It was late afternoon in Beach City, the waves exposing warm sand as they receded, tiny sandal-clad feet splashing through the tide. The boy smiled, strumming his small ukulele and humming. He was lost in his mind, thinking about Cookie Cats and his friend chained to the bottom of the sea.

A bright light suddenly shot from the temple, signaling the gems return. The boy eagerly ran home, but slowed with a frown as loud shouts were heard. As he peered through the screen door he saw the tall red gem, Garnet, arguing with the shorter pale one, Pearl. Distressed, the shortest, Amethyst, pushed between them. "Stop this!" she shouted, squeezing in. Pearl had small tears in her eyes, but allowed herself to be pushed away, clasping her hands over her chest. Garnet simply crossed her arms, not budging.

"Pearl. We need Sugilite for this mission," Garnet said, glancing down at the purple gem, whose eyes were averted. "I know it's probably not the best idea at this time, but Sardonyx just won't do..."

"I... know it's not fair of me to feel this way. To feel so jealous over something so stupid. I..." Garnet strode over and caressed Pearl's face gently.

"Fusion is not stupid, but it's also not cause for jealousy. I am not choosing Amethyst over you, I am using strategy. You should understand that more than anyone." Pearl nodded and wiped her eyes quickly. Amethyst looked at her boots, biting her lip, but joined Garnet on the warp pad.

"Yo Steven, you coming?" she offered, alerting Pearl to his presence. She stiffened with a quick breath and forced a smile. "We'll try not to hit you this time."

"Sure!" the boy says, running over and hopping on. In an instant they're transported to a small island in a cloudy sky. Thick fog surrounds them, and Steven looks up to a muddled, unclear sky of gray. By the time he turns back Garnet and Amethyst are preparing to fuse. He notices Pearl sitting on the warp and joins her with a small, sad smile.

"So, what's the mission? Are we defeating some huge monster? I can't wait to see!" Steven says, trying to cheer up Pearl. She shifts with a sigh.

"No, Steven... Do you see the island further out there?" she points into the mist, but Steven doesn't see anything. "It's become infested with dangerous brambles. Your mother would have been able to tame them, but now there isn't much else we can do but destroy it..." she frowns, then bites her lip, then lowers her head. "It'll be a quick job. Sugilite will be in and out fast; no time for her to seize control again."

"Pearl?" Steven says, but a bright purple glow interrupts him. He stands with a mix of joy and apprehension, watching the large figure ascend before his eyes. Sugilite chuckles, summoning her weapon.

"Miss me, P?" she cackles, leaning down, stretching. Her eyes catch on Pearls, who looks away quickly. Sugilite scoffs, straightening up. "Guess not. Well, I'm here anyway, babe! Here to fuck shit up, amirite?"

"Language!" Pearl shouts, standing. Sugilite grins, turns, and leaps into the fog towards the next island. Pearl sighs, sitting again. Steven follows suit, and it's silent for a moment. Slowly, he nudges Pearls hand with his. It takes a second, but then Pearl laces her fingers with his, and he leans into her with a smile.

"Woo hoo!" Sugilite shouts in the distance. Pearl huffs but doesn't move. Steven considers asking the question on his mind.

"Pearl, why isn't Sugilite like Amethyst and Garnet?" he asks tentatively. "Neither of them would want to hurt us. They love us! Why doesn't Sugilite?"

With a sigh Pearl disengages her hand, instead draping it over his shoulders and resting it in his hair. "It's a bit complicated..." Steven looks up but can't see her expression. "Garnet and Amethyst used to spar, and in a match Sugilite was born. She has since then been the embodiment of their strength and competitive nature over... over the real people inside."

"Oh." Steven looks off in the distance, the fog clearing for just a moment to show the massive creature slam a fist into the mess of the once-island. "It looks like she'll be done soon?"

"Knowing her, she'll never be done..." Pearl stands abruptly then. "but she's coming back."

"Now?" the ground shakes violently beneath beneath Steven then, and he reaches forward blindly, grabbing onto Pearl's leg.

"I'm back!" Sugilite's loud voice booms. "But not for long, losers. I'm blowing this joint."

"Sugilite, unfuse. Now!" Pearl commands, and the giant woman laughs.

"Ha! What makes you think I'll listen to a useless insubordinate pawn like you? Step off, little lady." Sugilite knocks Pearl to the ground with her hand, holding her there with a foot. "And as for you, lil man. If you're smart you won't follow me. Get my drift?"

Steven remains silent, scrambling away from the warp pad. Sugilite beams away, and Steven rushes to Pearl's side.

"I'm fine, Steven." she wheezes, getting to one knee. She brushes off her outfit and stands, face set with anxiety. "Come on, let's go home. Sugilite will return eventually." she takes his hand and flashes a weak smile, lying to his face "It'll be okay."