Chapter 1

In the middle of the Gobi desert, in what seems to be an old abandoned military base. There is more than meet the eyes. In the distance a vehicle suddenly appear and drives towards the base. Upon closer inspection the vehicle appear to be a GAZ 2975 Tiger with a desert paintjob. It drives up to the main entrance of the base through the broken down gates. It passes the worn down and rat infested barracks until it reaches the motor pool. Nothing more than a giant garage with a few broken down vehicles inside. The car drives inside the garage and stops inside. The driver door opened and a man around his forties steps out. The man had a pair of woodland camo cargo pants and black boots. A black t shirt and a battle vest with multiple magazine pockets on it was on his torso. On his hip a holster with a large black Taurus raging bull resided. He had brown hair with a goatee on his face and on top of his head a maroon beret was located and on it where an emblem with a golden star surrounded by leaves. On his left shoulder a Russian flag and under it the word спецназ stood. He also puffed on a large cigar. He walked over to the backseat door and opened it and pulled out a small black briefcase. He closed the door and walked towards a pair of doors in the garage before entering an old deteriorated hallway. He turned to his left and walked until he reached and old rusty elevator. He pressed the button and the doors opened slowly with a horrible sound. He entered and walked over to the numbers pad inside the elevator. He started to press in a code into the pad and the elevator suddenly jerked. He put his hands on his hips and sighed while the doors closed. He felt the elevator slowly descend until after about twenty seconds it stopped. The doors opened and in front of him a shining hallway was present. He exited the elevator and walked down the hallway. He walked past a numbers of different doors labeled different. One said armory while another said hangar. He turned left and walked towards a pair of doors labeled laboratory with another numbers pad located next to it. He stopped in front of the door and pressed in another code on the pad. The doors opened and he entered with the black briefcase. He walked past a lot of different contraptions. He soon arrived to another set of doors and he once again pressed another set of codes. The doors opened as well and he walked in. inside was a giant machine that looked like a giant circle. He looked around and heard sound coming from beneath the circle machine. He sighing to himself and inhaled.

"Jocke!" He yelled. A loud bang and shortly after an oww could be heard under the circle thing. A man in his thirties walked out from behind the contraption. Said man was wearing a gray trench coat with black cargo pants and a black shirt under it. He had blond hair and sideburns on the side of his head.

"Hey mate, Haven´t I told you yell a little less loudly when you yell my name." Jocke asked while rubbing his forehead.

"And the name is Joakim, Joakim!" Joakim said with a frown.

"Eh, I find saying Jocke funnier." The first man said with a smug smile and a light Russian accent. Joakim just sighed and looked at him.

"Did you get the components, Viktor?" Viktor let go his smile and nodded. He brought up the case to a table next to them. He put the case down and put in a code into it and it opened.

"This better be worth it. I had to go forty miles to the nearest town to get it from Amirs contact." Viktor said.

"Metric miles or imperial miles?" Joakim asked.

"Metric" Was Viktors answer.

"Oh, that is pretty far." Joakim said, Viktor simply nodded and opened the case fully. Inside was another case but this one was lined in lead. Viktor put another code into it and it opened as well. Inside was a small container completely sealed off. Viktor brought out the container and handed it over to Joakim.

"Here it is, component XJ-15. Not even on the periodic table, said that if charged it could be more powerful than an atomic bomb. It cost us over fifty million American dollars to acquire. Pretty good price actually considering it is such a powerful thing and is so rare. Amir could have made a fortune selling it to the Americans or the Chinese or even the French." Viktor said while still holding the small container. Joakim smiled and took the container from Viktors hands.

"Indeed he could, but lucky for us, he either hates or is wanted in those countries. Besides, he owed us a favor for what happened in Mexico, hence the discount we got." Joakim said while putting down the container on the same table and begun to carefully opening it. When it opened a strange fog exited from the container and Joakim grabbed the element inside with a plier. He brought out a strange purple glowing material and walked over to the circle machine. Viktor just stood there watching and puffing on his cigar until he finally spoke up.

"Okay Jocke, I have been meaning to ask but what are you building here. I have seen a lot of your inventions but what is this? I have never seen anything like it." Viktor said while referring to the circle machine. Joakim was busy with placing the component inside a slot in the machine.

