Chapter 14: Opportunistic Mistakes or Mistaken Opportunities

Mary-Margaret's apartment was abuzz with activity. The kitchen island was smothered in containers, every inch of space crowded with bottles of corrective foundations and setting powders. Behind it, Ruby sat still as Karli brushed a light highlight onto her cheekbone - huffing under the dingy fluorescent lighting. The crew swarmed in the back of the room, those not struggling to arrange the lights flatteringly on the tired cane lounge tackled the mammoth task of making room for the cameras amongst the toys strewn over the floorboards.

Emma sat with her brother at the table, anxiously watching the old clock tick closer and closer to ten. Over by the stairs, Marian was explaining the situation to her parents - Since it was far from logical to portray a couple of the same age as herself as her mom and dad, they had agreed to label them a close friend. Of course this meant that Emma would once again be labelled an orphan, and although this was not a new or forgotten feeling for her, it wasn't well known amongst the world.

Neal was just about as excited for Regina's arrival on set as she was nervous. He babbled enthusiastically beside her, his legs kicking back and forth as he smashed two of his toy trucks together.

"Em, are you getting Gina now?" and although her stomach flipped, she smirked at the nickname - remembering the day Regina first realised she was responsible for it.

The clock read 9:45.

"Yeah, bud." She pushed herself from the chair, ruffling Neal's hair. From across the room, Marian met eyes with her, a mixture of worry and anticipation mixing in her gaze.

With a fake reassuring smile, Emma slipped through the apartment door, thankfully unnoticed by her parents. Not telling them about Regina's presence at the shoot was for the best. Her mother was incapable of being casually interested in unfortunately included her relationship with Regina, supportive or not.

Emma didn't blame her for her interest. To anyone other than Ruby, Marian, Henry, and the women themselves, their fallout was sudden, and confusing. Best friends who never spent more than a few hours apart, to two people unable to maintain eye contact or be seated in the same room, was a change unexplainable. Still, she pulled herself into the SUV, choosing its comfort over the piercing wind.

The drive to the woman's house was purely instinctual. She opted for scanning the scenery, little things like blades of grass and cracks in the sidewalk to keep from being completely aware of just how close she was to her destination. All too suddenly, she pulled the car over - the knot in her stomach twisting tighter and tighter. Regina's house was unchanged, the pristine manor looming over the wrought-iron fence. She had avoided this part of town for a reason, and it stood now casting a shadow over her car - bigger than the house that held them. Emma watched the door, knowing inside was a hailstorm of reminders, of feelings and guarded memories and stories far too intricate for three o'clock in the morning. This was what threatened her now, what darkened in her vision as her eyes remained locked on the white-wooded door. Her heartbeat flooded her ears, the radio falling silent behind the pulse. Her view narrowed until her vision locked onto the handle, her body vibrating as she waited for it to twist, for Regina to rip the door open and let free the menacing flood hovering inside. Her breath caught…

She looked away, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel and choosing instead to focus on the dashboard's clock.


Shaking off her paranoia, Emma wiped her sweating palms on her jeans and turned the key in the ignition. She pulled into the woman's drive way, cautiously avoiding the entry way with her gaze. Parking, she turned the heat on - knowing Regina would be cold in whatever she was wearing. She said it was better to be cold than to 'ferment in a coat of sweat' all day. Emma had laughed it off at the time, but always made sure to have the heat on when they were together.

The door beside her swung open, startling Emma who still hadn't looked towards the house. Regina laughed, catching her frightened eyes before she had time to calm, "Right on time, I see."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm starting strong. You watch, I'll be the poster child for punctuality in no time."

"I'm sure." The brunette slid into the car, extending a blue rimmed travel mug, "I didn't know what exactly you drink now, so I just made you this instead."

A steady ribbon of steam rose from open top, filling Emma's lungs with a sweetness she hadn't smelled in what felt like a lifetime. the scent of cinnamon coffee flooded the car, calming all of Emma's nerves and relaxing the coil within her chest. She looked to Regina who stared intently at her own thermos (red-rimmed, as always), likely just as scared of whatever the day had to bring, of how Emma would react.

She smiled to herself, taking a deep drink from her old thermos, "My god, Regina, you're a fucking goddess."

