"Now Piccolo, I'm holding him!"Yelled Goku who was holding his older brother Raditz from behind his back. He knew this was what he needed to do even if it meant to die, he was sure to save everyone from his brother. Goku tried to hold Raditz firm, but the older saiyan was too strong and he didn't know if he could hold him much longer. On the other side of the field, Piccolo was charging his new attack and wondered to himself how ironic this situation was. He tried to kill Goku five years ago but failed and now when he teams up with him to defeat this saiyan he's about to kill him. Piccolo was finished with charging his attack and lowered his fingers from his forehead and smirked. In the meantime, Raditz noticed that the green man finished with collecting the needed energy for the attack and began to wildly move around, trying to toss away his younger brother from his back

"K-Kakarot you fool, why are you throwing your life for these people!You're a saiyan, not an earthling, you belong to your people!"Yelled Raditz who tried to move his brother away and somehow avoid the attack that was about to be fired, but Goku didn't listen and just smiled

"I-I may be a fool, but if killing people without any meaning means to be a saiyan then I don't want to be one"Said Goku only to anger Raditz even more. He couldn't believe that his own brother was betraying his race. Raditz was furious, but then he heard Piccolo yelling from the other side of the field

"Goku I hope you will not let him go this time"Yelled Piccolo who was ready to fire his attack any time now

"Do it Piccolo, now!"Yelled Goku who really didn't have any strength left to hold his older brother, he only hoped he will have enough strength to hold him till the very end of their lives

"So you're willing to sacrifice your life, how noble of you Goku. Here it goes Goku!Special Beam Cannon!"Yelled Piccolo and from his two fingers fired his new energy beam which was going towards Raditz and Goku. Raditz saw the beam coming and if that hit him he knew he would die,so he tried with all his strength to toss Goku away,but when he noticed that he couldn't do it like that he simply hit his brother in the face with the back of his head and that proved to throw Goku off balance and for Raditz to move away from his brother. Goku groaned in pain with his eyes closed and when he opened his eyes just a little he only saw the beam piercing right through him. Goku fell on the ground with a hole in his body while Piccolo yelled his name

"Goku!N-No, that was our only chance to get him"Yelled Piccolo who knew this was over for them. He yelled in frustration because he knew that he alone and with only one arm couldn't do anything against this saiyan

"A-Ahh that was too close" Said Raditz who was standing few meters away from his brother. That was too close and he was too careless and cocky and that almost got him killed. The long haired saiyan took a glance at his brother and let a quiet growl and turned towards Piccolo who sweated and tried to think about a way to at least escape from here and find a way to defeat the saiyan later

"You almost had me green man, but it was all in vain. Now let me show you the attack I was about to show you before" Said Raditz and put his right hand in the sky and gathered the needed energy to blast Piccolo who sweated even more and just stared at him in fear. Raditz chuckled and was finished when a purple energy orb appeared in his right hand "Try to survive this, Double Sunday!"Yelled Raditz and fired his energy blast towards Piccolo who didn't have the time nor the energy to jump away and was hit head on by the blast. Piccolo yelled in pain and immediately dropped on the ground dead. Raditz exhaled and turned away, at least he get rid of the annoying green man, but he was surprised when he heard his brother moan. He walked closer to his younger brother and couldn't but feel sad and mad at him in the same moment. Both of them eyed each other when Raditz interrupted the silence

"It's your own fault Kakarot,if only you did what I said nothing of this would happen"Said Raditz to his dying brother who was about to leave the living world "Since you're my brother and we share the same blood I will take your son and teach him how to be a real saiyan warrior" Stated Raditz when he heard another painful moan from his brother. When he looked at his brother like this he couldn't but be disappointed and sad. Raditz just shook his head and tossed those feelings away, even tho they were brothers Kakarot betrayed them and he deserved this, but at least he could grant him a quick death rather than die in pain like this. Raditz stood right above Goku and was about to end him when he heard his brother trying to say something

