Everyone survives BOFA, there will be cursing, mature relationship scenes (that's code for 'explicit') & fun character inner monologue/character banter, I'm writing the story to get out the idea bugs in my head... so I get to do what I want :), hopefully you all like it.

It will be a strong Kileil story, a good amount of Figrid, & at this point I haven't outlined the story to include other relationships, but that certainly doesn't rule out the possibility.

Sorry it will not be in cannon, it's been way too long since I read the Hobbit series & my writing will be mostly based off the Jackson movies. I don't own these characters, & this will be my first attempt at writing outside of university... I am hoping the editing & flow is easy enough to follow and/or will progressively get better as I become more accustomed to writing this fanfic... so bear with, constructive critiques welcome & enjoy.

Kili POV

The emotion pain unbearable... the vision of Fili lifeless on the ground, intensified my rage as I cut down orc after orc. The notion of joining my brother in the Halls keeps me focused on my task. I expertly butcher the filth in my path despite my natural energy having long been spent. The raw emotion of war fueling me with the adrenaline to push forward. Fighting is what I had been trained to do, what Fili was trained to do. My warrior skill the main reason why Uncle had allowed me on this quest... to allow Fili on this quest. I will die honorably in this battle, I will die with Fili... together, we do everything together.


Was that...?


My rage shifts, she is calling for me, she is here. She is on Ravenhill with all these orcs... as I recklessly fight to my death.



Turning from the orc I just finished, I run in the direction of her call. As I reach the edge of the crumbled tower, I hear her cry out in pain.


A few steps more and I see the heart stopping scene play out below. Blolg's massive hand gripping around Tauriel's neck, her face pink from the pressure of his grasp. Before I could react, Bolg threw her to the corner like a rag doll.

The rage rushing back as I take a running leap off the edge. My sword angled down to drive through Bolg's skull. The overgrown orc shifted at the last moment, my sword barreling down into the flesh of his shoulder, scraping to a halt at bone. Bolg, unaffected by my attack, grabbed my body, throwing me into the stairs. my full body slammed into frozen rock, but I get back on my feet instantly trying to shake the blurred stars from my vision.

Fuck, how is this guy still standing?

My weapon now stuck in the back of my foe, the hilt clearly visible from where I stood. Bolg seemed to be showing some labored breathing while sporting a menacing grin as if it mattered not.

Maybe I eviscerated a lung, perhaps it won't be long until this oversized goblin falls. To my horror, Bolg simply sputters out a laugh as he swings low with his massive weapon. This desolated room has a small footprint, I'm barely able to jump away from its path.

Having recovered, Tauriel lept around Bolg's neck in a graceful move. Pulling loose my sword while narrowly dodging an swing from Bolg's oversized mace, retreating to my corner.

"Kili", she touched my wrist as she handed me the sword, our eyes lock for a fleeting moment. Both of us wordlessly saying everything, but now was not the time.

She ran behind me to retrieve her daggers as I hopelessly tried to find a place to cut into him. Every space to take a fatal blow was covered by embedded amour and it seemed any hits I made only irritated him more. I deflect aN overhead mace blow with my sword. The sheer force reverberating down my body, nearly dropping me to my knees. Battle rage or not, I'm not sure I can deflect another swing from his mace. My mind working furiously to strategize an attack. Finding no other weakness, I decide my first inclination to drop down from overhead is the only option.

How the hell was I going to pull that off now?

As if on command, I see a red headed elf leap from the same edge I had descended. Slicing her daggers cleanly across Bolg's neck.

Everything after happened in slow motion. Her slaying Bolg, Bolg's mace coming at me for another swing, his head slipping off his body, the weapon flying out of his hand, & the blades of his mace impaling my side.

The last thing in my vision before fading to black was Tauriel's look of terror as she fell on her knees at my side.

I'm sorry Tauriel, I love you.

Fili, I'm coming.

"His wounds are not severe, he has simply lost quite a bit of blood. The king, I fear, is in much worse shape"

Am I alive? Mahal, my head is killing me... I must be alive. The king? Are they talking about uncle?

"How is Fili today?"

"Fili will recover soon, although he will be in a bed longer as his legs need to heal from his fall"

Did they just say Fili would recover? I force open my eyes and slowly focus on the solid dark stone above me, I must be in Erebor. I try to sit up to see who is talking but Tauriel quickly comes to push me back down. Her eyes welling up as she does.

"Are you hurt?" I eek out through my dry throat.

"I'm perfectly fine," she said as she silently wiped the few escaped tears away.

"How long have I been out?"

"Almost 2 days" she smiled as she reached to get me a cup of water.

I allow her to help me drink but I only take a few sips before demanding, "Fili? Uncle?"

"Fili is doing well. He has been in & out of consciousness, but that is to be expected," Oin was the one who spoke.

I didn't even notice he was in the room, he was the other voice updating Tauriel on the Durin men.

He continued with a sad tone, "Thorin is in a grave condition" Oin's strained expression matched the way my heart felt at hearing this news of my uncle.

Oin eyed Tauriel and quickly excused himself to treat other patients, my thoughts still reeling about Thorin. As the door clicked closed I turned my attention to Tauriel.

For the love of Mahal, she is a vision.

The blue dress she was now wearing brought out hints of a lighter grey blue against the green in eyes and her loose hair cascaded down to the top of the bodice, bringing attention to the natural curve on her ivory skin.

Stop looking at her breasts, you need to think! As I tried to unmuddle my thoughts, Tauriel started to speak, "I'm sorry Kili."

The look of her distress had me bringing her into my arms before I could register the pain in my side. I hissed at the realization, biting my lip in an attempt to distract myself from it. Body be damned, she was worth the temporary discomfort.