She smiled at the compliment, relishing in the way the Emma's eyes rolled back into her head at the taste. Regina hugged her thermos tight to her chest, allowing the scent to scrape her cheeks and flood her nose. The blonde took another sip, moaning as the liquid slid down her throat. She watched, mesmerised by the contraction of her throat with each sip, the flutter of her eyelids at the taste. Her thighs clenched.

"I think we have somewhere to be, Emma?" she cleared her throat, looking once again at her thermos.

"Don't sound so excited" she spoke, placing her coffee between her thighs and reversing from the driveway, "We get to spend the day with my parents."

Emma's ass ached.

The cane lounge creaked under her shift of weight as she adjusted herself for the fifth time this take alone. Close beside her, her mother held her right arm in a tight grip and chattered on about some story of when she had first arrived at Storybrooke. She eyed Regina across the room, shifting Neal's sleeping form in her arms. Her eyes had barely left Emma's all day, and it did nothing but set a fire low in her stomach. She was focused on her brother, now, but caught the blonde's eyes quickly after they had fallen on her - something settled, bright, within them. Emma was caught.

She recovered quickly, returning a small smile and turning her body back towards Mary Margaret. Her thoughts drifted behind her, however. To the woman whose chocolate orbs burned a signature into her bones as she feigned interest in her filmed conversation. The look shared was familiar. It was a morning greeting of an elderly couple, unspoken but ritualistic. She felt that missing piece return. In her smile she felt it fall into place.

And with all this feeling, there was only a little hurt. So little, it hadn't even registered initially as pain - but a phantom wound, in the fibres of her muscles.

She felt invigorated, and was quick to bounce to her feet after the scene was finished. She walked quietly over to Regina, carefully squishing onto the two-seater beside her, as to not disturb her brother. She smiled brightly at the women, her stomach tightening at the readily returned grin.

"I told you today would be boring." she laughed,

"I'm not bored" she responded, looking into her eyes.

"Even I'm bored Regina," she levelled their gaze, "there's no way you're not bored"

The woman shrugged, collecting Neal's limbs and shifting him to the couch beside her, she smirked, "I like knowing things about you."

Her eyes glinted mischievously and Emma chuckled. The warmth blooming in her chest was foreign in its absence, but all so welcome. "You know nothing."

Regina's response was cut short by the arrival of a crew member. He spoke quietly to Emma, who glanced her way - brows drawn tightly together. Their eyes met, and her forehead relaxed. She nodded to the man.

"What was that about?"

"We're doing another interview." she smiled standing, straightening out folds in her skinny leather jeans,

"Oh. Who with?"


Emma was quick to pull Regina from her perch and onto Karli's makeup seat. Unbothered, the artist began tastefully touching up the brunette's makeup - commenting heartily on the woman's gorgeous features.

"You have some Latina in you, I'm sure."

Regina laughed, "Quite possibly. I'm a mix, if anything."

Karli purred, "a caramel coffee mix from the gods."

The rest of the time getting ready Regina spent admiring Emma's interactions with her crew. They way they laughed with her, and happily accepted Regina as one of their own. Emma was comfortable with them, to just be. She smiled at her and took her seat, turning to Ruby who had sidled up beside her, but keeping her eyes with Regina.

Regina pushed herself from her seat and walked toward her, breaking their lock only to speak to the director who had stepped in front of her.

"just have to mic you up." she smiled unsteadily, "just turn around for me." she turned back toward Karli, who was in the process of packing her bags, and he slid the battery pack onto the waistband of her skirt. Behind the director, Emma smiled reassuringly at Ruby,

"It's going to be fine. We'll just see what happens."

The camera was rolling only feet from where they sat, the lights and umbrella's sending glaring beams of white light their way. Regina perched on the edge of the stressed cane lounge, her legs crossed and arms folded regally in her lap. Emma sat beside her, legs crossed and tucked up underneath her thighs. Her torso leaned greatly to the right, only so when Regina moved slightly backward, her shoulder made contact with her own. The brunette rocked back again, and the touch sent waves of confidence through her.

From behind the blinding lights, the director spoke low, "how did you two meet."