"P-Please d-don't k-kill t-the people on t-this planet.. Arghh.. G-Gohan.. P-Please,G-ohan"And with those words Goku left the living world and died. Raditz was still looking at his brother corpse and tightened his fists. This wasn't supposed to end like this, they were supposed to strike fear and conquer planets together, but because of his amnesia and the earthlings he ended like this, a brain damaged saiyan. Raditz was sure to kill all the humans for what they did to his brother, he will kill all of them it was their fault and they will pay. Just then Raditz remembered that his space pod was destroyed because of his nephew and that was a problem. He walked towards his nephew who was lying unconscious on the ground and picked him up with his left hand and was about to contact the other saiyans when he heard a sound from above. In the air was a yellow jet and inside were Bulma who was piloting the jet with Krillin and Roshi who winded their mouth and eyes in shock and fear. They hoped and believed that Goku and Piccolo would be able to defeat the treat and rescue Gohan, but it seemed that they failed

"N-No, don't tell me they lost?!" Yelled Krillin who couldn't believe and didn't want too. Krillin tightened his fist and let a tear escape while Roshi shook in fear. If Goku and Piccolo weren't able to defeat this alien what could they do, but the old martial arts master wasn't about to give up, they needed at least to save the little Gohan from that man

"Bulma you drop us here and escape, it's too dangerous for you to be here. We must at least try to save Gohan, that's the least we can do for Goku"Stated Roshi who looked at Krillin who nodded and agreed with the old master while Bulma continued to cry

"B-But how will you do that?If G-Goku and Piccolo weren't able to do it" Asked Bulma between the sobs. She couldn't believe that Goku was dead. He was always able to do the impossible and win, how didn't he managed to do that now

"Don't worry about us Bulma, we will manage somehow. Now open the hatch"Assured Krillin on which Bulma nodded and opened the hatch. Krillin stood at the end of the jet while Roshi climbed on his back and jumped down. Bulma waited for a second until they landed and when they did she closed the hatch and flew away from the battlefield, all in tears

Raditz just watched as the two humans landed on the ground few meters away from his brother corpse. He was sure to kill them, but he first decided to wait and see what they wanted to do. The smaller human kneeled on the ground near his brother's dead body and cried while the older one stood there with a depressed expression on his face. Raditz immediately growled and wouldn't allow them to cry over his brother dead body, it was their fault that it ended like this and he was sure to kill them

"Tell me, what do you want before I kill you, did you come here to die?"Asked Raditz with a mocking tone, he'll have some fun before killing them. The one human who was crying over his brother corpse turned around with an angry expression on his face and glared at him. The human stood up, dried his tears and without any warning attacked him

"You'll pay for what you did!You bastard!"Yelled Krillin and charged at Raditz who was a little surprised by this but he was on his guard. Krillin attacked Raditz with everything he got, but the tall saiyan easily dodged all the punches and kicks and just smirked at the human attempt

"You're pathetic, no wonder my brother ended being a weakling. It's all your fault!"Growled Raditz and punched Krillin in the face sending him flying towards Roshi who bulked up and caught Krillin

"Are you alright Krillin?"Asked Roshi who noticed that Krillin was bleeding. The little human groaned in pain but managed to stand on his own. The punch he received was very powerful and he knew if he received another one that he would not be able to stay awake

"I-I'm ok, but we need to create a distraction. I have a plan Master Roshi"Said Krillin and gained Roshi's full attention"I'm gonna charge again and use Tien's Solar Flare after that you fire the Kamehameha and I'm sure he will be forced to drop Gohan who I'll grab and then escape"Explained Krillin on which Roshi nodded,but also wondered if their plan will succeed,they could only hope

"Alright, Krillin let's do this"Said Roshi on which Krillin didn't waste any more time and once again attacked Raditz who was tired of this and was sure to end the worthless humans right now. Raditz saw that the human was approaching and in his right hand he gathered enough energy to blast the fool, but little did he knew that Krillin was having another plan. Krillin was just in front the saiyan who was about to fire his blast when Krillin put his hands over his head and yelled

"Solar Flare!"Yelled Krillin with his eyes closed while a sudden bright light surprised and blinded the tall saiyan. Raditz yelled and cursed while he tried to see with his eyes, but he was suddenly alerted when he heard his scouter beeping. One of them was powering up for an attack, he was sure of it, but the problem was from where. Raditz calmed down and focused all of his senses trying to hear at least something that will help him to locate the other one

