilst Mirajane immediately thought back to their conversation and realised what it sounded like. Mirajane leapt at the opportunity and wrapped an arm around Natsu's waist and gave a sly grin "Well, it was Natsu's first time… And I did it with him! He enjoyed it didn't he?" She asked as she turned an innocent glance to Natsu.

"Yeh! It was fun doing it with Mirajane…I could help out more around here if you would like!" Levy had missed the second part of the statement, already falling on the floor, her face red as the sun with a small trail of blood leaking from her nose.

"What happened to Levy?" Natsu asked curiously as he turned to Mirajane.

"Ara ara, it must be that Levy's been reading her porn books again" Mirajane replied, this time unhesitatingly clutching her stomach and laughing to her heart's content.

Still confused, Natsu shrugged it off as a quirk of Fairy Tail's, deciding to just move on. "Should we just leave her here? Or should we take her home or something…"

"Nah…She can make it home herself after she wakes up…" Mirajane answered while her chest heaved from having laughed so much.

Natsu simply shrugged and nodded, before allowing Mirajane to lead the way once again to where she lived.

With much laughter and confusion on Natsu's part, they soon arrived at the Strauss house. It was a typical building out for rent, only it had a small garden space outside, which was well gardened and taken care of.

They stepped into the Strauss threshold, Mirajane unlocking the gate as they entered, and relocking it behind them. She proceeded in front of Natsu, and unlocked the front door, "Welcome in!"

Natsu returned her a grateful smile, missing her small blush as he turned and walked in. The bottom floor was clean and perfect, the rug in place, the couch lined impeccably with the wall, and the desks clean of anything.

It merely took a second for the smell of delicious food being cooked to waft into Natsu's nostrils. As if in a daze, he trudged towards the smell of the food, sniffing the whole way as Mirajane followed a step behind, giggling slightly.

As he entered the kitchen, he saw Lisanna standing at the stove cooking what seemed like beef stew as she said "Welcome home onee-chan….Ehh?"

Lisanna took a glance up from her pot only to see Natsu standing there with drool leaking from his mouth, Mirajane just a step behind. "Hey Natsu! Why are you here?" Lisanna asked, getting over her shock as she turned back to the stove.

"I invited him here! He has no where to stay and since he approached me first, how could I say no to such a cute handsome face?" Mirajane cooed as she pinched both of Natsu's cheeks, to which she received no reaction to as he was still focused on the food.

Before Lisanna could answer, a roar of "Mira nee brought a man home?" followed by thundering footsteps as Elfman burst into the living room down the stairs, his eyes homed in on Natsu.

Just as he was about to dash forward, he was stopped by a placating hand on his chest. "Ara, Natsu here was homeless, and being the kind soul I am, I immediately offered our guild member a place to stay! That's all!" Mirajane assured.

"Nee… Nee-chan… That was so inspiring, you are so manly!" He yelled while anime tears fell from his eyes, his arms stretching out and hugging everyone, miraculously picking Lisanna up as well though she was standing a few meters away.

Mirajane and Lisanna could only let out tired sighs as they watched their brothers antics. It was then that the beautiful family moment was ruined by the sound of a pink haired boy choking, his windpipe being smashed into a muscular arm.

"Oops!" Elfman let out as he quickly released everyone, allowing Natsu to fall to the ground clutching his windpipe as both girls let out small laughter, their own throats protected by their hands due to experience.

20 minutes later…

Natsu had gotten washed up after regaining his breath, while Mirajane changed into more comfortable clothing, and Lisanna cooked more to accommodate another person eating.

Everyone was seated in the kitchen at the dining table, Natsu drooling at the small meal before him. Along with the beef stew, there were green beans and mashed potato, along with broccoli and fish, all steaming with wonderful scents; something Natsu's highly sensitive nose was receptive to.

"Itadakimasu!" Everyone said as they broke their chopsticks and started the meal. Surprisingly, Natsu was a neat eater, though he ate fast, he never let a speck of rice fall on the table, much less anything else.

With much laughter and joy, the meal came to an end, with Natsu getting to know everyone else better. He learnt of Elfman's manliness, as well as Lisanna's shy and kind attitude, along with getting to know the loud and abrasive Mirajane better.

It was not long before all were exhausted and were ready to head to bed. Natsu was shown his room, in which he promptly collapsed on the bed much to everyone's amusement, and after quick exchanges of good night's, everyone retired to their rooms, leaving Natsu by himself in his own room.

After awhile, Natsu leaned against the door to only hear silence, before retiring to his bed, this time surprisingly awake. After another quick twitch of his sensitive ears to check the surroundings, he reached his hand into his shirt, and was just about to pull out his necklace…

"Natsu" Mirajane cooed as she stood in his doorway, silently shutting the door. All she saw was Natsu lying prone on the bed, curled up slightly as he faced away from the door.

"Aww and I thought we could have some fun tonight" Mirajane said with a sigh. She walked up to Natsu and sat at his side, watching his expression as he chest rose and fell softly.

Mirajane was never usually so friendly with other people, always more guarded due to past experiences, however, it was that moment that Natsu entered the guild, and saw everyone did she see the pain in his eyes, the same pain of loneliness she had. "Sleep tight Natsu!" She said as she planted a soft kiss on his forehead, before getting up softly so as not to disturb him from his sleep, before slipping out silently.

Natsu raised his head, listening to the soft pitter patter of her feet in the corridor outside. With a sigh of relief, he checked his surroundings thoroughly once again before pulling out his chain necklace.

And in the darkness of that silent night, the blue lacrima glowed, and the rising darkness blocked out the moonlight that was entering his room, leaving the soft eerie glow of the lacrima, as Natsu's irises flashed once.

Well, hoped you enjoyed the prologue, and sorry to leave you hanging! XD Hope you enjoyed the story so far and beforehand I'm going to say that the story will not follow the actual story in the Anime/manga, or it might I'm not sure yet.

Dragon overlord, signing off. Ja ne!