Emma looked briefly at Regina, who grabbed her eyes momentarily, before smiling and looking at her hands. Emma spoke up, "Our son Henry ran away from home in 2014 and found me in New York. I brought him home, back here, and met Regina that night. We didn't really… get along in the beginning."

Regina breathed deep, only now feeling the lump in her throat that formed at our son release and free her voice, "I hated her."

Emma laughed, "I hated you much more, I can guarantee you that."

The director spoke up again, "what about now?"

The silence, while realistically only momentary, felt suspended in time. Emma's heart pounded at the question, one that had assaulted her mind for days. She didn't hate her, but far from it. But she couldn't love her. Regina's stomach knotted terribly and she tensed her thighs. This was a question she crossed off her list a long time ago. No what are we's or what is this's.

She cleared her throat unnecessarily against the tumour forming there.

"We're much closer now," Emma spoke up, "we don't hate each other just as much."

The set erupted in applause at the end of their take, the tiny apartment flooded with claps of a victorious cheer. Ruby, Marian and Emma hugged happily, having successfully completed all but their final concert on tape. By the far wall, Regina hung back, happily clinging to Neal fast asleep in her arms, having retreated to his embrace immediately following the cut call. She watched Emma weave through the crowd towards her, smiling and speaking with everyone politely - though her eyes were tired and drawn. She caught gaze with Regina and lit up, the caught look disappearing instantly from her face. Deep in her stomach, something turned happily, but the brunette was quick to squish any budding enthusiasm.

The ring on her left hand felt heavy and foreboding.

"I could really use a drink." Emma laughed, leaning in close to rest her hand upon the tangled mop of hair upon her brothers head. Regina breathed her in, actively training her eyes away from her arm and where it played with the strands of hair just above her chest

"I agree" she laughed, feeling the woman's emerald gaze warm the skin of her face. She watched the pale fingers entangle with pale strands where they lay upon the blouse right atop her heart. She was more than aware that the blonde across from her could feel just how hard it was beating.

Emma's breath stuttered at the feel of Regina's laugh as it rumbled through her chest, focusing instead on stroking the moist strands of hair away from Neil's forehead. His head was nuzzled deep into the brunette's chest, the warmth of his breath had moistened a patch of the silken blouse just beside her left breast pocket. Regina stared intently at her fingers, where they splayed over his forehead, fingertips hovering just barely above the moistened smudge. Emma chose to study her face, the one she had missed the opportunity of seeing for two years far too long. The purple fabric of the woman's shirt grazed her fingertips rapidly, moving with what only could be the beating of the woman's heart. She fought the urge to move her hands closer, to press the thrumming of her heartbeat as it coursed through her fingers to the skin - to show the woman that her heart was beating just as fast. Regina finally met her gaze, and Emma was too caught to hid what she knew was blazing there.

"Oh!" Mary-Margaret squeaked from where she stood just behind Emma, who was quick to remove her hand from where it almost lay upon Regina's chest, ripping her gaze away to her mother, "he's asleep! so early, that's wonderful." She floated over, gently retrieving her son from the nest of her once enemy's chest. He barely stirred in the transition, "thank you so much Regina." and her mother left - oblivious to the moment she had intruded.

A moment passed, and Regina finally let out the breath she must have been holding since Emma first walked over. Emma tucked her hands into her back pockets, cautiously drifting her gaze across the room to the other woman's.

"Drinks everyone! Let's gooooo" Ruby yelled from across the room, of which the occupants erupted in a hushed set of cheers, as Mary-Margaret hurried over the room, her face twisted in desperation to remind everyone of her sleeping son. The room began to clear, the party led by Marian, Ruby, and what probably should have been Emma - who still stood, her eyes boring into the other woman's since they the second she finally brought herself to meet them.

"Drinks, then?" she muttered, smiling invitingly and hoping with her entire soul that it looked platonic.

Regina returned the smile, but Emma was not in any position to determine its meaning, as her head clouding with a foggy warmth, just as the woman responded, "drinks sound perfect."

"Great," Emma smiled, gesturing across the almost empty apartment to the door, "shall we leave, Your Majesty?"

Regina laughed, smiling brilliantly despite the flush of warmth to her clenched thighs, slapping the woman lightly on her shoulder. She stumbled only momentarily when Emma placed her hand upon the small of her back, but she was certain in her movement to stop the blonde's retreating touch, which only served to increase the growing warmth between them.