"Kili I should have gone with you, when you asked back at the lake. I wanted to go... I wanted to tell you... I should have told you... then I thought Bolg would kill me, then I thought Bolg would kill you, and I thought I would never... That you would never... I had to tell you..." She was frantic and her tears were wet through my shirt.

Concern flooded me, I used my calmest voice to soothe her, "It's ok. I'm ok. You, are going to be ok." She seemed to calm at my words. "Tauriel, would you like to stay at Erebor?"

She looked up at me, she was still breathtaking even with her crying. Her lips slightly open, pink and plump. I want to taste them... badly.

"Kili... I.."

Crap. She is letting me down easy and I'm just thinking about her lips.

"Tauriel, you don't have to be with me in order to stay at Erebor, if that would make you..."

"Kili." She cut me off, "I love you. I will only stay at Erebor, if you can promise it will be with you."

I could not hide the sheepish grin on my face as I asked, "May I kiss you?"

She smiled and I swear her eyes gave off a bit of a wanton gaze as she closed the gap between us for a deep kiss.

Tauriel POV

Kili has no idea how happy I am to see he is awake and well. Even knowing his injuries were not grave, I couldn't allow myself to rest until I knew he was coming back to me.

I can't believe I'm crying in his arms, elves rarely show this much emotion. While sylvan elves show more than others, this was different, with him my emotions are clear and it's so easy to be myself.

Wrapped up in his strong arms, I hardly noticed the small difference in height. He was tall for a dwarf & built strong, wide, solid. I was rather short for an elf and had a small feminine look to my frame despite my strength. His embrace around my body made me feel delicate, safe, loved.

"Tauriel, would you like to stay at Erebor?"

I looked up at him when he spoke the words. I meant to answer him right away but I instantly got lost in his deep brown eyes. Is he looking at my mouth?

I have to tell him how I feel right away, to have the courage he had at the lake, the courage to be honest about feelings, "Kili... I.."

He quickly interrupted, "Tauriel, you don't have to be with me in order to stay at Erebor, if that would make you..."

"Kili I love you. I will only stay at Erebor, if you can promise it will be with you."

He is smiling at me, oh I want to kiss him so badly.

"May I kiss you?"

He must be a mind reader.

TPPOV (Third Person Point of Veiw)

The action of their lips touching surged a strange warmth to the pit of her belly, making her hunger for more of him. Her hands reached around his neck and slowly wandered down his shoulders and back delighting in the feel of his solid muscles.

Her lips did not disappoint, the soft feel of her was more than he imagined and it was as if her kisses were a drug that he could not get enough of. He pulled her in tighter and gently laid her back towards the bed. Once they were lying down, he broke away from the kiss to hold her face in his hands, looking in her eyes.

"Amrâlimê" he whispered into her lips and then kissed her again.

Her breath hitched at this expression of love, as if it took the breath away from her. Her eyes flashed green with desire as Kili sat up to remove his tunic, revealing his muscled splendor.

Careful to avoid his injury, she followed the crevice of each muscle & every scar. Trying to commit each to memory while enjoying the soft feel of the hair on his chest as her fingers explored. His shoulders were wide and his torso lean, she traced all the lines down until she reached his hip bone, halfway hidden by his waistband.

He sat watching her with lustful eyes, shivering under her touch on his bare skin. Bending down to give her a quick kiss he took the opportunity to press his hips against her just once, so she could feel how excited he was. The action caused him to moan softly and her eyes momentarily flashed wide when she realized what was pressing into her leg.

He moved to untie the laces of her bodice but cursed at himself, displeased with the amount of time it would take. He took both her wrists in one hand lifting them over her head and with the other hand, pulled swiftly on the bottom of her bodice. The action instantly causing her ivory breasts to pop free above the already low neckline of her dress. He had a moment to look at her perfection before her laugher stopped him short.

"Seems as if you've done that before," she said with an amused look on her face.

Kili flashed her his most charming smile, "You mean to tell me you haven't?"

Worry spread across her face, "No, I have never shown myself to another. Ever."

She covered her breasts with her arms looking offended and slightly embarrassed, "Kissing in the shadows of Mirkwood, maybe, but Elves don't do such things lightly. Have you done this many times before?"

Kili laughed, "Dwarves don't do such things either but I certainly had an innocent romp here and there. I am still a virgin... My mother would cut it off if she thought I had done that before marriage."

Hearing this news seemed to put her at ease. She slowly put her hands to his face, pulling him down to hers. She lightly nibbled on his bottom lip, earning her a soft growl from Kili.

He placed his hands on her supple breasts, releasing from her kiss to look at them. Pleasantly surprised, they were bigger than he thought they would be, always hidden under her modest guard leathers. The perfect pink nipples hardened at his gentle pinching, afraid to mark her unblemished skin. She tossed her head to the side in ecstasy at just his touch, the sound encouraging him to put the first nipple in his mouth. Gently twirling his tongue around the tip sucking softly, causing her to arch her back slightly, moaning in pleasure. When he had finished with one, he released it to pay reverence to the second. Her reaction had him ready to ruck up her skirts and take her right away. Not sure if he could control his baser instincts, he stopped immediately.

He wants to marry her. He wants it to be right. His pause must have brought her to her senses as well.

"How are you doing this with your injury?", Tauriel practically hummed, still heavily effected from the encounter.

"What injury?", Kili asked as he gently kissed his way up her neck and back to her mouth.

Knowing full well when the adrenaline from this small delight in his love's body wore off, he would be very sore. Tauriel pulled him on top of her enjoying the feel of his skin on hers. She absently traced the curve of his ear with her finger, while brushing his dark locks away. She closed her eyes and smiled, so blissfully in love with this dwarf.