"Jocke!" Viktor yelled in frustration for not getting a answer.

"I will answer in a minute, Viktor. I will need to concentrate on this part." Joakim said while carefully placing it inside the machine.

"Why?" Viktor asked.

"Cause if I do this wrong it could blow up half of Asia." Joakim said with a calm tone.

"WHAT!" Viktor yelled out in surprise.

"I said could, not that it will." Joakim said trying to defend what he was doing.

"What the hell are you building here? Some kind of doomsday device?" Viktor asked again. Joakim ignored him and finished placing it inside. The slot closed and the panels flared to live on the machine. Joakim ran over to the panel and started pressing buttons. The screens flared alive with data and Joakim smiled upon seeing this.

"There we go. It seem to be working." Joakim said with a sense of pride.

"What seems to be working?" Viktor asked the obvious question. Joakim just looked at him and said.

"The future." Viktor just stood there and blinked a few times before saying."

"The future?"


"As in "The Future" future?"




"When was the last time you ate Jocke?" Viktor said. Joakim sighed and looked at his friend.

"You appear not to understand the gravity of the situation here Viktor. I have solved the riddle about instant travel." Joakim said while throwing his hands into the air.

"Instant travel?" Viktor asked while crossing his arms.

"Teleportation, Viktor. Being able to travel anywhere on the planet within seconds notice." Joakim said with glee. Viktor continued to just stare at him.

"Seriously, when was the last time you ate Jocke?" Viktor asked again. Joakim sighed and crossed his arms.

"Why is this so hard to believe Viktor?" Joakim said.

"It is just that Teleportation is..." Viktor thought for a moment. "…nothing more than science fiction." Viktor argued.

"Says the genetically modified Russian super soldier with strength to lift a truck over his head and skin strong enough to withstand a shotgun blast to the face." Joakim said with a deadpan face. Viktor just stood there before saying.

"Touché." Viktor said while walking up to his friend.

"But for the record. That shotgun blast hurts like hell and ruins my goatee." He said with a serious face before turning it into a grin. Both then started to laugh hysterically. They continued on for about ten seconds. Viktor wiped away a tear from his eye and said.

"You remember the face that soldier in Somalia did when he tried that." Viktor said between laughs.

"Yeah, but that punch line you said could have been better." Joakim said while getting control of himself again.

"Hey, it did get the job done. They ran like hell."

"Yeah, and that you took the blast to the face without showing any pain didn´t do anything." Joakim said before walking back to the teleporter. Viktor followed suit.

"So this thing can take us anywhere on the planet?" Viktor asked.

"Eeyup, after I finish calibrating these numbers I will take it on a test run." Joakim said while continuing pressing numbers. Viktor checked his watch on his left wrist.

"Good timing as well. Sebastian and Hannes should be back from that contract in North America any moment now. Their chopper should arrive in a few minutes." Viktor said and breathed out a large puff of smoke.

"Excellent. They shall witness a new chapter in human history." Joakim said with excitement while still pressing in numbers.

"How many numbers do that machine need?" Viktor asked.

"I need to put in exact universal coordinates into the teleporter otherwise there is a risk that we could end up on the wrong planet or even in outer space, that if we are lucky. It could even happened that our torso ends up in the right place but our legs do not. This require precise calculating and mathematics. I am literally breaking through the walls of space and time." Joakim said. Viktor simply shrugged and continued to puff on his cigar.

"And can you take that death stick out of here. Your lungs may be able to take it thanks to your enchantments but everyone else isn't as lucky." Joakim said with an irritated tone. Viktor looked at Joakim and simply put the cigars glow in his hands, putting it out. He lifted it and a burn mark had formed but started to disappear almost immediately. Joakim stared at him and said.

"Okay, I got to admit that is kind of cool." Viktor smiled and showed his hand.

"Having though skin and some sort of healing factor sure is helpful." He said while the last traced of burnt skin disappeared.

"But it comes at a prize." Joakim said with a sad tone. Viktor gave a weak smile and hung his head down.