The bar was loud, flooded with her entire crew and the local patrons. The jukebox, which usually rotated between the same four upbeat, 70's classics, now thumped loudly with songs from their album - creating a very conflicting atmosphere for Emma and her friends. She couldn't really bring herself to mind though, not as Regina sat just beside her in the booth, her heeled foot unknowingly stroking comforting lines down the length of Emma's jean-clad shin. Regina nursed a red wine, and the way she delicately sipped at its colour and dragged her tongue along the stain of her lips had her regretting her choice of bourbon.

"If anyone's an alcoholic here, it's Emma" Lily giggled from across the table of their booth, both her and Ruby casting an accusatory glance her way.

"Excuse me!" Emma gasped, feign-clutching her chest, but was interrupted before she could defend herself,

"Emma, you have no grounds to defend yourself right now. I know for a fact that you wrote over half of this album drunk on tequila. Because I was drunk with you."

the table erupted in laughter, the truth of the words smothered by drunken obliviousness. Beside her, Regina tensed slightly, but was quick to control herself - her ankle not once ceasing in its repetitive movement.

"Its the only way to do it." She said, settling back into the seat and laying her arm along its back behind Regina. The brunette moved in closer, microscopically so, but it warmed her to relax, "everything just sort of… comes out" she laughed, drinking deep from her bourbon mixer. Regina watched entranced as she swallowed the liquid, watched the muscles in her neck tense and relax. She forced herself away, meandering her eyes over the patrons of the bar. Drinking deeply from her wine, she focused herself on the conversation - intent on keeping her gaze away from the blonde beside her at all costs.

Ruby sat forward, her eyes glazed heavily with alcohol and levelled her gaze with Regina's, "where's Robin tonight?" the words held no ill-intent, or menace, but they tensed the woman all the same. Emma shifted her arm, just enough to graze her fingertips across the woman's exposed shoulder. Regina shook, tingling from the touch, but her muscles instinctually relaxing. Marian, from beside Emma, laughed loudly - no longer bothered by the thought of her (quote) 'dumbass ex-husband'.

"I honestly have no idea," she laughed, the table eagerly responding, "I think I'm more than due for a ladies night."

"I can guarantee you are," Marian spoke up, laughing heartily at her thoughts, "that man is incapable of doing anything around the house. I swear, he comes home everyday absolutely filthy"

"he does." Regina agreed, smiling exasperatedly and taking a sip from her glass, humour in her demeanour

"and he just dumps his clothes on the floor, does he still do that?" she asked, drinking deeply from her beer.

"he does. I've showed him the dirty laundry basket plenty of times, but it just doesn't seem to click with him."

"That's normal" Marian responded, her eyes searching the bar, "Im sure you know its never going to get better."

Regina loudly laughed, almost forcibly, "its very unfortunate."

The girls erupted in laughter once again, the drink having far too much of an impact on the bar's atmosphere and their conversations. Mary Margaret launched into a (more than likely far too overly) detailed description of how 'good of a husband' Emma's father was, while Ruby and Lily disappeared into each other. Marian wondered across the room, where a rather attractive man stood attending the bar. And once again, Emma and Regina just kind of… existed together.

It was, surely, hours of small talk and seemingly bottomless drinks later, that they finally relaxed into conversation - one that was no longer barricaded by the barriers of sobriety.

"What did you say when he asked?" they sat by the bar now, the booth having emptied over the hours passed. Emma was pretty sure Lily and Ruby were inside one of the bar's toilet stalls at that time, but at least they took themselves away from the public eye. Regina looked down at the ring on her left hand, always knowing just what the blonde was talking about, and twisted it anxiously in her fingers.

"Honestly, I kind of blanked." she spoke, not a giggle in her voice, "It felt so last minute. He said it like it had always been an option, and it hadn't even passed as a thought in my mind."

Emma frowned, shifting closer to the woman on her barstool. She was drinking wine too now, and the remaining sips warmed in her glass on the countertop. "Why did you say yes?"