"KaaMeeHaaMeeHAA!"Yelled Master Roshi and fired his signature move towards Raditz. The blast was approaching quickly and just in that moment Raditz noticed from where the blast was coming, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge it and was hit head on which made him drop his nephew on the ground. Krillin took the chance and flew to Gohan and picked him from the ground

"Yes, we did it! Master Roshi let's go!"Yelled Krillin on which Roshi nodded and powered down to his skinny form and run towards Krillin. Roshi was just two meters away from Krillin and unconscious Gohan when he was hit by an energy blast and yelled in pain. Krillin watched in shock as his martial arts master fell on the ground all burned and bloodied. Krillin couldn't move because of the shock, but he snapped from that when he heard the saiyan

"You humans sure know many tricks to trick your opponents, only like this you could fight against someone superior to you, but that's enough! I will kill every human on this wretched planet for what you did to Kakarot!After that I'll take my nephew and make of him a fine saiyan warrior" Stated Raditz who was visibly mad, he had enough of this planet and it's people

"You're insane, we did nothing to Goku!If anything else he was saved from becoming like you saiyans. He's more hu.."Krillin couldn't even finish what he was about to say when Raditz appeared in front of him with his hand piercing through his lungs. Krillin couldn't even say a thing because his mouth were full of blood, but he let out a moan when Raditz pulled his hand out, making a lot of blood coming out. As Krillin was about to fall down Raditz took Gohan and moved away from Krillin who by now dropped on the ground, dead. The saiyan looked at the two humans and spat in disgust, they deserved even more painful death than this. Raditz quickly got over that and through his scouter contacted the other remaining saiyans

"Vegeta, do you hear me?"Asked Raditz through the scouter which also was a communication device. Raditz waited for two seconds when someone answered

"I hear you low class and I heard everything that happened. It's a wonder you survived,you're getting stronger Raditz" Said Vegeta with a sarcastic tone in his voice while there was also a sound of somebody laughing. Raditz just let that pass and told them everything that happened

"I killed Kakarot for treason and his friends along the way, but there is something else. You heard about his son and I think it would benefit for us to have him with us" Stated Raditz who hoped that Vegeta would agree, he didn't want to kill the last one of his blood even tho the kid was only half saiyan

"So you think?Tell me how strong is he and does he even have a tail?"Asked Vegeta who was a little interested about the child. It was true that it was only the three of them now because of Kakarot and having another one even tho he was a half saiyan would be sufficient, but he would kill the brat if needed despite being related to Raditz

"Yes he does have a tail and his power level was over 1000"Reported Raditz which surprised the two other saiyans

"What!?That's impossible!"Yelled the other voice through the scouter

"Be quiet Nappa!Is that true Raditz?"Asked Vegeta who was suspicious about that

"Yes, but it seems his power comes out when he's angered"Explained Raditz on which Vegeta nodded and decided to use the next action

"Listen here very carefully. You and the brat go to planet Frieza 54 and train him until we come. I want him to be ready in two weeks if not you will be the one to kill him, understand?"Said Vegeta, no he ordered that and Raditz only sweated in fear. Would he be able to train and prepare the kid to purge planets with them?He will, even if that's the last thing he will do. He was going to raise the kid to be a perfect warrior, a real saiyan

"Alright, but there is also one more thing" Spoke Raditz and sweated a little because he knew this would anger Vegeta

"What now?"Asked Vegeta in obviously bored tone

"Well, the kid destroyed my pod and it's all in pieces. I will need to at least wait six days until the pod from the nearby station comes"Said Raditz on which Vegeta growled

"I don't care, I said you have two weeks and that's that. Besides Kakarot pod must be there somewhere, remember Raditz two weeks or the brat dies!"Said Vegeta with the high voice and cut the communication. Raditz exhaled and looked at his nephew in his hands, he was sure to not let him die. He will raise him instead of Kakarot and that was it. Raditz searched through his armor with his hand and took out a small device. He typed something in it and smirked

"Good, the pod in which Kakarot come is still intact. It seems the humans will live, but one day I swear, I will come and kill you all for what you did to my brother"

The picture from the cover is from arrancarippo from DeviantArt. That's how Gohan will look in his younger years