"You´re right. Being what I am can both be a blessing and a curse. I may be a hero to some but to most of the world I´m a freak, Jocke and we know how most humans treat freaks." Viktor said and crossed his arms. Joakim put a hand on Viktors shoulder and said.

"To us you're neither, to us you are a friend." Joakim said with a smile. Viktor smiled and said.

"Spasibo, I am fortunate to have you guys as a team." Suddenly sounds could be heard from the hallway and two voices could be heard talking to each other.

"Ah, they are here." Viktor turned around and relaxed backwards at control pad.

"Hey guys, we´re in here." Viktor yelled.

"VIKTOR!" Joakim suddenly yelled. Viktor turned his head towards Joakim immediately.

"What!" He yelled back.

"You pressed the activation button."

"What?" Viktor said and looked down and saw that his hand was on the activation button.

"I haven´t finish typing in the right numbers. This is very bad." Joakim said while he started to pace back and forth.

"Eh, as long as we don´t enter it we can´t be hurt." Viktor said while suddenly the teleporter flared open and a sucking sound was suddenly heard. Viktor suddenly felt a strong vortex coming from the Teleporter.

"Uh oh." He said. Suddenly the vortex exploded outwards and both men suddenly felt like they were being sucked into a vacuum cleaner. Both men threw themselves down on the floor trying to get a grip. The door to the room snapped shut of security measures.

"It has turned into a wormhole. We need to get out of here." Joakim said while trying to get a grip on the flat floor but failed. He started to glide towards the wormhole until Viktor hand grabbed on to his. Viktor had dug his fingers into the metal floor but barely.

"Like hell I´m letting you go, Jocke." Viktor said through gritted teeth. They could suddenly hear banging on the door.

"Guys, what the fuck is going on in there?" They could suddenly hear.

"It´s the guys. Don´t try to open the door. We´re having a situation in here!" Joakim yelled at the door.

"How long will it be active?" Viktor said.

"Until the teleporter collapse on itself. It should happen any second now." Joakim said with a sense of hope. Suddenly the ground started to give away. Viktors fingers started to lose their grip.

"If we now last that long." Joakim said. Viktor looked back and forth between the door and Joakim.

"Hey Joakim, how strong is that door?" He asked.

"Not that strong, it is a thin metal door. It could break any second…wait a minute, did you just call me Joakim?"

"I´m not going to lie to you. This is gonna hurt a lot." Viktor said.

"Wait, what?" Joakim asked confused. Viktor then swung Joakim with all his strength towards the door. Joakim yelped in surprise and crashed through the door with enough force to cause the two people on the other side the step back in surprise. Then suddenly the ground gave away.

"FUUUUUUUUUUU…" Viktor yelled while he flew into the wormhole and disappeared. Then the Wormhole started to collapse on itself and then simply disappeared. Outside of the room a hurt Joakim tried to get up but didn't find the strength to do so. Suddenly two pair of hands then helped him up.

"We have had better homecomings Joakim, what the hell just happened?" One voice asked. Joakim looked up and saw his two other teammates, Sebastian and Hannes, standing there in casual clothing helping him up.

"Just some mishap with a new machine I built and…wait, where is Viktor?" Joakim yelled. Sebastian and Hannes looked at each other before Hannes said.

"I think he was sucked into that portal thing before it disappeared. Mind telling us what that was." Joakim ignored him and ran back into the room. He looked frantically around.

"Jocke, what the hell is going on?" Hannes said walking into the room as well. Sebastian followed suit.

"Oh crap." Was all Joakim said.

"What does that mean?" Sebastian said.

"Viktor was sucked into the teleporter until I had finished calibrating the numbers on it." Joakim said.

"Wait, Teleporter? You had a teleporter and didn´t tell us." Hannes said.

"It was going to be a surprise. And for the record, this was Viktors doing." Joakim said before walking over to where the teleporter had been. Sebastian walked up to him.

"So where could he have ended up to?" He asked.

"Who knows, he can have ended up anywhere in the known universe."

"Can you find him?"

"Maybe, however it's going to take a while." This raised Sebastians left eyebrow.

"How long?" He asked.


"That doesn't sound so bad." Hannes said from the background.

"…Weeks, months, years, who knows."

"Okay, that sounds bad." Hannes corrected himself.