Regina paused, her fingers moving back to grasp the stem of her rather full wine glass. She swallowed hard, and lifted the glass to her lips, "It felt like that was what I was supposed to say." she drank deeply, and elegantly placed the glass back atop its napkin, "and it wasn't like I really had a reason to say no. Not one that I was ready and willing to go about explaining."

Emma moved her hand to the woman's lower thigh, a placement she had been planning for quite some time - not too high, she didn't think either of them could handle that, "You didn't need a reason, you know."

She smiled, placing a thankful hand atop the woman's pale one, "I know. But he still would've asked for one. And I wasn't really in a position to deny him that. He was already living with me and our son." She quickly finished her glass, wiping her free hand roughly along her long lipstick-free lips, "And he's not Henry's dad you know? Henry is happy without a dad, he won't ever want nor need one." she finally looked back to Emma, revelling in the warmth she held for her within her gaze.

Emma mirrored the brunette, happily draining the glass in front of her, "Regardless, you could've just said no."

"Why would I have? I was told he was my soulmate. I was supposed to love him forever. He was my happy ending, the one that I had, if you really look at it, done everything for." she could feel the woman's eyes, the way they assessed her every feature - searching for the tick, the one that would prove her words false, "My fears were just anxieties I had. I understand that now."

The blonde smiled, but it was small and retreating, "I don't know about you, Gina. But I'm pretty drunk."

Regina nodded enthusiastically, sliding her body off her seat, and guiding her heels safely to the ground, "I think I am too, Em."

"well then," the woman spoke, stretching her body from the stool she sat upon, speaking in her best good knight voice "I think we should depart, your majesty."

The winter air was unrelenting as the couple walked down main street, Emma having already shed her jacket for the brunette. Regina struggled much harder now to train her eyes away from the intricate art that adorned the pale skin of the woman's arms. She opted instead to occasionally grasp the leather jacket's sleeves over her hands and lift them to her nose - to just breathe in Emma. The conversation remained much lighter, both of them having reached their threshold of open dialogue for the day.

As they neared closer to the older woman's home, their pace began to stagnate, and their conversation became more elaborate and needy. Neither were willing to end this night, to risk the loss of this regained connection, or even any awkwardness that may follow. Regina was the first to open the gate, so to speak, the path to her house now only steps from where they stood.

"I didn't think you'd ever come back here, you know." she said, turning herself in the arm Emma had placed once again at the small of her back.

"I wasn't ever going to," Emma admitted, "But I think I got past that."

Regina smiled a small, but sad smile, "Got past what?"

the blonde laughed, shaking her head at herself, but not moving to pull away from the other woman, "The feeling that I would bash Robin's head in if I ever saw him again."

Regina laughed too, even though burned from the honesty of the words, she cleared her throat, "So why did you come back then?"

Emma's smile faded, and she peered into the moon where it peaked from behind dark, stormy clouds, and then to the ground, "I don't know. I guess, I decided to be content with your happiness."

Regina choked, her breath stalling completely in action. Her stomach dropped with the same words that sent an eruption of warmth in her chest. When she mustered her speech, it was through a clenched jaw, "well, good night Emma." Her turn away was ceased, however, by movement of the blonde woman's hand to her hip. It held her there, suspended, "Regina."

"I want you to be happy too, Emma. Thank you for a wonderful evening" was all she could muster, before disappearing up the steps and into her house. She couldn't risk glancing back towards those green, searing eyes. Not with the crashing mess her heart was, beating so haphazardly in her chest. Once inside, she collapsed against the front door, breathing heavily and praying to the gods to calm down. When her breathing had calmed, she retrieved her phone from her skirt pocket, typing a quick message to the other woman

I really did have a wonderful night, thank you Emma.

She pushed herself from the ground, and began her trek upstairs. Halfway, she froze and jumped to check the woman's response

I had a really good time too. Breakfast tomorrow? I don't think I can be apart from my jacket for over 12 hours hahahaha

Her stomach flipped, only now realising the warmth the jacket still gave her body. The smell it filled her nose with. She thumbed her reply, How can you trust me for that long? I'll meet you at 7 :) and continued upstairs to her study where she curled up on the couch, the jacket draped comfortingly across her shoulders, the neck tugged tightly to the woman's face. Her phone vibrated once more, Sleep well, Gina x