"That long?" Sebastian asked concerned.

"He have ended up somewhere in the universe. I´m putting up the best case scenarios here. We will be lucky if we even find him at all." Joakim said before noticing something purple glowing under the remains of the floor. He walked over to the spot and spotted a part from the crystal, still glowing.

"But until we find him, Viktor is on his own.

It was night time. The forest was quiet and still. You could hear sound from now and then from animals in it. Suddenly the peace was disrupted by a blinding light in the sky and as quickly it had appeared it disappeared. Suddenly a new noise was heard in the forest.

"…UUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Viktor yelled has he was falling towards the ground. He hit it and caused a dust cloud to be formed. He bounced on the ground and impacted it again further away. Again a dust cloud was formed and once again he bounced but with less force this time. He impacted the ground a third time and this time he glided along it until he hit a tree with his head. The entire tree shook and to add insult to injury a twig fell down from it and hit him in the head. Viktor just lay there for a moment before saying.

"Well, that hurt." He said through gritted teeth. He continued to lay there until he said.

"Well, you know what they say. Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing." He said while he tried to sit up but find himself unable to do to the pain.

"Apparently this isn´t one of them. I´m just going to lie here until the pain goes away. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes." He said until he tried to raise his left arm and heard a cracking sound coming from it.

"…or hours." He corrected. He lay there and scanned the area.

"From what I can see the flora looks like earth. Maybe I am lucky and was just transported to the other side of the planet instead on the other side of the universe." He laughed a little until he looked up into the sky and his eyes widened. Up there was a moon but it was much closer than the moon he had seen and it was completely destroyed.

"…or not." He said with a tone of sadness. Viktor reached into his pocket with his good arm and took out a cigar and put it in his mouth. He then took out a lighter and lit it up. He breathed out a large puff of smoke and relaxed back. Viktor continued to lie there for a couple of more minutes until he heard a growling sound coming from his right. He lazily looked to the right and saw a giant black colored bear wearing a strange bone mask on his face. Said bear also had red glowing eyes and was the size of a rhino. Viktor blinked a few times before saying.

"And I thought the bears back home where big." The bear just continued to growl and started to walk towards him.

"Hey teddy, I´m not in the mood at the moment. Just leave me alone or else." The bear ignored him and roared before started to run towards him until its head exploded in a gory mess. The corpse of the bear collapsed and glided until it stopped right next to Viktor. A smoking barrel was aimed at the direction of the now dead bear with Viktor holding out his Raging Bull revolver.

"Told you." He simply said. Viktor then heard more growling coming from in front of him. He looked forward and saw five more of those weird bear looking creatures surrounding him.

"Vy chertovski shutish´ so mnoy(Are you fucking kidding with me)!" Viktor yelled in his native tongue at this. He looked down on his gun and said.

"Well, five beasts, five bullets left. Let the fun begin." He said and took aim at the beasts. The first beast fell almost immediately by a bullet to the head which signaled the others to attack. The second tried to leap but was shoot out of the air. The third and the fourth ran up towards him but got gunned down as well. The fifth however go to close and Viktor was forced to jump out of the way. He mustered all his strength and managed to avoid being crushed by the giant bear. He barely got out of the way in time before the bear crashed down where he seconds before had been lying down. The bear noticed that it had missed its prize and looked to the side to see Viktor. Viktor aimed his gun at it but the bear was faster and hit it of his hand. Viktor stood there holding his wounded left arm and stared the bear into the eyes. The bear roared and leaped towards him.

"That´s it." Viktor roared back and delivered a powerful punch to the head of the bear. His punch penetrated the skull and the bear's momentum was stopped in midair. The bear collapsed on the ground with a fist shaped hole in the head.

"Zhalkiy(pathetic)" Viktor said staring down at the corpse of the beast with a now blood coated right hand. Viktor walked over to where his gun had landed and picked it up. He put it back in its holster and looked around.

"I can´t stay here, more of those beast could be around and I´m in no shape to take them on right now." He said. He looked up towards the moon.

"If the moons moves the same as back home it means it rises from the east and sets in the west. I can´t believe I'm saying this but I'll move west." He said and started to walk in the opposite direction the moon was.